1993 JAN 18 CC MINMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 18, 1993 - 6:00 P.M. MATSUI INTERNATIONAL MEETING ROOM EL SEGUNDO PIIBLIC LIBRARY CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Jacobson - 6:10 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Councilman West ROLL CALL: Mayor Jacobson - Present Mayor Pro Tem Wise - Present Councilman West - Present Councilman Switz - Present Councilman Robbins - Present PIIBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Two (2) individuals addressed Council 1. George Wiley, Chamber of Commerce President: shared an article from the Los Angeles Times regarding Cities Courting Developers. 2. Sue Carter, Resident, President, Friends of the Library: stated the town needs business to keep our town alive. A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - 1. Council Workshop on Business Retention and Attraction: John O'Sullivan, Municipal resource Consultants (MRC) - Facilitator. A brief overview was presented by the Panel: John Austin, MRC Nick O'Hare, MRC Economic Overview of El Segundo - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. John O'Sullivan, MRC Overview of Local Government Financing Issues in the 19901s. Audrey Taylor, The Chabin Group Jack Tomasik, Economic Strategies Group The Process of Strategic Planning and Economic Development. Council Response /Discussion: Council Question: Your vision of El Segundo in 25 years: Councilman West: The vintage World War II spaces turned into a viable commodity (possibly retail) , the city to be responsive and flexible to business needs. Mayor Pro Tem Wise: The City to be aggressive, residential area to be strong and intact, the quality of schools increased, and east of Sepulveda area increased 1 in growth and mixture, also E1 Segundo to be know as a business friendly community. Mayor Jacobson: A better mixture of industry, and conversion from aerospace to high technology (engineering) business'. Councilman Switz: Flexibility, i.e the General Plan, Cultural changes, and more efficient City Government. Councilman Robbins: To set policy to promote greater efficiency in government. Focus on high technology companies and greater diversity of high technology with higher paid professionals than line manufacturing companies. Maintain the residential community and the quality of life. RECESS 8:05 P.M. RECONVENE 8:15 P.M. ALL MEMBERS PRESENT Council to adopt the mission statement prepared by Mayor Jacobson with the following revisions: Add Primary to the last paragraph, The City Council pledges further that, in all its decision, primary consideration will be given to the potential impact of the decision on the economic health of the community. Add to item number three (3) and locally after state. Add item number six (6) as follows: Commit to a plan for continual improvement every place within City Hall in order to maximize efficiency in local government. Change the designation from Business Retention /Attraction to Business Development. MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECOND by Councilman Robbins to approve the Business Development Mission Statement as revised tonight. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Karen Ackland and Mary Steiner stated their needs. A professional to prepare a strategic plan, and a company or individual to implement it. While they are continuing to develop the Business Assistance Center. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECOND by Councilman West to request the Business Development office, in conjunction with the City Attorney, to initiate an RFP process to seek professional assistance to initiate the writing of a business development strategic plan, and include a councilman(s) to participate in that activity for continuity with the Council. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that a request for professional service does not require an RFP. Jack Tomasik stated the cost estimate of a strategic plan can be a low as $30,000 or as high as $100,000 depending on the City's requirements. The time frame without Community Facilitation could be 60 days, 90 -120 days would be more realistic. MOTION REVISED To request the Business Development office to identify and retain consultation needed to write the business development strategic plan for the City of El Segundo, to assign Councilmember(s) to work F with Business Development for communication purposes. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Karen Ackland requested clarification and direction. Council stated the economic subcommittee will serve as liaison to the Business Development, i.e. Mary Steiner and Karen Ackland. Councilman Switz stated he will take over item number 6 on the mission statement and come back to Council. Councilman Robbins suggested Council direct staff to arrange with other cities to have a summit to address the issues of workman comp. etc. with Sacramento. Mayor Pro Tem Wise stated Deane Dana is currently forming a summit committee with other South Bay Cities. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS: (City Business only - 5 minute limit) Three (3) Individuals addressed Council 1. John Mitchell. Resident: stated the infrastructure has been tested in the last few weeks and has done exceptionally well and should be promoted. 2. Gordon Stephens, Resident: stated landlords do not always have control over the rent charges, many different things must be taken into consideration. He suggested possibly updating the city logo, entry signs /benches etc. to improve the look of out city, also group advertising. He also requested help in possibly obtaining the Pacific Bell building to be used as a Cultural Arts Center. 3. Dorothy Kent, 909 Dune Street: stated she is happy the Council is talking and moving ahead and hopes it will continue. Also, increasing the efficiency of City Government implies that we have an inefficient group of people working in the city, I disagree. Council ideas are right but the way it is said is wrong. You must use a broad brush and say we need more efficiency. ADJOURNMENT: Council adjourned at 10:00 P.M. to January 19, 1993 at 4:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. Ci dy Mor seln, ty Cle r1