1993 MAY 04 CC MIN-7MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL May 4, 1993 - 7:00 P.M. CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:02 p.m. INVOCATION Father Frederick Chunn, Saint Patrick's Celtic Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Robbins. PRESENTATIONS 1. City Council proclaimed the week of May 2 -8, 1993 as Bicycle Safety Week, and Mayor ProTem Wise presented the proclamation to Gary Schultz. 2. Councilman Switz presented a Proclamation to June Cox honoring her as the 1993 Senior Citizen of the Year; and the City Council proclaimed May as Older Americans Recognition Month. 3. City Council designated May 9, 1993 as Police Officers Memorial Day, and proclaimed the week of May 9 -15, 1993 as Police Week in El Segundo; Mayor Jacobson presented the proclamation to former Police Officer Chris Barrett. 4. City Council proclaimed May 1993 as Water Awareness Month in El Segundo, and Councilman West presented the proclamation to Ken Putnam. 5. City Council proclaimed the month of May, 1993 as Neighborhood Watch Month, and Councilman Robbins presented the proclamation to Laurie Risk. ROLL CALL Councilman Robbins - Present Councilman Switz - Present Councilman West - Present Mayor ProTem Wise - Present Mayor Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Eight individuals addressed the City Council. Loni Marshall, Chevron Public Affairs; invited the Council and Public to their open house Saturday May 22, 1993, Discovery Day. Joe Vittori, 124 W. Oak; requested to speak on Item 1 #2. Jan Cruickshank, ROAD; thanked the Council for contributing money last year, and explained what the money is being used for. Also urged Council and the Public to attend their 5/13/93 meetings where Beth Gray ESPD, will speak. The meeting is to be held at the Library in the Matsui Meeting Room. Willard Krick, 1414 E. Mariposa; stated he will be bringing a petition before Council on a suggested use of the Imperial Street School Site at Council's May 18, 1993 meeting and requested that item be agendized. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that an item not on the agenda cannot be discussed. Mayor ProTem Wise stated he felt questions could be asked but no decisions could be made. City Council Minutes 1 May 4, 1993 City Attorney Lee Dolley stated some questions can be asked but no discussion may be allowed and if he may be allowed to direct Council at what point they must cease discussion. Niki Wislosky, 1208 E. Pine; requested to speak on Item 1 #2. Scot Dannen, 1127 E. Acacia; 1) Councilman Robbins committed campaign election fraud in 1991 by accepting illegal campaign contributions; 2) Former City Manager Frank Meehan contacted District Attorney Gail Erlich and requested she not prosecute Councilman Robbins; 3) CPAC filing of 1991; 4) Councilman Robbins has abused police powers of the City of El Segundo by ordering an investigation; 5) Mr. Dolley, find out if ordering an investigation is a violation of law. Mr. Dannen stated he would like Council to take action on these items. 6) requested to speak on item 1 #2. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated he must review the documents before making a ruling on item #5. Councilman West stated he felt there was a need to clear these items up so the Council can continue on with City Business. Councilman Robbins responded to Mr. Dannen's accusations and Councilman West statements refuting the need for Council Action. For the Public Record Councilman Robbins stated; Scot Dannen's questions have been asked and answered and I really don't want to waste any more of the Public's time or Staff's time with any further response I would suggest that if Scot Dannen has any further allegations that he directed them to the proper authorities. Ron Swanson, 629 California; 1) supports ROAD and DARE 2) supports and commented on the Educational Foundation's and Kiwanis /Sister City Golf Tournament's; 3) also would like an answer to Mr. Dannen's questions 4) Request to speak on item 1 #2. Niki Wislosky; requested the rules of Public Communications. Mayor Jacobson stated that 5 minutes is allowed now and any person requesting to may speak later on a specific item CLOSED PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Public Hearing on: 1) Environmental Assessment EA -263; 2) Variance 91 -8; and 3) Smoky Hollow Site Plan 91 -2. Request for approval to convert an existing manufacturing and warehousing facility to a health club which would service the LAX business traveler. Located at 1222 E. Grand Avenue. Mayor Jacobson stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -263, and was proper notice published in a timely manner and was any written communication received on this matter. Clerk Mortesen stated that public hearing notice was published by the Planning and Building Safety Department, and no written communications have been received by the City Clerk's Office regarding this public hearing. Laurie Jester, Senior Planner gave a brief Staff Report and background. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED City Council Minutes May 4, 1993 Roger Diamond, Attorney for applicant Marty Benson, 2115 Main St., Santa Monica; stated various reasons for approving this project. Niccolo Valerio, Architect for the applicant; discussed the existing property and the difference of converting an existing building and constructing a new building. Roger Diamond, asked Staff if there were no building on the site and a new one were built, how many variances would be needed for manufacturing use. He also stated they are open to suggested changes or alterations to help in gaining the approval of the City Council. Frank Wong, 435 Valley Street; responded to Mr. Diamonds statements. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that the City Council must review this project on it's merits only, by reviewing the facts, and disregard any comments made by Mr. Diamond or the Public regarding discrimination. Jeanne Yagley, Maryland; stated they majority of Council is backed by low growth supporters and requests this project be denied. Herb Kelly, 525 Penn Street; stated the Council should make a decision based on the merit's of the project. MOVE by Mayor ProTem Wise SECOND by Councilman Robbins to close the Public Hearing; MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that the decision must not be made on the basis of any threat or preference, only on the merits and facts of the project, this is a discretionary matter. Councilman West stated his thinking on this matter is based on the building being around for 50 years and the long term effect of the project, he is making his decisions based on the merits of the project. Councilman Switz stated his opinion is that City Council must follow the Specific Plan created in 1985. Councilman Robbins stated he will base his decision solely on the facts and the best use for the land. Mayor ProTem Wise stated that regarding the Grand Avenue Commercial area there has been no variances approved, and approving this one would be in opposition to what the Plan established in 1985. Mayor Jacobson stated also that he is concerned with the long term effect of the project and Council would not be denying the property owner use of the property. MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Councilman West to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation and for staff to prepare a resolution. MOTION WITHDRAWN. MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise for staff to prepare a resolution stating the various City Council comments. MOTION WITHDRAWN. City Council Minutes 3 May 4. 1993 MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to deny Variance #1 - minimum lot size - due to not being able to make findings for any of the four variance requirements. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to deny Variance #2 - Grand Avenue vehicular access - due to not being able to make findings for any of the four variance requirements. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to deny Variance #3 - landscape setbacks - due to not being able to make findings for requirement 1, 2, & 4 of the variance requirements. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. City Attorney was directed to prepare a resolution stating these facts. RECESS; 8:50 RECONVENE; 9:10 Mayor Jacobson absent All Other Members Present 2. Public Hearing on: 1) Environmental Assessment EA -285; 2) Subdivision 92-3/Vesting Tentative Map 51109; and 3) Smoky Hollow Site Plan 92 -1. These applications are for the construction of a 28 -unit townhouse style condominium at a density of 17.6 units per acre (18 units per acre permitted) on a 1.59 acre site. The project is located on the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and Kansas Street in the Medium Manufacturing (MM) zone within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area. Mayor ProTem Wise stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a public hearing on Environmental Assessment EA -285, and was proper notice published in a timely manner and was any written communication received on this matter. Clerk Mortesen stated that public hearing notice was published by the Planning and Building Safety Department, and no written communications have been received by the City Clerk's Office regarding this public hearing. Laurie Jester, Senior Planner, gave a brief staff report and background. Doug Leach, Architect for the project, 119 West Torrance Blvd. Redondo Beach; gave a brief description of the project and responded to Council's questions. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Councilman West to close the Public Hearing, MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE; 4/0/1 AYES MAYOR PROTEM WISE, COUNCILMAN WEST, COUNCILMAN SWITZ, AND COUNCILMAN ROBBINS, NOES; NONE, NOT PARTICIPATING; MAYOR JACOBSON. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Councilman West to read by title only. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE; 4/0/1 AYES MAYOR PROTEM WISE, COUNCILMAN WEST, COUNCILMAN SWITZ, AND COUNCILMAN ROBBINS, NOES; NONE, NOT PARTICIPATING; MAYOR JACOBSON. City Attorney Lee Dolley read the following: City Council Minutes 4 May 4, 1993 RESOLUTION NUMBER 3811 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA FOR CERTIFICATION OF A SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, ADOPTION OF A MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM AND APPROVAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO EA -285, SUBDIVISION 92 -3, VESTING TENTATIVE MAP NO. 51109, AND SMOKY HOLLOW SITE PLAN 92 -1 TO CONSTRUCT A 28 UNIT TOWNHOUSE -STYLE CONDOMINIUM AT 1415 E. GRAND AVENUE, PETITIONED BY JIM KIZIRIAN. MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to adopt Resolution No. 3811 certifying a Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, adopting a Mitigation Monitoring Program, and approving Environmental Assessment No. EA -285, Subdivision 92 -3, Vesting Tentative Map No. 51109, and Smoky Hollow Site Plan 92 -1, for construction of a 28 unit townhouse -style condominium at 1415 E. Grand Avenue. Petitioned by Jim ICzirian. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE 3/1/1 - AYES: Mayor ProTem Weise, Councilman West and Councilman Switz. NOES: Councilman Robbins. NOT PARTICIPATING: Mayor Jacobson. Mayor Jacobson returned to the dias, 9:33 P.M. B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Continued public hearing on a six month extension of the Interim Zoning Ordinance (IZO). Councilman Robbins not participating on this item. Hyrum Fedje, Director of Planning & Building Safety gave a brief background and staff report. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise SECOND by Councilman Switz to close the Continued Public Hearing, MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE; AYES - Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise, Councilman West, and Councilman Switz. NOES - None. NOT PARTICIPATING - Councilman Robbins. 4/0/1 MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Councilman West to read by title only. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE; 4/0/1 AYES MAYOR JACOBSON, MAYOR PROTEM WISE, COUNCILMAN WEST, AND COUNCILMAN SWITZ, NOES; NONE, NOT PARTICIPATING; COUNCILMAN ROBBINS City Attorney Lee Dolley read the following: ORDINANCE NUMBER 1197 APPROVAL OF EA -269 AND ADOPTION OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND EXTENSION OF INTERIM ORDINANCE NO 1188 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AS AN URGENCY ORDINANCE, City Council Minutes 5 May 4, 1993 ESTABLISHING INTERIM ZONING STANDARDS FOR CERTAIN C-M, M -1 AND M -2 ZONED PROPERTIES LOCATED EAST OF SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to adopt Ordinance No. 1197 adopting a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact, and extending Interim Zoning Ordinance No. 1188 as an emergency ordinance establishing interim zoning standards for certain C -M, M -1, and M -2 zoned properties located east of Sepulveda Boulevard. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE 4/0/1. AYES - Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise, Councilman West, and Councilman Switz. NOES - None. NOT PARTICIPATING - Councilman Robbins. 2. Report on costs for historic signage on Richmond Street, downtown, and on major corridors. Hyrum Fedje gave a brief staff report and thanked Ken Putnam, Director of Public Works for providing the posters of suggested signs. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that it appeared that neither Councilman West nor Councilman Robbins would have a Conflict of Interest regarding this item, since staff is not recommending signage for the Main Street area, and the Sepulveda area would not benefit Councilman Robbins employer. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve "A" and "B "; "C" to go to the Traffic Committee, and for funds to be allocated from existing budget monies. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. 3. Weed Abatement Program - amendment of Section 9.04.190 of Municipal Code to use County Tax Bill to collect City costs to abate weeds on private property. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West for City Attorney to read by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. City Attorney Lee Dolley read the following: ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA TO AMEND SECTION 9.04 OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR USE OF COUNTY TAX BILLS TO COLLECT UNPAID WEE ABATEMENT COSTS. INTRODUCED by Mayor ProTem Wise. C. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. El Segundo Community Cable award winning programs. City Council Minutes May 4, 1993 Rollie Wright, Director of Recreation and Parks Department, introduced Jeff Trujilo. Jeff explained the awards the Cable Department has been nominated for and have won, and presented a 4 minute video tape of one of their many award winning programs. Councilman Switz requested staff to look into the possibility of varying the music played during the bulletin portion of the programming. Council received and filed. 2. Schedule an interview date with applicants for the Recreation and Parks Commission vacancies. Council consensus to schedule May 17, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. as the interview date and time. MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to discuss matter after the posting of the agenda. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. 3. Capital Improvement Committee Interview date with applicants. Council consensus to advertise CIP vacancy for one week in the El Segundo Herald; appropriate deadline to be published in the El Segundo Herald, and combine interviews with the Recreation & Parks Commission on May 17, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. 4. Report on the Planning Commission's clarification of a land use ambigu- ity, which recommends that a sports education center in the Public Facilities (P -F) zone require a Conditional Use Permit. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that in view of the request to put on the agenda items concerning this issue at the next Council Meeting, the opinions concerning the Joint Use Agreement with the School, he will be prepared to answer any questions that may come up at that time. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to adopt Resolution No. 3812 clarifying a land use ambiguity with regard to allowing a sports education center as a principal permitted use in the Public Facilities (P -F) zone and interpreting Chapter 20.30 of the El Segundo Zoning Code. MOT1ON PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. Staff directed to advertize a Public Hearing and process the CUP. 5. Policy regarding Wall of Honor Committee selection of candidates for honor. Councilman West suggested the Council review the guidelines for the selection process. Wall of Honor Chairman Bailey addressed the Council about the Standing rules (guidelines). MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to reaffirm the present guidelines. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. D. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. City Council Minutes 7 May 4, 1993 1. CALLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. 2. City Council meeting minutes of April 20, 1993. Approved. 3. CALLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. 4. CALLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. 5. CALLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN WEST. 6. CALLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. 7. CALLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. 8. CALLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. 9. Acceptance of FAA Part 150 Grant Offer of $1,400,000 for the Sound Insulation of Homes. 1) Ratified and adopt all provisions of the grant application; 2) Accepted the grant offer and agree to comply with all terms and conditions therein; 3) Authorized the Mayor to execute the appropriate documents; and 4) Directed the City Attorney to certify the acceptance. 10. Remodel of the Police Department building Records room, Specifications No. PW 93 -3. Awarded contract to the low responsible bidder C -DAD Inc. in the amount of $19,400, and authorized the Mayor to sign the Construction Agreement. 11. CALLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN WEST. MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to enact Consent Agenda Items No. 2, 9 and 10. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. CALLED ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA Warrant Numbers 204326 - 204798 on Demand Register Summary Number 22 in total amount of $1,965,294.89. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve Warrant Demand Register and Authorized staff to release. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or adjustments. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE, AYES; MAYOR JACOBSON, MAYOR PROTEM WISE, COUNCILMAN WEST, AND COUNCILMAN SWITZ, NOES; COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. 3. Request Council to approve lowest responsible bid for 21 self- contained breathing apparatus for the Fire Department. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve the bid of Safety Supply America in the amount of $31,683.43 and reject all other bids. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. 4. Request for approval of the use of South Coast Air Quality Management District funds (AB 2766) for the implementation of the Employee Rideshare Program and Employee Shuttle Service Program. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to review and approve the usage of SCAQMD funds to implement the two above programs. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. 5. Request for City Council approval of the contract with Theresa A. Dobbs, Community Development Consulting Services, to administer and implement the CDBG 19th Year minor home improvement program to serve the needs of the City's elderly homeowners. City Council Minutes 8 May 4, 1993 MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve City Contract No. 2243 with Theresa A. Dobbs, Community Development Consulting Services, and authorized the Mayor and staff to execute. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 6. Miscellaneous water system improvements, CIP page 71, CIP Project PW 87 -6, CIP page 73, CIP Project PW 87 -3, Specifications No. PW 93 -12. MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve plans and specifications, and authorize staff to advertise for bids. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 7. Award of water rights lease for five hundred forty (540) acre feet of 1992 -93 rights to Mobil Oil Corporation for the sum of $25,000. MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve Lease Agreement No. 2244 awarding water rights to Mobil Oil Corporation; authorize Mayor to sign agreement, and direct Finance Director to deposit $25,000 in Water Enterprise Fund. MOT10N PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 8. Acceptance of Work: Furnishing and installing a 10" water line in Sepulveda Blvd. from Grand Avenue to Walnut Avenue. Project No. PW 89 -5. MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to 1) Approve Change Orders Nos. 1 and 2 in the net additional amount of $1,565.65; 2) Grant a total of twenty -eight calendar days extension to the con- struction contract because of adverse weather conditions and for the work of Change Order No 2; 3) Accept work as complete in the total amount of $335,365.65 as completed by the contractor, Majich Brothers, Inc., within the contract time as extended; 4) Authorize City Clerk to file in the County Recorder's office the Notice of Completion prepared by the City Engineer, and 5) Direct the 10% retention required by contract be retained pursuant to law a minimum of thirty -five days after the recording of the Notice of Completion. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 510 11. Jail booking area modifications - Public Works Project PW 91 -8. MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $1,365. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 E. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER 1. Report to the City Council on the feasibility of the replacement of the Fire Department's aerial ladder truck. Mayor ProTem Wise left dais at 10:16 p.m. MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to accelerate the purchase, develop specifications, and seek competitive bids for a 105 foot aerial ladder /quint apparatus. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE 4/0/1 - AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Councilmen West, Switz and Robbins. NOES: None. NOT PARTICIPATING: Mayor ProTem Wise. Mayor ProTem Wise returned to dais at 10:19 p.m. City Council Minutes 9 May 4, 1993 2. Request of County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works to stencil tops of storm drain catch basins with "NO DUMPING - THIS DRAINS TO OCEAN ", National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Council consensus to refer to the City Attorney and carry item over to the May 18, 1993 meeting, and directed staff to look into public education, 3. City -wide event to honor City of El Segundo Volunteers. MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Councilman West to 1) Direct Committee to proceed with plans as outlined to honor volunteers at a Picnic to be held Sunday, June 13, 1993, 11:30 am - 3 pm, at Recreation Park; 2) Invite all Volunteers with 50+ hours service, plus one guest, for a cost not to exceed $4500 to be taken out of a non - departmental expense account within the approved budget limits. All other guests of Volunteers will be charged the cost of the meal, with family members under 12 years - free of charge; 3) Extend present volunteer guidelines to include members of ad hoc committees, whose term overlapped calendar years 1991/1992, who contributed 50 hours of service or more, as well as the corporate sponsors of our Diamond Jubilee, and 4) City Council and Department Heads to barbecue and otherwise participate in event as planned. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. 4. Golf course project - Issuance of Addendum No. 1 by staff. MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to approve the actions of the Public Works Department regarding the extension of the Request for Proposals and issuance of Addendum No. 1. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. RECESS: 11:00 P.M. RECONVENE: 11:17 P.M. F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilman West 1. Agendize for discussion and possible action a possible investigation regarding Scot Dannen's accusations. Councilman Robbins 1. Responded to Councilman West requesting the agendizing of a possible investigation. 2. Constituent complaint of potholes on Maple Avenue by Washington and El Segundo Boulevard. Ken Putnam, Director of Public Works stated these areas are scheduled to be completed in the following week and that should alleviate the problem. Councilman Switz City Council Minutes 10 May 4, 1993 1. Reported on his tour of the Metropolitan Water District Colorado Aqueduct, and stated that he would be working with Ken Putnam to prepare a lead in on the video regarding the Water Reclamation Plant. 2. Additions to Task Force on Economic Development Strategic Planning. Rem deferred by Councilman Switz. 3. Non - airport noise problems. MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Councilman West for staff to investigate the problem of alarms going off on un- attended vehicles parked on Imperial Avenue and throughout the City. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. Mayor ProTem Wise 1. Concept of a panel of experts to review RFP's in the future. Mayor ProTem Wise requested that a concept be put in place for a committee of experts be formed to review RFP's in the future. Councilman Switz stated he would like to encourage Staff to request a committee of experts as an option rather that a requirement. Mayor Jacobson stated with the new City Manager, this is something that could be utilized in certain instances, and he would prefer the City Manager have the option of requesting an expert committee. Councilman Robbins stated he does not feel this process is necessary and further stated the Staff is capable of evaluating and making recommendations. MOVED Councilman Robbins to reaffirm their previous vote of the April 6, 1993 Council Meeting and deny Councilman Wise agenda item to establish a panel of outsiders to revenue proposals and bids for the purpose of making recommendations to the City Council. MOTION DIED DUE TO LACK OF SECOND Council consensus for City Manager Jim Morrison to use his judgement in regards to this item. A committee to be used as a tool if necessary. 2. Councilman Robbins ordering investigation of Mayor ProTem Wise and his family; resident Ron Swanson and his family; and resident Gary Heinbuch and his family. Mayor ProTem Wise quoted from correspondence to Former City Manager Frank Meehan 3/3/93; and 3/16/93 Council Meeting request of an apology from Councilman Robbins regarding this correspondence. Mayor ProTem Wise also asked the City Attorney if this proposed investigation request had been carried out would that be a violation of peoples civil rights. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that he would respond to this at a latter date. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West that 1) Council condemn action of any Councilmember to order an investigation of anyone, and 2) that Council require Councilman Robbins to make an apology to the parties concerned, and if he refuses that the Council make a public apology. City Council Minutes 11 May 4, 1993 Councilman Robbins refuted the comments made by Mayor ProTem Wise and further clarified his position on this matter. Councilman Switz stated he sees both as right and wrong, all City Councilmembers are trying to do the best for El Segundo. If this continues harm will be done to the City of El Segundo. He stated he will abstain from voting and refuses to take side. Councilman Robbins stated he does not like fictitious accusations and he has valid complaints that he chooses not to pursue. Councilman West stated he is sympathetic to Councilman Switz's comments and in the interest of harmony he requests Councilman Robbins to make an apology. Councilman Robbins also stated the investigation he referred to was the investigation of the RFP's as a whole. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Eight individuals addressed the City Council. Niki Wislosky, 1208 E. Pine; stated, from past experience, she is a qualified expert on investigations and she requested an apology from Mayor ProTem Wise. She also stated that she fully supports Councilman Robbins views on the subject Mayor ProTem Wise has referred to. Scot Dannen, 1127 E. Acacia; stated there is no need for an investigation if a response is received from Councilman Robbins on his questions. He also stated that if there is a document stating an "investigation" he feels Council should proceed with action. Joe Vittori, 124 W. Oak; read a statement concerning Mayor ProTem Wise that he requested Mayor ProTem Wise to sign and issue an apology. He supports Councilman Robbins position. Ron Swanson, 629 California; stated he reviewed the tapes and he had stated at that time he had no financial interests in the Golf Course Project. Jane Friedkin, Resident; thanked the City Manager for handling a problem in her neighborhood. Also stated that people who lobby have an obligation to state that they have a financial or personal interest in an item. Herb Kelly, 545 Penn Street; believes that Councilmembers are good people and he does not believe the people of El Segundo care about their bickering. He also stated sometimes it is better to back off than belabor the situation. Gary Schultz, 227 E. Oak; stated he believes the Council is ineffective and instead of disagreements, Council should act on what is best for the town. Frank Wong, Resident; stated he felt their was four (4) million dollars misappropriated in Public Funds, and he had not seen any legal documentation that the City had the right to move this money. City Council Minutes 12 May 4. 1993 Mayor Jacobson stated that he felt that Councilman Robbins had good intentions, although perhaps the wording was an error in judgement in they way the document was worded. He also concurred with Councilman Switz remarks. Mayor Jacobson called the question; MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE 21211 - AYES: Mayor ProTem Wise and Councilman West NOES: Mayor Jacobson and Councilman Robbins. ABSTAINED: Councilman Switz. Mayor Jacobson - NONE MEMORIALS - NONE CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 1:10 a.m. to May 17, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. randy rt sera, City Clerk City Council Minutes 13 May 4, 1993