1992 NOV 03 CC MIN-7MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL November 3, 1992 - 7:00 P.M. CALLED TO ORDER at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jacobson. INVOCATION given by Father Frederick Chunn, St. Patrick's Celtic Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman West PRESENTATIONS 1. Sabrina Alimahomed, President, and Eric O'Reilly, Chairman of the Board, of Tree Musketeers shared their Renew America Environmental Achievement Award. Sabrina Alimahomed and Eric O'Reilly presented the Council with a Proclamation and Medal on behalf of the Tree Musketeers, Mayor Jacobson accepted, on behalf of the Council. ROLL CALL Councilman West - Present Councilman Switz - Present Councilman Robbins - Present Mayor ProTem Wise - Absent Mayor Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) 2 Individuals addressed the Council 1. Scot Dannen 1127 E. Acacia Expressed concerns regarding mansionization and under valuing the R -1 property. Also placing restrictions on personnel property. 2. Mac Dalaleish 624 Sierra St. Concerns regarding the mansionization issue and time spent on the General Plan. Suggested time should be spent towards the zoning in regards to the General Plan. A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. Public Hearing for the introduction of an ordinance of the City of El Segundo, California: a) Deleting Section 10.04.035 of the El Segundo Municipal Code relating to the definition of commercial vehicles; b) Amending Section 10.32.070 of the El Segundo Municipal Code relating to parking of commercial vehicles in residential districts; and c) Adding Section 10.32.090 to the El Segundo Municipal Code relating to parking of commercial vehicles on City owned public parking lots. Mayor Jacobson announced: THIS IS THE TIME AND PLACE HERTO FIXED FOR A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE INTRODUCTION OF AN ORDINANCE FOR DELETING SECTION 10.04.035 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES; AMENDING SECTION 10.32.070 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO City Council Meeting 1 November 3, 1992 PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, AND ADDING SECTION 10.32.090 TO THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PARKING OF COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON CITY OWNED PUBLIC PARKING LOTS. City Clerk Mortesen stated: PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE WAS PUBLISHED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AND NO WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS: 1. John Aull 433 Concord: Stated he is against the proposed changes as written, and requests justification for allowing a motor home weighing in excess of a commercial vehicle, to be allowed parking preference. MOVED by Councilman Switz SECONDED by Councilman West to close Public Hearing. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0 Ken Putnam, Director of Public Works, presented a brief summary. Signage would be changed to reflect the changes in the code. Also new signs would be installed on entry streets. Councilman Switz: Motor Homes are just as hazardous as a large size commer- cial vehicle; a crisper definition is needed. Also feels there is a preference shown for one group and not the other (motor homes vs. commercial vehicles). Councilman West: Suggested increasing the weight limitation to 12,000 pounds. Also stated there have been attempts previously to remove commercial vehicles from the streets and parking lots. Councilman Robbins: Questioned if rental trucks would be exempt; also, would a commercial vehicle parked on residential streets for longer than 5 hours that is engaged in legitimate business that does not require a building permit be affected. Mayor Jacobson: Stated 2 items are to bring our code up to date, and the 3rd item is to alleviate the problems with commercial vehicles in public lots. The weight allowed on public streets is mandated by the State Code. Assistant City Attorney Bob Wadden: Rental truck would not be construed to be a commercial vehicle if rented for personal use. In his opinion a rental truck is not defined as a commercial truck. COUNCIL DIRECTION: Change the wording to remove the building permit work requirement. MOVED by Councilman Switz, SECONDED, by Councilman West, to direct staff to rewrite portions of the ordinance, which distinguish and exempt recreation vehicles from being included; also to continue the public hearing to the December 1, 1992 Meeting. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0 C. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Transmittal of Planning Commission recommendation on "Mansionization" in the single - family residential zone. Laurie Jester made the presentation: The Planning Commission raised a concern that single family homes were being built to the maximum of lot coverage with a minimum amount of landscaping and a non - compatibility with surrounding neighborhood. City Council Meeting November 3, 1992 Councilman Alan West: Presented a slide show of houses that, in his opinion, would fall in the proposed "mansionization" category. He expressed views on the upgrading of several neighborhoods and the professionalism of the architecture in matching the lot coverage with the building size. He urged Council to not restrict this practice. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: 1. Scot Dannan 1127 E. Acacia. This affects every R -1 owner and will restrict current homeowners from building and upgrading their property. Also he felt Council should be working on other items more important to our city at this time. 2. Mac Dalgleish 424 Sierra Stated, non - conforming issues are a major concern, and expressed several instances, also stated this would inhibit the natural evolution of the El Segundo residential area. 3. Art Stevens 740 Bungalow Stated his concerns about reduction of property rights in El Segundo, possibly the increase in cost to property owners when building and remodeling. 4. Ron Swanson 629 California Stated his concerns if Council chooses to con- tinue with the "mansionization" process. 5. Bob Vanderhoof. Architiectual firm. Stated he has experienced "man- sionization" process in other cities. If an ordinance is passed he said it will restrict growth and the public's ability to upgrade their standard of living. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS CLOSED. Councilman Switz: Stated, hopefully we can remove "mansionization" from our vocabulary. It is inappropriate to have further discussion at a City Council meeting; perhaps it would be better to discuss at a Planning Commission meeting. He requested the Planning Commission agendize this item for Public discussion. Councilman Robbins: Stated, what I think would be more appropriate is someting I had put into the new General Plan which is the phrase "minimum development standards ", and I think we do need to take a look at our offsets, and the lot coverage, we need to look at these factors to make sure that homes are not built that totally impose on neighbors in terms of fresh air they get, the amount of sunshine, and in terms of building all structure on a piece of property. So, I would like to make sure we can achieve what is a desirable goal of not imposing on people from exercising their property rights in a reasonable manner. There are some types of construction we would like to discourage, and that would benefit the neighbors and their property value. Councilman West: Stated, he feels strongly that Council is invading the peoples choices. Mayor Jacobson: Stated, General Plan has a non - conforming portion to address rebuilding and insurance concerns. The Planning Commission wishes Council to address these concerns in the R -1 zoning aspects of the new General Plan, when adopted. He felt this item should carry its course with the Planning Commission. D. CONSENT AGENDA City Council Meeting 3 November 3, 1992 All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrant Numbers 200517 - 200923 in Demand Register Summary Number 9 in total amount of $1,793.219.34. Approved Warrant Demand Register and Authorized staff to release. Ratified: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and /or ad- justments. 2. City Council meeting minutes of October 20, 1992. Approved. 3. Memorandum of Understanding between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Firefighters Association represented by the California Team- sters Public, Professional and Medical Employees Union 911 (an Affiliate of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. Approved agreement and authorized transfer of non-department salary/benefits reserve to appropriate Fire Department accounts. 4. Repair of sewer lines 1991 -92 Public Works Project No. PW 92 -2. Approved issuance of Change Order for additional work, and issued Change Order No. 1 in the approximate amount of $32 ,000.05. 5. A resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California approving Final Tract Map. No. 51233. Adopted Resolution No. 3793. 6. Lining of sewer lines at the El Segundo High School, Project PW 92 -8. Awarded contract to Insituform, Southwest in the amount of $68,320, and authorized Mayor to sign Construction Agreement. 7. License Agreement #DACA 09 -3 -92 -175 between the U.S. Department of the Air Force and the City of El Segundo for construction, operation and maintenance of 2 bus stop shelters on the U.S. Air Force Base property. Approved License Agreement, and authorized the Mayor to sign the agreement on behalf of the City. Allocated $500 from unallocated Proposition "A" revenues for payment of the license flee. 8. CALLED BY CITY MANAGER FRANK MEEHAN. 9. A resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, defining and establishing certain street and parts of streets in the City of El Segundo as No Parking Area, Diagonal Parking Zones, No Stopping Zones, Truck Routes, Through Streets and Stop Intersections, Railroad Grade Crossings, and One -Way Streets and Alleys; and rescinding Resolution Nos. 3340,3377, 3399, 3495, 3496, 3634, 3680, 3681, 3682, 3683, 3685, 3694, 3715, 3755. 3773 and 3786. Adopted Resolution No. 3794. MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman West to enact consent agenda except Item No. 8 pulled for discussion. MOT10N PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0. CALLED ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 8. City Public Library elevator. Recommendation - City Council Meeting 4 November 3, 1992 1) Authorize staff to proceed with the elevator repair work as an emergency at a cost not to exceed $25,000. 2) Allocate $25,000 from unallocated Capital Improvement Funds to finance the elevator repair work. 3) Authorize staff and the City Attorney to seek reimbursement from P.W. Construction, Inc. and/or Safeco, if necessary. Item Pulled by the City Manager for later submission. E. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER - 1. Support for County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Puente Hills Waste Management Facilities. MOVED by Councilman Switz, SECONDED by Councilman West, to approve the support for County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Puente Hills Waste Management Facilities, and to adopt RESOLUTION NO. 3795. Councilman Robbins stated that this in no way implies that we would support rail -haul of trash in El Segundo. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0 2. Agreement for subdivision improvements with Continental Development Corporation relative to Parcel Map No. 17158 development at the nor- theast corner of Rosecrans Avenue and Douglas Street. CITY MANAGER FRANK MEEHAN REQUESTED TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM TO THE DECEMBER 1, 1992 MEETING F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE H. NEW BUSINESS - CITY TREASURER - NONE I. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Councilman West Wishes to agendize the following: 1. Gardeners blowing debris in city Streets 2. Stop signs and barriers in vicinity of Washington and Wal- nut Streets. Councilman Robbins Wishes to agendize the following: 1. Periodic revenue forecasts and analysis. 2. Recreation & Park Commission consideration of park benches for Library Park. Councilman Switz Wishes to agendize the following: 1. Two year budget process. 2. Budget discussions on a) revenue generation b) City ex- penditures. Mayor Jacobson None ADJOURN NT atf8:42 p.M., to N vember 10, 1992. Ciady M, rtesenf i lerk City Council Meeting 5 November 3, 1992