SEPTEMBER 20, 1993 - 7:00 P.M.
CALLED TO ORDER at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor ProTem Wise.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Alan West.
Councilman Robbins
- Present
Councilman Switz
- Present
Councilman West
- Present
Mayor ProTem Wise
- Present
Mayor Jacobson
- Present
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 3 minute limit)
Scot Dannen, 1127 E. Acacia stated concern regarding control of the stories and height and
restricting the R -1 zone more than it already is. He suggested modifying it to state that it is
measured from such - and -such spot to such - and -such height.
Continued Public Hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -299 for the proposed
amendments to the Zonina and Subdivision Codes.
Mayor ProTem Wise stated this was the time and place fixed hereto for a continued public
hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -299 for the proposed amendments to the
zoning and subdivision codes, and asked if proper notice of the hearing was published and
done in a timely manner and whether any written communications had been received.
Deputy Clerk Freeman responded that noticing was done by the Planning and Building
Safety Department, and that no written communications had been received by the Clerk's
Chapter 20.20 Residential -1 (R -1) Zone:
Laurie Jester, Senior Planner, presented modifications stating they had accepted all
sections as modified up to and including 20.20.050 (G), but had not reached a consensus
on the 18 foot height limit with a 52 percent lot coverage option yet, and they needed to
reach a consensus as to whether there was a need to discuss maximization. If there was
no action, staff could delete the proposed standard.
Councilman Robbins stated he and other councilmembers had been approached by a
property owner who was concerned about the effect this change would have on the
number of lots his property could be subdivided into, and Councilman Robbins stated he
felt it was unfair to the individual due to sewer lines, curb cuts, and street paving had
already been completed. If this property was to be divided under the old code it would be
divided as six lots which is a 150 feet deep, but the new code would only allow four lots
which was unfair in this particular case. After visiting the property and obtaining city maps
showing subdivision and property lines of the various lots which would be impacted, he felt
in this case and possibly other, it was unfair and it should be reconsidered.
Hyrum Fedje, Director of Planning and Building Safety responded that provision Number 1
had been added back as Number 1 on Page 60.
Councilman West asked not to change this exemption and add back Number 2;
Councilman Switz stated by eliminating Number 2 the City did a disservice to this
individual, but he was not in favor of reopening it again. However, if there was a need,
staff could rewrite Number 2 but keep it at a 50 foot minimum width.
Mayor ProTem Wise felt everyone has the right to develop their piece of property, and
Council needs to reach a decision on whether it is their goal to be more restrictive than
the present code, if so, then state how much more restrictive. Discussion followed.
1 City Council Meeting
September 20, 1993
MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman Switz with discussion to
reinstate Section 20.20.050 (E) of the new zoning code lot widths - Paragraph 2 which has
been under discussion - with additional language of "lots resulting from the subdivision
must be at least 140 feet deep."
MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman West to grandfather in any
properties which have sewer laterals installed as of today. Discussion followed.
Mrs. Jester reported on Section 20.20.050 (H) Lot Coverage stating the current and new
code both allow 40% lot coverage, but the new code also allows for a provision to allow
density to increase to 52% with a height of the structure to be 18 feet along with dormer
windows which provide natural light and ventilation required and if you do have them, they
cannot exceed 30% of the interior wall. The two provisions which were deleted were the
provisions for a pitched roof and that the major ridgeline parallel the local street.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to change the
alternate lot coverage in Section 20.20.050 (G) to 18 foot height limit 52% lot coverage to
18 foot with 47% lot coverage.
Councilman Robbins questioned how Council could ensure individuals would not request
variances to build two- stories; Mayor Jacobson suggested using same wording in the C -3
Zone Code which prevents that from happening; he also preferred to do it by percentage,
and lot coverage of second floor or second ten feet should be less than base coverage
which would give some modulation to it but is not trying to affix to it which wall it is.
AMENDED MOTION by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to
accept a 40% lot coverage and 26 foot height limit with a caveat that a second story will be
reduced from the base story by a percentage to be brought back by staff, and that an
alternative of 16 foot high and 47% lot coverage would be allowed.
Councilman Robbins asked if the motion included no variances, and Mayor Jacobson then
suggested using wording such as an individual could vary the height to get to the two story
or vary the base area coverage but could not vary both. Mr. Fedje responded that staff
would work on the wording and return to Council.
AMENDED MOTION by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to
accept a 40% lot coverage and 26 foot height limit with a caveat that a second story will be
reduced from the base story by a percentage to be brought back by staff, and that an
alternative of 16 foot high and 47% lot coverage would be allowed. Also, to include
wording regarding variances to be brought back by staff.
Mayor Jacobson called the question: MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE
VOTE 4/1 - AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise, Councilman West and
Councilman Switz. NOES: Councilman Robbins.
Ms. Jester clarified that Council wanted the provisions for the dormer windows deleted.
Mayor Jacobson stated while staff was rewriting this, they could look at that too and see if
any of those fit to what they just described and bring it back.
Councilman Robbins stated he wanted to discuss maximization; Page 282 Section
20.82.040 needed to have "may" changed to "shall'. He felt that Section 20.82.020 should
include that a councilmember to be allowed to appeal a Planning Commission decision.
Council consensus to correct Section 20.82.040 from "may" to "shall', and to also
make that correction to the other zones.
Mayor Jacobson concerned an 8 foot driveway width would be too narrow; Mrs. Jester
stated staff could make the widths to be in conjunction with Public Works requirements.
Council consensus for staff to make Driveway Width requirements to be in
conjunction with Public Works minimum standards.
2 City Council Meeting
September 20, 1993
Chapter 20.22 Residential -2 (R -2) Zone:
Mrs. Jester stated there were no major changes to Page 1, but new code requires
landscaping and the old code did not; there was a 7,000 square foot lot area; they took out
10 feet replacing it with new wording, and churches /schools would require a CUP.
Councilman Robbins asked to eliminate condominiums, townhomes, and stock
cooperatives from the R -2 zone due to not conforming with the general plan; Mayor
Jacobson concurred.
MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to delete item
20.20.020 (C) and 20.22.030 (D). MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE
VOTE 411 - AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise, Councilman Robbins and
Councilman Switz. NOES: Councilman West.
Mrs. Jester asked if Council wished to also defer discussion on lot width as they did with
the R -1 zone; Council concurred.
Mayor Jacobson asked if anyone wished to address this item; no one wished to.
Chapter 20.24 Residential -3 (R -3) Zone:
Councilman West left dais at 8:50 p.m. not participating on this item.
Mrs. Jester gave a brief overview regarding 26 foot height limit; rear yard increase from 5
to 10 feet; provisions added in order to be consistent with general plan - for private and
common open space areas. Staff recommended code sections mentioned for reinclusion
on R -1 zone to also be reincluded in the R -3 zone. Discussion followed.
Councilman Robbins stated condominium conversions should not be allowed unless the
structure meets current codes.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve
condominium conversions if they meet the development standards for condominiums at
the time of construction. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE 3/1/1 -
AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise, Councilman Switz. NOES: Councilman
Robbins. NOT PARTICIPATING: Councilman West.
Mrs. Jester went over Page 72 /Section 20.24.030 (F); site development standards
changed to 7,000 square foot minimum; height changed to 26 feet limit measured at mid-
point to finished grade, and setbacks for front changed to 20 foot average /15 foot
minimum, side 5 foot minimum and rear 10 foot minimum.
Mayor ProTem Wise felt minimum lot size and height was restrictive, and asked to defer
discussion to allow him time to verify some information; Council concurred.
Mayor Jacobson asked if anyone wished to address this item.
John Shelton, 737 W. Maple addressed density decrease issue; how would this effect
older units, and gave out a chart of his property.
Craig Elder, 715 Virginia concerned with traffic, parking and accessibility to his property,
and then questioned Council how they plan on resolving those problems.
Willie Blocker; 642 W. Walnut felt a need for stronger parking restrictions.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to put back in at two -
ProTem Wise and Councilman Switz. NOES: Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins.
Mrs. Jester stated lot coverage was changed to zero and gave the Planning Commission's
reasons for the change was due to the added restrictions as well as an incentive; Mayor
Jacobson asked staff to look at typical to worst case scenario regarding "no" lot coverage,
and return to the Council with results.
City Council Meeting
September 20, 1993
Councilman Robbins requested to delete public library from R -3 zone permitted uses
because it should be in the Public Facility zone.
Council consensus to approve deletion of public library from R3 zone permitted
uses and placed in the Public Facility zone.
Discussion ensued regarding lot coverage density issues, general plan, and CUP versus
AUP; Mrs. Jester suggested an AUP process for day care facilities.
Councilman Robbins requested Page 71 permitted use "D" be deleted; Mayor Jacobson
suggested deferring discussion.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve an
Administrative Use Permit process requirement for Day Care Facilities MOTION PASSED
BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE 4/0/1 - AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem
Wise, Councilman Robbins, and Councilman Switz. NOES: None. NOT
PARTICIPATING: Councilman West.
Mayor Jacobson asked if anyone wished to address this item; no one wished to.
Chapter 20.30 Public Facilities (P -F) Zone:
Councilman West returned to the dais at 10:03 p.m.
City Attorney Cremins requested Council separate Hughes Way and Sepulveda from their
discussion so Councilman Robbins could participate; Council concurred.
Mayor Jacobson asked if anyone wished to address this item; no one wished to.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to approve PF Zone
text - excluding Hughes Way and Sepulveda Boulevard. MOTION PASSED BY
Councilman Robbins did not participate on the next motion.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to approve PF Zone
text for Hughes Way and Sepulveda Boulevard. MOTION PASSED BY THE
FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE 4/0/1 - AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise,
Councilman West and Councilman Switz. NOES: None. NOT PARTICIPATING:
Councilman Robbins.
Mayor Jacobson asked if anyone wished to address this item; no one wished to.
Chapter 19.04 Subdivisions:
Mrs. Jester stated the California Government Code is referenced in some code sections.
Mayor Jacobson recommended adding the subdivision is to be complete and recorded
prior to issuance of permits. Discussion followed.
Chapter 19.08 Vesting Tentative Maps:
Mrs. Jester stated this chapter is required by the California Government Code and
provides procedures for preparing and processing vesting tentative maps.
Chapter 19.12 Merger of Parcels:
Mrs. Jester stated the California Government Code requires cities adopt procedures for
merger of lots and this chapter corresponds to those state law provisions.
Chapter 19.16 Lot Line Adjustments:
Mrs. Jester stated this was a new chapter which specifies how modifications to property
boundaries could be achieved when a subdivision map isn't necessary. The Director of
Planning and Building Safety has been given authorization to approve lot line adjustments
which had been previously done by the Planning Commission.
4 City Council Meeting
September 20, 1993
Councilman Robbins questioned appeal process; Mrs. Jester responded an appeal of the
Director of Planning and Building Safety's decision could be done through the Planning
Commission, and an appeal of their decision could be done through the City Council.
Chapter 19.20 Waiver of Parcels:
Mrs. Jester stated this chapter was required by the California Government Code and
provides a procedure whereby a subdivision map can be processed in one step instead of
two steps, but it was only allowed where adequate improvements already exist.
Chapter 19.24 Park Dedications (Quimby Act):
Mrs. Jester stated this chapter was consistent with the California Government Code which
will allow for collection of part maintenance and /or dedication fees. City still needs to
determine purpose and amount of fee.
Mayor Jacobson stated that the continued public hearing would be continued to September 28,
1993 at 7:00 p.m.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATION - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) - NONE
ADJOURNMENT at 10:25 p.m. to September 21, 1993 at 5:00 p.m.
City Clerk
5 City Council Meeting
September 20, 1993