JANUARY 30, 1992 - 7:00 P.M.
CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 P.M.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Wise.
Councilwoman Cruikshank -
Councilman West -
Councilman Wise -
Mayor ProTem Dannen -
Mayor Jacobson -
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City► Business Only - 5 minute limit)
Five individuals addressed the City Council.
James Provinzano, Xerox Corporation addressed Council stating opposition to sole sources regarding the
waste reduction issue, and that it infringes on free trade; will submit documents regarding AB939; have
a separate department which deals solely with waste management; implementation by City dealing with
business license tax that deals with the economy; does not like the City telling them what businesses they
should lease to, and is against sole source.
Councilman Wise questioned if he meant increase business license tax; Mr. Provizano responded no.
Councilman West suggested that they move this item up on the agenda; Council concurred.
Robert Simpson addressed Council asking if they received copies of his faxed letter about the Interim
Zoning Ordinance; Council concurred.
Jennifer Snyder, Mattel Toe addressed Council waste management, and stated opposition to sole source.
Chip Scholls, BFI addressed Council on ways other cities in the area are handling this issue, and his
opposition to exclusive franchises; Councilman Wise questioned him if they had exclusive franchises in
other cities. If so, why were they against it for El Segundo.
Mr. Scholls responded they took over other cities exclusive franchises, but would change if asked, and
they would respond to what ever a City asked but that this was not necessary in order to meet AB939.
Should El Segundo go this way, then he would like open bids.
Councilman Wise questioned what would a gross hauler fee do for the City; Mr. Scholl responded that
it could be projected by using the haulers numbers given to the City.
Shelly Graff, Pick -Up Artists Recycling Service addressed Council stating opposition to exclusive
franchises, and an exclusive franchise is not a check and balance system.
Mayor Jacobson closed the public communications portion of the meeting.
Mayor Jacobson stated at Mayor ProTem Dannen's request this item is being pulled out of order; Council
AB939 Exclusive Trash Contract.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated under AB939 the City has specific responsibilities which will cost
money, and the City needs to develop a methodology to handle those costs. One option the City
has is to hire staff to handle the City's recycling needs and reporting; individuals to inspect
dumpsters to make sure everyone is complying, and this may increase enforcement costs in order
to prevent individuals from going in and stealing the recyclables. There are daily fines of
approximately $10,000 should the City not comply with certain portions of AB939. Further
stating that there are several alternatives the City can choose from, beginning with burying our
heads into the sand until we get fined - to coming in with an exclusive trash hauling contract
which states this is how the City is going to do business because they do not want to absorb
those costs.
Councilman West concurred and recommended the City require the haulers to inform them what
the percentage of trash has been picked up, kinds of trash, where it was taken, and set a specific
date this is due to the City.
City Council Minutes
January 30, 1992
Councilman Wise questioned if the City would be the one responsible in verifying the accuracy
of these reports, and what was a good percentage; City Manager Cano responded that the City
would be responsible in verifying the accuracy of these haulers reports.
Councilman West responded that a good percentage would be a comparison from the beginning.
Mayor ProTem Dannen agreed in starting at the beginning stating that the Council now needs
to set policies, and asked how much money would be needed to get involved in AB939.
Mayor Jacobson stated that AB939 is always being amended, and did not feel exclusive contracts
was the right way to go.
Councilman Wise recommended the City go out and try all options at one time.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated the City needed to follow specific guidelines that the City has to
reduce the amount of trash, which will hopefully be done through recycling. He asked what
happens in 5 to 6 years the City gets down to the 50% and we are complying, then we suddenly
realize that we still have room for another 5 or 6 million square feet of office building in El
Segundo. He then asked what plans should the City have made to deal with future growth, and
how would the City handle that. He stated it was time that everyone meet to come up with a
plan which will keep the City and individual businesses whole, and keep this problem from
costing the City a fortune. Further stating he was concerned that the City wrote the plan and
then did not follow through with it. Should this continue, he recommended that they go with
an exclusive contract. Should this not continue, then they need to begin implementing this.
Councilman West stated there was a resource which has been involved since the beginning, and
felt they were ready, willing, and available to start helping.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated AB939 would cost the City a lot of money, and asked how the City
plans on dealing with this; Councilman West responded that he could not decide this until they
Mayor Jacobson stated that was why Mayor ProTem Dannen recommended having all haulers
and the City get together to discuss ideas; Councilman Wise concurred adding that staff could
also recommend ideas.
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if there were economies of scale and could this be investigated.
Councilwoman Cruikshank questioned if there could be a sub - committee created. She stated she
agreed with Councilman West but that she felt the Council needed to set some standards of what
they expect from staff. She stated that competition is healthy no matter what it is, but did not
like an exclusive contract.
Councilman Wise concurred that Council needed to set some directions to staff of where they
want them to go.
Councilwoman Cruikshank stated she felt the information from the different cities could be made
available to the Council for review, and that this should not require any extra staff time.
City Manager Cano stated an extreme amount of work went into putting together the Source
Reduction Recycling Plan by the Committee, and they did an extremely good job in documenting
the waste the City has, how much is disposed by recycling, etc.. They recommended several
options that the City could pursue. He recommended that Council direct technical staff to work
with technical representatives of the haulers and businesses for ideas on how the City can he in
compliance with AB936, and that he did feel further studies were needed.
Mayor Jacobson stated that they must find out how much the overhead would be for such a
project, and asked if there was enough staff time to put together a committee of haulers, end
users, etc. to look at the Plan and see different options; City Manager Cano responded that he
felt they have enough staff to get the initial effort going, and suggested Council form a committee
consisting of the business community to work on this Plan.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated staff should publicize who is on this committee, and the dates -
times - and description of the subject to be discussed should they create a committee; City
Manager Cano responded he would prepare a report and agendize it for February 18. Mayor
ProTem Dannen asked him to also include a report on what other cities are doing; City Manager
Cano concurred.
Council consensus for staff to prepare a proposal on how this Committee should be put together,
a report on what other cities are presently doing to comply with AB939, and put them on the
February 18 sgenda.
City Council Minutes
2 January 30, 1992
1. Continued Public Hearing and Discussion - On Interim Zoning Ordinance extended by the City
Council on December 17 1992.
Mayor Jacobson stated this was a continued public hearing on the Interim Zoning Ordinance
extended by the City Council on December 17, 1991. He asked if proper noticing had been done,
and whether any written communications had been received; Deputy City Clerk Freeman
responded that public noticing was done by the Planning Department, and one written
communication was received and transmitted to the City Council by the Office of the City Clerk.
Mayor ProTem Dannen left dais at 7:55 P.M. returning at 7:57 P.M.
City Manager Cano presented a report stating at their January 21 meeting a discussion ensued
on the IZO at which a number of questions and issues were raised. Staff categorized these
questions and comments to five specific issues of which were then submitted to the Chamber of
Commerce's sub-committee for further discussion. He informed the Council that the Chamber
does have another document of which staff has not yet seen since the meeting of January 28.
A revised report has been submitted to the Council for their review.
Mayor Jacobson asked if copies of this report containing the five specific issues were available
for the public's review; City Manager Cano responded that there were approximately 25 copies
available on the table in the back of the Chamber.
RECESS at 7:59 P.M.
ROLL CALL All City Councilmembers Present.
Mayor Jacobson stated now that the public has had an opportunity to review this report, he
would open the public hearing for comments.
Ron Simms, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Century City addressed Council stating on the issue of
the IZO only he believed that the plan which is being contemplated is much too restrictive on
Councilman Wise stated he believed that this was the General Plan with regards to FAR, but
should he wish to address the Council on this issue that he could address them on Tuesday,
February 4 under public communications.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated that he could also address the Council this evening under public
communications, and then ask the Council to forward his comments to the Planning Commission.
Mr. Simms stated that he did wish to address the Council this evening, and would put his
comments in writing and transmit them to the Planning Commission. He stated that he felt
there was a fundamental flaw in that the direction is very restrictive; most buildings currently
existing on or close to the .5/.6 coverage as proposed in the general plan - does not think that
the City will have much opportunity to upgrade by having a higher and better use; other cities
are stating you can have more FAR, but the developers need to fund the cost of the traffic
improvements, and if the FAR stays where it is - then it will not offer incentives.
Robert Simpson, Goodglick addressed Council recommended the following five options: 1) Council
give the owners of the existing buildings not presently covered by a conditional use permit (CUP)
the opportunity to obtain a CUP for their property, 2) Staff be required to determine within a
reasonable period of time - 1 to 2 weeks - the basis on which a subsequent tenant or buyer
should be able to occupy a particular building, 3) Consideration should be given regarding the
proposed new use - is equal to or less intensive than the previously permitted use, 4) Reasonable
allowance for growth should be given for future occupants, and 5) No sunset provision once a
CUP is issued. He summarized by stating that he did not believe that the buildings in question
will have a further impact on rural traffic and the infrastructure because those buildings are
already used this way, and if they can accommodate these owners it would benefit the City and
business community.
Councilman Wise questioned on Item No. 2 would he and others be willing to pay an acceleration
fee; Mr. Simpson responded yes.
Ron Simms stated he would also be willing to pay an acceleration fee.
Gretchen Farrow, 815 Nash Street addressed Council stating she would also be willing to pay
an acceleration fee. Concerned with time frame on obtaining a CUP and recommended a
preliminary procedure to determine end use should it be allowable for that zone, and then apply
the administrative use permit.
City Council Minutes
3 January 30, 1992
Karen Ackland - Past President of the Chamber of Commerce addressed Council stating that the
Chamber /Council sub - committee and staff met Tuesday night to again discuss IZO issues. At
that time there were several suggestions made by the Chamber, and felt it would be more
appropriate for the two Council sub- committee members to present their report - prior to the
Chamber submitting theirs.
Councilman Wise stated Planning Director Kendra Morries had the Council's sub-committee
Ms. Morries addressed Council stating she had the Council's notes but not the Chamber's.
Ms. Ackland presented the following recommendations by the task force: 1) An amendment to
Section 2 - Paragraph 10 - wherein the permitted principal uses to require a conditional use
permit for Ml and M2 zones should the use be different from 1982 -1989; 2) An amendment to
Section 2 Paragraph 11 #2040220 - Principal Permitted Uses: They requested it to state it
would require an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) for any use currently permitted in the CM
and Ml zones, if such use is proposed for the M2 zone - any new use classified as M2 use shall
require a conditional use permit; S) Section 2 - Planning Director's Administrative Use Permit
for the Planning Director to approve as to its completeness and application, and 5 working days
from the date the application is deemed complete to issue a written determination as to the
approval, and that a policy decision be made that a policy decision making group have the
opportunity to review this and then stop at that point; 4) Any appeal of the Planning Director's
decision may be filed with the Planning Department, and that this appeal be set for 30 calendars
following the filing of the appeal, and 5) That a comment be made that where an AUP is
required under the current IZO, then if the use remain the same that an AUP should not be
necessary at all. Stating further that the Chamber's request for a definition to an administrative
use permit, and questions regarding sunset clauses and leases have been answered.
Mac Dal --leish, 624 Sierra addressed Council concurring with Robert Simpson and Karen
Ackland's remarks, complimented Planning Director Morries on her report. The last paragraph
on Page 1 presents the down side of the approach of modifying a definition of non - conforming
uses, and this makes it difficult to guide something when you do not know really what something
is going to be. He stated under Chapter 16 - Building Permit Limitation in the El Segundo
Municipal Code which takes any significant new project, and anything over 3,000 square feet
would be subjected to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) - which gives an
individual the opportunity to mitigate any impacts which you may feel would be potentially
consistent with the General Plan, which you happen to see progressing.
Councilman West asked Ms. Morries to respond to comments made by Mr. Dalgleish regarding
Ms. Morries stated in the Building Code there is a clause which states that you can not get any
permit unless you comply with the City's CEQA Guidelines - which Council did intentionally
because it is a Planning document. The CEQA document in terms of what Mr. Dalgleish was
speaking of is that you can not get a building permit without going through an environmental
assessment review. If you have a single family project with three or more units; if you have a
multiple family project which has six or more units; if you have a new commercial /industrial use
facility which has a maximum load of 30 or more persons - a floor area of 15,000 square feet or
larger - a parking requirement of 75 or more spaces, or if you have an existing building and you
are looking at an addition, you cannot make an addition of more than 10,000 square feet without
going though the environmental assessment process - which is a Planning Commission
application. In essence, when you are speaking of a square footage of a new buildings the
threshold is 15,000, so long as your less than 15,000 and comply with the other standards you
can get a permit over the counter.
Councilman Wise left dais at 8:52 P.M. returning at 8:53 P.M.
Councilman West stated you mentioned an occupancy load of 30 or more persons - which comes
out to 3,000 or 4,000 square feet - and asked if this would eliminate almost any commercial
building; Ms. Morries responded stated that she was not an expert on occupancy load and how
to calculate them.
Councilman West questioned if an existing building comes in and wishes to make a tenant
improvement, would they be exempt from any of the CEQA guidelines read earlier; Ms. Morries
responded the legal answer is no, they are not exempt. Every permit is subject to CEQA review.
The processing answer is that they are exempt from any further CEQA review.
Councilman West questioned if this is correct; it equals 3,000 square feet, and there is a request
to remodel more than 3,000 square feet, would he be exempt from the CEQA regulations about
getting a building permit; Ms. Morries questioned how much more than 3,000 square feet because
it makes a difference.
City Council Minutes
4 January 30, 1992
Councilman West responded 4,000 to 5,000 square feet; Ms. Morries responded that if you have
an existing building and want to add on 10,000 or more square feet, you must go to the Planning
Commission for an environmental assessment. If you add less than 10,000 square feet then you
do not need to go to the Planning Commission. If all you are doing is interior improvements and
not adding square footage then you do not have to go to the Planning Commission.
Mayor Jacobson stated he was discussing strictly tenant improvements - third option -; Ms.
Morries responded that those are reviewed and they're exempt, and they just follow on through
the system.
Councilman West stated that the City currently has regulation through the AUP or CUP on the
other zones, but not on the M1 or M2 zones; Ms. Morries stated they were concerned primarily
with the CM, M1 and M2 zones because those are the underlining zones where the major land
use designations changes are going to occur.
Mayor Jacobson stated he was wondering how concerned we are regarding newer concrete
buildings under 50,000 square feet on uses, because those newer smaller buildings are not ones
that are going to readily be recycled - it will be the older large metal -type buildings which will
be recycled.
Councilman Wise stated his understanding when they and the Chamber worked on this IZO was
for the most part 95% of the people who do business in the City are basically unchanged, and
asked if this has been a major problem - that everyone is slowed up; Ms. Morries stated that the
development community would say yes, and in terms of staff being able to process administrative
use permits - it has not been a problem.
Councilman West stated he sees the City as not being sure of what they really want out there.
The City had a GPAC which assessed all of the different possible uses and there was a lot of
discussions and disagreements as to what all the uses should be and how dense it should be.
Now the City has an IZO building permit restriction that in essence states the City does not
know what it wants but that the owner cannot build on it until the City decides what they want.
Stating further that this was hard for him to understand and accept.
Mayor Jacobson stated that this IZO does not do anything about new buildings really, and that
they are covered under CEQA and have to go through all of the processes. He stated he believed
they were talking about uses of major size properties, and that they should not really be
worrying about the smaller ones.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated that the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) did not
categorically discuss alternative uses on the east side of Sepulveda Boulevard, and only made
references to some general uses - but did not get specific. One issue brought up during the sub-
committee meeting was how does the City take care of the current uses over there. One
suggestion was to get a consultant to identify all of the current uses and those which need a CUP
would simply be processed together, then the Council may want to consider waiving the CUP fees
for those individuals who want to be in that group. What this will do for those individuals is
that it will give them a twelve month window that should they loose that tenant then they have
twelve months before they have to come back for any kind of review or anything else - as long
as the new use is equal to or less than the former use. He suggested what Mr. Simms brought
up earlier in the meeting, to come up with a two tiered system immediately for a CUP which
states basically that the individual needs this done within 30 days, and that the City come up
with a fee for that. Also, another rate which states the individual is willing to wait because he
is not in immediate need for it - which is the existing rate. This will mean a commitment and
money by the City of which he was willing to vote for those kinds of changes, but is not willing
to write off the IZO because of the potential damage to the future.
Councilman Wise stated he concurred with Mayor ProTem Dannen because the sub - committee
tried to address the major complaints and problems by the owners and businesses.
Councilwoman Cruikshank questioned the sub - committee if the IZO Issue Report which the
Council has in front of them was an agreement between the sub - committee and the businesses
or strictly from input; Ms. Morries responded that it was put together for the meeting in an
effort to guide academically the discussion itself. Not all of Ms. Ackland's issues have been
responded to here, it was just sort of a framework to give the Council something to start with.
Councilwoman Cruikshank questioned if it was the intent of the Council to consider these items,
or are they just discussing it; Mayor Jacobson responded that he felt some of these issues are
kind of conflicting with each other too.
Ms. Morries stated that some do conflict with each other, and that they are just a list of options
and discussions.
City Council Minutes
5 January 30, 1992
Councilwoman Cruikshank questioned that the bottom line is rather than attack the IZO - it is
the General Plan which needs to give relief to these people with regards to Issue Number 5; Ms.
Morries responded that she came up with Issue Number 5. As staff was processing the ADP's,
one of the trends staff sees occurring presently is that all of the ADP's coming in right now are
for the southeast quadrant - that section south of El Segundo Boulevard, and the majority in that
area is currently CM which is supposed to be redesignated to Ml. There will not be a significant
change to the uses that will be permitted from today to the new General Plan because the intent
of changing it from CM to Ml really is just a name change. The CM is an old designation and
in current real estate it does not mean a lot to people, and it doesn't mean a lot to Planners -
what it really is a Ml zone - so the idea is to make it clear to people. When the ADP's are
coming in it is not that difficult for her to make up her mind because the use which the applicant
is asking for is consistent essentially with what is allowed today and in where the City is going
in terms of the Ml redesignation.
Councilman Wise stated that they wanted 2 days to go over it and 5 days to approve it, and was
then changed to 5 days to go over and 10 days to approve it. This process picks up a week in
the process, and 2 -3 weeks if it went only to the Planning Commission. Also, should someone
come in and want an AUP within one week the sub - committee stated they felt that they should
be able to but it would cost a fee.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to amend the IZO:
ISSUE NUMBER. 3 - to reflect that only the Planning Commission would receive the written
determination as an agenda item of the administrative use permit. MOTION PASSED BY
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise with discussion to retain
a consultant that would for a flat fee - and upon request by the applicant - process any
administrative use permit on an expedited basis.
Councilwoman Cruikshank questioned how much the fee would be; Councilman Wise stated that
would need to be worked depending upon what the consultant would be charging.
Councilman Wise questioned Mayor ProTem Dannen if he would be willing to amend his motion
to include that this additional fee be paid by the applicant; Mayor ProTem Dannen so amended
his motion to add that all additional fees would be paid by the applicant.
Mayor Jacobson stated in the past there has been a problem that when you hire an extra
consultant - you develop an extra money process - and that it is like buying the process. This
is like buying preferential treatment.
Councilman Wise stated an applicant comes in and feels that it is worth it to them with their
lease to pay for a special consultant to come in to expedite their AUP.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he understood this concern because some time ago their was a
problem where a lot of claims and charges were brought up regarding preferential treatment in
that certain individuals were able to get their permits faster through the process than others.
The bottom line here is that they have created an extraordinary situation, and that this is not
the day - today processing of a CUP or Variance request. He is not suggesting that they change
those regular business procedures the City has. The Council by enacting the IZO has created an
extraordinary situation which is costing people money, and he asked if it would the City's
obligation to try an make these individuals whole again or are they simply going to say yes this
is an extraordinary situation which nothing can be done about.
AMENDED MOTION by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to retain
a consultant that would for a flat fee, upon a request by the applicant, process any administrative
use permit on an expedited basis, and that the applicant pay any additional fees.
Mayor ProTem Dannen called the question:
Councilmeibexs Craikehank, West, and Wine. NOES: Mayor Jacobson.
Councilman West addressed Issue Number 5 - stating that this area was pretty well developed
years ago, and he understands Ms. Morries is trying to state that much of the problem of small
owners comes from this area. He agreed with her suggestion that this area be deleted from the
MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Councilwoman Cruikshank to approve ISSUE
NUMBER 5: Remove that area south of El Segundo Boulevard between El Segundo Boulevard
and Rosecrans Avenue from the IZO; Councilman Wise called for discussion.
Councilman Wise stated that this does not state to delete it, it just states to treat it differently;
Councilman West questioned Ms. Morries what her thoughts on this was.
City Council Minutes
6 January 30, 1992
Ms. Morries responded that what she had in mind was that you have existing CM zoning -
allow it to develop based on today's current CM zoning, because the CM zone by definition and
uses allows the kinds of things that will be allowed in the Light Industrial category. It still has
its own list of permitted and conditional use permit uses.
Councilman West questioned if deleting it was the wrong word, and how should it be reworded;
Ms. Morries responded that she would word it as that those areas that are currently zoned CM
would be permitted to continue to develop and have business licenses based on the existing CM
zoning language in the Zoning Code.
AMENDED MOTION by Councilman West; SECONDED by Councilwoman Cruikshank to
approve ISSUE NUMBER 5: That those areas that are currently zoned CM would be permitted
to continue to develop and have business licenses based on the existing CM zoning language in
Councilman Wise stated that Mayor ProTem Dannen had a comment regarding CUP for certain
buildings as it relates to freight forwarding; Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he would prefer to
complete the IZO and return to this issue.
City Attorney Dolley stated the Council may want to consider continuing the public hearing to
February 4; Mayor Jacobson stated that agenda has already been posted but there is an
adjourned meeting for a Closed Session before that at 5:00 P.M. which he believed that agenda
had not been posted yet.
City Attorney Dolley stated that the Council could add the continued public hearing to that
agenda; Ms. Morries suggested instead of renoticing the Council may wish to consider continuing
the public hearing to the 5:00 P.M. meeting of February 4.
Councilman Wise asked if the Council was going to address and change the initial review
completeness from 10 days to 5 days; Ms. Morries stated that there are two systems going on
right now: 1st - Staff System - which is to reduce the initial 10 days to 5 days to verify all
required IZO, and leave the 10 days to prepare the analysis, and 2nd - An Expedited Review
System by a consultant.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to change 10 days to 5 days to
verify all required IZO. Mayor ProTem Dannen called for discussion.
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked for clarification; Ms. Morries stated that this was up to the
development community that they either walk in with a complete application or they do not. It
is in their interest to make sure that their application is complete.
Mayor Jacobson called the question:
Ron Simms complimented Council and asked tonight for Council to move in the direction which
has been suggested to deal with the CUP for the hardship approach. He felt the expedited fee
makes since if the City in fact hires the outside consultant and paid for by the applicant, and the
City can then maintain the objectivity that the Council is looking for.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated that the CUP which the Council is referring to, encompasses a
decision made in 1989 and nothing to do with the interim zoning ordinance. Due to this, it is
not on the agenda for discussion/possible action this evening, and therefore the Council cannot
address this issue.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated for the public record, on several occasions during the last few
meetings the Council has stated that the freight forwarding issue (CUP, etc.) was separate from
the IZO - by their own comments.
City Attorney Dolley stated that he misunderstood because there was a motion made 4/1 which
dealt with expedited CUP's, and he thought that was what they were discussing; Mayor Jacobson
stated that they were talking about grand- fathering CUP's for freight forwarders.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman West to direct staff to repost
and include this item for a discussion and possible action for their regular 7:00 P.M. meeting on
Mayor Jacobson stated there were still some questions on the M2, and asked if they were going
to leave this as is; Ms. Morries suggested that they leave the M2 structure as it is, but another
alternative would be to look at allowing in M1 or M2 uses that you would otherwise would allow
in CM and Ml - then you would need to decide to allow them by right or by AUP.
City Council Minutes
7 January 30, 1992
Mayor Jacobson stated he believed something has to be said about the size of the use also,
because larger non-conforming uses is what they are trying to prevent. Presently, the M2 zone
requires all to go through the conditional use process.
Councilman West questioned if all of the M2 uses require CUP's or ADP's; Ms. Morries
responded full CUP's.
RECESS at 9:45 P.M.
ROLL CALL All City Councilmembers Present.
Discussion ensued regarding conditional and administrative use permits in specific areas, existing
uses possibly qualifying for a continued use without a CUP and that this be put into an AUP
process, building size limitation, and existing or CM uses under 50,000 square feet possibly going
through the AUP process.
Councilman Wise questioned if Council wanted to direct staff to return with suggestions.
Ms. Morries responded the Council essentially has two choices, to require CUP's or AUP's. She
asked from the two options which one was the Council's pleasure.
MOVED by Councilman West to direct staff to go with AUP instead of CUP for all M2 building
in that particular area pointed out by Ms. Morries. Motion died due to lack of second.
Councilwoman Cruikshank questioned whether the Council was going to ask for direction from
Ms. Morries on this; Council concurred.
Ms. Morries asked Council what they saw as their concerns; Councilman Wise stated he felt time
was a major concern.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to have staff prepare a
report and agendize for 7:00 P.M. February 4 on a two tier system - standard and accelerated -
under the conditional use permit process for the M2 zone under the IZO, and include this with
the CUP discussion /possible action for freight forwarding uses. MOTION PASSED BY
Ms. Morries stated at the same time staff will prepare a flow chart which stipulates what the
State mandates related to the CUP process are.
Ms. Ackland asked Council to clear up those amendments passed this evening in accordance with
the requirements should the public hearing be continued; Mayor Jacobson stated that they were
not passed, but that they directed staff to draft language which reflect those.
Mayor Jacobson stated that freight forwarding would be continued to the February 4 Regular
meeting; the IZO amendments done this evening will go to the February 4 5:00 p.m. Adjourned
meeting, and the M2 discussions will go to the February 18 Regular meeting.
Ron Simms stated that freight forwarders under a CUP, that should Council decide that due to
the State Law the requirements are still rather lengthy - could the Council move them to an
AUP and out of a CUP requirement; Councilman Wise stated he believed that the Council could
due this and could take it off.
Ken Sukahara. Pacific Business Properties addressed Council stating that on behalf of the
Chamber of Commerce he conducted a Vacant Industrial Property Study available in the M1, M2,
and CM zones and found that there was 1,635,000 square foot of vacant industrial buildings
within El Segundo.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Dannen to adjourn the public
hearing to 5:00 P.M. February 4. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0.
Councilman Wise stated he has an article which he thinks might help in the strategy for bringing
in new business to the City, and ask that he transmit copies to the Council. It is regarding an
enterprise zone area for cities which have chances of winning enterprise zones, have municipal
strategies, and gives businesses some tax credits for employees, eta which he thinks might help
in the strategy for bringing in new business to the City.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Bveinees Only -5 minute limit) - NONE
City Council Minutes
8 January 30, 1992
The Council moved into a closed session at 10:16 p.m. pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown
Act (Government Code Section 54950, et seq.) as announced by the City Attorney, for the purposes of
conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation and /or discussing personnel
matters as follows:
§ 54956.9(a) (City a party to pending litigation)
City of El Segundo vs. Los Angeles
City of El Segundo vs. Krick
§ 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation
Two matters.
ADJOURNMENT at 10:16 p.m. to 5:00 P.M. February 4, 1992.
`'I,or Freeman
Deputy City Clerk
City Council Minutes
9 January 30, 1992