1993 FEB 02 CC MIN-7MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL February 2, 1993 - 7:00 P.M. CALLED TO ORDER at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jacobson INVOCATION given by Rev. Timothy Schepman, St. John's Lutheran Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mayor Pro Tern Wise PRESENTATIONS 1. The Guaymas - El Segundo Sister City Association President and Queen Erica Grimmond received Proclamation from Mayor Jacobson. ROLL CALL Councilman Robbins Councilman Switz Councilman West Mayor ProTem Wise Mayor Jacobson - Present - Present - Present - Present - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Eight individuals addressed the City Council. Mr. Willard Krick, 1414 E. Mariposa: spoke about his concern with the contractual agreement to pay the El Segundo School District $3.75 million over a 5 year period. He stated he represented "Concerned Citizens for Financial Responsibility Committee" and they do not agree with the methods that the City Council used. 2. Nancy Wernick, 515 Loma Vista: Clarified what Mr. Krick stated, that at no time was it stated the School Board would renegotiate the contract, also responded to Mr. Kricks statement regarding new funding from the State Government. 3. Roder Barrell, 225 Whiting Street: spoke regarding the work done in the alley behind his home by The Gas Company and the pot holes created by their work. Ken Putnam, Director of Public Works, responded that any company is required to fill all holes by temporary filling and /or covering the hole until it can be permanently filled. Mayor Pro Tem Wise stated he would like to require an inspector to document complaints of this nature. Councilman Robbins questioned what is done for quality control on patches, etc. created by us or other companies. Mr. Putnam responded that inspectors visit every site during each day to check on the quality of the work. Councilman Switz requested a way for citizen complaints to be registered during the off hours of City Hall. Mayor Jacobson stated the EI Segundo Police Department will respond and arrange for a crew during off hours for emergency repairs. 4. George Wiley. Chamber of Commerce President: addressed comments to Mr. Robbins Item number 1 - 3, workers compensation and other factors contributina to the high cost of doing business, he stated that many committees are working on these problems. Councilman Robbins responded that the City needs to do much more to lobby Sacramento. City Council Minutes February 2, 1993 > 2 Mayor Pro Tern Wise stated that the City is working with many Associations on this matter. Councilman Robbins stated that El Segundo needs to be a leader and put together a summit with other South Bay Cities to make sure Sacramento hears us. 5. Zack Prescott, 149 Sierra Street, businessman: requested to know what is to be done about the storm drains at Sierra and Franklin. 6. Jerry Saunders 2041 Rosecrans, Continental Development Corporation: made comments and suggestion on agenda items A -2, Congestions Management Plan Program Ordinance (CMP), Transportation Demand Ordinance. and Land Use Analysis Program Resolution for amending City CEQA Guidelines and E -2, Water conservation in landscaping ordinance. He also urges Council not to direct resources to the worker's compensation program, instead use fund for things directly affecting El Segundo that no one else can do for us. 7. Bill Mason. Chamber of Commerce. Past President: commented on the Congestion Management Plan and urged Council to defer the public hearing. 8. Karen Ackland, Co- Chair, Business Development: requested to pull Mr. Robbins Item number 1, for earlier discussion. Closed Public Communications A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - Public hearing on: (1) Environmental Assessment EA -263; (2) Variance 91 -8; and (3) Smoky Hollow Site Plan 91 -2. Request for approval to convert an existing manufacturing and warehousing facility to a health club which would service the LAX business traveler. Located at 1222 E. Grand Avenue. Mayor Jacobson stated this is the time and place hereto fixed for a Public Hearing on: (1) Environmental Assessment EA -263; (2) Variance 91 -8; and (3) Smoky Hollow Site Plan 91 -2. Request for approval to convert an existing manufacturing and warehousing facility to a health club which would service the LAX business traveler. Located at 1222 E. Grand Avenue. Mayor Jacobson stated City Clerk was proper notice of the hearing published and done in a timely manner? City Clerk, Cindy Mortesen stated Public Hearing Notice was published by the Planning & Building Safety Department. Mayor Jacobson stated City Clerk has any written communication been received regarding this Public Hearing? City Clerk, Cindy Mortesen stated that no written communications have been received by the City Clerk's office regarding this public hearing. Laurie Jester, Senior Planner, made a brief presentation. Mayor Jacobson stated the Public Hearing is now open for public input. 1. Ralph Stringham 1331 E. Grand Ave: stated he is against the development. 2. Jeff Perry 1325 E. Grand Ave: stated he is concerned about the development. City Council Minutes February 2, 1993 3 3. Marty Benson, Property Owner: responded to the traffic and parking concerns and to other comments made by the public. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that the City should be aware that remarks that are discriminatory should be disregarded, and only the merits of the proposed project are to be considered. 4. Niccolo Valerio. Architect: stated he will respond to any questions. 5. Ron Swanson, 1111 E. Grand Ave: stated his concern with the traffic access. 6. John Aull, 433 Concord: stated he is against the development. MOVED by Councilman West SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise to close the Public Hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Council consensus to carry the item over to have staff answer questions and provide an analysis of how the traffic relates to the traffic analysis in the General Plan, and research the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan to determine why one acre minimum parcel was required. MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECONDED by Councilman West to reopen and continue the Public Hearing to February 16, 1993, Regular Council Meeting. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 RECESS: 8:35 RECONVENE: 8:45 ALL MEMBERS PRESENT 2. Congestion Management Plan Program Ordinance (CMP), Transportation Demand Management Ordinance, and Land Use Analysis Program Resolution for CMP amending City CEQA Guidelines. Held item over to February 16, 1993. Council suggested that any businesses interested in addressing these proposed Ordinances send their written comments to Council and /or staff before February 16, 1993. Mayor Jacobson requested that staff put a full Staff Report packet at the Library and Public Works counter for public review. Councilman West asked that staff analyze how these proposed Ordinances impact the General Plan and SCAG Plan. B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - NONE C. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - NONE D. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrant Numbers 202174 - 202491 on Demand Register Summary Number 15 in total amount of $1,239,846.62. 2. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. 3. Proposed purchase of three (3) portable police radios to replace existing radio equipment for the Patrol Division that has been assessed as unserviceable. 4. Approve the purchase of nine radios to facilitate communications between Fire, Police and Public Works personnel during field situations. 5. Propose purchase of supplies and safety equipment that will enable the Police Department to respond to civil disturbance situations. MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise, SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve all items, except item number 2. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 CALLED ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA City Council Minutes February 2, 1993 91 2. City Council meeting minutes of January 18 and 19, 1993. Pulled for discussion by Councilman Robbins. Councilman Robbins stated for the record that he will be voting no on approving the City Council Minutes for January 18 and 19, 1993 because to approve City Council minutes that are inaccurate, including at least one motion is incorrect, I believe would violate the California Government Code including sections 36814 and 40801, so I will be voting no. MOVED by Councilman Switz, SECONDED by Councilman West to approve the minutes of January 18 and 19, 1993 City Council Meetings. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE, AYES: MAYOR JACOBSON, MAYOR PRO TEM WISE, COUNCILMAN WEST, AND COUNCILMAN SWITZ. NOES: COUNCILMAN ROBBINS. E. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER 1. Request by City Council to reconsider City Council Resolution No. 3590 implementing user fire service fees in the Fire Department. Mayor Pro Tern Wise stated that before City Council looks at fees and taxes, it might be prudent to wait for the Strategic Plan to be developed, so these issues can be addressed as directed by the Plan. Councilman Switz stated he wished to show evidence to the Community that City Hall is trying to help business by reducing fees. Also the interruptions caused by unannounced inspections. Councilman West stated inspection fees are an unpopular area, and rather than eliminate the fees, the Fire Department could possibly develop a process to distinguish the smaller (under 15,000 square feet) business' from the larger ones and develop a lower charge. Mayor Jacobson agreed that the initial inspection should be done as a part of the Business License Tax and the re- inspections to be charged accordingly. Councilman Robbins stated that the Cities economic base study should be updated so fee's can be restructured accordingly. City Manager Frank Meehan stated that the study that promegated the fees was to enhance the revenue and actual City costs for the inspections are soft costs. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Wise to modify City Council Resolution No. 3590 on Category I under 15,000 square feet: Initial Inspection at no cost; and step down Second Inspection to $57.50 and Third Inspection to $219.50. Councilman Robbins requested a ruling from the City Attorney regarding Conflict of Interest on this Item. City Attorney Lee Dolley responded that it does not appear there is a Conflict of Interest regarding this item in Category I under 15,000 square feet. Fire Chief David Sloan responded to Councils questions. Councilman Switz called the question: MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0 Council directed the Fire Department to check into the possibility of scheduling inspections. 2. Water conservation in landscaping ordinance. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise approve the ordinance. City council Minutes February 2, 1993 - " 5 MOTION WITHDRAWN MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to set for public hearing on February 16, 1993, and to 1) Change language on Guidelines For Water Conservation - Page 5 /Item Number 5 (a) Water Features; MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Jerry Sauders, Continental Development Corporation made comments and suggestions. 3. Report on status of storm drain pump stations Nos. 15 and 19. Mr. Putnam gave a brief report. Ken Putnam to prepare memo to Council regarding contact with the County; deferred until all reports are complete. F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilman West - NONE Councilman Robbins 1. Business retention and attraction. Councilman Robbins stated: a) The City needs a more balanced presentation at City Council Workshops b) The City need to focus on business retention more that attraction. c) Tax planners who deal with varied companies should be contacted for input. d) The employee head tax should be reconsidered. City Council should provide relief to small business by increasing the employee head tax exemptions. Mr. Robbins requested the City Attorney to issue a legal opinion for the public record. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated the changes proposed of the head tax must be under the FPPC guidelines for Mr. Robbins to participate. Mr. Robbins stated the exemption for employee head tax is for less than five (5) employees be extended to ten (10) or fifteen (15) employees. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated that it would not appear to be affecting Mr. Robbins employer. There would not be a conflict of interest. Councilman Switz stated the City must have a balanced approach on these items. Mayor Jacobson stated the Business License taxes were just closed yesterday and time is needed to evaluate and look at the big picture. Councilman West stated an analysis is going to be done and lets not take action before the approach is defined. e) The City needs to lobby Sacramento with regards to workmans compensation. g) Business Development Brochure, requests it comes before council for approval before production. 2. City tax and revenue structure. City Council Minutes February 2, 1993 6 Councilman Robbins request an estimate of the coming fiscal year's revenue based on state budget cuts. Staff directed to get Councilman Robbins another copy of the Business Tax comparison of other cities. memorandum on the impact of State budget cuts on the City's 1992/93 revenue base. 3. Graffiti. Councilman Robbins stated he felt that the amount of graffiti has increased and property owners can request the removal by the City if a wavier is signed. City employees should also report graffiti as a policy. Mr. Meehan stated that City employees do report graffiti as a mater of policy. Councilman Switz 1. Seminar on Demmings Principal Councilman Switz stated that MRC does not provide a seminar on this and believes someone on the Council should attend at a cost of approximately $1000.00 per person. Councilman West stated he would like to fit this into the Business Development Program. Councilman Robbins felt the price is a little high, possibly the new City Manager should be the one to attend. Mayor Pro Tem Wise - NONE Mayor Jacobson - NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Two individuals addressed City Council. 1. Frank Wong, Resident: spoke on Fire Extinguisher and Fees for inspections. Also on the transfer of funds from the City to the El Segundo School District. He requested the City Attorney to produce documents on the legal opinion rendered on the transfer. City Attorney Lee Dolley stated the opinions that were written by both the City and the El Segundo School District were made public and will be made available. 2. Roger Barrel, Resident: commented on Hughes Aircraft and downsizing in industry. MEMORIALS CLOSED SESSION NONE NONE ADJOURNMENT at 10:40 p.m. to February 4, 1993 at 5:00 p.m. i dy Mortes , ity Clerk City Council Minutes February 2, 1993 7