WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1996 - 7:00 P.M.
CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobs at 7:00 p.m.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Weston
Mayor Jacobs
Mayor ProTem Wemick
Councilwoman Friedkin
Councilman Weston
Councilman Gordon
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30
minute limit total) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of
another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so idea* themselves prior to addressing the City
Council Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. Nine Individuals addressed
the City Council.
Brian O'Rourke, resident spoke on educating the public on how to be in accordance with the
law, and to clearly define it.
Gail Church, 406 Virginia Street plead for compassion for retired individuals who have limited
incomes and would have financial problems.
Kelly McDowell, 517 Kansas Street spoke on zoning code enforcement; increase in attorney
fees to enforce; in favor of smaller and more efficient government, and felt inspection of
homes is an invasion of privacy.
Dorothy Pedroza, 336 Loma Vista Street commented on her garage conversion and carport
which were in existence when she bought her property several years ago and to correct it
would create a financial hardship due to her only income being SSN.
Dorothy Kent, resident spoke about meeting with people prior to enforcing legal action on
code violations.
Liz Gamholtz, resident aggressive enforcement is for people who divert the codes.
Lorretta Frye, resident questioned whether there would be grandfathering in for those with
existing permits; Councilman Weston responded stating this meeting was only for enforcement
not a legislative meeting.
Peggy Tunyll, resident spoke concerning allowing transfer of property rights and still keep
Proposition 13 rights.
Lewis Jesen has trouble understanding what the problem is and asked Council to inform the
citizens what the problem is.
Marty Stone, 637 Center Street was one of the first on the lottery list and did not know there
was a new code in existence with in the City, and felt the idea was good but the public should
be made clearly aware of any changes.
City Council Minutes
12/04/96 - 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Jacobs closed public communications.
Councilman Weston felt there should be a letter written prior to going out to Mr. Stone's home;
stated taxes on R1 lots are less than R2 lots and those individuals using R1 as R2 lots are
not paying the correct taxes and are using more sewer and other services. Allowing one
individual to have R2 on an R1 lot would mean they would have to allow others also, and the
Council is responsible on enforcing the law equally.
Councilman Gordon stated congestion in the R1 zoned areas creates problems; wants to
guard life in El Segundo, and to enforce the code the Council needs to identify problems. The
Council wants the public to come into compliance with the code and would do this
responsively by working with the citizens in trying to avoid litigation and eliminate undo
Mayor ProTem Wemick thought code compliance meant all code problems not just R1 zoned
areas. She felt the Council should be looking at wanting to avoid any false complaints. She
concurs with Councilman Gordon on finding a compromise. Wants zoning code changes to
be done at the same time as quarterly general plan.
Councilwoman Friedkin stated the City enforces equally and needs to maintain current
residential density. She suggested upon purchasing property the buyer should have a walk
through inspection to make sure there are no code violations.
Mayor Jacobs stated how the City approaches home owners is important, and illegal units
don't pay business license tax or annual fire inspections.
1. Public Workshop to discuss the City's current Municipal Code Compliance Program,
including but not limited to the: 1) Intent of the current Municipal Code Compliance
Policy; 2) Municipal Code Compliance process; and, 3) Recent changes in and any
potential modifications to the Municipal Code Compliance Program and Policy.
Bret Bernard, Director of Planning and Building Safety presented a report to Council on why
the City has a Municipal Code Compliance Program, and what it includes; What current City
Code Compliance Polity is, and what the present program entails. Discussion followed.
Laurie Jester presented an overview of the current Council Code Compliance Policy.
Discussion followed regarding how the City handles complaints of possible code violations.
Councilman Gordon felt the first letter should simply ask them to contact the City, but should
not state that the City wants to inspect their property.
Loran Hammond, Building Inspector /Code Compliance Officer presented an overview on
inspectors roles. Discussion followed.
RECESS at 10:05 p.m.
ROLL CALL All Councilmembers present.
Councilwoman Friedkin prefers Inspectors to rotate from Zones 1 -8; Mr. Bernard stated he
plans on doing this.
2 City Council Minutes
12/04/96 - 7:00 p.m.
Councilman Weston spoke about previous problems regarding inspections and asked Mr.
Bernard how the City protects itself against the potential for bribes; Mr. Bernard stated it was
based on policy and trust, and City Attorney Hensley responded the inspector's are required to
file conflict of interest forms annually.
Mayor ProTem Wemick questioned whether inspections were done in both residential and
commercial areas; Mr. Bernard responded in both and they do not target any particular zone
or specific location.
Mayor Jacobs opened for public comments.
Brian O'Rourke, resident spoke on safety issues regarding vacant lots, and lack of parking by
the post office and vehicles do not want to stop at that comer.
Gail Church, resident asked whether the City could do a Covenant Agreement with Ms.
Pedroza's case until the property is sold or inherited.
Liz Gamholtz, resident asked,the City to enforce the Code.
Loretta Frye, resident stated t i ke Planning and Building Safety Department gave a good
presentation. Further stating,'�she had been cited for a violation but never received a letter but
when she requested an extension she was given courtesy by the City Manager and the
Planning and Building Safety Department.
Mayor ProTem Wemick felt that Health and Safety violations should be the first priority; the
General Plan review could include any zoning definitions, and she wanted to close out any old
permits. Councilman Gordon stated the codes were not specific.
Council directive for Health and Safety violations to come first; during General Plan, and
Zoning Code Review staff to bring definitions, and clarification of period in which we cannot
find permits. Close out long term open permits, and make codes more specific.
City Council thanked staff and participants who offered their suggestions and comments.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Individuals who
have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on
behalJ'of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a
misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. NONE
ADJOURNED at 11:02 p.m. to December 17, 1996 at 5:00 p.m.
i-torq(Freeman, Deputy City Clerk
3 City Council Minutes
12/04/96 - 7:00 p.m.