1995 OCT 16 CC MINMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:05 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilwoman Friedkin ROLL CALL Mayor Jacobson - Present Mayor ProTem Weston - Present Councilman Switz - Present Councilman Robbins - Present Councilwoman Friedkin - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) Two individuals addressed the City Council. Willard Krick, El Segundo Residents Association Representative stated ESRA was submitting a letter based on staffs comments which contains the ten issues identified in their prior letter, and some comments on staffs report. Laurie Dustin, Kilroy Industries stated Kilroy was submitting a letter presenting their concerns relative to the proposed zoning code amendment on High -Tech Industrial and Recreational Uses in the Mixed Use Zone for the Council's consideration. Mayor Jacobson closed public communications. A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. Study session /workshop on issues related to the update of the Zoning Code, discussion of General Plan and Zoning Code issues raised by the City Council, Planning Commission and the public. City Attorney Mark Hensley announced potential conflicts of interest as follows: Staff Comments Item 1 Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins, and Item 3 Councilman Switz and Councilwoman Friedkin. Under Willard Krick's comments Items 1, 4 and 6 Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins. Staff Comments Item 11 - Code Enforcement: Councilman Robbins questioned the status of the Traffic Mitigation Fee Study; City Manager Morrison stated the draft should be delivered to staff by the end of the year. Councilman Robbins then stated concerns with community safety and cost as it relates to streets extending through to major arterials; current traffic analysis in the general plan is incorrect and the present traffic situation shows it to be impractical to widen streets. He suggested waiting until the Traffic Study was complete before making any decisions, and any assumptions made using the old Traffic Study should be reanalyzed. He felt Code Enforcement, illegal unit violations, and building heights should be given a high priority. Mayor ProTem Weston asked for a list of streets extensions on the General Plan and streets that staff thinks are unrealistic. He concurred with the code enforcement issues suggesting to divide the illegal unit violation issue into two parts by increasing penalty fees and using a lottery type of system and draw a name of a code violator each week. Further suggesting the Council prioritize items tonight. Councilman Switz suggested they refer to staff for recommendations regarding illegal unit violations. Councilwoman Friedkin felt there should be punitive penalties placed on those who violate the law. City Manager Morrison stated should the Council decide to be more aggressive, they would need to allocate funds in the budget to cover the costs, and staff would start with the oldest violation on the list. Discussion followed. Councilman Switz stated he had also received complaints about minor code violations such as trash cans and barking dogs which had not been given a high priority in the past, and suggested all City staff report all code violations seen before the complaints are made. He stated he wants a proactive approach to code enforcement. Councilwoman Friedkin concurred, and suggested tree replacements be made to all city trees removed from city parkways. El Segundo - City Council Minutes October 16, 1995 - 7:00 pm Council consensus for city to take a more proactive approach to code enforcement, and tree replacements to be made for all city trees removed from city parkways. Staff Comments Item 2 - Alcohol Sales: Discussion ensued with Council consensus they were content with the administrative use permit process of being received and filed by the Planning Commission, and conditional use permits being reviewed by the Planning Commission and going to the Council with their recommendations for final approval. No direction given. Staff Comments Item 4 - 25 Foot Wide Lots: Mayor Jacobson felt 25 foot wide lots with narrow homes were not beneficial to the city, and felt the lots should be combined and not split; Councilwoman Friedkin concurred. Discussion followed. Council consensus to refer this item back to the Planning Commission for more review and work with the City Attorney on the legal issues of lot mergers. Staff Comments Item 5 - Parking Requirements: Mayor Jacobson stated the Council had directed the Planning Commission to look at this issue; Councilman Switz stated he was against changing the requirement to 9 feet. Council consensus was not to allow compact parking spaces for retail uses. Staff Comments Item 6 - Parking Lot Landscape Requirements: Discussion with no direction given. Low priority. Staff Comments Item 7 - Curb cut and Driveway Widths: Councilwoman Friedkin questioned whether future construction could include minimum driveway sizes, and stated the depth of some driveways on street side comer lots is not large enough and cars end up going over the sidewalk and curb. Discussion followed with no direction given. Staff Comments Item 8 - Residential Setbacks: Mayor ProTem Weston felt there should be more than a 3 foot setback; Councilwoman Friedkin concurred. Discussion on setback intrusions followed with no direction given. Low priority. Staff Comments Item 9 - Residential Landscaping: Mayor ProTem Weston felt that all colored renderings which are considered at the time a project is approved should be kept as part of the record until the entire project is completed, and that the project must look like the drawing. Councilman Switz felt the City should require a deposit upon permit issuance for a remodel, and if they do not comply then they would lose the deposit. Mayor Jacobson stated the certificate of occupancy takes care of making sure they comply on new projects. Discussion followed regarding debris clean up on remodels prior to final inspection, and minimum percentages of landscaping for residential and commercial properties. Council consensus for staff to look into minimum percentages of area for residential and commercial landscaping; keep all colored renderings until project Is completed; and that all debris is cleaned up on building projects before final inspection is signed off. Staff Comments Item 10 - Residential Front Setbacks: Discussion ensued with no direction given. Low priority. Willard Krick's Comments Item 2 - Potential Traffic Impacts Relating To Public Parking Facilities: Councilman Switz did not feel there was a parking problem in the City, and questioned whether there was a section in the Code to help owners who need more parking; Laurie Jester, Senior Planner, responded that off -site parking can be an accessory use, and above code requirements. Council felt it was presently all right. No direction given. 2 El Segundo - City Council Minutes October 16, 1995 - 7.00 pm Willard Krick's Comments Item 3 - Non - conforming Residential Uses: Councilwoman Friedkin questioned whether someone can rebuild 100% and could they add on; Ms. Jester responded that any addition beyond the 100% rebuild must be conforming to Code. No direction given. Willard Krick's Comments Item 5 - Traffic Fee Mitigation Fee Study: Council consensus to hold off on this Item until the Traffic Mitigation Fee Study and Traffic Model was completed. Willard Krick's Comments Item 7 - Distance Requirement for Bars/Hotels from R-1 Zones and Schools: Councilman Robbins felt the City should make it clear as to what specific type of businesses they would like to have at the Mariposa site; Mayor Jacobson felt it could become a legal issue unless they could do this also with all property in the same zone. Discussion followed regarding distance requirements for bars and hotels from R -1 and schools. Council consensus for staff to look at a new zone with a minimum distance requirement for bars and hotels to be from R -1 and schools. Willard Krick's Comments Item 8 - Imperial School Site: Discussion ensued regarding the zoning of this site; Mayor Jacobson stated the City could not down -zone. No direction given. Willard Krick's Comments Item 9 - Condominium Conversions: Discussion ensued with no direction given. Willard Krick's Comments Item 10 - Granny Flats/Second Dwelling Units In The R -1 Zone: Discussion ensued regarding construction of second units in the R -1 Zone, Code requirements, and the definition of kitchen. Council consensus for staff to work with the City Attorney to apply the most restrictive State law requirements; add definition of kitchen to the Code, and require second unit covenants with inspection provisions. Discussion regarding service stations ensued with Councilman Robbins stating he felt there should be an appeal process for administrative use permits, and at least a 300 foot notice. Councilwoman Friedkin felt 300 feet was not enough in some cases; Ms. Jester responded for large family day care it is proposed to be increased from 100 to 300 feet. Council consensus to Increase the 100 foot area for notices to 500 feet for Large Family Day Care Centers. Staff's Comments Item 3 - Subdivision of R -1 and R -2. 40' and 44' Wide Lots: Councilman Switz and Councilwoman Friedkin did not participate on discussion of this item due to possible conflicts of interest. Discussion ensued regarding lots in the R -1 and R -2 zones which could be subdivided. Council consensus to require all new lots to have a minimum lot width of 50 feet. Stairs Comments Item 1 - High-Tech Industrial: Councilman Switz and Councilwoman Friedkin returned to the dais. Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins did not participate on discussion of this item due to possible conflicts of interest. Councilwoman Friedkin was in favor of a conditional use permit instead for high -tech uses, and asked what it would take to change the process from administrative to conditional use permit. Council consensus to maintain integrity of MU zone; look at the cumulative impacts of administrative use permits. Keep as Is, and provide Council with a summary of administrative use permits that have been issued in the MU zone. 3 El Segundo - City Council Minutes October 16, 1995 - 7:00 pm Willard Krick's Comments Item 1 - High -Tech Industrial / Zone Text Amendment: Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins did not participate in discussion of this item due to possible conflicts of interest. Councilman Switz was not in favor of a sports arena; Councilwoman Friedkin and Mayor ProTem Weston concurred stating other recreational uses were all right. Low priority. Council consensus was not to add recreational uses as permitted uses in the Mixed Use Zone at this time. Willard Krick's Comments Item 4 - Height Limits: Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins did not participate in discussion of this item due to possible conflicts of interest. Discussion ensued regarding building heights east of Sepulveda Boulevard. Council consensus, for staff to look into two height zones east of Sepulveda Boulevard and referred it to the Planning Commission. Willard Krick's Comments Item 6 - Mixed Use Zone: Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins did not participate in discussion of this item due to possible conflicts of interest. Council consensus for City Attorney to report to the Council at their meeting of December 5 with potential revisions and their impacts. Mayor ProTem Weston opened public comments on Willard Krick's Items 1, 4 and 6. Willard Krick, El S saundo Residents Association addressed the issues and concerns in his letter he submitted to the Council at the beginning of their meeting. On Item 4 he does not want to chango the FAR, just the height, and wants to stair step buildings up from Sepulveda Boulevard; Item 1 he does not want a sports arena or bond issues, and Item 6 he suggested only to allow the MU south location for this type of activity which would only be 2% of the City, and to allow a maximum of about 52 establishments. David Steele, Cha -nber of Commerce commented on Willard Krick's Item 4 stating he has some suggestions regarding heights on Sepulveda Boulevard; Mayor ProTem Weston asked him if he would be addressing the Planning Commission with his suggestions at their meeting, and he responded that he would. Nancy Wemick, R ssident commented on High Tech Industrial stating concerns with Bio- Tech Industrial and suggested they require a conditional use permit. Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins returned to the dais. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (.Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Nicky Wislocky, Resident questioned if zone violations were infractions because she felt they were. She also felt staff should be able to confront the owners of possible illegal units without going through court, and that gas stations were hazardous and created health problems. Also, it would be impossible to discuss or make decisions regarc ing building heights without a traffic study. Nancy Wemick, Resident discu:;sed problems as they relate to possible code enforcement violations on Hughes and Allied Way. Willard Krick, El Segundo Residents Association addressed the granny flats issue and State code regulations. ADJOURNMENT at 11:01 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. October 17, 1995. Lorwtreeman, Deputy City Clerk 4 El Segundo - City Council Minutes October 16, 1995 - 7:00 pm