1996 MAR 06 CC MINMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Robbins ROLL CALL Mayor Jacobson - Present Mayor ProTem Weston - Absent Councilman Robbins - Present (Arrived at 7:10 p.m.) Councilman Switz - Present Councilwoman Friedkin - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Two individuals addressed the City Council. Bill Mason, Past President of Chamber of Commerce addressed Council asking them not to change the code; Mayor Jacobson stated due to Mayor ProTem Weston's absence the Council would not be discussing building heights East of Sepulveda Boulevard or Smoky Hollow. Gary Wallace. 516 Oregon Street addressed Council commenting on the Smoky Hollow area; Mayor Jacobson stated that the Council would not be discussing that subject, and that they would be discussing it on March 13 and /or 21; Mr. Wallace stated he would not be available for the meeting but would submit a letter to the City with his comments. Mayor Jacobson closed public communications due to no one else wishing to address the City Council. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - 1. Public Hearing to amend the various sections of the Zoning Code and the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (Title 20 of the El Segundo Municipal Code), EA -376 and ZTA 96 -1. Applicant: City of El Segundo Mayor Jacobson stated this was the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing to amend the various sections of the Zoning Code and the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (Title 20 of the El Segundo Municipal Code), EA -376 and ZTA 96-1. Applicant: City of El Segundo, and asked if proper notice of the hearing was done in a timely manner and whether any written communications had been received regarding the public hearing; Deputy City Clerk Freeman responded proper noticing was done by the Planning & Building Safety Department and no written communications had been received by the Clerk's Office. Mayor Jacobson announced that the Council would be addressing the issues by sections and anyone wishing to address any of those sections could do so at that time. Revisions To Residential Zones, Including Development Standards For 25 Foot Wide Lots Lot Area Laurie Jester, Senior Planner, stated the Planning Commission's recommendation was consistent with previous practice in the City and would effectively limit all 25 foot wide R -2 lots to one dwelling unit because all of the original 25 foot wide R -2 lots are less than 4,000 square feet in area. Also, that there would be a few other R -2 lots on Oak Street which are wider than 25 feet but less than 4,000 square feet that would also be affected by proposed revision. Discussion followed regarding whether a 4,000 and 5,000 square foot standard should be used. Council consensus to approve submitted recommendations. City Council Minutes March 6, 1996 7:00 pm Building Wall Modulation Ms. Jester stated the Planning Commission's recommendation was that building wall modulation not apply to houses on 25 foot wide lots, and instead other three - dimensional architectural building features which add contour and detail to the facade of house, as well as breaking up the mass of building walls, would be required. Further stating, staff was recommending further modifications to the definition of "Architectural building feature ", and the building wall modulation section would also have to be revised to introduce this change. Staff clarified when building wall modulation is required, by including language which states that only the expansion or addition to a structure must comply with the requirements of building wall modulation, that the modulation must be 6 feet in length and allowed intrusions could count as building wall modulation. The Planning Commission recommends that the revised building wall requirements be applied to R -1, R -3 and PRD zones as well. Councilwoman Friedkin stated she had heard resident complaints about homes which appear to be 3 levels; Ms. Jester stated staff would be addressing those issues during the summer. Dorothy Kent, 909 Dune Street addressed Council stating she felt they were micromanaging this, and that she was not in favor of this change. Councilwoman Friedkin disagreed with Ms. Kent stating that she was basing her decisions on residential comments and complaints; Councilman Robbins commented on setbacks and past traffic problems a few years ago. Gary Wallace. 516 Oregon Street addressed Council stating he did not agree with this change and that he would be submitting a letter to the City with his comments. Councilman Switz questioned why the 24 feet; Ms. Jester responded staff uses the same standard as R -3. Council consensus to approve submitted recommendations. Setbacks On 25 Foot Wide Lots Ms. Jester stated the Planning Commission was proposing to allow 3 foot side yard setbacks on R -1 and R -2 lots with a width of 25 feet or less. The City Council recently increased the required side yard setbacks on all residential property from 10% of the width of the lot to a 5 foot minimum. Planning Commission's recommendation is based on the unique characteristics of narrow lots and the difficulty that might be created by requiring 5 foot minimum sideyard setbacks, and was recommending allowing garages attached to a dwelling unit in the rear one -third of the lot to be placed on one side property line. Mayor Jacobson asked staff if they had checked with the Fire Department with regards to garages because he understood that it was 3 feet due to fire regulations; Ms. Jester responded that construction was all right with a one hour fire wall. Councilwoman Friedkin questioned whether staff would be looking at merging; Ms. Jester responded that staff sent a memo to the City Council asking whether they wanted to look at this, and they did not respond. Councilwoman Friedkin referred to a resident's response to a study in which they stated they wanted more open space, and therefore she was in favor of 5 feet. Mayor Jacobson stated he was in favor of 3 feet; Councilman Switz concurred. Councilman Robbins stated he was in favor of 5 feet. Council consensus to hold off on this item; staff to check with the Fire Department regarding the garages, and return with report at the March 13, 1996 meeting. Vehicular Access Ms. Jester stated the Planning Commission was recommending that vehicular access to all R -1 and R -2 lots be required from the alley when the lot abuts an alley. Staff has determined that the proposed revision should not prevent the construction of the required 4 car garage accessed from an alley on a lot 40 feet or greater serving two units on an R -2 lot. Council consensus to approve submitted recommendations. 2 City Council Minutes March 6, 1996 7:00 pm Guest Parking in The R -3 Zone Ms. Jester stated that no projects have been built under the current code which requires 1 visitor parking space for the first 5 units and 1 additional visitor space for each additional 3 units. Since there has been no opportunity to determine if the new 1993 standards are adequate, staff feels the current standard provides for sufficient number of guest parking spaces to accommodate off - street parking for visitors. The Planning Commission concurs with staffs findings and has recommended no change to the guest parking requirements at this time. Councilwoman Friedkin felt the code was deficient and needs to be increased, maybe by using size of apartment or number of units. Councilman Switz questioned how the Council would know the code was inadequate when no projects have been built under it, and was in favor of no change at this time. Mayor Jacobson agreed with waiting until something had been built under this code and approval of the recommendation, or the number could be based on the number of bedrooms. Consensus to approve submitted recommendations. RECESS at 8:20 p.m. RECONVENED at 8:30 p.m. ROLL CALL All City Councilmembers present Revisions To Non - Residential Property Mark Hensley announced conflicts of interest for Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins with Building Heights East of Sepulveda Boulevard, and the non - conforming Section (20.70.060), and Smoky Hollow for Mayor Jacobson only. They would not be able to participate, and due to Mayor ProTem Weston's absence those items would not be discussed this evening. Landscaping Ms. Jester stated Planning Commission's recommendation was that the landscaping requirements for commercial and industrial zones be amended to require trees along street frontages (at a rate of 1 per 25 feet), trees in parking lots (at a rate 1 per 3000 square feet), landscaped screening of truck loading /waiting areas, and to allow parking to partially encroach into required landscaped setbacks. Discussion of screening and types of landscape ensued. Council consensus to approve submitted recommendations. Hotels /Motels In The C -2 Zone Ms. Jester stated the consensus of the Planning Commission was that neighborhood serving "bed and breakfast" type establishments were more compatible with the C -2 zone than hotels and motels. Pursuant to the Commission's direction, staff revised the standards in the C -2 Zone to allow "Bed and Breakfast Inns" with a Conditional Use Permit. A definition for bed and breakfast inn has been added which places a 5 room limit and 14 day limit on stays. This is intended to keep such establishments small and differentiate them from lodging houses which are allowed in the R -3 Zone and are intended for longer residency, and motels and hotels which have 6 or more rooms. Bed and breakfast inns are only intended to be permitted in the C -2 Zone and not in residential areas. Council consensus to approve submitted recommendations. Building Heights East of Sepulveda Boulevard Not discussed. Definition of Drive -thru /Fast Food Restaurant Ms. Jester stated the Planning Commission recommended the approval of a revised definition of "Drive -thru /fast food restaurant" and created a new definition of "Restaurant" with the intention of defining any eating establishment that has an automobile service window as a drive -thru restaurant, and therefore, subject to the Conditional Use Permit process. Any eating establishment without a drive -thru window would be considered a restaurant which is a permitted use in all commercial and industrial zones. Each commercial and industrial zone has been amended to require a CUP for drive -thru restaurants. 3 City Council Minutes March 6, 1996 7:00 pm Councilman Robbins questioned the wording under Section 20.08.683 stating he felt that it appeared that a business such as a 7 -11 could be classified as a restaurant, and suggested changing the wording to "prepared and served'; discussion followed. City Attorney Hensley stated they could add language to this, and he would discuss it with staff and return to the Council at the next meeting. Ms. Jester stated that a CUP was not required for a restaurant in any zone. Council consensus to approve submitted recommendations with revisions. End Parking Stall Width Ms. Jester stated the Planning Commission was recommending again that the width of end stalls be increased to 10 feet whether or not there was an obstruction adjacent to the parking space end stalls. This would help vehicle access to and exiting from end stalls even when there was no obstruction to the opening of vehicle doors. Councilwoman Friedkin agreed with recommendation; Mayor Jacobson questioned the landscaping covering up end stalls; Ms. Jester clarified that end stalls were "dead end ". Council consensus to approve submitted recommendations, for'Uead End" stalls only. Parking For Outdoor Dining Ms. Jester stated the Planning Commission was recommending requiring parking for outdoor dining when the outdoor area exceeds 200 square feet or 20% of the indoor dining area, whichever is less. Approximately 2 or 3 tables could be accommodated in a 200 square foot area and the additional customers should not negatively impact parking in most circumstances. The current standard of 1 parking space for each 75 square feet of area would be used to determine the required parking for outdoor dining area. Major Jacobson stated the problem was seasonal use; Councilwoman Friedkin concurred; Mayor Jacobson stated he felt it should be 100% of interior, and a less percentage could be used outside. Council consensus to approve submitted recommendations. Non - conforming Buildings and Uses Not discussed. MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to continue the public hearing to March 13, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510. 2. Public Hearing on revisions to the Land Use Element of the General Plan modifying the provisions for the expansion of non - conforming buildings and uses in non - residential zones and the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area. ( EA -377, GPA 96 -1). Due to notice for this item being incorrectly published for this meeting, there will be no discussion of the item. The Public Hearing will be held on March 13, 1996. ADJOURNMENT at 8:55 p.m. to March 13, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. ✓Loa Freeman, Deputy City Clerk 4 City Council Minutes March 6, 1996 7:00 pm