1996 JAN 16 CC MIN-7MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. CALLED TO ORDER Mayor Jacobson at 7:03 P.M. INVOCATION - Rev. Dr. Harvey R. Kemp, The United Methodist Church of El Segundo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilman Switz PRESENTATIONS 1. Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to Residents and Girl Scout Troop No. 5 for "Light Up The Community," annual holiday home decorations program. Mayor Jacobson presented with Certificates of Appreciation to Girl Scout Troop No. 5 and to the many residents who have been recognized for their holiday decorations.. ROLL CALL Mayor Jacobson - Present Mayor ProTem Weston - Present Councilman Switz - Present Councilwoman Friedkin - Present Councilman Robbins - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Two (2) individuals addressed Council Request by Little League for City approval of its Saturday, February 24, 1996 opening day parade. Item held for February 6, 1996 2. Willard Krick, 1414 Mariposa; requested to speak on item #2 under unfinished business. 3 Frank Wong, 435 Valley Street; spoke regarding an article in the Herald misquoting Mayor ProTem Weston on the closing of nominations, and a letter he submitted for public information and he felt that his questions in his letter were not answered. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS 1. Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to read all ordinances and resolution on this Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Public Hearing for an Ordinance of the City of El Segundo, California, granting to Chevron U.S.A. Products Company a Franchise for a period not to exceed ten years to operate and maintain a pipeline system consisting of a single line of pipe twelve (12) inches in internal diameter for the purpose of transporting petroleum products. (Annual Franchise fee $20,000.) Mayor Jacobson stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on an Ordinance of the City of El Segundo, California, granting to Chevron U.S.A. Products Company a Franchise for a period not to exceed ten years to operate and maintain a pipeline system consisting of a single line of pipe twelve (12) inches in internal diameter for the purpose of transporting petroleum products. He asked if proper notice had been done and if any written communications had been received regarding this matter. Clerk Mortesen, stated that Public Notice was done by the Public Works Department and no written communications had been received regarding this issue. Rod Spackman, Government Public Affairs, Chevron, El Segundo expressed appreciation to the Staff for working with them on this item. City Council Minutes January 16, 1996 - 7:00 pm MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 City Attorney Lee Dolley read the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1246 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING TO CHEVRON U.S.A. PRODUCTS COMPANY A FRANCHISE FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED TEN YEARS TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A PIPELINE SYSTEM CONSISTING OF A SINGLE LINE OF PIPE TWELVE (12) INCHES IN INTERNAL DIAMETER FOR THE PURPOSE OF TRANSPORTING PETROLEUM PRODUCTS WITHIN SAID CITY. Councilwoman Friedkin introduced Ordinance No. 1246 2. Public hearing to amend the City of El Segundo's 1995 -1996 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. A total of $5,000 in CDBG funds is proposed to be used to reconvene Project D95658, Senior Citizen Art. This project was temporarily suspended during the current program year until additional CDBG funds were made available. Total proposed project amount: $5,000. Mayor Jacobson stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing to amend the City of El Segundo's 1995 -1996 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. A total of $5,000 in CDBG funds is proposed to be used to reconvene Project D95658, Senior Citizen Art. This project was temporarily suspended during the current program year until additional CDBG funds were made available. He asked if proper notice had been done and if any written communications had been received regarding this matter. Clerk Mortesen, stated that public notice was done by the Planning and Building Safety Department and no written communications had been received regarding this issue. No individuals addressed Council MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to close the public hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve amending the City of El Segundo's 1995 -1996 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program. A total of $5,000 in CDBG funds is proposed to be used to reconvene Project D95658, Senior Citizen Art. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 3. Public Hearing on the proposed projects and budget for allocation of the 1996 -1997 Community Development Block Grant funds. Proposed budget: $126,566. Mayor Jacobson stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on the proposed projects and budget for allocation of the 1996 -1997 Community Development Block Grant funds. He asked if proper notice had been done and if any written communications had been received regarding this matter. Clerk Mortesen, stated that public notice was done by the Planning and Building Safety Department and no written communications had been received regarding this issue. Councilman Robbins requested this item be continued. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to continue the public hearing to February 6, 1996. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 4. Public Hearing and introduction of an Ordinance to amend Section 20.98.020 of Title 20 (Zoning Code) of the El Segundo Municipal Code to provide that the fine for an infraction relating to Title 20 shall be set pursuant to Section 1.12.020 of the ESMC. ZTA 95-1. Mayor Jacobson stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing and introduction of an Ordinance to amend Section 20.98.020 of Title 20 (Zoning Code) of the El Segundo Municipal Code to provide that the fine for an infraction relating to Title 20 shall be set pursuant to Section 1.12.020 of the ESMC. ZTA 95-1.. He asked if proper notice had been done and if any written communications had been received regarding this matter. 2 City Council Minutes January 16, 1996 - 7:00 pm Clerk Mortesen, stated that public notice was done by the City Attorney's Office and no written communications had been received regarding this issue. No Individuals addressed Council MOVED by Councilwoman Friedkin SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to close the public hearing MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 City Attorney Lee Dolley read the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1247 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 95 -1, AMENDING SECTION 20.98.020 OF TITLE 20 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE THAT THE FINE FOR AN INFRACTION RELATING TO TITLE 20 SHALL BE SET PURSUANT TO SECTION 1.12.020 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE. Councilwoman Friedkin introduced Ordinance No. 1247 C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - 1. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1242 to amend Chapter 9.06 of the El Segundo Municipal Code regulating Noise and Vibrations (EA -370). Applicant: The City of El Segundo. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to adopt Ordinance No. 1242 to amend Chapter 9.06 of the El Segundo Municipal Code regulating Noise and Vibrations (EA -370). MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 2. A proposed Resolution of the City Council Adopting a Code Enforcement Policy and Establishing a Code Enforcement Committee. Mayor ProTem Weston gave a brief staff report and explained the purpose and history of this proposed Resolution. Willard Krick, 1414 Mariposa requested clarification of the procedures and suggested a wide blanket of publicity be used. Frank Wong, resident; stated he felt that this would be hard to enforce. Herb Kelly, Penn Street; suggested that Council look very thoroughly for committee members. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to close public communications on this matter. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 Councilman Switz stated he cannot vote for the proposal that includes two elected Councilmembers on the committee, and any vote of the Council should come from the dias of five (5) Council - members. He also stated he felt a Planning Commission member could have a conflict, a person who enforces should not vote and people who vote on this issue should not enforce. Council discussed the make -up and duties of the Committee. Council consensus to delete all text relating to establishing a code enforcement committee. Councilwoman Friedkin requested that staff report to Council all of the complains. City Attorney Lee Dolley read the following: RESOLUTION NO. 3961 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A CODE ENFORCEMENT POLICY MOVED by Mayor ProTem Weston SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to approved Resolution No. 3961, adopting a Code Enforcement Policy, with the deletion of Section 2 of the Resolution and Section III of the Exhibit and clarification of the verbiage in Section IV. Also change the effective date to January 17, 1996. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE .5 /0 D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. Adoption of the 1996 Park Vista Operating Plan and Budget adjusted to reflect Council Action on December 19, 1995, to continue funding at 1995 levels until approval of the 1996 Budget (total proposed expenditures, $531,613). 3 City Council Minutes January 16, 1996 - 7:00 pm Peter Freeman, President of the Senior Housing Board, Keith Covington, CFO of the Senior Housing Board and Al Mosk, representing HMA gave a staff report and answered Council questions. Councilwoman Friedkin gave an in depth report on the budget and suggested many areas that she felt could be reduced. Directions from Council include, prioritized improvements and extra expenditures; no deficit spending; include page numbers in budget book. Council consensus to continue this item until after the Senior Housing Board Budget Subcommittee reports back their findings to the Senior Housing Board. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Weston to continue efforts for a five (5) year plan and reserve study. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to authorize spending at the 1995 levels through February, 1996. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 510 2. Status of open positions on the Wall of Honor Committee, the El Segundo Community Cable Advisory Committee and the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee. Council consensus to extend the deadline for filing to Friday February 2, 1996 at 5:00 P.M. and schedule February 12, 1996 at 7:00 P.M. for interviews, and to schedule March 6 and 21, 1996, at 7:00 P.M. for a General Plan and Zoning workshop. E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. City Attorney determined that there are no Conflicts of Interest for any Councilmembers 1. Warrant Numbers 227762 - 227876 on Demand Register Summary Number 27 in total amount of $553,564.26. 2. Warrant Numbers 227877 - 227952 on Demand Register Summary Number 28 in total amount of $104,379.07, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $186,285.74. 3. City Council meeting minutes of December 19, 1995 and January 2,1996. 4. Administratively change payroll terminology to be in conformance with new PERS reporting requirements for the City of El Segundo. There is no fiscal impact resulting from this action. 5. Concrete Cross Gutter for Washington Street at Palm Avenue, Project No. PW 95-8. (Final contract amount $12,490.50. 6. Proposed class specification and Resolution No. 3962 of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, establishing a salary range for the interim job classification of Water/Wastewater Supervisor. Fiscal Impact: The monthly increase in total compensation costs is $784.00. 7. Proposed revisions to the Fire Protection Inspector 1 /11 class specification. Fiscal impact: Reallocation of a vacant position to this job classification will result in future cost savings. 8. Amendment No. 1 to the City - Caltrans Utility Agreement to provide for Caltrans reimbursement to relocate a 12" City water main (Estimated reimbursement amount $10,000.00). CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA - NONE MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Weston to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE 4 City Council Minutes January 16, 1996 - 7:00 pm I. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - 1. Discussion and possible adoption of proposed Investment Policy for the City of El Segundo. ITEM PULLED BY THE CITY MANAGER J. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilwoman Frledkin - Spoke regarding the Aviation widening project. Councilman Robbins - NONE Councilman Switz - NONE Mayor ProTem Weston - Spoke regarding the recovery of a SBC -2 aircraft produced by Douglas Aircraft in El Segundo from Lake Michigan. Mayor Jacobson - Requested staff to review and investigate the parking of semi trucks and trailers on North Douglas between Mariposa and Imperial. He also wished Fire Chief Jake Nielson's daughter a quick recovery from her recent accident. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) One (1) individual addressed Council J. Wilson, Resident; spoke regarding the invocations. MEMORIALS - NONE CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 10:50 P.M. to February 6, 1996 at 5:00 P.M. in Mortejon, Cify trerk 5 City Council Minutes January 16, 1996 - 7:00 pm