July 2, 1992 - 5:00 P.M.
CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 5:08 p.m.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman West.
Councilman Robbins - Present (Arrived at 5:10 p.m.)
Councilman Switz - Present
Councilman West - Present
Mayor ProTem Wise - Present
Mayor Jacobson - Present
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS -(City Business Only -5 minute limit)
Chris Powell, 1233 E. Oak addressed Council regarding funding for
the School District and AB1234, and stated City and schools should
work together.
Barbara Burkes, 504 Washington addressed Council regarding funding
for School District, and stated City and schools should work
Charles Boyce, 518 W. Walnut addressed Council regarding financial
assistance for schools, and presented information on schedule of
comparison between schools and the City.
Terry Cerreto, 210 W. Acacia addressed Council regarding financial
funding for School District; City and schools should work together,
and stated the City should purchase the Imperial site from the
School District.
Jim Watson, 1526 E. Elm addressed Council regarding the failing of
a fine School District; the Community, City and School District
should work together; vote on the parcel tax showed citizens were
concerned about the schools, and that without a good school system
the community would be affected.
Mayor Jacobson closed the public communications portion of the
1. Presentation and discussion of FY 1992 -93 Budget.
City Manager Meehan presented a brief report to Council on the
Capital Programs and Supplemental Programs.
Business Retention and Attraction Program: Mary Steiner and
Karen Ackland gave a presentation of the four types of budgets
for Council's consideration regarding the continuation and
Phase II of the program. Discussion followed.
Police Department Supplements: Police Chief Tim Grimmond
presented a report on the asset forfeiture account this year
of $294,000/22 items. Four items were removed from the
Capital Improvement Program and placed in the asset forfeiture
fund for a total of $51,000. Discussion followed.
Fire Department Supplements: Fire Chief David Sloan presented
a report on the savings of $6,765.000 for 30 bullet proof
vests specifically for the firefighters and paramedics
($500.00 each - totaling $16,500). Discussion followed.
RECESS at 6:35 p.m.
RECONVENED at 7:05 p.m.
ROLL CALL All Councilmembers present.
City Council Minutes
July 2, 1992 - 5:00 p.m.
Recreation and Parks Department Supplements: Rollie Wright,
Director of Recreation and Parks, presenting a description of
purchases required and personnel upgrades. Discussion
followed with Councilman Switz requesting staff to obtain
statistics on how many individuals watch Channel 22, and Mayor
ProTem Wise suggesting Council cut $20,000 for a supervisor,
and to produce a survey on how many individuals watch Channel
22 applying $2,000 for the survey.
Mayor ProTem Wise left dais at 8:37 p.m. and returned at 8:38 p.m.
City Public Library Supplements: Barbara Pearson, Library
Director, presented a description of the supplemental
requests. Discussion followed with Mayor ProTem Wise
questioning if there would be a reduction in staff should they
purchase a data -base system, and Councilman Switz suggesting
a library card fee to help pay for the system; Ms. Pearson to
check into the fee; Mayor Jacobson suggesting the City
purchase half of the upstairs stacks this year and the other
half next year.
School Library Supplements: Ms. Pearson continued by
presenting a report on the school libraries staffing problems.
Discussion followed with Councilman Robbins suggesting that
Ms. Pearson and the School District to work together in
scheduling classes and library hours.
Building Safety and Planning Department Supplements: Director
Hyrum Fedje presented a brief report. Discussion followed
with Mayor Jacobson asking Mr. Fedje to meet with the Police
Department who was also working on an optical image process.
Public Works Department Supplements: Ken Putnam, Director,
presented a report on the nine items on the supplemental
budget and on one personnel position upgrade. Discussion
RECESS at 9:20 p.m.
RECONVENED at 9:26 p.m.
ROLL CALL All Councilmembers present.
Councilman Switz stated he felt Council could not state that
they were reducing the budget if they did not reduce staff or
salary increases; City Manager Meehan responded staff might be
able to cut the budget in order to meet Council's satisfaction
without deleting staff - if not - then programs may be deleted
and staff may also be decreased.
Councilman West stated the Council could not know before hand
what staff pay increases or negotiations would do to impact
the budget.
Mayor ProTem Wise was not in favor of cutting services from
the Police or Fire Departments where public safety is a
concern. That the Council must accept the fact that cities
are competing for business and they need a professional to
help attract the City's share of new business. He recommended
approval of the Business Retention and Attraction Program "A"
adding travel /meetings of $12,000, and decrease Account #5507-
6104 from $40,000 to $20,000 - and $30,000 to $15,000; fund
$350,000 without the budget being reduced - with $80,000 being
cut each year for the next 3.2 years, and approve half of book
stacks this year and half next year. In favor of the $350,000
for the Library.
Councilman Switz suggested they possibly implement trash pick-
up fees, and asked if street sweeping could be done every
other week; decrease raises, and re- examine benefits. Further
stating that spending must be controlled. He felt businesses
would prefer a $95,000 tax cut rather than have the city fund .�
a new office, and they needed to show the public that spending
had been reduced.
City Council Minutes
July 2, 1992 - 5:00 p.m.
Councilman Robbins stated City Government was responsible to
the citizens and taxpayers, and best way to keep business is
to reduce the budget and hopefully decreases taxes. The
initial goals of the Business Retention and Attraction Program
have not been met, and he would like to see results of the
survey and pamphlet which they would be producing before
approval of more funds are made. Across the board restraint
must be used on staffing, and no new staff positions should be
Councilman West recommended $107,000 for Business Retention
and Attraction Program if you $107,000 by Business Tax payers
- people who need it the most would not receive very much.
Suggested they go without a sales program and opportunity to
reduce taxes to businesses is greater by attracting more
business to share the tax.
Mayor Jacobson stated that the City needed to attract
business. He felt at this time it did not need a full time
staff person, and he needed to see results and direction
before adding a person. With regards to the Library, he was
in favor of half of the stacks should be funded this year, and
with regards to Public Works he agree on an employee upgrade
to Administrative Secretary.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise to approve the Business Retention
and Attraction Program "A" with a contract employee, and for
the City Manager to work with this Committee in putting
together a proposal with a possible part -time position.
Discussion followed. Mayor ProTem Wise withdrew his motion.
Discussion ensued regarding Recreation and Parks, Police and
Fire Departments supplement budget.
Council consensus to approve cut of $20,000 for a new
employee; $2,000 for survey for the Recreation and Parks
Department; approval of amounts for equipment purchases for
Recreation and Parks, and approval of Police and Fire
Departments supplemental budget.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS -(City Business Only -5 minute limit)
Scot Dannen. 1127 E. Acacia addressed Council stating that he had
received phone calls regarding the budget deliberation this
evening. Public safety, schools and property value were the
primary concerns of most citizens, and if those fail then the
people would not stay. New companies in town could not be informed
what the FARs, etc. requirements were without a general plan.
Further stating that this Council was worrying about small items
while the town was struggling, and that no one knew the rules so
how could they move to town without knowing. The Council must
prevent the deterioration of schools, public safety, and property
values. The people will pay for small services in taxes should the
Council promise to retain those things.
Karen Ackland. 300 Continental Boulevard addressed Council
requesting irrigation policies on Sepulveda - because the east side
of the medium strip was dying.
ADJOURNMENT at 10:45 p.m.
L-or4 Freeman,
Deputy City Clerk
City Council Minutes
July 2, 1992 - 5:00 p.m.