FEBRUARY 4, 1992 - 7:00 PX
CALLED LED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 P.M.
INVOCATION by Father Joseph Alzadian, S.J.; St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman West.
Councilwoman Cruikshank -
Councilman West -
Councilman Wise -
Mayor ProTem Dannen -
Mayor Jacobson -
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Budneae Only - 5 minute limit)
Six individuals addressed the City Council.
R.J. Switz, 1209 E. Maple Avenue addressed Council regarding the adopted FY 1991 -92 Budget stating
that he understood this to be the General Fund only, and that it was not a zero percent interest but a
12.5% increase.
Mayor Jacobson stated that the General and Enterprise Funds were adopted, but the Capital
Improvement Fund was a five year document which had not been adopted.
Councilman Wise stated 12°% is high because 2% of the raise mentioned was absorbed into the budget
by the expenditures which the Council directed staff to absorb.
Mr. Switz asked for the entire budget total amount; City Manager Cano responded to be exact it was
Lynn Bonia, 929 Dune Street addressed Council regarding the Hyperion on the following: 1) Sewer
break, 2) Power line fire due to accident, 3) Fire in HERS building, 4) Power outage for 10 minutes on
January 31 which created odor problems, and steam blowing for four hours, 5) DWP right -of -way shrub
removal created a lot of noise, and 6) Major communication problems, and the residents are video taping
the area. He thanked Mayor ProTem Dannen and Councilman Wise for their help and support when
the shrubs were being removed.
Mayor Jacobson stated that although the Council could not say very much, they should have a major
announcement they can make at the next City Council meeting which will answer a lot of the questions.
Gary Wallace, 516 Oregon Street addressed Council with concerns with the City getting too much
direction from outside consultants, concerns regarding water charges, and asked what the City's share
of the County's $2 million paid to five cities would be.
Mayor Jacobson responded that the County never deducted anything from the property taxes, it was just
that they would not be deducting it.
City Manager Cano stated at that time there was a possibility the County would be withholding a certain
portion of the property taxes but it never happened. The City was made whole on the formula negotiated
under Senate Bill 20. In addition to that, the question was the period of time in which the City would
eventually get into a 7% share of the City's own property tax which was also resolved in discussions with
the City's County Board of Supervisor Dean Dana, and in fiscal year 1991 -92 the City will get the full
7% which they had estimated. El Segundo was not included in the same class as some of the other cities,
but was made whole from the beginning.
Councilman West stated that the City is presently loosing 50% of the water due to the Supreme Court
ruling going to Arizona, and loosing another 30% of the water coming down from Mona Lake in order
to save the fish.
Dorothy Kent, 909 Dune Street addressed Council thanking Mayor ProTem Dannen for coming down
to help and assist the residents with the noise complaint regarding the removal of the trees and shrub.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he wished to inform the public that on Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m. there
were large run -ups at the Los Angeles Airport which vibrated the north side of the City, and that he
contacted a Mr. Riley of LAX who verified that it was MGM Grand Air who was doing illegal run -ups
which caused all of that noise.
City Council Minutes
February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.
Councilman Wise stated as far as on the budget, he asked that the City Manager verify the percentage
that the budget goes up without a budget increase with regards to existing union contacts, memorandums
of understanding, etc. Also responding to Mr. Wallace's statement that the City Council has run the
General Plan in here, he stated that there has been an additional six or seven meetings with mass
mailings to Smokey Hollow, downtown, and land owners in town to explain what is going on. The City
Council also had an additional meeting at Joslyn Center for everyone to state their concerns, and there
will be more meetings with businesses and residents which staff will make sure that Mr. Wallace is added
to the mailing list; Mr. Wallace thanked him.
Mayor Jacobson closed the public communications portion of the meeting.
1. Public Hearing - Proposed projects and budget for allocation of the 18th year (fiscal year 1992/
1993) Community Development Block Grant Funds.
Mayor Jacobson stated this was a public hearing on proposed projects and budget for allocation
of the 18th year (fiscal year 1992/1993) Community Development Block Grant Funds. He asked
City Clerk Hart if proper noticing had been done, and whether any written communications had
been received; City Clerk Hart stated in response that in compliance with the Council's direction
as of 5:00 p.m. today the City Clerk's Office was not in the position to state whether or not this
item was properly noticed.
Mayor Jacobson responded that it was on the last page of their agenda.
City Clerk Hart acknowledged that the notice was in the staff report, and then stated that no
written communications had been received by the Clerk's Office.
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked City Clerk Hart if he was certifying that proper public noticing
had been done; City Clerk Hart stated he was willing to certify because it is a matter of public
record (i.e. staff report).
City Manager Cano stated in accordance with Federal Housing Urban Development guidelines
in order for the City to continue to receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds,
they are required to conduct a public hearing. The report has some of the eligible CDBG
Programs which Council will be considering, and also the funding level. Also provided is a list
of the programs the City had during fiscal year 1990 -91, and a listing of current programs for
fiscal year 1991 -92 which were approved in February, 1991. The programs being recommended
this year have been put together through a process by review of the Department Heads who then
made their recommendations off of that listing. Staff retained a Contract Administrator, Dianna
Choe who has been handling the paperwork involved, and has brought the City into compliance
with the County - which at one point the City was being challenged that the funding would be
taken away.
Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing for comment; being none the Mayor entertained a
motion to close the public hearing.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to close the public
Councilwoman Cruikshank stated all of these available programs is what makes the City of El
Segundo unique. Literacy Program - she asked if part of that goes in for the children for the
lower grades or if that was a separate one; City Manager Cano responded it was a separate one,
and the City has a literacy program presently supported by the General Fund.
Mayor ProTem Dannen recommended taking a vast portion of the Literacy In The Work Place
and transfer it to Councilwoman Cruikshank's project of the Counseling for Seniors.
Councilman West disagreed with Mayor ProTem Dannen's recommendation, and stated that
literacy is a very valuable issue to him.
Mayor Jacobson stated that the City does have a Literacy Program which is going very well and
staffed by volunteers and City employees, but he has a problem with stretching out into the work
place where the workers be trained. This program is for our seniors, handicapped, etc., and
stated he had a problem with putting a high portion into that and taking away from our seniors,
handicapped, etc.
Councilwoman Cruikshank stated there was $11,000 for the Senior Citizen Counseling Program;
Mayor ProTem Dannen questioned whether this was the program which she was talking about
two weeks ago; Councilwoman Cruikshank stated she wasn't sure, and Rollie Wright, Director
of Recreation & Parks then nodded yes that it was.
City Council Minutes
2 February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he understood that $60,000 was spent for massive book repairs
in the school libraries, and that they are now open for the public to use. He questioned whether
the $50,921 could be used for these books.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen for approval of all expenditures except for the Literacy In
The Work Place.
Motion died due to lack of second.
MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Councilwoman Cruikshank for approval as
Councilman Wise called for discussion stating that he would like to approve this without the
literacy program as it is, and bring it back, with a matching dollar-for-dollar from the businesses.
Mayor Jacobson called the question: MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE
2J3: AYES - Counalmembers Cruikshank and West. NOES - Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem
Dannen, and Councilman Wise.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Dannen to approve all items with
the exception of Literacy In The Workplace, and to direct staff come back and notify businesses
to come back with proposals to match dollar - for - dollar of the Literacy in the Workplace funds.
ProTem Diann, Councalm mbem West and Wise. NOES: Councilwoman Cru ban
Councilman West asked if they could include an overview of the Literacy Program so that it is
the whole literacy and not just this item; City Manager Cano stated staff would prepare the
City Manager Cano stated he wished to clarify that the $11,000 for the Senior Counseling is not
the program that Councilwoman Cruikshank was speaking of two weeks ago, it is to have
counseling provided to the seniors. The one that Councilwoman Cruikshank was speaking of was
a peer counseling - where you train counselors who train other people.
Councilwoman Cruikshank stated it was her understanding from Kendra Morries that it was
going to be put in for the request of these funds, and then asked if it had been dropped.
Mr. Wright responded the present budget year $7,000 had been allocated in CDBG funds for a
counseling program, and it was increased for next year to $11,000. The City's existing provider,
a trained psychologist, indicated and put together a Peer Counseling Program for the City of
which the $11,000 does include.
City Manager Cano stated he understood Council's direction to be that staff would investigate
the interest and development of such a program, and bring it back to Council for approval. The
appropriation of $11,000 does not mean that it implements the program; Mayor ProTem Dannen
responded that this was precisely correct, and that the Council is the approving body for all
programs relating to the Recreation & Parks Department.
1. Initiate the recruitment process to fill an upcoming vacancy on the Planning Commission.
Mayor Jacobson stated this was a recruitment process to fill an upcoming vacancy on the
Planning Commission.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to direct staff to initiate
the recruitment process to fill upcoming vacancy on the Planning Commission. Mayor ProTem
Dannen called discussion.
Mayor Jacobson stated that Chairman Jack Schott is resigning as of March 15, 1992 after
putting in many years of very hard and diligent work, and he has been an excellent asset to our
Planning Commission and everyone will miss him.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated that Chairman Schott will be sorely missed. He has done an
excellent job putting in an enormous amount of hours in studying and working for the City of
El Segundo for 11 consecutive years, most of which were Chairman of the Planning Commission.
Mayor Jacobson called the question. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0.
City Council Minutes
3 February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.
2. Request from Sue Carter, President, Friends of the El Segundo Public Library, for an additional
$20,000 for furniture and equipment
Mayor Jacobson stated this was a request for the City to match the Friends $20,000 monies
which they accumulated from donations for furniture and equipment.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen;SECONDED by Councilman Wise to approve request with
Councilman Wise complimented the Friends for their work. Also stating, that with the existing
textbook problems in the schools, in his mind, the most important thing regarding the library
is to fill it up with proper text and data which he believed was more important than furniture.
Sue Carter, President of the Friends of the El Segundo Public Library, addressed Council stating
when the Friends began this project it was with the idea that for every dollar they raised the
City Council would match it. Those individual citizens, businesses, organizations, and
corporations donated funds toward this cause because they believed that it would be for furniture
and equipment. Should the Council say no to this request, then they are saying no to those who
donated funds.
Councilman Wise stated he would say no to them and yes to the kids every time. Further
stating, he believed in what they are doing, but felt that the money would be better spent on the
education of the children.
Councilman West asked if this was an either /or situation; Councilman Wise stated he meant that
he felt the money would be better spent on the textbooks for the children.
Mayor Jacobson stated the memo Councilman Wise was looking at was for the school libraries
which the City is only operating, the City is not supposed to be supplying.
Councilman Wise stated when it comes to the children, he is for the children.
MOVED by Councilman West to match the funds donated of $20,000 with discussion. He stated
Council made a commitment to the Friends that they would match dollar-for-dollar of donated
funds they collected.
Mayor Jacobson stated that there was already a motion and second made.
Councilman Wise asked if this $20,000 was going to be added to the budget or would it be a
direction to staff to absorb it.
Mayor Jacobson stated if the Council was making additions, it would need to be added to the
Mayor ProTem Dannen questioned Ms. Carter if they could agree to appropriate some of this
money towards the books because 70% of the books in the schools either need binding or
replacement; Ms. Carter responded that those people who donated the money were doing so
towards furniture and equipment, not books. She was not sure what to do, and could not speak
for them.
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked her if she could try to go back to those people who made donations
and ask them; Ms. Carter responded that she could go back to the Friends with this request, and
she stated that what Mayor ProTem Dannen was talking about was going to be their next
Mayor ProTem Dannen then asked what would happen if they agendized for the next meeting
a discussion/possible action for matching funds for a book drive for the schools; Barbara Pearson,
Library Director responded that she understands Council's concerns about the schools and they
have had a meeting with Dr. William Manahan, Superintendent, and Ms. Carter and her will be
making some fund raising and alternative sources of funding suggestion to the PTA as of
February 18. Also stating that Dr. Manahan has committed to continuing his current level of
funding for materials for the schools, and they will make every effort possible - using the
techniques developed by the Friends - to promote this as a targeted project which will go out to
businesses, individuals, etc. She wasn't sure whether Ms. Carter could make any other type of
commitment without the Board's approval.
Mayor Jacobson called the question.
Counc ilmemoben West and Wier. NOES - Mayor ProTem Dannen and Councilwoman
City Council Minutes
4 February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.
Library Renovation and Expansion Grand Opening - March 15, 1992.
Mayor Jacobson stated that this was a request for approval of March 15, 1992 to be the date for
the Library Renovation and Expansion Grand Opening.
Sandy Jacobs addressed Council stating that ribbon cuttings for all of the rooms have been
donated by special groups and corporations, Jack Smith will speak and the entertainment will
be by the El Toro Marine Band, a magician will be there for the children, and refreshments.
MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Dannen to approve date and time
Friends of the El Segundo Public Library auction of surplus furniture on February 22, 1992.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he understood that this furniture is owned by the City of El
Ms. Carter stated that this was part of the furniture which the Friends did not sell at the first
auction, which was sold to the Friends for $1.00.
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if they would be willing to spend the auction money on books; Ms.
Carter stated she would have to asked the Friends if they would be willing to do this.
MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by
Library for public auction of surplus furniture.
VOTE 5/0.
Mayor ProTem Dannen to approve closure of
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call
for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of
3. Report on the history of the golf course fund.
Received and Filed
4. Resolution to adopt Annual Operating Budget for period beginning July 1, 1991 and ending June
30, 1992, and approve Annual Appropriations Limit for FY 1991 -92.
Adopted Resolution No. 8746 - Operating Budget, and Adopted Resolution No. 8747 - Annual
Appropriations Limit for FY 1991- 921GANN.
7. Agreement between the State Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the City of El
Segundo for the construction of the on -ramp and frontage road between Douglas and Nash
Streets, an eastbound on -ramp for the I -105 Freeway, and the construction for the Douglas -Nash
one -wav couplet.
Approved agreement, authorised Mayor to awcute the agreement on behalf of the City, and
approved the proposed Capital Improvemaent Project SH 87-5 Sor funding of ;450,000 $+omi
developer contributions and/or Proposition W for Seel year 1991 -92.
8. Proposal to purchase one undercover surveillance vehicle and provide all three undercover
vehicles currently assigned to duty at L.A. Impact with concealed emergency lights and sirens.
Adopted proposal and approved ezpenditure of funds from Asset Forfeiture account in an amount
not to szceed #21,275.98,
9. Notice of approval of an Administrative Use Permit: Transmittal of January 29, 1992 letter of
determination from the Director of Planning approving a warehouse and office use in an existing
building for Logicon Ultrasystems, Inc. located at 411 Coral Circle.
Received and Filed.
10. Notice of approval of an Administrative Use Permit: Transmittal of January 30, 1992 letter of
determination from the Director of Planning approving the design, manufacturing and
distribution of heatinyJair conditioning systems at 410 S. Douglas Street.
Received and Filed.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to enact all consent agenda items except
for Item Nos. 1,2,5, and 6. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 5/0.
City Council Minutes
5 February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.
Warrant Numbers 38146 -38434 on Demand Register Summary Number 14 in total amount of
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated that unfortunately this will be the last set of warrants he would
be voting on until the Lightfoot Planning Group provides the City with the updated computer
disks, per contract, on the General Plan.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman West to approve Warrant
Demand Register and authorized staff to release, and to ratify Payroll and Employee Benefit
checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or
2. City Council Meeting Minutes For January 7 13, and 21, 1992.
Mayor Jacobson asked that these minutes be continued to the next meeting.
Council consensus to continue the minutes to the February 18, 1992 meeting.
5. 1990 -91 Replacement of sidewalk at various locations and construction of handicap ramps on
Pine Avenue p672XPr*gPW 91 -5.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he wished to abstain from discussing or voting on the issue.
Councilman Wise asked Ken Putnam, Director of Public Works, whether they settled this or not;
Mr. Putnam responded yes they had settled the situation. Also stating that during the
construction the City staff and a number of citizens had problems with the contractor's
performance which was resolved. Some work which the contractor refused to do was completed
by staff.
Councilman Wise asked if there was any way which the City could specify qualifications; City
Attorney Dolley stated that the rule is that the City is required to take the lowest qualified
bidder. Having used the word qualified, he feels they could take some direction to perhaps
review the Public Works contracts with this in mind.
Councilman Wise asked if the contractor was aware of the subtracted dollars; Mr. Putnam
responded that he is aware, and that he requested an arbitration meeting and was refused. The
contractor's attorney has written letter which was referred to the City Attorney, and on the
advice of the City Attorney - staff brought this matter to the Council to wrap up and accept the
job, and let the legal process, if any, go forth.
Councilman West asked if the City could get back their legal fees if this went into litigation; City
Attorney Dolley stated he would need to review the contract. Councilman West asked if there
was any way that staff could include this type of statement in their future contracts; City
Attorney Dolley stated that this could be considered.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to accept the work as complete
for a final contract amount of $272,849.44 (from this amount is to be subtracted liquidated
damages and back charges), and to take other actions identified in subject staff report. MOTION
PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE 4/1: AYES - Mayor Jacobson, Councilmembers
West, Cndkahank, and Wise. NOES - None. ABSTENTIONS - Mayor ProTem Dannen.
6. Acacia storm drain (County Project) - Approval of Project.
Mayor Jacobson stated this said that the City would be giving the County permits at no charge.
He then asked if the City retains any authority over inspection; Mr. Putnam responded no, and
on all jobs where the County or other entity comes in, the City is involved in the inspection of
process if they see things done wrong - staff gives the County the information and works with
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Dannen to adopt Resolution No.
3748 approving project; granting of permanent and temporary construction easements to Los
Angeles County Flood Control District across City property, and authorized Mayor to sign
Request for and amendment to the Agreement Affecting Real Property with Wyle Laboratories
for property at 110 and 270 Maryland Street, and request to waive the required $35,000
Certificate of Deposit.
City Council Minutes
6 February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.
City Manager Cano presented a report to Council stating that this was a request from Wyle to
approve a request for an extension; an amendment to an Agreement Affecting Real Property
located at 110 and 270 Maryland Street, and a waiver of the required $35,000 Certificate of
Deposit. Staff is recommending approval of this request because presently Wyle has
approximately 176 employees; on -site parking facilities for 212 employees, and with the Air
Quality Management District's requirement to reduce the number of vehicles going to places of
employment - and with the state of the economy - staff feels that they will not be needing
additional parking in the near future. Also, Wyle Labs has been a very important part of the
community, and they have stayed firm in that should the City requires them to put in a parking
lot - then they will do it.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman West to approve an extension;
amendment to the Agreement Affecting Real Property at 110 and 270 Maryland Street, and to
waive the required $35,000 Certificate of Deposit. MOTION PASSED BYUNANIMOUS VOICE
VOTE 5/0.
2. Proposal to revise the Fire Engineer and Fire Captain class specifications in order to implement
applicable sections of Resolution No. 3716.
City Manager Cano presented a report to Council stating that staff is recommending the Council
to adopt two classification changes - Fire Engineer and Fire Captain. This is to allow staff to
implement a resolution affecting those classifications as the pertain to City's desire to reduce
overtime. City Council adopted a replacement and re-hire policy for the primary reason of
reducing overtime, and to provide an opportunity to employees to acquire on the job training.
Staffs concern is that should they not have this policy in place at the time of the vacancies, then
it will be difficult for Department Heads to accept moving people to permanent positions without
having any experience in those capacities.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Dannen to adopt the proposed
class specifications. Councilwoman Cruikshank asked for discussion.
Councilwoman Cruikshank stated that since this has been an unhappy situation on both sides
for some time, she was curious about the Fire Fighters Association opinion on this. Also stating
that she understood that they believe that they were to have another meeting with the City
Manager - and that they were moving close to some kind of compromise. Should this go through
this evening, the morale of the Fire Fighters Association will be further damaged.
Fire Battalion Chief Gilbert responded stating Councilwoman Cruikshank was correct in that
there were some meetings that had been scheduled. Last week they met with Captain George
Lewis and Gary Preston who spoke on this issue, and they assured him that they realized that
this was a meet and confer item and this was something which was passed in the resolution.
They have committed to meet with them, Chief Sloan, and any other members of City
Departments which they need - in order to implement an agreement of mutual satisfaction on
the requirements for this. They see the need to establish minimum requirements for this
position, if they are to have these positions, and they see the benefit to establish a career path
guide for those who wish to promote.
Councilwoman Cruikshank stated under the circumstances she felt that this should be put off
until they have had the opportunity to work it out.
Councilman Wise stated he agreed with the City Manager, and he is not interested - as a
Councilman - in having these individuals go into on-the-job training under emergency. He stated
they were questioning the exact wording of the implementation under memorandum of
Battalion Chief Gilbert responded this was correct. Another concern was that some of the
individuals would not be able to meet the requirements as written presently, and they would like
to come to some sort of mutual satisfaction of a level of requirements.
Councilwoman Cruikshank asked who wrote the requirements; Battalion Chief Gilbert responded
that the Fire Department Staff - based on what other departments have used as their criteria -
going along with what is normal for the industry. She then asked if he felt that this was a
requirement which could be met by his staff - if the potential is there; Mr. Gilbert responded
Mayor Jacobson asked for and received a commitment from Battalion Chief Gilbert that the time
line for these new requirements would be mutually acceptable with the Fire Union before
Councilman Wise called the question.
ProTem Dannen, Coundbnemobers Wert and Wise. NOES - Council me®ber Cruikebaak
City Council Minutes
February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.
3. Report on City Sanitary Sewer System, City Storm Drain System, and City Water.
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked that this item be held over to the February 18 meeting.
Council consensus to hold items over to February 18, 1992 meeting.
4. Oral Update on Aerospace Corporation versus the Senate Board of Equalization.
City Manager Cano presented a report on two issues which will have drastic affects on the City's
budget process should they not deal with them. The first one is the Aerospace Corporation
verses the Senate Board of Equalization - he stated a meeting with over 21 cities throughout the
State of California was conducted which primarily focused at city manager's, key staff member's,
and finance director's, to bring about an awareness of the aerospace decision and the potential
ramifications to cities. Through this meeting, they put together a very well thought strategic
plan of which there are 15 areas they will be pursuing to attach this issue of which they plan to
present these recommendations to the City Manager's Division of the League of California Cities
on Thursday. First, they feel they will be able to get the federal government to at least extend
the period of time of which they have to pay back their liabilities which is presently at 2 years.
Secondly, they are looking at the federal government waiving the interest which doubles the
liability, and Thirdly, they will pursue having the federal government just make this go away.
He will be returning with a report on how Thursday's meeting goes.
Council received and Sled report.
5. Oral Update on Air Force Retention.
City Manager Cano stated that this was the second issue which will have a drastic affect on the
City's budget process should they not deal with it. The legislation has been submitted to the
Legislative Council at the State level which they anticipate within two weeks it will be back in
its draft form, and staff will then finalize that legislation. Senator Beverly has agreed to be the
principal author, Assemblyman Tucker has agreed to be the principal co- author. There was a
situation two weeks ago of which the County was proposing legislation which staff felt would be
directly in conflict with what they were trying to accomplish. There was a meeting where they
discussed their concerns with Mayor Jacobson, Representatives from Supervisor Dean Dana's
office, Ron Lamb from the Los Angeles Chamber, and a number of others, and he stated he
wanted to express appreciation to Supervisor Dean Dana for modifying his motion and pulling
that legislation. He informed Council that he and Don Harrison, Assistant to the City Manager
will be going to Sacramento to meet with Kenneth Emmanuel's key staff to inform them of what
they are trying to accomplish, the City's Bill is a Job Retention's Bill not a Housing Bill and
especially to deal with the issue associated with the broader issue of using redevelopment monies
transferring from one jurisdiction to another.
Mayor Jacobson stated that the redevelopment monies Mr. Cano referred to does not have
anything to do with the City of El Segundo, it is other cities like Hawthorne, etc.
Council reoeived and Sled report.
Councilwoman Cruikehank - NONE
Councilman West
Councilman Wise
1. Reminder of the February 8 - 10:00 A.M. - Day For John Stevensen and the Alumni Baseball
Game at the Recreation Park, and a Golf Tournament on February 7.
2. To City Manager: Information of an Los Angeles Times, Business Journal article regarding State
job layoffs; a commentary of why Los Angeles is loosing manufacturing jobs. While they are now
getting into the General Plan and thinking of the economic well being of El Segundo, he feels
this would be good reading for the Council.
3. The South Bay Official's Pension's Scrutiny Audit resulted in the City of El Segundo having a
clean bill of health. He congratulated Steve Klotzsche, Finance Director and Don Bott, Human
Resources/Risk Management Director, and City Manager Cano; Council concurred.
City Council Minutes
8 February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.
Mayor ProTem Dannen
1. Utility User Tax specifically that provision of the tax that Council directed that staff not proceed
with its implementation
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated that the part of the Utility User Tax which Council directed staff
not to implement was the Natural Gas Tax going into SCE.
Councilman Wise stated he would like to implement the Natural Gas Tax.
Councilman West agreed with Councilman Wise, and stated this was a Utility User's Tax which
in this case taxes the usage of gaseous gas, and in this case SCE was exempted. SCE has stated
that should the City include them in this tax, they will pass the bill onto the cities residents and
business owner's which is estimated for the average home owner to be $2.00 per month.
Councilwoman Cruikshank agreed with implementing the tax, but felt that should we need to
do something in the future - we can always implement it.
Mayor Jacobson stated that they have to go through a fairly reasonable process through the PUC
to implement this. The City was gaining up to $10 to $12 million when they were buying oil to
run their generators of which they were paying 6% sales tax - passing that right on to the rate
payer. Now they have switched to natural gas, some of which we don't get franchise fees on, a
good portion they buy directly and transport in. He does not see where it is that different and
he is willing to take the chance that the PUC doesn't see that it is that different, and that it is
a reasonable charge of doing business, and would be passed to the rate payers as a whole - not
to the individual rate payers.
Councilman Wise stated should the City implement it, Edison has to verify that they are going
to go to the PUC. If they go to the PUC, then they must get approval to even pass the tax/fee
on - and they have to get approval just to pass it on to El Segundo. Presently, he felt it was time
to do something.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to implement the natural gas
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he would like to offer a compromise to the Utility User's Tax.
It is not secret that the AQMD is tightening its controls everyday, and that we have moved into
a specific direction to add our own air quality management section to our general plan and
taking positive actions in governing our air quality.
Mayor ProTem Dannen requested a roll call ballot:
Counczlmemobers West and Wise. NOES: Mayor ProTem Dannen, and Counczlmemaber
2. Freight Forwarding and related conditional use permit issues.
Mayor ProTem Dannen briefly addressed freight forwarding and related conditional use permit
issues, and recommended that the City hire a consultant to seek out those vacant /or in use for
freight forwarding, then batch process the CUP permits for those properties. Also, for the City
to absorb the costs for this.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to hire consultant to seek
out those vacant/in -use properties for freight forwarding, batch process the CUP's for them,
notify the owners by mail, and for the City to absorb the expense.
Ron Simms addressed Council regarding another means to expedite applications as far as freight
forwarders, and recommended they make it an Administrative Use Permit instead of a
Conditional one because that would be expedited, and the City could in fact increase the fee, eta
Mayor Jacobson stated that this would be an ordinance, and they could not just waive an
Councilman Wise stated he feels the request does not seem unreasonable, but it is not always so
easy to undo something you have done in City government as it is to implement it.
City Attorney Dolley stated that conditional use permits are provided for in your city code which
are adopted by ordinances. Should the Council wish to change the methodology - not the timing
- of conditional use permits, they are mandated by State law and would take an ordinance to
change all of that. This ordinance takes a first and second reading, and would not go into affect
for 30 days. There is a vast difference between the AUP process which is an administrative
process of the City, and the State mandated CUP process.
City Council Minutes
9 February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.
Councilman Wise asked if you take uses out, does that also take redoing the ordinance; City
Attorney Dolley responded yes.
Councilman West questioned what advantage or disadvantage does the City really have by not
converting from a CUP to an AUP.
Mayor Jacobson stated that the only place the City has the AUP process is in a temporary
interim zoning ordinance, and in order to modify it will take about two months, and asked how
long it would take to grandfather an overall CUP for all of the existing freight forwarders
without a CUP now; Councilman Wise stated that this question was asked in a sub- committee
meeting and Planning Director Morries stated that the AUP is not to be used as a normal way
of processing - you actually destroy the process by doing this.
Hyrum Fedji, Director of Building & Safety - Interim Planning Director, responded that staff is
presently in the process of putting together a staff report for Council's February 18 meeting
which will show them the mandated requirements for a CUP by State law and which are
incorporated in local ordinances. He stated that there are certain time line restrictions required
which need to be considered, and it is not an AUP.
City Manager Cano stated the fundamental problem is not necessarily the CUP process, it is
those uses which the City has decided are subject to the CUP process. Stan is preparing State
mandated guidelines as to how to handle a CUP, and then will show them within their ordinance
those of which the Council has decided through the history of El Segundo that fall within that
category. First, Council can decide when they will continue that CUP process and direct staff
to find out if they can expedite it through some source, or secondly they can go through the uses
and decide which ones they like or do not like, and then subject those to an AUP process - or -
allow those by right.
Councilwoman Cruikshank asked where the money will come from for the hiring of an outside
consultant; Mayor ProTem Dannen responded out of the general fund.
Mayor Jacobson stated he had a problem with the money coming out of the general fund, and
asked Mayor ProTem Dannen to consider modifying it to spread the cost over all the CUP's to
cover the City's cost.
Mayor ProTem Dannen responded he felt it would help to process it faster if they were able to
tell the owner's that it would not cost them anything, and asked them to cooperate by giving the
City the statistics up front to make this problem go away.
Mayor ProTem Dannen called the question and restated the motion as follows:
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to hire consultant to seek
out those vacant /in -use properties for freight forwarding, batch process the CUP's for them,
notify the owners by mail, and for the City to pay for out of the General Fund.
Crai]ksbanly West and Was. NOES - Mayor Jacobson.
Mayor Jacobean - NONE
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only-5 minute limit)
Two individuals addressed Council under public communications.
R..J. Switz.1209 E. Maple addressed Council regarding bookbinding, and recommended the City consider
purchasing Prodigy for the Library.
Patty PMMter. 920 Dune Street addressed Council thanking Mayor ProTem Dannen and Councilman
Wise for coming down to help them last weekend, and that the 640 phone number took too long - and
the AQMD recommended that they call the 800 number instead.
ADJOURNMENT at 9:45 p.m. to 5:00 P.M. January 18.
Lola Freeman
Deputy City Clerk
City Council Minutes
10 February 4, 1992 7:00 p.m.