1992 MAY 05 CC MIN-7M[IN UTES OF TIE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MAY 5, 1992 - 7:00 P,M, NEXT RESOLUTION #8760 NEXT ORDINANCE #1181 CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 P.M. INVOCATION by Dr. J.H. Greer, Pacific Baptist Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Robbins. PRESENTATIONS 1. City Council declared May, 1992 as Older Americans Month, and Sue Carter as El Segundo's Senior Citizen of the Year; Proclamation presented by Councilman Switz to Sue Carter. 2. City Council declared Saturday, May 9, 1992 as Fire Service Day; Proclamation presented by Mayor ProTem Wise to Fire Chief David Sloan. 3. City Council declared May 10 through 15, 1992 as National Police Week; Proclamation presented by Mayor Jacobson to retired Police Officer Chris Barrett. 4. City Council declared May 17 through 23, 1992 as National Public Works Week; Proclamation presented by Councilman West to Ken Putnam, Director of Public Works. Mayor Jacobson asked Interim City Manager Meehan to address what the various departments and volunteers did during this recent emergency situation. Interim City Manager Meehan presented an overview of what occurred, actions taken, and the efforts of staff and volunteers during the Los Angeles emergency situation. Mayor Jacobson on behalf of the City Council thanked and commended staff and the volunteers for their efforts during the Los Angeles emergency crises. ROLL CALL Councilman Robbins - Present Councilman Switz - Present Councilman West - Present Mayor ProTem Wise - Present Mayor Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Bueineae On>y - 5 minute limit) Eleven individuals addressed the City Council. Blake Mitchell, 1654 W. Palm Avenue addressed Council and submitted a letter to the City Clerk on the General Plan and their reconsideration of appointment of Ron Swanson to the Planning Commission at their April 21, 1992 meeting, and requested a written response. Bob Anderson, 800 Block Pepper Street addressed Council on possible violation of the Brown Act; Government Code Sections §54952.6 and §54950 by certain Councilmembers with regards to the General Plan, and on their reconsideration of appointment of Ron Swanson to the Planning Commission at their April 21, 1992 meeting. Mayor Jacobson encouraged Mr. Anderson, or anyone else, to submit anything he had regarding possible violations of the Brown Act and Government Code for investigation. Councilman Robbins commented for the record that he checked and has been advised as to any conflict of interest with his participation in discussions or actions taken regarding the General Plan. Further stating that he had not violated either the Brown Act or Government Code. Councilman West asked City Attorney Dolley if he could look into these charges of possible violations of the Brown Act and Government Code; City Attorney Dolley responded that he could - at the Council's pleasure - look into this allegation, but that he was not prepared to speak on the matter at this time. Brian Crowley, 501 California Street addressed Council on trading the golf course property for the Raider Property Don Cwik, 367 Concord Street addressed Council on an accident he recently had, and asked Council to consider letting individuals look at the police reports without charging a $15.00 fee. Interim City Manager Meehan responded that he would look into the situation and contact Mr. Cwik on the matter. City Council Minutes May 5, 1992/7:00 p.m. Frank Won& 435 Valley Street addressed Council about being threatened by a developer outside of City Hall at the April 21, 1992 meeting. Lee Hickman, Sycamore addressed Council congratulating the new members, and asked for an update on the Golf Course Project. Also asking who was in charge of the project. Mayor Jacobson responded that in the beginning of February, 1992 Council gave the go ahead to staff on retaining an architect, and that staff will be coming forth at the neat meeting with a status report. Further stating that the Recreation and Parks Commission was also given the go ahead on this project, and that they were handling it. Soot Dannen, 1127 E. Acacia addressed Council apologizing for his comments at the April 21, 1992 meeting, but that he was offended by the possible violations of the Brown Act and Government Code by certain Councilmembers and City Attorney Dolley. He recommended the Council have someone other than City Attorney Dolley look into these allegations. Sylvia Wilkinson, 514 Arena Street addressed Council on 1) She was a member of the El Segundo Resident's Association, 2) Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Ordinance #1078, and 3) Holly Park Project - stating that Holly Park is not corporate owned, and that 42% is owned by El Segundo residents. Chris Barrett, 426 Whiting Street addressed Council regarding no access to handicapped restrooms at the Police Department, City Hall, and the Recreation Park, and stated he was available should the City want to confer with him; Interim City Manager Meehan responded he would look into this. 1. Jim McGoldrick request to discuss: 1) Proposal to arrange the transfer of $700,000 from the City to the El Segundo School District in order to fund the 1992 -93 school operations ($600,000) and to finance the 1992 -93 staffing of a new property disposal administration within the School District ($100,000); and 2) Proposal to rescind the 1985 Smoky Hollow Specific Plan (Ordinance #1078) in order to prevent any projects, contemplated or in progress, from proceeding under the ordinance until the adoption of a new comprehensive General Plan. Jim McGoldrick, 412 Oregon Street addressed Council regarding interim financing for the schools using money supplied by the city, and a request to rescind Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Ordinance Number 1078. David Springett, Holly Park Townhomes addressed Council regarding Mr. McGoldrick's requests stating 1) Feels the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan is one of best Plans for any city, and it would provide substantial benefits to the city, 2) They have worked and put a substantial amount of money towards this for the past 3 years, and that they are in the process of proceeding with the project, 3) Asked Council not to rescind the SHSP Ordinance #1078, and to consider his comments before making a decision. Councilman Robbins questioned what the process would be for an interim zoning ordinance until the General Plan could be adopted; City Attorney Dolley responded that it would take a 4/5 vote to adopt, and would be required to go to the Planning Department before Council approval. No action taken by the City Council. Mayor Jacobson closed the public communications portion of the meeting. A SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS - NONE B. BUSINESS Second reading of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of El Segundo authorizing an amendment to the contract between the City Council of the City of El Segundo and the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). Mayor Jacobson announced this was an ordinance required to authorize amendment to the contract that implements 2% at 50 retirement formula contracted for in Police Officers Association Memorandum of Understanding. MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to waive further reading and read by Title Only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. City Attorney Dolley read Title Only: ORDINANCE NO. 1181 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. City Council Minutes 2 May 5, 1992/7:00 p.m. MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to adopt Ordinance No. 1181. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. C. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Schedule an interview date with applicants for the Recreation and Parks Commission vacancy. Council consensus to interview applicants on May 11, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room. 2. Senior Housing Board notification of two vacancies on the Board effective July 1, 1992. Council consensus to direct staff to publicise the vacancies, and to agemdi:s the scheduling of interview date on the June 2, 1992 agenda. D. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion, without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion on an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN SWITZ. 2. City Council meeting minutes of April 7 and 21, 1992. Approved. 3. Lease agreement between the City of El Segundo and Eaton Corporation for the period of June 1, 1992 to June 1, 1993 for leasing City owned property for parking purposes. This agreement will extend the existing Eaton Corporation lease by one (1) year. Approved agreement and authorized the Mayor to execute the agreem mt on behalf of the City. 4. PULLED FOR DISCUSSION BY COUNCILMAN WEST. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to enact all Consent Items except Item Numbers 1 and 4 called for discussion. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. CALLED ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 1. Warrant Numbers 40161 -40418 on Demand Register Summary Number 21 in total amount of $1,260,877.62. Councilman Switz stated his reason for pulling this item (Page 15 Professional /Technical for DESI) was because he did not agree that the City should fund something it has no control over the management of, and that in the future he will vote no on these types of items. MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to approve Warrant Demand Register and authorized staff to release. Ratified payroll and employee benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements, and emergency disbursements and/or adjustments. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. 4. 1991 -92 Slurry Seal of various streets - Project No. PW 92 -3. Councilman West asked the City Attorney for clarification regarding possible conflict of interest; City Attorney Dolley responded due to being spread out there would be no conflict of interest. MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to adopt plans and specifications, and authorized staff to advertise for bids. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. E. NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER Mayor ProTem Wise request to discuss trading Golf Course Property for Raider Progerty. Councilman Robbins asked City Attorney Dolley for clarification regarding possible conflict of interest on this item, and requested it be followed up in writing; City Attorney Dolley responded that discussion would not constitute a conflict of interest, and would put it in writing. Mayor ProTem Wise stated he felt that trading the Golf Course property for the Raider property would help the School District with their financial hardships, and asked the Council's consensus to direct staff to look into it and report back; Councilman West concurred. Councilman Robbins requested more data regarding alternatives, benefits, income regarding the Golf Course and Raider properties, and possible gift of public funds before making any decisions. Further stating that the economic future is uncertain, that they should make sure they do not raise taxes, and felt that the Golf Course would attract people to the City. City Council Minutes 3 May 5, 1992/7:00 p.m. Councilman Switz requested more data regarding the advantages /disadvantages and benefits would be for the City before making any decisions. Further stating that he did not want this interfere with or impact the budget. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West with discussion - to direct staff to study the issues regarding a possible trade of the Golf Course for the Raider property or the Imperial site property. Mayor Jacobson asked Mayor ProTem Wise to amend his motion to include what was discussed and the feasibility behind doing a trade; Mayor ProTem Wise and Councilman West concurred. AMENDED MOTION by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West with discussion - to direct staff to make a simple preliminary report regarding the alternatives, benefits, advantages /disadvantages, incomes from both properties, feasibility, and for the City Attorney to look into concerns regarding gift of public funds. Discussion followed. Mayor Jacobson suggested that they take a recess in order to give staff time to discuss what it would involve; Council concurred. RECESS at 8:55 p.m. RECONVENED at 9:15 p.m. ROLL CALL all Councilmembers present. Interim City Manager Meehan informed Council that staff would be able submit a preliminary report to the Council at their June 2 meeting; Councilman Switz questioned whether this preliminary study would impact the budget; Interim City Manager Meehan responded it would take approximately 20 staff hours and 5 hours for the City Attorney's research. Discussion followed. Lee Hickman. Sycamore addressed Council asking for status on the Golf Course. Mayor Jacobson responded that the project was in process presently, and invited him to go to the next Recreation and Parks Commission meeting where this would be discussed. Mayor ProTem Wise called the question: MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. 2. Review/Discussion of various financing alternatives for construction of approved Golf Course Project. Mayor Jacobson questioned whether there was a deadline; Steve Klotzsche, Director of Finance, responded that they needed a formal adoption by mid-June, and also needed direction from the Council. Discussion followed. MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to approve in concept pooled method of financing for construction of Golf Course Project. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. 3. SCAG Planning Process: Use of South Bay Cities Association or South Bay Corridor Steering Committee (JPA) ( SBCSC). Ken Putnam, Director of Public Works, presented a report to Council informing them that Southern California Association of Governments representatives presented a proposal for the South Bay Cities Association or possibly the South Bay Corridor Steering Committee to act as a planning coordinator for the South Bay Sub -region when SCAG does its pending planning update. Further stating that the planning issues cover more than transportation issues, the SBCSC could not at that time work on the other issues. However, State Law does permit the SBCSC to internally change its authority to a broader range of issues. SCAG is to provide funding for the actual planning effort including retention of consultant's if needed, and that the amount and level of funding by SCAG had not been determined. The funding efforts of a City are not anticipated to be any different than what the City would have spent had SCAG been doing the study. He then presented their options and informed them that this will be discussed again at the May 28 meeting of the SBCSC and SBCA. Mayor Jacobson stated he was leery of using the joint powers group. Discussion followed. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West with discussion to direct the Councils representative for the SBCA to inform SBCA that the City of El Segundo supports SBCA entering into an agreement with SCAG to be the planning coordinator for the South Bay sub - region. Discussion followed regarding the options. Mayor Jacobson called the question: MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0. City Council Minutes 4 May 5, 1992/7:00 p.m. 4. SCAG Executive Committee District Election. Mr. Putnam presented a brief report to Council stating that The South Bay Cities Association is seeking to use the forum of SBCA's next months dinner meeting on May 28 to hold an election to select the Executive Committee Members representing three different Districts. The City of El Segundo is grouped with 9 other cities in District #40, and that five Councilmen with one vote each from all ten cities can vote on these representatives. In order to hold this election there must be a forum of 30% of the 50 elected Councilmembers present (15 or more) of the 10 cities, and that the person elected must receive a simple majority vote of those present. Mayor Jacobson stated concerns regarding the Ralph M. Brown Act with regards to two or more Councilmembers attending this dinner meeting at the same time to vote. City Attorney Dolley responded that they were trying to formulate a consistent opinion of other cities, and would review this and report back to the Council. Council consensus for City Attorney to review possible conflict with the Brown Act regarding more than two Councilmembers attending this meeting. F. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY - NONE G. NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK - NONE R NEW BUSINESS - CITY COUNC ZE MBERS Mayor Jacobson Direction to staff for Droceedin¢ with the General Plan. Mayor Jacobson asked Council's consensus to direct staff to arrange a public survey. Mayor ProTem Wise suggested a survey of both residents and businesses east of Sepulveda Boulevard and Main Street. Councilman Switz stated he was in favor of a public survey, but only for the residents not the businesses; Councilman Robbins concurred. Mayor Jacobson asked to have this agendized for the May 19 meeting, and that there be a recommendation for discussion/possible action this time. Hyrum Fedje, Interim Director of Planning/Director of Building Safety, asked Council if they wanted Lou Lightfoot to attend the May 19 meeting; Council concurred, and asked that staff have him bring an amended contract and a proposed survey. Council consensus to agmW ize for May 19, 1992 meeting, and for Lou Lightfoot to attend meeting with an amended contract. 2. Formation of an Investment Committee. Mayor Jacobson stated that he agendized this item due to Louise Eckersley's (Retired City Treasurer) comments and suggestions at their April 21 meeting. Further stating that this Committee would give general advice to the City Treasurer on investments only - with direction from the Council. City Attorney Dolley stated that Council may want to also establish a policy for this Committee to follow, and that ultimately the City Council retains control over all investments; Council concurred with him and that he would distribute this information to the Council on May 19. Council consensus to schedule this for May 19, 1992, and for the City Attorney to distribute a Policy at that time. 3. Possible personnel transfer of cashier position from Finance Department to the City Treasurer's Office. Council consensus to agendize this items with a staff report for their May 19, 1992 meetin& Mayor ProTem Wise Planning Commissioners. Mayor ProTem Wise stated he wanted to clear the air, and explained why individuals are selected to be Commissioners. City Council Minutes 5 May 5, 1992/7:00 p.m. 2. General Plan. Mayor ProTem Wise stated that he agendized this item in order to ask the new Councilmembers if they would like to have an opportunity to give a general idea of where they are heading with the General Plan; Councilmembers Robbins and Switz concurred. Council consensus to agendise this for May 19, 1992 meeting. Councilman West - NONE Councilman Robbins - NONE Councilman Swig 1. Announced that he attended the Noise Abatement Committee meeting on Monday evening, and stated that the committee needed to have direction from the Council. He asked that this be agendized for discussion/possible action at the May 19, 1992 meeting. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (Oil Business 0& - 5 minute limit) - NONE MEMORIAL CLOSED SESSION NONE The Council moved into a closed session at 10:29 p.m. pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950, et seq.) as announced by the City Attorney, for the purposes of conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation and/or discussing personnel matters as follows: § 54956.9 (b) - (City might have significant exposure to possible litigation). 3 Matters Meet and Confer 1 Matter ADJOURNMENT to May 11, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. Lotptlreeman Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes 6 May 5, 1992/7:00 p.m.