1992 JAN 23 CC MINMINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 28, 1992 - 7:00 P,M, CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Planning Commission Chairman Schott ROLL CALL City Council: Councilwoman Cruikshank - Present Councilman West - Present Councilman Wise - Present Mayor ProTem Dannen - Present Mayor Jacobson - Present Plannin¢ Commission: Chairman Schott - Present Vice- Chairman Kennedy - Absent Commissioner Wilkerson - Present Commissioner Davis - Present Commissioner Leon - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) Seven individuals addressed the City Council. Willard Krick, 1414 E. Mariposa Avenue - presented Council and Commission with a revised low growth plan which he stated is an alternate plan that attempts to preserve the small town character of El Segundo. The revised low growth plan primarily deals with the Land Use and Circulation Elements with recommendations that the General Plan specify no redevelopment agencies, low income housing, that streets recommended in the Circulation Element should be placed in the Capital Improvement Budget and be fully funded. Kevin Mortesen, DESI - 323 -1/2 Richmond Street - addressed Council and Commission stating DESI's main goal is to maintain the small town atmosphere in the downtown area, and they are strongly opposed to the reduction of the FAR in that area. He addressed an item on Table 4.4 -3 regarding the maximum FAR, and then submitted petitions to Deputy City Clerk Freeman with signatures of citizen's opposed to the FAR reduction. Ron Simms, 10100 Santa Monica Blvd., Century City - addressed Council and Commission asking them to consider increasing the FAR as the land becomes more valuable, and stated opposition to the reduction of FAR's. Mr. Simms offered to fax some traffic suggestions to them should they desire it. Mac Dalgleish, 624 Sierra Street - addressed Council and Commission on behalf of Mr. Willard Bailey, owner of 201 E. Grand, asking them if they had received a report he submitted; Mayor Jacobson confirmed that they had received his report and will be reviewing it. Liz Garnholz - addressed Council and Commission on the draft Environmental Impact Report asking that they consider putting in a height limit; opposed to widening Mariposa Avenue, one -way streets, and alleys in Smokey Hollow area; in favor of parking lot on Mariposa Avenue/El Segundo Blvd./Nash Green Line, and stated she felt that the traffic on the north side of town was not considered in the Circulation Element. She stated that Chevron makes up 25% of El Segundo, therefore, 25% of the input that is required was not given because they failed to submit their infrastructural plan in the existing conditions report and failed to meet the October deadline. Nancy Wernick, President El Segundo School Board - addressed Council and Commission asking if the Air Quality Element had anything in it which would allow the city to set up its own AQMD; Planning Director Kendra Morries responded that there was a provision which would allow the city to apply and adopt its own ordinance setting its own air quality standards. Jim Lamont, Contilas Management Corp.. - Representative for Santa Fe Railway Co. - address Council and Commission on the draft environmental impact report stating that Santa Fe is concerned that the General Plan contains proposed mitigation measures (4.13 -1) which would drastically reduce the market value of the fifteen acres, and requested that the property should have an urban mixed use designation. Mayor Jacobson closed the public communications at 7:40 P.M. and all comments will come from the Council, Commission, and staff. City Council Minutes January 23, 1992 A SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Presentation of consultant report that includes responses to comments received to date, and consultant recommendations on revisions to the draft General Plan document. An informational package will be distributed at the study session. Planning Director Morries stated that all of the meetings for the General Plan have been noticed in the El Segundo Herald, on Community Cable, posted notices in City Hall and the Public Library, and 4,221 notices were mailed out that day to property owners on the County Tax Roll - plus 200 companies and organizations which have been on the mass mailing lists that staff collected. Further stating, this evening they will prepare Council and Commission for the upcoming public hearings by going over all comments received, amendments, and suggested revisions to the draft environmental impact report and general plan. City Attorney Dolley presented Council and Commission with Conflict of Interest information, and asked permission to interrupt proceedings when necessary; Council and Commission agreed with his request. Lou Lightfoot, General Plan Consultant, presented a report stating that the recommended changes are part of internal reviews by staff, and a large number were based on comments received by the public which they believe to be valid, sound, correct, and should be included in the General Plan. He proceeded describing the items transmitted to them for their review, and stated he would be going through the document item by item. Mayor Jacobson asked if they could date the items so they could tell which are the latest; Mr. Lightfoot responded they could. Mr. Lightfoot stated that the first change in the comments will be that the General Plan will be referred to as the "1992" General Plan and not the "1991 ". Discussion ensued regarding the Economics and Circulation Elements. Mayor Jacobson recommended that the Economics Element be after the Circulation Element. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission that the Economics Element be placed after the Circulation Element. Discussion ensued as follows on the Economic Development, Land Use Element, Circulation Element, Housing Element, Open Space Element, Conservation Element, Air Quality Element, Noise Element, Public Safety Element: Paste 1-S - Discussion ensued regarding this page and the map. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to accept changes on Pages 1 -3. Economic Development - Discussion ensued regarding the best way to handle wording changes, and Mr. Lightfoot asked that Council and Commission submit their wording changes as soon as possible. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to accept changes on Economic Development - Pages 24, 2-7, 2-4 2-10, 2-14 and 2-16. Land Use Element - Discussion followed regarding current non - conforming uses and their status in the future. Mayor ProTem Dannen questioned if non-conforming uses would be grandfathered in; Mr. Lightfoot responded that the language is unclear on that issue. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to accept changes on Pages 3-5 and 3.6; future diva —done on Page 3-17, Page 3-7 FAR issue, and on Urban Mixed Use paragraph. Mr. Lightfoot recommended Smoky Hollow receive its own designation called "Smoky Hollow Mixed Use, and that it permit light industrial uses and office uses at an FAR of 0.6. Discussion followed concerning the 0.6 designations. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission - Pages 94 to accept change; Pages 8-9 accept changes, and to amend colored map - nape to be changed to reflect accepted changes; Page 3-14 through 3-19, 3-21 and 8-23 through 3-25 to aco%A changes, and Page 5-27 to change wording '100- year" to'S0- year•. Mr. Lightfoot will check with the Public Works Department on Page 3 -27 to see if it is possible to change the 100 -year to 50 year wording. Circulation Element - Discussion ensued as to how traffic figures were reached. City Council Minutes January 23, 1992 Mr. Lightfoot stated the traffic figures were reached using the 1988 levels, and the Traffic Consultant explained in detail how statistics were reached. Questions and discussion followed: Mayor ProTem Dannen asked for a complete copy of the Congestion Management Plan; Planning Director Morries responded that the plan is still in draft form, and the BDI consultant stated that the FAR of .06 was reached by taking into account the traffic generated from the freeway and the green line. RECESS at 9:00 P.M. RECONVENED at 9:20 P.M. ROLL CALL All City Council members and Planning Commission members present. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked whether the new exhibits had been put on the computer disk which contains the General Plan; Mr. Lightfoot responded they have not been incorporated yet, and the new exhibits are on a disk but have not been transmitted to the Council or Commission yet. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to accept ganges on Pages 4-10,4-14,4-15, 4-17, 4-18, 4-22, 4-26, 430, 4 81, 4-'W)� 4-37,4-38,4-40, and 4-41. Also, Anther review needed on Page 442. Discussion ensued regarding Page 4-42 - two new policies which will help in providing mitigation for the traffic impacts. They key phrase is maintain at "acceptable" levels of service which refers to what the City's interpretation of what acceptable is. Policy C-81.1: Mayor ProTem Dannen asked for further discussion on this. Discussion ensued that the definition of unacceptable for CMP purposes is "level of Service F or beyond the level of Service F that already exists. Sepulveda and Rosecrans is already unacceptable. Legislation requires these streets be maintained to ensure it does not get worse. El Segundo is not required to mitigate traffic in any other city adjacent to it, but those cities would be required to mitigate traffic that they create through El Segundo. The Council and Commission are required to mitigate developments within the City that impact Sepulveda and Manhattan Beach. Mayor ProTem Dannen expressed concern that should the Congestion Management Plan be based upon current traffic levels and the General Plan is based on the 1988 levels, then the City will automatically have a dramatic traffic impact, and because the figures are not complete they will be forced to assume that the traffic must be El Segundo's. Lightfoot's Traffic Consultant agreed stating that it was a good point. He then explained that the base counts for CMP are to be submitted by the cities to LACTC for monitoring. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked that staff be directed to review the traffic figures that they submitted to the LACTC, and make sure that those figures match the 1987 -88 baseline figures which the City is using for the General Plan. Consensus of the City Council and Planning Commission - Page 442 to have Anther review; staff to review traffic figures submitted to the LACTC and mare sure they mate the 19878 baseline figures the City is using for the General Plan; to reverse page numbers ganging Page 443 to read 4.44 and Page 4-44 to read 4-A and on Page 4-6 to accept change. Housing Element - Discussion ensued on the revised Pages 5 -3 and 5-4. These pages were completely rewritten. Mr. Lightfoot stated that Housing and Community Development (HCD) is advisory in nature, however, if El Segundo does not respond to HCD comments on the General Plan, then there must be a reason given as to why there was no response. Further stating that he has tried to respond to as many HCD comments as possible and still try to stay within the policy guidelines set by the GPAC and Planning Commission. He proceeded to go through review of HCD comments included in the packet. He stated that HCD does not have enforcement authority at this point, and there are housing advocacy groups who will be looking at the Housing Element of the City's General Plan. Consensus of the City Council and Planning Commission to accept changes on Pages 5-8 through 5-6. Discussion ensued on Page 5 -8 with Commissioner Davis stating that the housing for the Air Force Base was one of the major issues that they are dealing with in the Housing Element, and asked that it be added to the "intent" statement; Mr. Lightfoot responded agreeing that it should be added. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he had a problem with the reference to the mixed use district at the end of this paragraph; Mr. Lightfoot responded that there are two mixed use districts which are being recommended; the Urban Mixed Use and the Smokey Hollow Mixed Use. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he would like to have that clearly defined in this paragraph; Mr. Lightfoot concurred. City Council Minutes 3 January 23, 1992 Consensus of the City Council and Planning Commission to accept change on Page 5-8 as dismeeed, and to accept changes on Page 5-9 and 5-10. Discussion ensued on Page 5 -11 with Mr. Lightfoot stating that the goal has been changed. Councilmember Wise asking that in the future he would like the pages numbered in all packets at the bottom. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to accept changes on Pages 5-10 through 5-17 - reorganise order of goals. Discussion ensued on Page 5 -16 to change the word "Xerophytic" to "drought tolerant ". Further discussion ensued on Page 32 with Mr. Lightfoot stating that for future, separate discussion issue is the "inclusionary housing program" which was the policy that requires developers to set aside 3% of their projects for moderate income persons or paying an in -lieu fee instead. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to change '%rophytic" to "drought tolerant', and remove Page 82. Mayor Jacobson questioned the economics of this plan; Mr. Lightfoot explained the new plan. Commissioner Davis stated he received a report commissioned by the Air Force regarding the housing situation at the El Segundo Air Force Base which will be forwarded to City Manager Cano. He stated that it was done in January, 1992; Mr. Lightfoot stated that he had not received the report, but would get a copy. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked for consensus that Page 32 be removed. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to reprove Pages 32. Open Space Element - Discussion ensued with Mr. Lightfoot stating that a comment was made that the open space landscaping surrounding Chevron should be noted. It is about 10 acres of permanent open space and has been included on the open space list. It can be also added to the Land Use Element; Council and Commission concurred. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked that the Richmond Street Park be added to the Parkland inventory; and to also add the Richmond Street Park to calculations. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to accept changes on Page 6-2, 6-8, 6-4 and 6-5. Conservation Element - Discussion on changes on Page 7- 4,7- 5,7- 7,7 -8, and on Policy CN 4.5 form. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to accept changes to Pages 7-4, 7$, 7 -7, 74, and to change wording in Policy CN 4.5 form "Shall" to 'Will continue to ". Air Quality Element - Discussion ensued with Mr. Lightfoot directing the Council's and Commission's attention to an attachment handout for the page that dealt with Goal AQ 9, Reduction in Length of Vehicle Trips. Mr. Lightfoot explained that there was a consistency problem which was resolved by rewriting all of the policies related to this goal - in that not to mandate the job/housing balance, but rather try to deal with it through housing in the mixed use areas. Mayor ProTem Dannen disagreed stating that there should be no dwelling units close to the Green Line; discussion followed. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he would like QA 91.2 removed completely, but there was no consensus made. The item was flagged for future discussion with the possible deletion of the word "encouraging". Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to have future discussions on Page 8 - QA 91 -2; to accept changes on Page 8-9 and 8-11. Noise Element - Discussion ensued with Commissioner Davis stating that the "LACTC" should be substituted for the "California Department of Transportation ". Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to accept changes on 9-6, 9-7,9-9, and 9-10. Public Safety Element - Discussion ensued with Mr. Lightfoot directing Council's and Commission's attention to Page 22, the "Recommended Modifications to the Existing Conditions Reports" and asked that they review it for later discussion. He pointed out some of the items that were mentioned in this report, however none resulted in changes to the General Plan regarding Page 25, the "General Responses to Comments that did not Result in Recommended Modifications to the General Plan or the Existing Conditions Reports ". City Council Minutes 4 January 23, 1992 Council and Commission agreed not to hear the discussion concerning Air Products as a project because they are coming before the Planning Commission next week and anything done this evening concerning this company might jeopardize future decisions. Mr. Lightfoot explained the issues associated with this particular request. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to accept changes on Pages 10- 2,1049,10.6, 10-7,104k and 10-10 through 10-14. Page 31 Discussion: Councilman West left the dais at 10:55 P.M. and returned at 11:26 P.M. due to possible conflict of interest on the subject of land use. Mr. Lightfoot then proceeded to discuss the seven issues on Page 31 "Land Use Issues" as follows: Item 8 - Neighborhood Commercial Definition: Mr. Lightfoot gave the results of his survey of the downtown area (a five block area). Of the 49 total uses, 28 were at .5 or below, 7 were .6, 4 were between .7 and 1.0 and one was greater than one and 9 were unknown. He recommended a .5 FAR for downtown with a traffic limitation and allow it to exceed .5 provided they could show the traffic does not exceed the commercial use; a discussion followed. Mr. Lightfoot stated he would develop a couple of sketch scenarios of 3500 square feet lot, and a 7000 square foot lot to show what would be possible under an FAR of .5, and what would be possible with a .5 FAR with a traffic lid on it. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to table this item for future discussion. Item 4 - Urban Mixed Use definition. Commissioner Leon asked what the FAR's are for the new developments along El Segundo Boulevard; for instance, Mattel. Mr. Lightfoot stated that he believed the FAR's are relatively low, and will provide those figures later on; Planning Director Morries stated that the FAR of Continental was 1.2. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to table this item for fature discassiom Items 5 - General Commercial definition. Discussion concerning the height limit. Commissioner Leon asked what the height of the Kilroy Building was; Mr. Lightfoot responded that they are ten and six story buildings which are above the height limit. Item 6 - Urban Mixed Use/West side of Nash Street. Consensus of City Council and Planning Commission to delete this items. Item 7 - Center Street Junior High School. Chairman Schott asked what the previous zoning was for the school as it would automatically go back to that; Planning Director Morries responded it was presently designated as Public Facilities, and that it will stay that designation unless the Council or Commission change it. Circulation Issues - Discussion ensued on three circulation issues. 2. Announcement of remaining General Plan/Environmental Impact Report related meetings. Mayor Jacobson stated that the public is invited to attend all of the following meetings that relate to the current General Plan revision project underway. Copies of the documents are available for loan or purchase through the Planning Department, and if anyone has questions they can call Sara Rostamian, Associate Planner at 3224670 Ext. 401: February 6 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Council Chamber 7:00 p.m. February 13 Planning Commission Public Hearing, Council Chamber 7:00 p.m. February 25 City Council Public Hearing, Council Chamber 7:00 p.m. March 17 City Council Public Hearing, Council Chamber 7:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMUNICA77ONS - (City Business Only - 5 minutes limit) Mayor Jacobson opened up the meeting for public communications. Alan West, 303 Virginia Street stated that he had property in the downtown area, so he removed himself from his council seat so that he could discuss his concerns from the floor. He challenged Mr. Lightfoot's discussion of the size of the FAR of the downtown area and the information he presented. His property had already been built out but he named other property owners who currently had a 2 FAR; Mr. Lightfoot responded that his information came from the County Tax Rolls, and will provide more information at the next meeting. City Council Minutes 5 January 23, 1992 Gail Church, 406 Virginia Street stated that she was the person who presented the Malathion idea, and what she suggested had nothing to do with researching. It was about reiterating a policy statement that there would be no malathion spraying in the air space over El Segundo. She stated that somehow it got misconceived, and that the counting of the trees is in progress. If it was found that El Segundo had a homeless population, would that necessitate the City doing something with regard to a shelter; Mr. Lightfoot responded that it would. Mayor Jacobson closed the public commuAications. Planning Director Morries stated that the Planning Commission was adjourning to the Special Meeting of February 6, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. which was a public hearing on the General Plan. \ Chairman Schott adjourned the Planning Commission Meeting at 11:25 p.m. to a Special Meeting on February 6, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Jacobson asked City Attorney Dolley if there were any citations for closed session; City Attorney Dolley responded the citations listed below under Closed Session. CLOSED SESSION The City Council moved into a closed session at 11:30 p.m. pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section 54950, et gM. as announced by the City Attorney, for the purposes of conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing litigation and /or discussing personnel matters as follows: §54956.9 (b) - (City might have significant exposure to liti tion). One Matter ADJOURNMENT at 11:30 p.m. to January 30, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. Lo Freeman, Deputy City Clerk City Council Minutes 6 January 23, 1992