1993 JAN 19 CC MIN-7MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL January 19, 1993 - 7:00 P.M. CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:06 p.m. INVOCATION given by Dr. Frederick Chunn, St. Patrick's Celtic Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mayor Pro Tern Wise PRESENTATIONS 1. Julia Abreu presented an overview of the Diamond Jubilee celebration during the Jubilee year. Mayor Jacobson presented Certificates of Recognition to the El Segundo Arts Association artists Gordon Stephens, Donna Weil, and Suzanne Kerr for the Mural. ROLL CALL Councilman Robbins - Present Councilman Switz - Present Councilman West - Present Mayor ProTem Wise - Present Mayor Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Eleven individuals addressed City Council. 1.Richard Wiley, 761 Washington, Residence, 126 Arena Street. Business: states a problem with rain water flooding onto his property and into his garage area. Requested something in writing on how this problem is to be solved. 2. Jim Fergeson, 770 W. Imperial: spoke on an article in the El Segundo Herald of January 14, 1993, on an agreement with the Airport Commission, and other options he feels the city should explore in helping with the noise problem. 3. Bill Cox. Chairman of Western Magnum Corporation: spoke on Fire Permit fees and inspections. 4. Thomas E. Dickton, W. Walnut: requested the position of the City and Council on a) illegal aliens, b) low income housing c) homeless people. 5. Jerry Johnson. Businessman & Resident: spoke on property at Franklin and Sierra, inadequacy of the storm drains, requests something be done about this area, not just providing sandbags, a permanent solution is required. 6. Willard Krick, 1414 E. Mariposa: President of ESRA announced a meeting on Monday 1/25/93, 7:15 P.M. at the Center Street Cafeteria, the public is invited. The topic will be presented by representatives from Los Angeles Airport. Mr. Krick also requested an item to be placed on the agenda for the 2/2/93 regular meeting. 7. Liz Garnholz. Resident: requested to speak on item E -4. 8. Carl Hagland, Resident & Represents West Basin Water District: spoke on the reclamation plant construction and development. Stated there will be an information center at the El Segundo Library for the public. City Council Minutes January 19, 1993 9. Ed Little. Representative of the West Basin Water District: spoke on the effects of the drought and water conservation. The Reclamation project and minimizing the cost of water. 10. Ron Swanson. 629 California: Congratulated Julia Abreu and the entire. Jubilee Committee on the fine Ball and Jubilee year. Mayor Pro Tem Wise congratulated Mayor Jacobson on the fine Mission Statement present at last nights meeting. 11. Dorothy Kent, 909 Dune: Suggested that the people who painted the mural be asked to help the City with new signage. A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - NONE E. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER: ITEM TAKEN OUT OF ORDER 1. El Segundo Public Library automated circulation and on -line public access catalog system bid award. Barbara Pearson, Director of Library Services, gave a brief staff report. Mayor Pro Tem Wise questioned the discrepancy in the total quotes submitted by the bidders. He stated that 75% of the bidders were non - responsive and were the bid documents adequate. Ms. Pearson stated that staff made every effort to clarify any questions the bidder had and that Innovative Interfaces, Inc. was the only company who has this program ready for installation. Councilman Robbins questioned if the software is off the shelf or custom software. Ms. Pearson replied that it is a standard package that is upgradeable and used by many Libraries. MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECONDED by Councilman Switz for Staff to negotiate with Innovative Interfaces, Inc. on the dollar amount and bring back to the City Council for consideration. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 5. Report on impacts of rain storms of 1/2/93 and 1/5-7/92 impacts. Ken Putnam, Director of Public Works, gave a brief staff report. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECOND by Mayor Pro Tem Wise to authorize the spending of $5000.00 to find a solution to the flooding in the 700 block of Washington. MOTION MODIFIED To authorize staff to do the engineering work to correct the storm drain problem in the 700 block of Washington. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Mayor Pro Tem Wise request a full report on #15 & #19 storm drain pumps to be provided for the February 2, 1993 meeting. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECOND by Mayor Pro Tem Wise to approve the staff recommendation for sandbags as needed and rain storm duty overtime. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Staff was directed to keep the residents appraised of the progress on Washington Street and the Smokey Hollow area. Councilman Robbins expressed his thanks to the City Employees who were working City Council Minutes 2 January 19, 1993 during the recent storms. RECESS 9:05 RECONVENE 9:15 ALL MEMBERS PRESENT B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Ordinance to permit leak allowances to water /sewer bills for customers repairing promptly on -site private water system leaks. MOVED by Councilman West SECOND by Mayor Pro Tem Wise to read by Title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Frank Meehan, City Manager read the following: ORDINANCE 1191 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ADDING SECTION 14.04.170 TO THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO CREDITING CUSTOMER'S WATER/SEWER SERVICE BILLS FOR PROMPT REPAIR OF ON -SITE LEAKS MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECOND by Councilman West to adopted Ordinance No. 1191 amending the El Segundo Municipal Code by adding Section 14.04.170 to permit leak allowance adjustments to water /sewer service bill. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE, AYES: MAYOR JACOBSON, MAYOR PRO TEM WISE, COUNCILMAN WEST, COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. NOES: COUNCILMAN SWITZ C. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. Oral report by Mr. Blake Mitchell, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Program Committee (CIPAC). An oral report was presented by Blake Mitchell, Chairman of the Capital Improvement Program Committee. He requested to have public input to help categorize the CIP projects. Council consensus to have the committee proceed as they have done in the past and provide for a public meeting. D. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrant Numbers 201997 - 202173 on Demand Register Summary Number 14 in total amount of $1,554,265.73. 2. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. 3. Proposal to revise the "Knowledge, Skills and Abilities" section the Accounts Specialist II class specification. 4. Contract extension for third party consultation review of revised Allied - Signal Risk Management and Prevention Program (RMPP). The recommended consultant is Battelle Consultants, which performed under the initial contract approved by the City Council on February 5, 1991. The amount of the bid is $38,900, plus an average increase of 6% for work conducted after January 1993. Allied - Signal has agreed to pay costs associated with the RMPP, with no City funds required. 5. Resolution Number 3798 of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California consenting to establishment of the portion of Aviation Boulevard City Council Minutes 3 January 19, 1993 from 118th Street to Rosecrans Avenue within the City of El Segundo as part of the System of Highways of the County of Los Angeles for the purpose only of installing a traffic signal synchronization system. 6. Lining of sewer lines at the El Segundo High School. Specifications No. PW 92 -8. Acceptance of project. 7. Repair of sewer lines, 1991 -92, Specifications No. PW 92 -2. Acceptance of project. 8. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY CITY MANAGER MEEHAN. 9. Demolition of 1.75 mg reservoir roof, Specifications No. PW 92 -11. 10. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN SWITZ 11. The City's Annual Financial Reports on Proposition A Local Return Fund, and the Transportation Development Act Fund, for FY ended June 30, 1992. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Mayor Pro Tern Wise to approve all Consent items except Items Number 2, 8, and 10. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 CALLED ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA: 2. City Council meeting minutes of January 5, 1993. Item pulled for discussion by Councilman Robbins Councilman Robbins questioned the corrections not made by the City Clerk. CLERK'S ITEM TAKEN OUT OF ORDER 1. Clarification of approval of the December 15, 1992 minutes: 1. City Clerk's draft. 2. Councilman Robbins' draft. MOVED by Councilman West SECOND by Mayor Pro Tern Wise to accept the minutes as presented by the Clerk in the packet (Clerks Draft) of the December 15, 1992 minutes. City Attorney Lee Dolley explained that the video or audio tapes would be used for verification if a matter was in dispute. He also stated a discussion at the next meeting could be held if the Council so desired. The item under the City Clerk is for clarification of the vote of 1/5/93 meeting only and corrections can not be made at this time. Mayor Jacobson called the question: MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE, AYES: MAYOR PRO TEM WISE, COUNCILMAN WEST, COUNCILMAN SWITZ, NOES: MAYOR JACOBSON AND COUNCILMAN ROBBINS Councilman Switz stated his feelings on the minutes, when he receives his draft set of minutes, he makes the corrections, and returns them to the Clerk in the time she states she needs them, if necessary discuss the item with her, if the deadline is missed then the corrections are not included. In those items where there is a problem of a difference of opinion between a Councilperson and the Clerk, so far as intent goes, the Clerk has the last word. City Attorney Lee Dolley clarified for the Council that the City and the Clerk have an obligation to provide minutes that are as correct and accurate as possible Lee Dolley stated that, Mr. Switz suggestion of a deadline is an excellent one, and corrections not additions should be made. The City has the video and audio tapes for further reference. Continuation of: 2. City Council meeting minutes of January 5, 1993. Item pulled for discussion by Coundlman Robbins Councilman Robbins questioned the corrections not made by the City Clerk. MOVED by Councilman West SECOND by Mayor Pro Tern Wise to approve the Clerk's Draft Minutes II as presented in the agenda packet. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES, MAYOR JACOBSON, MAYOR PRO TEM WISE, City Council Minutes 4 January 19, 1993 COUNCILMAN WEST, COUNCILMAN SWITZ, NOES, COUNCILMAN ROBBINS 8. First amendment to the 6/9/88 agreement for subdivision improvements with Continental Development Corporation, the subdivider of Parcel Map No. 17158, at the northeast corner of the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue and Douglas Street. HELD BY STAFF. 10. Personal computer policy. Rom Pulled for discussion by Councilman Switz Councilman Switz asked if there is a way to keep track of how long a computer is turned on and in use, to determine if a computer can be moved to a different area. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Mayor Pro Tem Wise to approve the Personal computer policy. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 E. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER: 1. El Segundo Public Library automated circulation and on -line public access catalog system bid award. ITEM TAKEN OUT OF ORDER EARLIER IN THE MEETING 2. Report on LAX variance proceedings by City Attorney. Oral report presented by City Attorney Leland Dolley. Lee Dolley stated a settlement was reached with the Department of Airports, all intervenors, and the State Department of Transportation on Tuesday, January 5, 1993. 3. Consideration of Incompatible Land Use Plan for sound insulation near LAX and Residential Sound Insulation Project Plan No. 1. Assistant City Manager Don Harrison gave a brief report. Councilman Switz stated he feels this document needs work in certain areas, but it is prudent to approve this so a dialogue can be opened with the airport. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Mayor Pro Tem Wise to approve the consideration of Incompatible Land Use Plan for sound insulation. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 4. Consideration of creation of Program Coordinator for airport issues. Assistant City Manager Don Harrison gave a brief report. Councilman Switz stated to fulfill the responsibilities that were just granted by the variance we have to create a senior position to command and take charge of these issues. He also stated that as retirements or other employee termination take place we can reconfigure staff to make room for this new position. City Manager Frank Meehan stated that if a position is eliminated there will be a diminishment of services, and he would like to allow staff to determine that. Councilman Robbins stated that if a full time staff position is being dedicated to this issue, how many new full time dedicated staff position will be created in the future. Frank Meehan stated that is a policy decision for Council to mandate. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Mayor Pro Tem Wise to approve the creation of Program Coordinator for airport issues without the increase to the current City staff. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 City Council Minutes 5 January 19, 1993 Liz Garnholz. Resident: stated she is happy with the Council decision to create a staff position. Councilman West complimented Don Harrison on the fine job he has done on this project in the past. 5. Report on impacts of rain storms of 1/2/93 and 1/5-7/92 impacts. ITEM TAKEN OUT OF ORDER EARLIER IN THE MEETING 6. Staff review of the closed circuit television inspection of sewer lines. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Mayor Pro Tem Wise to approve 1)Transferred unexpended funds in CIP Account 301 - 400 -0000 -8343 in the amount of b $29,000 (Lining of Sewers at El Segundo High School) to Account No. 301 - 400 - 0000 -8317 (Repair Sewer Mains - Annual Program). 2)Directed Staff to proceed to prepare plans to expend remaining funds in 1992 -93 CIP ($ 50,000) on sewer repair work. 3)Referred the Report to the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 7. Browning- Ferris Industries of California, Incorporated (BFI) Recycle Drop -off Center at City Maintenance Yard, 150 Illinois Street. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Councilman Robbins to approved the Contract No. 2219 with BFI, and authorized Mayor to sign Agreement. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 8. Repair of Roofs at Outreach Building, Teen Center, Handball Court and City Hall. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Mayor Pro Tem Wise to 1)Approved transfer of $7,000 from CIP City Hall Roof Repair, Account No. 301- 400 -0000- 8513 to, respectively, in the amount of $2,300 for repair of the roof at Joslyn Center (Account No. 301 - 400 - 0000 -8514) and in the amount of $4,700 for repair of the roof at the Outreach Building (Account No. 301 - 400 - 0000 - 8515). 2)Appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the 1992 -93 CIP Fund $43,000 for needed roof repair work at, respectively, the Teen Center in the amount of $26,500 (Account No. 301 - 400 - 0000 -8516) and the Racquetball Court in the amount of $16,500 (Account No. 301 - 400 - 0000 - 8517). 3)Directed Staff to retain contractors to expediously proceed provided respectively, the low bid(s) do not exceed monies funded therefore by the issuance of Purchase Order contracts. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - 1. Clarification of approval of the December 15, 1992 minutes: 1. City Clerk's draft. 2. Councilman Robbins' draft. ITEM TAKEN OUT OF OUR EARLIER IN THE MEETING EMERGENCY ITEM REGARDING THE REPAIR OF BUILDING ROOFS MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECOND by Councilman West to consider the emergency item regrading the repair of building roofs. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Councilman West to approve the declaration of a State of Emergency because of the continuing rains and the existence of roof leaks at City buildings, so that a shortened bid period may be use, regarding Item E -8, Repair of Building Roofs. MOT10N PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 City Council Minutes January 19, 1993 H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER: 1. Discussion and possible action on establishing custodial services for securities purchased by the City. Also, request that Council appropriate $1,045 from the unappropriated fund balance for this expense. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Councilman West to: 1.Approved establishment of a contractual relationship with Bank of California to provide custodial and safekeeping services for the City of El Segundo's securities and purchases. 2.Approved $1,045 for this expense to come out of the Treasure's, 92 -93 Budget. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 I. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilman West - NONE Councilman Robbins - 1. Discussion of possible corrections to draft minutes of January 5, 1993 City Council meeting. ITEM DISCUSSED EARLIER UNDER CONSENT ITEM #2 Councilman Switz - 1. Fire fees and other tax reduction topics regarding Business Retention and Attraction Program. MOVED by Councilman Switz to wave the charge for Fire Fee inspections for this fiscal year. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that dealing with the matter of fees includes a Resolution and needs to be dealt with accordingly. MOTION WITHDRAWN Council directed staff to return to them at the February 2, 1993 meeting with all the back up information and the fiscal impact. Councilman Switz suggested sending a Councilperson to the Conference on the Deming Methods for Quality Improvement Principals relating to Public Sector Services. Councilman West suggested contacting MRC and possibly they would be willing to arrange a seminar for all of the Council. City Manager Frank Meehan stated staff will pursue this with MRC and agendize this item for the next meeting. Mayor Pro Tern Wise - 1. BFI recycling center. REMOVED BY MAYOR PRO TEM WISE'S REQUEST. Mayor Jacobson - Mayor Jacobson requested an update on the review of the water rates, and suggested we take a serious look at the revenue and where we stand. City Manager Frank Meehan stated that this item will be present at the 2nd meeting in February. City Council Minutes 7 January 19, 1993 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) One individual addressed City Council. 1. Jim Ferguson, Pacific Sand Environmental Services: stated that problems exist with the airport that can be corrected. He also commented on the full time staff position created for the Airport issues. MEMORIALS - NONE CLOSED SESSION - NONE ADJOURNMENT at 10:39 pm to January 28, 1993 at 6:30 pm. 8 City Council Minutes January 19, 1993