1992 SEP 15 CC MIN-7MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL September 15, 1992 - 7:00 P.M. Resolution No 3784 Ordinance No. 1186 CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson, 7:05 P.M. INVOCATION given by Dr. J.H. Greer, Pacific Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Robbins PRESENTATIONS 1. City Council proclaimed September 17 -23, 1992 as Constitution Week. 2. City Council proclaimed the week of October 4 -11, 1992 as Fire Prevention Week, and Sunday, October 11, 1992 Fire Safety Day in El Segundo; Council- man Robbins presented proclamation to Fire Chief David Sloan. ROLL CALL Mayor Jacobson - Present Mayor Pro Tem Wise - Present (Arrived at 7:07) Councilman West - Absent Councilman Switz - Present Councilman Robbins - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business On1v - 5 minute limit) Five individuals addressed the Council. 1. Steve Bower 318 Sierra St: Stated that several street lights are out, and he he had contacted Southren California Edison, Further stated that the street sign at Lomita and Grand was apparently burned out. 2. Dominique Sorensen for the El Segundo Chamber of Commerce requesting Let's Do Lunch programs on October 26 and 30, 1992, and the Annual Halloween Sidewalk, Sale on October 30. MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECONDED by Councilman Switz, to approve. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. 3. Len Bonilla regarding the on -site response to Hyperion odor complaints from the AQMD. MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECONDED by Councilman Switz, to have the Mitigation Monitor in City Hall 5 days a week. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. 4. Dorthy Kent 909 Dune: Agreeded with Mr. Bonilla about the Hyperion oder complaints, and stated she is still in favor of keeping Hillcrest closed. 5. Willard Krick 1414 E. Mariposa: Invited the Council to The September 28, 1992 meeting to be held at Center Street School at 7:00 P.M. The speaker will be from the LA County Sanitation Department, speaking on water reclamation. He also questioned the Council about the NE quadrant, the change in FAR from 1.1 to 1.3, whether there would be a traffic study. City Council Meeting September 15, 1992- 5/7P.M. 1 Council responded that a traffic study was done on a 1.5 FAR. A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. Public hearing to consider ordinance adopting the 1991 Edition of the Uniform Fire Code with amendments. Mayor Jacobson asked the City Clerk if proper notice had been published; City Clerk Mortesen responded that notice had been published by the Fire Department, and no written communications had been received. Mayor Jacobson opened the Public Hearing for comments; being none he entertained a motion to close the public hearing. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to close the Public Hearing. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410 Don Johnson made the presentation, One minor change was suggested by the Fire Department, Section 24.306 add EMERGENCY to approved helistop. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise, to read by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. ORDINANCE NO. 1186 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE, 1991 EDITION, INCLUDING APPENDICES I -A, I-C, II -B, III -A, III - B, III -C, III-D, IV -B, V -A, VI A, AND VI -B, ADOPTING NATIONAL FIRE CODES, VOLUMES 1 THROUGH 11, 1991 EDITION, REPEALING EXISTING CHAPTER 17.04 IN ITS ENTIRETY. AND ADOPTING A NEW CHAPTER 17.04 WHICH CHAPTER RELATES TO THE FIRE CODE. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise, to adopt Ordinance Number 1186 adopting the Uniform Fire Code; 1991 Edition - including Appendices I -A, I -C, II -B, III -A, III -B, III -C, III -D, IV -B, V -A, and VI- B; adopting National Fire Codes Volumes 1 through 11 - 1991 Edition; repealing existing Chapter 17.04 in its entirety and adopting a new Chapter 17.04 - which Chapter relates to the Fire Code - with modifications as stated. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410. B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Hillcrest Street - Imperial Highway closure emergency exit - alternate proposals. COUNCIL DISCUSSION FOLLOWED. MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECONDED by Councilman Robbins, to accept proposal number five (5), with a change to a 10 foot paver and straight curbs. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. 2. Designation of Local Enforcement Agency under State Waste Management Act of 1989. COUNCIL DISCUSSION FOLLOWED MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECONDED by Councilman Robbins, to rescind Resolution Number 3758 of April 7, 1992, and to adopt Resolution City Council Meeting September 15, 1992- 5/7P.M. 2 Number 3784 designating the County of Los Angeles Health Services Department as the City's Local Enforcement Agency. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410. C. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. Oral update on Business Retention and Attraction Program. Mary Steiner and Karen Ackland presented an oral report. Councilman Switz requestd numbers be kept for each workshop and a questionaire used to test the effectiveness of the workshops. Mayor Pro Tem Wise discussed the Sports article from the Daily Breeze. Council consensus to receive and file report. 2. Request for City Council to set date for interviews of applicants for Wall of Honor Committee. Council consensus to schedule interview date for September 30 at 6:30 pm. D. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. Warrant Numbers 42554 -42866 on Demand Register Summary Number 5 in total amount of $1,590,478.50. Approved Warrant Demand Register and Authorize staff to release. Ratified: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments. 2. City Council minutes of August 25 (7:00 p.m.) and September 1, 1992. Approved. 3. Resolution assigning certain duties relating to the posting of agendas and notices to the City Manager. Adopted Resolution Number 3785. 4. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS 5. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS 6. Notice of Fall Cleanup Week Campaign - October 19 -23, 1992. Received and filed. 7. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS 8. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS 9. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN ROBBINS 10. Notice of pending study of lead and copper in water supply. Received and filed. 11. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN SWITZ. MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECONDED by Councilman Switz, to enact all consent agenda items except those Item Numbers 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 11 called for discussion. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410. City Council Meeting September 15, 1992- 5/7P.M. 3 CALLED ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 4. Update on status of the preparation of a Historical Preservation Ordinance for the City. Councilmans Robbins requested to hear the report. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise, to direct staff to continue drafting a Historical Preservation Ordinance. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. 5. Request for approval for a child abuse program administered jointly between the City of El Segundo Recreation and Parks Department Juvenile Diversion Program and the South Bay Juvenile Diversion Project. Coundilman Robbins reqested clarification of all the different programs dealing with children, drug abuse, etc. City Manager Frank Meehan, and Police Cheif Tim Grimmond explained the different programs and how they function. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise, to approve the use of $5,000 in unexpended 1990 -1991 (sixteenth year) CDBG funds for a new child abuse counseling program. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. 7. Resolution of the City of El Segundo, California amending Resolution No. 3340 for establishing boulevard stop at the intersection of Palm Avenue at Loma Vista Street. Councilman Robbins requested to hear the staff report and the Residents survey. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz, to adopt Resolution Number 3786 approving installation of signage and to paint street accordingly. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. 8. Plans and specifications for Imperial Highway westbound left turn lane at Main Street (specifications No. PW 92 -10). Councilman Robbins requested to see a copy of the Plans and Specifications. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise, to approve appropriation of Capital Improvement Program unallocated Gas Tax Funds in the amount of $35,000; to adopt plans and specifications, and to authorize staff to proceed with the advertisement for receipt of construction bids. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. 9. Retention of George G. Boghossian and Associates, Inc. to perform engineering consulting services for City elevated water tank and water reservoirs. Councilman Robbins questioned the amount that is paid to the consultants, and do we have someone on staff who could do this. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise, to approve appropriation of $30,000 from the Water enterprise Fund; approved consultant contract with George C. Boghossian and Associates, Inc., and City Council Meeting September 15, 1992r5/7P.M. 4 authorized the Mayor to sign consultant contract. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410. MOTION MODIFIED - MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve without the stairway. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410. 11. Request for a permit from St. Anthony's Church to hold their Annual Carnival and to waive the fire, electrical and business license fees associated therewith. MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to approve request for a permit from St. Anthony's Church to hold a carnival and to waive the associated fees. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES; MAYOR JACOBSON, MAYOR PRO TEM WISE AND COUNCILMAN ROBBINS NOES; NONE, ABESENT COUNCILMAN WEST, NOT PARTICIPATING, COUNCILMAN SWITZ. E. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER 1. Approval of South Bay Regional Public Communications Authority Resolution No. 173, and adopt resolution authorizing and directing the South Bay Regional Public Communications Authority to act as communications equipment purchasing agent for the City of El Segundo. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Councilman Robbins, to approve SBRPCA Resolution No. 173, and adopt new Resolution Number 3787 authorizing and directing the SBRPCA to act as communications equipment purchasing agent for the City. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410. 2. Consideration of request of Jim Gates for adjustment in water bill. Council consensus to hold item over per City Attorney Dolley's request. 3. General Plan: Oral update on status. Councilman Switz complimented Staff on their Memo's. Council consensus to schedule a General Plan Workshop for September 30, 1992 at 8:00 p.m.; to introduce the ordinance and hold a Public Hearing, at their regular meeting of November 3, 1992 at 7:00 p.m., and possible adoption of the proposed ordinance at their regular meeting on November 17, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - 1. Resolution of the City Council revoking Resolution No. 3717 and adopting a new Conflict of Interest Code. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise, to read by title only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410. City Attorney Dolley read Title Only: City Council Meeting September 15, 1992- 5/7P.M. 5 RESOLUTION NO. 3788 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 3717 AND ADOPTING A NEW CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE. MOVED by Councilman Robbins SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tem Wise, to adopt Resolution Number 3788 revoking Resolution Number 3717 and adopting a new conflict of interest code. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEM 3ERS Councilman West - NONE Councilman Robbins 1. Written policies for City Council and all departments. Council consensus that Council Policy (Resolutions, Ordinances, Directives) will be indexed under Policy in the future. 2. City Council meetings - audio and video tapes. Council consensus that Video Tapes: Library for 5 years, and by City Clerks Office permanently; Audio Tapes: 5 or 7 years by City Clerk's Office, City Attorney to verify. 3. Contract personnel and contract approval. Council Policy that all contracts over $10,000 must come before the City Council for approval. Councilman Switz - NONE Mayor Pro Tem Wise 1. Council keys and accessibility to City Hall. Per Mayor ProTem Wise's request this item held over to October 6, 1992. 2. The Daily Breeze article regarding a sports complex. Comments made during The BRA presentation. 3. Complimented the El Segundo Police Department on their friendliness in regards to the Reunion over the weekend. Mayor Jacobson - NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) - NONE MEMORIALS - NONE 6 City Council Meeting September 15, 1992- 5/7P.M. CLOSED SESSION The City Council moved into a closed session at 9:05 P.M. pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec. 54950, et M.) as announced by the City Attorney, for the purposes of conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation and /or discussing personnel matters as follows: 454956.9 (a) - City a party to pending litigation. CITY OF LOS ANGELES vs EL SEGUNDO KILROY vs EL SEGUNDO WESTINGHOUSE vs EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC STORAGE vs EL SEGUNDO LAX VARIANCE PROCEEDINGS GLICKMAN vs EL SEGUNDO LE MANSIEUR vs EL SEGUNDO RODEO TIRES vs EL SEGUNDO 454956.9(b) - City might have significant exposure to litigation. Six matters. Meet and Confer One matter. ADJOURNMENT of Closed Session at 10:50 and the City Council meeting adjourned at 10:51 p.m. to September 30, 1992 at 6:30 P.M. �Qi�dy Mor s n, ity Clerk 7 City Council Meeting September 15, 1992- 5/7P.M.