1995 JUN 05 CC MINMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 5, 1995 - 7:00 P.M. Matsui Room, El Segundo Public Library CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:05 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mayor ProTem Weston. ROLL CALL Mayor Jacobson - Present Mayor ProTem Weston - Present Councilman Switz - Present Councilman Robbins - Present Councilwoman Friedkin - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) - NONE A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. Workshop Discussion and Status Report on the City's 911 Emergency System Review and Alternatives. Lieutenant John Ogden of the El Segundo Police Department introduced Mike Epstein, Project Manager for the Aerospace Corporation, who then introduced Bill Terwillegar, Bob Pentz and Fletcher Wicker. Photocopies of the presentation slides were distributed to the City Council and made available to the public. Mr. Epstein presented the Design Overview of the Enhanced 911 (E911) Dispatching System stating that in January 1995, the cities of El Segundo and Manhattan Beach hired the Aerospace Corporation to study the existing E911 system, design a new state -of- the -art E911 system, and prepare a procurement strategy and package to buy the system. In February 1995, the City of Hermosa Beach joined El Segundo and Manhattan Beach as a prospective user of this system. Discussion ensued regarding the components and design implementations of the system. Mr. Epstein stated it would require modification to the Police Department's command center and adjoining space in the basement, installation of a new computer system for dispatch, messaging, radio control and dispatch data management; redirection of the telephone lines to a new dispatch center with new PSAP equipment; installation of new mobile data computers and radios in police and fire vehicles; issuance of new portable radios to all public safety personnel; installation of new transmitter and receiver sites for radio equipment; installation of data lines between various agencies, and hiring and training of dispatchers, radio technician and computer technician personnel. He stated the recommendation as being to study the implications of using a reconstituted RCC as a radio utility; Step 1 RCC Agreements and Step 2 Design Studies. Discussion ensued with Councilman Robbins questioning whether commercial off -the- shelf software would be used; whether Aerospace studied signal strengths, coverage and drop -out areas, and whether the costs included new frequency costs and if other participating cities would be sharing in that expense. Mr. Epstein responded that commercial off - the -shelf software would be used, probably coded in C or C + +, and that the source code would be placed in escrow. Also, that they had studied the signal strengths and there were three sites for the new transmitter and receivers, and that the cost did not include the $100,000 cost to acquire a new frequency. Councilwoman Friedkin questioned if it would create a problem should the City of Manhattan Beach decide to remove their water tower since it was one of the three locations for the transmitter and receiver sites; Mr. Epstein responded that if the tower were going to be removed they could still use the site for an antenna tower, and that there were two other locations to choose from. Mayor ProTem Weston questioned the mobile data terminals versus computers and what the frequency would be. Mayor Jacobson stated the MDTs in the vehicles were old and it would be more reasonable to purchase the new system than to replace the existing MDTs. City Council Minutes 6 -5 -95 - 7:00 pm Councilman Switz questioned whether the new costs had been discussed with the other cities, and what the increase was to El Segundo's cost; Mr. Epstein responded that they had contacted and discussed this with other prospective cities, and that in January, 1995, Aerospace presented a cost estimate to El Segundo of $1.7 million, which was now $3 million. Hermosa Beach radios in the field represent $600,000 of the cost, and El Segundo's cost increased approximately $200,000. Councilman Robbins questioned whether the $200,000 increase was a one time non- recurring cost, and whether there were any staff changes; Mr. Epstein responded the cost was a one time non - recurring cost, and Lt. Ogden responded the system would require one more dispatcher for a total of fifteen, and would supplement the radio technician with one in -house computer technician which was approximately an increase of $44,000, from $1,090,000 to $1,134,000. Mayor ProTem Weston questioned whether the agreement had information covering the other cities being required to also update their equipment to be compatible with the new system; Lt. Ogden responded current analog radio equipment must be changed. Mayor ProTem Weston asked about the cost of adding GPS Position Locator capability. The response indicated a cost of about $1,200 per unit. Councilwoman Friedkin questioned whether the cost estimate included training; Lt. Ogden replied no, but the Police Department normally performs training of staff, and this is a soft cost. He also stated that the technicians would start being trained five months and dispatchers two months prior to the system coming on line. Joel Weisman. Dispatcher for Manhattan Beach questioned staffing, and what they were looking for in the CADD System; Lt. Ogden responded there would be fifteen dispatchers and went over the Police Department's procedural supervision/ management procedures. Mr. Terwillegar responded they were looking for a user friendly and compatible system, and by using experienced dispatcher's they evaluated response times. Councilman Robbins questioned how much money from El Segundo and Manhattan Beach was in the SBRC equipment replacement fund, and how much would El Segundo and Manhattan Beach get back; Lt. Ogden responded he would find that information and forward it to the Council. Councilman Switz stated Council was not aware of what or when Manhattan Beach or Hermosa Beach would decide, or how the purchase of the equipment would be handled. Discussion followed. Mayor ProTem Weston stated the contribution payment formula seemed to lack equity since El Segundo would place less demand on the system. MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to extend delivery date for bid package by 30 days from July 1 to August 1, 1995. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. Councilwoman Friedkin questioned whether the agreement was negotiable and when; Mayor Jacobson responded it was negotiable in three years. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to City Business Only - 5 minute limit per person, 30 minute limit total) - NONE ADJOURNED at 8:45 p.m. to June 6, 1995 at 5:00 pm . L a Freeman, Deputy City Clerk 2 City Council Minutes 6 -5 -95 - 7:00 pm