April 20, 1995 - 7:00 P.M.
CALLED TO ORDER Mayor Jacobson 7:17 p.m.
INVOCATION by Reverend Alexei Smith, Saint Andrew's Russian Greek Catholic Church
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mayor ProTem Wise
1. The City Council proclaimed April 22, 1993 as Medal of Valor Day, and Officer
Richard Salmen was presented the Proclamation commending him for his heroism
and self sacrifice.
Mayor Jacobson -
Mayor ProTem Wise -
Councilman West -
Councilman Switz -
Councilman Robbins -
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Ci1y Business Only - 5 minute limit)
Six individuals addressed the City Council.
1. The City /Chamber Business Development Program has invited Mr. Jan Vogel,
Executive Director of the South Bay Private Industry Council, to give the public and
City Council an oral update regarding programs offered to displaced workers and
residents of El Segundo.
Jan Vogel, South Bay Private Industry Council submitted a video which can be aired
on Community Cable, and material which will be forwarded to the Public Library,
regarding Private Industry Council Services, and Displaced Worker Programs.
Dave Backeriso, South Bay Private Industry Council addressed job placement, Job
Fair Program, and training through El Camino College. Any interested individuals
can get more information by calling 412 -5558 or 643 -1942.
Council consensus to receive and file.
Liz Garnholz, 442 Whiting Street asked Council to consider getting involved with the
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) which brings exhibitions to
cities in the United States and abroad, and then submitted an article.
Bill Mason, Past President of Chamber of Commerce commented on the Literacy Fair held
Saturday, and commended Ms. Russell, Barbara Pearson, and Debra Brighton on a good job.
Jerry Saunders, Continental Development Corporation questioned whether Consent Agenda
Item Number 15 was MAX Route 1; Mayor Jacobson responded it was for Routes 2 and 3.
Scot Dannen, 1127 E. Acacia addressed Council 1) requesting answers to questions he
previously asked at prior meetings; 2) stated that he was extremely concerned about those
individuals that elected Mr. Robbins; 3) lodged a protest on the appointment of Eric
Johnson on one of the official city committees, stating Mr. Johnson asked him to attend a
secret meeting of a majority of the discontinued General Plan Advisory Committee and try
to set the voting up outside of the public view, and 4) asked the Council if they had
questioned former City Manager Frank Meehan if he approached the District Attorney
regarding the investigation of Mr. Robbins' campaign expenditures.
Mayor Jacobson responded that he simply had not asked Mr. Meehan, and had no idea.
Mayor Jacobson then closed public communications.
City council Minutes
April 20, 1993
Councilman Robbins responded for the public record that he and others had answered Mr.
Dannen's false and malicious accusations, some of which were phrased as questions, at the
council meetings of August 25, 1992, March 16, March 24, and April 6, 1993, and video
tapes of the meetings are available at the Library should anyone be interested in viewing
them. He stated Mr. Dannen and his friends were resorting to frivolous personal attacks
because they cannot attack his position on issues, and that he will not sell out the residents
and tax payers as Scot Dannen has. Further stating that he was surprised Mr. Dannen
waited to make his accusation about former City Manager Meehan until after Mr. Meehan
had left the City and was not available to respond. Mr. Dannen and his friends think if
they throw enough mud up against the wall that maybe some of it will stick, and apparently
none of it is sticking.
Mayor ProTem Wise stated he had sat by for weeks listening to Mr. Robbins call Scot
Dannen a liar; Councilman Robbins asked for a conflict of interest ruling for Mayor ProTem
Wise to discuss this issue because he is Mr. Dannen's employer; City Attorney Wadden
responded there was no conflict of interest if Councilman Wise was going to reply to Mr.
Dannen's and Councilman Robbins' statements, and there was no action being taken by the
Councilman Robbins questioned if there was a conflict of interest if some of the statements
referred or had to do with a financial relationship between Mr. Wise and Mr. Dannen -
including possibly while Mr. Dannen served on the City Council; City Attorney Wadden
responded conflicts of interest only apply to specific formal actions being taken by the City
Council, and at this point Mayor ProTem Wise was free to speak his mind on this issue.
Mayor ProTem Wise stated Councilman Robbins was the one who made a statement that he
had taken money from children at a fair, at a booth for his campaign. He heard Scot
Dannen ask the question which he felt was reasonable. In response to Councilman Robbins
comments about how he was being picked on, he stated that a month ago he had read an
apology he wrote for Mr. Robbins after Mr. Robbins had requested an investigation be done
by former City Manager Meehan on himself, his family, and two private citizens and their
families, but Mr. Robbins had denied requesting an investigation. A March 3, 1993 letter
from Mr. Robbins stating the following twenty questions must be answered in order for the
council to make an evaluation of the proposals. Questions 14 and 15 asked if Councilman
J.B. Wise and /or any members of his immediate family have a friendship, business or
financial relationship with Gary Heinbuch or Ron Swanson or any members of his
immediate family and if so, what are they and how long. Page 4 stated if Mr. Meehan had
any questions, he was to contact Councilman Robbins before completing his "investigation ",
and this showed that Councilman Robbins had been willfully untruthful. This situation
could be ended if Councilman Robbins apologized to those private individuals, but failing to
do this he felt it was time for them to take an action that they would not tolerate orders of
investigations of private citizens.
Councilman Robbins responded that the investigation of issues raised on the golf course
construction management contract was directed by council and that he never called Mr.
Dannen a liar and had only stated the facts. In response to the question of what fair - what
booth, he had already stated in the past that per the District Attorney he had disclosed far
more financial information than what was required by law, and complied with both the
letter and spirit of the law. Further stating that Councilman Wise tried to turn the apology
into a forced confession by waving his fist in front of Councilman Robbins' face and
threatening to rip Councilman Robbins' throat out, in a closed session, trying to intimidate
him into signing and reading the confession that Councilman Wise wrote. Councilman
Robbins stated this confession was totally unnecessary because it was due to false
accusations made against the lowest qualified bidder for the golf course construction
management contract by Mr. Swanson in order to try to pressure the Council into awarding
this contract to someone other than the lowest qualified bidder at a cost to the City of
approximately an additional $50,000, and he would not be pressured to squander the
citizens tax money to give any preferential treatment to anyone in the bidding process, and
he expects the same from all of the Councilmembers. If there is a question regarding
conflict of interest, the citizens of El Segundo have the right to ask.
Mayor Jacobson suggested in the future should any Councilmember want to rebut public
comment that they step down from the dias and use the five minutes at the microphone to
keep it even for everyone. Councilman Robbins suggested that public communications be
limited to City business rather than these slanderous attacks.
City Council Minutes
2 April 20, 1993
Public hearing on a six month extension of the Interim Zoning Ordinance (IZO).
Councilman Robbins left the dies at 7:49 p.m. and did not participate on this item.
Mayor Jacobson announced that this was a public hearing on a six month extension
of the Interim Zoning Ordinance and questioned whether proper noticing of this
public hearing was done in a proper and timely manner, and whether any written
communications regarding the public hearing had been received; Deputy City Clerk
Freeman responded that public hearing noticing was done by the Planning and
Building Safety Department, and that no written communications had been received
by the City Clerk's Office; Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing.
City Manager Morrison stated the substitute ordinance on the dias has had
provisions added indicating the fact it was an urgency ordinance.
Laurie Jester, Senior Planner, stated the interim zoning ordinance was originally
adopted in November, 1991 as an urgency ordinance, and had been extended four
times. The latest IZO was adopted for a six month period and expires May 4, 1993,
but could be extended for one final six month period. The government code requires
a ten day notification period and written report describing the measures which have
been done to alleviate the conditions. The first measure was the General Plan
revision which has been adopted and completed in December, 1992, and the second
measure was that the City has retained a consultant for the writing of the zoning
code amendment which is targeted for completion by November, 1993.
City Attorney Wadden stated it would take four votes of the Council to pass as an
urgency ordinance; Mayor Jacobson stated there are not four members present who
could vote on the ordinance. City Attorney Wadden stated they could rehabilitate
Mr. Robbins to adopt this ordinance because the statute requires four - fifths vote of
the legislative body, but that Mr. Robbins should not discuss the item.
Councilman Robbins returned to the dias at 7:53 pm - not participating on the item.
Councilman Switz questioned whether the new revision to the zoning code would be
completed at the end of the six month extension; Ms. Jester responded that was
what was scheduled. Councilman Switz then commended Ms. Jester and those other
individuals who created the marvelous map and explanation of the General Plan
circulated to them. He felt that it was one of the best visual aides he has seen come
forward which relates to the General Plan; Ms. Jester stated it was prepared by
Lightfoot Planning Group and is available for sale, and is free with the purchase of
the General Plan.
George Wiley, President of Chamber of Commerce stated a few months ago the
Chamber members shared their concerns regarding the IZO with the Council, but it
has worked well because staff had done their best in expediting the permitting
process, and because of Council's spirit, leadership, and their encouragement of
empowering people to make decisions at the lowest level.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to close the
Councilman Robbins asked for a definition of the legal term rehabilitated; City
Attorney Wadden responded in one of the statutes of the Political Reform Act is a
"Rule of Necessity" which states that when you cannot administer the necessary
number of votes to pass an item which is before the legislative body, you may
rehabilitate an individual member who has a conflict of interest. Councilman
Robbins then questioned why he could not discuss the item if he was allowed to vote
on it; City Attorney Wadden responded that this limits his participation to a straight
Councilman Robbins stated he thought he could either participate and vote on the
item or that he could not, and was uncomfortable voting on it; City Attorney Wadden
stated it was clear the Rule of Necessity applied here, and it was only his vote which
was required in order to take action.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to adopt
Ordinance No. 1197 - Councilman Robbins called for discussion.
City Council Minutes
3 April 20, 1993
Councilman Robbins questioned if this was not approved this evening could it be
approved at the next meeting; City Attorney Wadden responded it appeared that it
could if the actual expiration date is on the date of the Council meeting. This
ordinance becomes effective upon passage, if adopted as an urgency ordinance.
Mayor ProTem Wise asked City Attorney Wadden if it was his legal opinion that
Councilman Robbins could vote; City Attorney Wadden responded it was fine for him
to vote under the Rule of Necessity; Councilman Robbins stated he felt
uncomfortable with this, and would like it held over to the next Council meeting.
Councilman Switz asked to call the question; Mayor Jacobson called the question:
Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise, and Councilman Switz. NOES: None.
ABSTAIIUD: Councilman Robbins.
Mayor Jacobson stated the item would have to be held over to the next meeting, and
public hearing would need to be reopened and continued to May 4, 1993.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to reopen and
continue the public hearing to May 4, 1993. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS
Library Board of Trustees notification of two vacancies because of expiration of
terms, as of June 30, 1993.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to authorize
staff to advertise for applicants to fill vacancies. MOTION PASSED BY
2. Vacancy on Metropolitan Cooperative Library System Advisory Board.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to authorize
staff to advertise for applicants to fill vacancies. MOTION PASSED BY
3. Initiate the process to fill an upcoming vacancy on the Planning Commission.
MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to authorise
staff to advertise for applicants to fill vacancy. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS
4. Report on Planning Commission recommendation: 1) To provide historic street
signage on Richmond Street, downtown and on major corridors; 2) to amend the
Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (SHSP) to allow for adaptive reuse of existing industrial
buildings for commercial uses in the Grand Avenue Commercial (GAC) Zone.
Councilman Robbins asked for a conflict of interest ruling on the Smoky Hollow
Specific Plan item; City Attorney Wadden responded there would only be a conflict of
interest on property within 300 feet of the GAC overlay area: Mayor Jacobson,
Mayor ProTem Wise, and Councilman Robbins could participate.
Ms. Jester stated the Planning Commission discussed these two issue on March 25,
and recommended providing historic street signage in the 100/200 blocks of
Richmond Street, downtown area of Main Street, and on major corridors such as
Sepulveda Boulevard and Imperial Avenue. They also recommended staff work with
and gather input from the Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Committee.
Councilman Switz questioned whether there was an estimate; Ken Putnam, Director
of Public Works responded; one level of signage discussed was to change the street
signs to some type of historical identification which have a nominal cost of
approximately $20 per sign; another was historical placard type signs identifying the
downtown areas which cost approximately $100, if you purchase 10 -15 signs at one
time, and signs posted on the perimeter of the city at the entry points which would
identify the historic areas which would cost approximately $100 -$125 each; Mayor
Jacobson suggested staff investigate and return with a proposal.
Council consensus for Planning and Building Safety Director to present plan and cost
to the City Council for consideration.
City Council Minutes
4 April 20, 1993
Councilman Robbins did not participate on the following item, stating he did not
want to participate until he verified something.
Ms. Jester stated the Planning Commission also recommended amending the Smoky
Hollow Specific Plan and possibly the General Plan to allow for adaptive reuse of
existing industrial buildings for commercial uses in the Grand Avenue Commercial
Mayor Jacobson felt the change in the economy had not changed the reasoning that
the commercial area being a different use is incompatible in some ways, but the
general area needs enough volume to stand on its own; Councilman Switz concurred
stating he felt it should be deferred and a public hearing scheduled because it was
too far reaching in terms of what the City's plans are for the next several years.
Mayor ProTem Wise stated they would also need to find out what the cost would be,
and the zoning amendment in progress is a high priority.
Consensus of Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise and Councilman Switz was not
to take up the project of amending the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan to allow for
adaptive reuse of existing industrial buildings for commercial uses in the Grand
Avenue Commercial Zone at the present time. (NOT PARTICIPATING:
Councilman Robbins).
5. Status report on discussion with Roustan Development Corporation, regarding
possible joint efforts relating to the golf course development.
Councilman Switz reported that in his meeting with the Roustan Development
Corporation regarding joint efforts relating to the golf course development, he
discovered that entering into a joint effort would delay the opening of the golf course
by one year which he felt they could not accept because it would disappoint many
residents and leave the City with the difficulty of trying to pay a $375,000 bond
payment due in September. In order to be ready for play next year, the seed needed
to be planted by September 15, and contractor needs to be hired by May 18.
Mayor Pro Tem Wise did not see the opening of the golf course being flexible, but
that the City could issue two addendum to the bid process. One would be to issue an
addendum to get cost for the project to start 30 days later because there were some
loose ends which he had questions on regarding the golf course itself, but that the
planting date would remain the same. The second addendum would be to see what
the cost differential would be for placing sod in lieu of seed, but that the completion
date remains unchanged.
Mayor Jacobson was not in favor of delaying the opening date of the golf course, and
questioned Mr. Putnam whether it would be a problem to issue those types of
addendum, and whether it would be reasonable to expect the bidders to go through
that extra work.
Mr. Putnam responded it would not be a problem, but could not answer if it would
delay the actual grading, subsequent irrigation systems installation, and trying to
sow the seed by September 1.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise that in order to
preserve the existing schedule for opening a golf course, the city give no further
consideration of a joint effort with Roustan Development Corporation relating to the
8/0/1- AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise, and Councilman Switz. NOES:
None. NOT PARTICIPATING: Councilman Robbins.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to issue two
addendum: 1. Delay starting date 30 days with the contractor to be fiilly aware that
the seed and completion dates of the golf course remains unchanged. 2. Get cost
differential between laying down sod and planting seed - Councilman Robbins called
for discussion.
Councilman Robbins stated since this was not specifically on the agenda and asked
whether the Council could take any action on it; City Attorney Wadden responded
that it would be improper to take action but Council could give direction to staff to
investigate it and agendize it for the next meeting.
City Council Minutes
5 April 20, 1993
Mayor Jacobson asked when the bids were due back; Mr. Putnam responded that
they were due back May 4; Mayor Jacobson stated that this meant that they could
not wait until the next agenda if they wanted it to work.
City Attorney Wadden stated the Brown Act does provide that if an item has
occurred after the posting of the agenda, and there is a necessity to take action, that
they could vote to hear the item but it would require four votes to take this action;
Mayor Jacobson responded Councilman Robbins could vote on the golf course issue;
City Attorney Wadden stated that this item was related to the golf course, not the
Roustan item, so Councilman Robbins could vote on this.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to hear urgent
item related to two possible addendum to call for bide for golf course contractors
arising after the posting of the agenda - Discussion called by Councilman Robbins.
Councilman Robbins questioned should he abstain whether it would pass; City
Attorney Wadden stated in order to put the matter on the agenda at all there must
be four votes to approve it as an urgency item.
Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise, and Councilman Switz. NOES: None.
ABSTAHM: Councilman Robbins.
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimous-
ly. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually
under the next heading of business.
2. City Council meeting minutes of March 19 and 24, and April 6, 1993.
4. Resolution #3810 authorizing destruction of certain Library records of no further
value to the City of El Segundo.
Adopted Resolution No. 3810.
5. Request for the City Council to approve purchase of an IBM compatible 486DX
computer system, interactive video logic board, and a laser disk. Computer and
components will be used to train officers with interactive laser disk videos. Peace
Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) has approved reimbursement of computer
system up to $4,973 which will be funded within 45 days.
Approved purchase of IBM compatible PC computer and laser disk player, to
compliment P.O.S.T. mandated training.
6. Request Council to reject all bids opened 3/18/93 for the Fire Department's 21 self -
contained breathing apparatus.
Approved request and authorized staff to amend specifications and to seek com-
petitive bide.
7. Request for the City Council to approve lowest responsible bid for Firefighter
uniforms as authorized in the M.O.U. dated 11/2/92.
Approved the bid of Long Beach Uniform and reject all other bids.
8. Structural rehabilitation of the elevated steel water tank - Specifications
No. PW 93 -14 (CIP pane 75/Project PW 89 -2).
Adopted plans and specifications and authorized staff to advertise the project for
receipt of construction bide.
11. Re- roofing of Teen Center and City Hall Council Chambers additional work required.
Appropriated $4,869 from Unallocated CEP (General Fund Monies) Balance
respectively to Account 301 - 40040000 -8616 - $769 and Account 30140040000 -8613 -
$4,100 to pay for additional costs, and ratified payment in amount of $4,869 to
Verdugo, Florencio Roofing Company.
12. Follow -up on 1/19/93 report on rain storm activity.
Appropriated additional funding in the amount of $9,000 from the Unallocated
General Fund Balance to Account No. 4302- 4301 - Overtime for Storm Drains to pay
for overtime for personnel on storm duty, and appropriated additional funding in the
amount of $400 from the Unallocated General Fund Balance to Account No. 4302-
5204 Services and Supplies - Operating Supplies to pay for purchase of sand bags.
City council Minutes
6 April 20, 1993
13. 1992 -93 slurry seal of various streets - Specification No. PW 93 -7 (CIP page no. 58.2,
CIP Project SH 91 -5).
Adopted plans and specifications, authorized staff to advertise for bide.
14. Replacement/installation of water lines 1990 -91. CIP page no. 72, CIP Project W87 -5.
Ratified Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,500.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to enact all consent
agenda items except those Item Numbers 1,3,9,10, and 15 called for discussion MOTION
1. Warrant Numbers 404021 - 404325 on Demand Register Summary Number 21 in total
amount of $1,167,616.85.
Councilman Robbins stated he was voting no because of an item he felt was a waste
of taxpayers money.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve
Warrant Demand Register and authorized staff to release. Ratified: Payroll and
Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements;
emergency disbursements and/or adjustments. MOTION PASSED BY THE
FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE - 3/1/0 - AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise,
and Councilman Switz. NOES: Councilman Robbins.
3. Schedule for completion of plan for comprehensive home sound insulation program.
Councilman Switz questioned what the third sentence in the last paragraph meant;
City Manager Jim Morrison responded that this meant that if everything proceeds as
is currently envisioned, the City will get that allocation.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to receive and
9. Request the City Council to 1) Approve lowest responsible bids for Police
Department gym equipment as authorized in the FY 1992/93 Operating Budget; 2)
Approve expenditure of $4,860 to complete the Police Department gym project, and
3) Authorize staff to sell the existing Universal multi - station weight the Centinela
Vallev YMCA for $1.
Councilman Switz stated he understood when Neal was able to get some gym
equipment for the Teen Center that these particular donors also had additional
equipment, and wondered whether the Police Department was aware that this
company was willing to give us more equipment.
Police Chief Grimmond responded that the Police Department was not.
Councilman Switz asked if those people who responded to the Teen Center request
were contacted on this; Gwen Eng, Purchasing Agent, stated she had not. She did
not know who they were, and did not specifically contact those vendors. Councilman
Switz then suggested that in the future those individuals who donate equipment to
the City be given the consideration to bid.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise - Discussion
called by Councilman Robbins - to 1) Approve the following bids: Busybody, Inc. -
$4,995.74; Norland's akote Fitness - $5,393.94; Stairmaster - $5,252.18; Star Coast
Fitness - 4635.26; and Unison, Inc. - $3,914.13; and reject all other bids; 2)
Approve $4,860 for painting flooring; and other miscellaneous items needed to
complete project, and 3) Authorize staff to sell Universal multi-station weight
machine to the Centinela Valley YMCA for $1 for use in their facility. In the future,
those individuals who donate equipment to the City are to be given the consideration
to bid.
Councilman Robbins stated he wanted the City Attorney's ruling which he had
requested and received earlier as to whether this was a gift of public funds, to be a
part of the public record; City Attorney Wadden stated it was not a gift of public
funds, and there was a public purpose exception to the gift of public funds
prohibition in the State's Constitution - so long as there is a public purpose behind
the gift.
City Council Minutes
7 April 20, 1993
Councilman Robbins asked for a conflict of interest ruling on his volunteering his
time to serve on the YMCA Youth and Government Program Board; City Attorney
Wadden responded it would not be a conflict of interest so long as it is not a source
of income of over $250.
Mayor Jacobson called the question: MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE
VOTE - 4/0.
10. Cleanup of hazardous shill of 2/5/93 at Storm Drain Basin No. 18 (HuLyhes Wa
Councilman Robbins asked for a conflict of interest ruling; City Attorney Wadden
stated this was essentially a ministerial action where the City had an obligation to
clean up and pay for the hazardous spill, and there was no conflict of interest
because there was no benefit to Hughes.
MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman Swits to appropriate
$4,241 from Unappropriated General Fund Balance to Account No. 4302 -5204 Storm
Drain - Services & Supplies - Operating Supplies to pay for cleanup of spill, and
ratified staff approval of payment of $4,241 to the firm of ACTI, Advanced Cleanup
15 Renewal of agreement for a Regional Commuter Bus System.
Councilman Switz questioned why other cities were pulling out of part of the MAX
program, and wondered why El Segundo should continue; Mayor Jacobson stated the
bus system had three routes. Route 1 was a coastal system and due to having the
least riders, Redondo Beach decided to pull out - and when they pulled out so did
Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach because they had no other routes going
through them. El Segundo is in this program because it was designed to cut down
vehicular traffic within the City since this was the destination point for that system.
Councilman Switz questioned what the $28,000 would do for the City, and how much
is to carry on an obligation the City has accrued over the years; Mayor Jacobson
stated that it helped alleviate some of the vehicular traffic during peak hours, and is
our contribution to some of the regional transportation in the South Bay. Also, that
pretty much is used to carry over our obligation, but it has been found that once a
bus service is stopped it is very difficult to restart it again. The Air Force Housing is
in San Pedro and they use Route 3 to commute and it is a part of their Base
Retention Plan.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to approve City
Agreement Number 2241 for the Regional Commuter Bus System. MOTION
Council /staff participation in Topical Video Programming.
Rollie Wright, Recreation and Parks Director, stated Council could come to the
studio to have their introductions taped for the various topical tapes of interest to
them and the community.
Councilman Switz stated that he was interested in a lead in to the various topical
tapes, but does not want to allow anyone to use this for political reasons.
Councilman Robbins suggested restricting this to staff and not have Councilmembers
do the lead ins. This would give the community the opportunity to get to know the
hard working employees of the City and perhaps the department head whose
department is directly responsible for the subject matter. He was interested in a lead
in which would inform the public the tape they are viewing was relevant to their
community and quality of life, and inform the public who produced the tape.
Councilman Switz concurred suggesting a combination of both Council and staff.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to have City
Council and staff introduce topical bicycle tapes when scheduled for viewing on the
local cable channel. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE - 4/0.
Councilman Switz asked Mr. Wright to arrange a schedule; Mr. Wright stated that
staff would provide Council and staff the opportunity to come to the station to
review the process, and at that time set up a schedule.
City Council Minutes
8 April 20, 1993
2. Addendum No. 1 to License Agreement between the City of El Segundo and Hughes
Aircraft Company.
Councilman Robbins did not participate on this item.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve City
Contract Number 2242 - Addendum No.1 to License Agreement, and authorize
Mayor to execute this addendum on behalf of the City. MOTION PASSED BY THE
FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE - 3/0/1- AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Wise
and Councilman Switz. NOES: None. NOT PARTICIPATING: Councilman
3. Disclosure requirements for the Economic Development Strategic Planning Task
Mayor Jacobson stated the Council had set up the Economic Development Strategic
Planning Task Force at their April 6 meeting, and the City's conflict of interest code
states the Council needs to state whether or not they need to file the forms.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Councilman Robbins - Discussion
called by Mayor ProTem Wise - to include the Economic Development Strategic
Planning Task Force in the Conflict of Interest Code as a designated position, and
that the members be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest Form 730.
Councilman Robbins questioned whether there was an option of having the Task
Force file a Form 721 or 730; City Manager Morrison stated that the resolution just
states the Statement of Economic Interest, and that the Form 730 stays here and the
Form 721 is filed with the State; Mayor Jacobson stated that the Form 730 is what
the other committees file.
Mayor ProTem Wise understood the committee wasn't required to file per City
Attorney ruling; City Attorney Wadden responded under State law they are not
required to file, but the City's resolution states Council makes the decision when
forming the committee as to whether or not they are covered by the City's local
conflict of interest code.
Mayor ProTem Wise stated this was for an extremely short -term for the strategic
plan, and it was inappropriate to require them to file financial disclosures after it
had already been picked and could place some good people in an embarrassing
position; Councilman Robbins responded the task force members were not appointed
by the Council; anyone who could be placed in an embarrassing position should not
have accepted the offer to be on the committee, and felt it was extremely important
for the citizens to know there was no conflict of interest for individuals who were in
a position to set policy or specifically recommend policy to the Council which could
affect their future economically and quality of life. Mayor ProTem Wise stated the
point he was trying to make was that the these people are all quality people and did
not mean they had anything to hide, it was just that many people feel their financial
position is no one elses business, and if they had asked this prior to asking them to
serve it would have been one thing, but asking now might result in members leaving.
Mayor Jacobson stated the majority of the people have already filed for several other
reasons, and did not feel that it would be an imposition to them.
Mayor Jacobson called the question: MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING
VOICE VOTE 3/1- AYES: Mayor Jacobson, and Councilmen Switz and Robbins.
NOES: Mayor ProTem Wise.
Councilman Switz stated there wasn't an economist on the Economic Development
Task Force and one was interested; Councilman Robbins concurred stating a PhD
Economist was interested. Councilman Switz then requested staff agendize under
his name for May 4, 1993 an item regarding adding members to Economic
Development Strategic Planning Task Force.
4. Weed abatement - Approval of procedure.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve
procedure and direct staff to proceed with weed abatement, and direct stall' to return
with a proposed ordinance to amend Chapter 9.04 of the Municipal Code to establish
procedures to use the County Tax Bill to recover weed abatement expenses.
City Council Minutes
9 Apnl 20, 1993
5. Water reservoir roof removal project (CIP pg. 70, CIP Project W 89 -1) Specifications
No. PW 92 -11.
City Manager Morrison presented an overview stating they were in the process of
removing the roof on the reservoir on Lomita Street. Questions had been raised as
to what are the future and potential uses of that piece of property, and based upon
those future and potential use, should we proceed with fencing the reservoir for
safety purposes at this time. Or, would it be more appropriate at this time, to level
out the dikes that were the wall of the old earth and reservoir which is concrete
lined, and let that property wait for future uses. Also, the fence is within a fence,
but because of the potential hazard, the City took the position that it was necessary.
Mayor Jacobson stated it seemed more practical to get it done now while we have
people on site, and it is not feasible for the reclamation project to use. The Hilltop
Park is used a lot during the summer, and if they put half of the site into additional
park it would be very well used.
Councilman Switz did not feel it was appropriate to leave the property as a public
nuisance with dirt flying around.
City Manager Morrison stated there was the potential and need for garage space at
that facility for some equipment which was being left outside during the evening, and
they would like to retain a portion of the site for that purpose.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to issue a stop
notice in berme of any work on any further work on the fence, and to determine price
to remove concrete walls, leave concrete floor in place, take dirt that is on -site and
spread it on top of the concrete slab, and install appropriate landscaping and
irrigation system to water the landscaping which the Recreation and Parke
Department can develop the plan for. Staff to bring a plan and contract back to the
City Council for their approval. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410.
Councilman West - NONE
Councilman Robbins - NONE
Councilman Switz
1. Announced he will be attending the Metropolitan Water Districts Tour of the
Southern Region of MWDs Water Reservoir and Distribution System this weekend
because he considered it to be appropriate, and it would allow him to gain a better
understanding since the City spends a significant amount of their budget on water.
Mayor Pro Tom Wise
1. Concept of a panel of experts to review RFP's in the future.
No discussion or action taken.
2. Announced at a meeting on April 15 hosted by Deanne Dana discussion on the
State's plan on moving $2.6 million from the Property Tax Rolls and shifting it for
the schools, and gave some impacts which could result from this decision. He
suggested to Mr. Dana that sub - committees of the City Council and representatives
of the South Bay City's Councils get together with him to become better informed of
the issue, and should know within next two weeks.
Mayor Jacobson
1. Complimented Police Chief Grimmond and Fire Chief Sloan for their mobilization
last week stating it was very well planned.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit)
City Council Minutes
10 April 20, 1993
Mike Effler, California Street addressed Council regarding formal complaint he filed with
the Code Enforcement Officer which still existed asking if there was anything he could do;
Mayor Jacobson stated the item was not on the agenda, so they could not take any action
but he could contact City Manager Morrison; Mr. Effler submitted two complaints.
Jerry Saunders, Continental Development Corporation complimented Council and Police on
liaison officer in the commercial /industrial community, it was a great idea and worked well.
Also, Continental will donate a dumpster for Mr. Effler's neighbor to put his trash in.
Jane Friedkin addressed Council complimenting the outcome of the Mayor's Good Friday
ADJOURNMENT at 9:20 p.m. to May 4, 1993 at 5:00 p.m.
� t
Lo • Freeman,
Deputy City Clerk
City Council Minutes
11 April 20, 1993