1994 JUL 19 CC MIN-7MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL July 19, 1994 - 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jacobson at 7:07 P.M. INVOCATION - Rev. G. Kevin Taylor, St. Michael's Episcopal Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Councilman Robbins PRESENTATIONS 1. Recognition of the El Segundo Community Cable television staff for receiving South Bay Producers Guild awards and presentation of the award winning CDBG Senior Counseling Program video. Mayor Jacobson recognized the El Segundo Community Cable television staff headed by Jeff Trujillo, for receiving the South Bay Producers Guild award. Jeff presented a brief clip from a program on CDBG which received an award. ROLL CALL Mayor Jacobson Mayor ProTem Weston Councilman Switz Councilman Robbins Councilwoman Medkin - Present - Absent - Present - Present - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to Cifv Business On (3 minute Limit per person, 30 minute Qmif total Six (6) individuals addressed Council 1. Scot Dannen, 1127 East Acacia; spoke regarding the budget and requested that Mayor Jacobson refrain from voting or partici- pation on School District issues because of the location of his home. 2. Liz Garholtz, Resident; commended the Mayor on his actions. 3. Terry O'Brian, resident: spoke regarding the continuing Hyperion odors and efforts to alleviate the problem 4. Ron Green, President of Sister City; introduced Luis Flores, from the Guaymas Police Department, and Felipe Rivadeneyra and exchange student from Guaymas. He also stated that Carlos Villa from the Fire Department is visiting the City. Both are involved in the City's Police /Fire training program. Approximately 25 guaymas visitors are in town July 20 -24 for the 1994 summer visit. 5. Presentation regarding business taxes and residential taxes by Jim McGoldrick. Mr. McGoldrick made a presentation on his ideas regarding business taxes and residential tax -es. 6. Nancy Cobb, Chamber of Commerce President; Urged Council to considE;r the efforts of Business Retention and Attraction if they are to review the business license tax. A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS 1. Consideration of a motion to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to read all ordinances and resolutions on this Agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 Mayor ProTern Weston absent Councilman Robbins stated for the Public Record: The Golf Course is run as a enterprise fund, which means that it pays it's overhead and on top of that generates profit for the City and that profit is going to be very much needed for the present and coming years for our budget. B. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - NONE C. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, Amending Section 3.24.040 of Title 3 of the El Segundo Municipal Code regarding application of Gas Users Tax. City Attorney Lee Dolley read the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1226 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 3.24.040 OF TITLE 3 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MU- NICIPAL CODE REGARDING APPLICATION OF GAS USERS TAX Councilman Switz INTRODUCED ORDINANCE NO. 1226 2. An ordinance of the City of El Segundo, California, extending the suspension of the annual automatic consumer price index required by Section 5.08.018, Chapter 5.08, Title 5 of the El Segundo Munici- pal Code for the period beginning January 1, 1995 to and includ- ing June 30, 1995, and adding Section 5.08.019 to Chapter 5.08 of Title 5 of the El Segundo Municipal Code which provides a 10% reduction of business license taxes from the effective date of this ordinance to and including June 30, 1995 (Fiscal Impact: total revenue reduction of $1,142,638). City Attorney Lee Dolley read the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1227 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, EX- TENDING THE SUSPENSION OF THE ANNUAL AUTOMATIC CONSUMER PRICE INDEX REQUIRED BY SECTION 5.08.018, CHAPTER 5.08, TITLE 5 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1995 TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 1995, AND ADDING SECTION 5.08.019 TO CHAPTER 5.08 OF TITLE 5 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE WHICH PROVIDES A 10% REDUCTION OF BUSINESS LICENSE TAXES FROM THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE TO AND INCLUDING JUNE 30, 1995 Councilman Robbins INTRODUCED ORDINANCE NO. 1227 D. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. The El Segundo Noise Abatement Committee requests authority to change the sign on the Imperial Strip hillside from "Unsafe Area For Jets" to "No Easement LAX." 2 Harvey Holden, Airport Projects; gave a brief staff report. Liz Garnholts spoke as the Chair of the Noise Abatement Committee , and stated the change was a unanimous vote by the Committee and they felt the bad publicity that would be generated by the sign would force this issue with the Airport. Dorothy Kent, 909 Dune; suggested a large unveiling of the sign by all the citizens and use the publicity to attract the attention of the Airport. Gene Kanzano, 770 W. Imperial; stated he would be interested in a new sign. 2. Announcement of appointment of Robert Slusser, Manager of Planning, Aircraft Division of Northrop Grumman, to the Economic Development Advisory Council. MAYOR JACOBSON ANNOUNCED THE APPOINTMENT OF Robert Slusser, Manag- er of Planning, Aircraft Division of Northrop Grumman, to the Economic Devel- opment Advisory Council. Northrop Grumman, had previously been requested to submit a name for representation E. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrant Numbers 212720 - 212936 on Demand Register Summary Number 01 in total amount of $1,475,811.07, and Wire Transfers in the amount of $138,019.08. 2. City Council meeting minutes of July 5, 1994. 3. Resolution No 3385, confirming the County's authority to continue to levy property taxes for the City of El Segundo. The specific property taxes collected will be used by the City to pay the princi- pal and interest for the bonds outstanding in Assessment District #73. Financial impact for FY 94 -95 - $105,000 (revenues). MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to approve consent agenda items numbers 1, 2, and 3. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 4/0 Mayor ProTem Weston absent F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER l . Schedule City Council Workshop for last week of July or early August regarding the Kenneth Leventhal & Company Defense Industry Study. Council scheduled August 3, 1994 at 7:00 P.M. for a Workshop regarding the Kenneth Leventhal & Company Defense Industry Study. 3 2. Proposed Class Specification and resolution establishing monthly salary range for the new job classification of Director of Economic Development. Councilman Swiitz requested that the following language be added to the duties of the Director of Economic Development. Identifies hurdles and impedi- ments related to business attraction and retention existing in City systems and procedures and recommends improvement; provides periodic updates to the City Council. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to approve the proposed class specifications for the Director of Economic Development. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0 Mayor ProTem Weston absent 3. Proposed Class Specification and resolution establishing monthly salary range for the new job classification of Government Buildings Supervisor. City Attorney Lee Dolley read the following: RESOLUTION NO. 3883 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A SALARY RANGE FOR THE JOB CLASSIFICATION OF DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION NO. 3884 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A SALARY RANGE FOR THE JOB CLASSIFICATION OF GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS SUPERVISOR MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilwoman Friedkin to adopt Resolution No. 3884, establishing monthly salary range for the new job classification of Government Buildings Supervisor, and to adopt Resolution No. 3883, establishing monthly salary range for the new job classification of Director of Economic Development and to approved proposed class specifications for Government Buildings Supervisor.. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0 Mayor ProTem Weston absent G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE J. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilwoman Friedidn - NONE Councilman Robbins - Spoke regarding a recent early turn on July 16, 1994 and commented on a complaint made at the last Council meeting regarding a 911 call, he stated he was satisfied the 911 dispatcher performed their job. Councilman SWi z 4 I . Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSI). Councilman Switz recommended that Council a) authorize the Mayor to write a single -page letter to Mayor Riordan; b) discuss a plan to utilize only FAA funds; c) work harder to understand the implication of BOAC president's statement d) form a Council subcommittee to discuss additional actions necessary to get the RSI program moving again. Item to be discussed again after the meeting Thursday, July 21, 1994. 2. Report on the parking modifications in the vicinity of the City Library. City staff to look into enlarging parking by re- striping. Mayor ProTem Weston - NONE Mayor Jacobson - NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Related to CRY Business Only - 5 minute IImi) Two (2) individuals address Council 1. Jim McGoldrick, 412 Oregon; continued his report on busi- ness license tax. 2. Chris Powell, 1233 E. Oak; spoke regarding the joint use agreement with the School District and stated that communica- tions need to be opened up between both sides. MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION NONE NONE ADJOURNMENT at 8:37 P.M. to July 21, 1994 at 6:00 P.M. C ndy M en, Cit Clerk k,