AUGUST 4, 1992 - 7:00 p.m.
Resolution No. 3778
Ordinance No. 1184
CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 p.m.
INVOCATION given by Reverend Timothy Schepman, Saint John's Lutheran Church.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mayor ProTem Wise.
1. Fire Chief Sloan introduced new Firefighter Sterling Calahan.
Councilman Robbins
Councilman Switz
Councilman West
Mayor ProTem Wise
Mayor Jacobson
- Present
- Present
- Absent
- Present
- Present
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS -(City Business Only -5 minute limit)
Sixteen individuals addressed the City Council.
Jerry Walters, 613 Virginia Street, addressed Council regarding a letter dated February,
1991 which was given to the City Clerk to transmit to the Council regarding Browning
Ferris and their contract and AB939, and asked Council to allow all refuse haulers to
apply for this item on recycling.
Norm Schuller, Resident /Businessman addressed Council on concerns with ADTs in the
Smoky Hollow Zone section in the General Plan , and asked them to look at this issue of
traffic again.
City Attorney Dolley stated that this item was not agendized and cautioned Council on
any responses.
Mayor Jacobson informed Mr. Schuller of the meeting tomorrow night on the General
Plan Survey results, and that he could addressed the issue at that time.
Karen Goodrue addressed Council as a parent asking if there was guarantee from the
City regarding the $750,000 for the next five year.
Mayor Jacobson responded that the sub - committee was review this issue, and that they
should be able to come up with a guarantee; Mayor ProTem Wise concurred.
2. Robert Flynn of El Segundo Refuse Hauling, Inc. regarding recycling.
Mr. Flynn addressed Council regarding AB939 and his Request for Proposal he
submitted to the City, and stated his concern for compliance and his suggestions
for the project. He then submitted a petition containing 2,000 plus signatures
recommending his company for a sole source.
Willard Krick, 1414 E. Mariposa Avenue addressed Council on the recent ad in the El
Segundo Herald which was referred to during last nights meeting. He stated that the ad
was from the new association called El Segundo Community Organization and was not
associated with the El Segundo Residents Association. He also referred to a recent flyer
from this other organization which contained some errors and he wanted to inform the
Council and public that this was not associated with the El Segundo Residents
Association. Further stating that speaking for himself he was in favor of the City
purchasing the Imperial School site and giving the School District the money.
Mayor ProTem Wise questioned Mr. Krick if the El Segundo Residents Association was open
to all of the residents; Mr. Krick responded it was and that their association had certain
criteria which needed to be met, but that they had never rejected anyone.
Tim Eggert, 1435 Sycamore addressed Council stating he was in favor of El Segundo
Refuse Hauling and Recycling as a sole source.
City Council - 8/4/92 - 7:00 p.m.
Scot Dannen, 1127 E. Acacia addressed Council on 1) comments made regarding the
ad in the Herald which contained a City Hall phone number stating that this was alright
due to the fact that the phone number is being paid for by the citizens; 2) questioned
the City Attorney how many Councilmembers participated during closed session
discussion of Kinko vs City of El Segundo, and questioned if there had been any closed
session discussion on the reorganization of the Planning and Building Safety Department,
3) concerns that a City agreement with the schools for funding during the next five years
may have a problem should any new members be elected to the Council during that
time period„ and 4) questioned if R.O.A.D. funding was still in the budget.
City Attorney Dolley responded four Councilmembers participated during the discussion
regarding Kinko vs. City of El Segundo, and then asked for time to review his notes
regarding the other question; Mayor Jacobson responded ROAD was still budgeted.
John Balsman, 917 E. Walnut addressed Council on a City flyer he received which was
referring to possibly making his cul -de -sac a one way street.
Ken Putnam, Director of Public Works, clarified that this notice was only to inform those
residents of what was happening, and that staff would be bringing this before the
Council for further discussion.
Janet Jamison, 913 Center Street addressed Council asking them to consider accepting
her late application for the Senior Housing Board.
Mayor Jacobson asked the City Attorney for clarification on how the Council could
discuss this because it was not on the agenda.
City Attorney Dolley informed the Council that they could take a vote to discuss an issue
arising after the posting of the agenda.
MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to hear an item arising
after the posting of the agenda. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 410/1 -
Councilman West absent. Council consensus to accept application, and asked staff to
schedule an interview time.
Lance White, 868 Maryland Street asked Council to add his name with Mr. John Bralsma
regarding the one -way cul-de -sac issue because he also disagreed with a one -way
Gary Schultz, 227 E. Oak addressed Council regarding Norm Schuller comments on ADTs
in the Smoky Hollow area in the General Plan; that he agreed with giving a sole source
to El Segundo Refuse Hauling, Inc. and urged Council to make a decision regarding the
recycling contract; stated that Chevron was responsible for the new school building roofs
and computer room, and the Raiders were responsible for the football field lights.
Dorothy Kent, 909 Dune Street addressed Council stating that she was a member of the
new organization called the El Segundo Community Organization; asked them to attend
a hyperion meeting on August 12, and stated that she felt the Hillcrest Street Emergency
Egress /Ingress issue could wait or that they could consider placing trees there instead
because of the cost involved.
Hazel Yates, 944 Sheldon Street addressed Council in favor of a sole source with El
Segundo Refuse Hauling, Inc. and asked them to consider the proposal, and stated that
she was not aware that Chevron had done those things mentioned earlier and she was
very happy about their support.
Ron Swanson, 1111 E. Grand Avenue addressed Council in favor of a sole source with El
Segundo Refuse Hauling, Inc. and asked them to consider the recycling proposal.
Scot Dannen, 1127 E. Acacia addressed Council stating that he had never seen the City
Attorney take notes during closed session discussion, and therefore would like to have an
answer as to whether there was ever a closed session discussion regarding the
reorganization of the Planning and Building Safety Department.
Mayor ProTem Wise responded that they had not discussed this during closed session that
he knows of.
City Council - 8/4/92 - 7:00 p.m. 2
Gert VagleK addressed Council stating that she was not aware that citizens could
question the Council about closed session discussions.
Mayor ProTem Wise stated that there were some inconsistencies in a recent El Segundo
Residents Association's newsletter.
1. Anthony Brent - Parking at North Village Shopping Center, 150 Sepulveda
Boulevard - Proiect #150.
No action taken.
3. Rich Reed - Improvina the Police Department.
No action taken.
RECESS at 7:50 p.m.
RECONVENED at 8:10 p.m.
ROLL CALL all Councilmembers present (Councilman West absent)
Mayor Jacobson closed public communications due to no one wishing to address the
1. Continued Public HearinA: On FY 1992 -93 Operating Budget and Capital
Improvement Program Budget.
Mayor Jacobson announced this was a continued public hearing on the proposed
FY 1992 -93 Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Budget, and asked City
Clerk Mortesen whether proper noticing was done in a timely manner, and
whether any written communications had been received by the Clerk's Office.
Clerk Mortesen responded the notice was published, and that no written
communications had been received by the Clerk's Office.
Mayor Jacobson then announced that the Council decided at last nights meeting
to continue the public hearing to August 18.
MOVED by Councilman Switz; SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to continue
public hearing to August 18. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/0/1 -
Councilman West absent. Council consensus to continue Item 2 and 3 also to
August 18.
2. Resolutions to 1) Approve and adopt Annual Operating Budget for period
beginning 7/1/92 and ending 6/30/93, and 2) Approve and adopt Annual
AAgpropriations Limit for FY 92/93.
3. 1992 -97 Capital Improvement Program (CIP); 1992 -93 Resolution for CIP.
Council consensus to continue Item 2 and 3 also to August 18.
4. 15% Water Rate Increase approved 7/7/92 and Water Enterprise Fund.
Councilman Robbins requested to continue this item until August 18.
Council consensus to continue this item to August 18.
Hillcrest Street - Imperial Highway closure emergency exit alternate proposals.
Mayor ProTem Wise suggested $250.00 for portable chocks, and requested
staff look into - and report back - on the option of putting sod over the pavement
rather than tearing out the pavement. Discussion followed.
Council consensus to discuss further at the Capital Improvement Program meeting.
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed
unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered
individually under the next heading of business.
City Council - 8/4/92 - 7:00 p.m. 3
I . Warrant Numbers 41841 -41943 in Demand Register Summary Number 2 in total
amount of $695,873.80
Approved Warrant Demand Register and Authorized staff to release, and ratified
payroll and employee benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or
agreements, and emergency disbursements and /or adjustments.
2. Warrant Numbers 41945 -42087 on Demand Register Summary Number 27 in total
amount of $305,977.86.
Approved Warrant Demand Register and Authorized staff to release, and ratified
payroll and employee benefit checks, checks released early due to contracts or
agreements, and emergency disbursements and /or adjustments.
4. Resolution for limited and temporary authority to expend City Funds pending
,approval as of the FY 92/93 City Budget.
Adopted Resolution No. 3778.
5. Los Angeles County Program for pick -up of household hazardous waste materials
on August 15, 1992.
Authorized the distribution of the enclosed pamphlet supplied by the Los Angeles
County Department of Public Works and County Sanitation Districts by use of the
El Segundo Herald. "-�
6. Request for the City Council to approve lowest bids for asphalt paving materials
for FY 92 -93.
Approved Blacktop Materials Company's bid as follows: Asphalt paving material
at $20.25 per ton and Tacking Oil at $2.25 per gallon, and reject all other bids.
7. Installation of traffic signal pre- emption "Opticon" devices at various traffic signals
(Public Works Project 90 -6).
Found contract work including authorized Change Order Nos. 1 and 2 was
completed on July 24, 1992, two hundred forty -four (244) days beyond the original
contract completion date of August 15, 1992; granted the contractor two hundred
forty-four (244) calendar days time extension to July 24, 1992 as allowed by the
contract for delay suffered as a result of change orders; accepted the work as
complete fora final contract amount of $127,553.01; authorized City Clerk to record
the enclosed Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder, and
directed that the 10% retention required by the contract be retained pursuant to law
a minimum of thirty -five (35) days after recording the Notice of Completion.
8. Request for the City Council to approve lowest bid for City to dispose of debris at —�
a transfer station for FY 92 -93.
Approved American Waste Systems bid at $30.00 per ton, and rejected all other
9. LACTC 1992 -93 multi -model funding applications to Los Angeles County
Transportation Commission (LACTC).
Received and filed.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to approve the
Consent Agenda except those Item #3,# 10,# 1 Land #12 called for discussion. MOTION
PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 41011 - Councilman West absent.
3. City Council minutes for June 2,4,9,16,29,30 and July 2.7, and 14, 1992.
Mayor Jacobson asked item be continued due to too short of time to review.
City Council - 8/4/92 - 7:00 p.m. 4
Councilman Switz stated that one set of minutes stated him making comments on
street sweeping which he did not remember making, and asked that be reviewed.
Councilman Robbins requested stamped draft' minutes be received by the
Council within two days of the meeting they are for; discussion followed.
City Clerk Mortesen responded that she would review Councilman Switz's concern;
and informed them the minutes were held up per City Attorney request. Further
stating that the Council would be transmitted draft minutes within two days of the
regular meeting.
Council consensus to continue item to August 18, 1992 meeting.
10. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. CA0061654 -
C 16948. Permit Imelementation Agreement.
Councilman Robbins stated he wanted to approach and approve this item with
caution, and questioned how binding was this agreement.
City Attorney Dolley responded that he did recommend approval of this
agreement; Mr. Putnam gave a brief overview.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Robbins to approve
agreement, and authorized Mayor to sign agreement. MOTION PASSED BY
UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 4/011 - Councilman West absent.
11. Referral to the Planning Commission of proposed amendments to the General Plan
and zoning Ordinance relating to certain existing legal or legal non - conforming
uses or structures within the City.
Pulled from consideration by City Attorney Lee Dolley
12. Distribution of reclaimed water.
Mayor ProTem Wise questioned whether the City was releasing proprietary
information; Mr. Putnam responded that they were only releasing the name and
address but not the dollar amount, and would solely be used for this purpose only.
Discussion followed.
Mayor Jacobson suggested a caveat be added ; Council concurred.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Wise; SECONDED by Councilman Switz to approve with
the understanding and modification that West Basin will only use this customer
information and may not at any time make this information public. MOTION
PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 41011 - Councilman West absent.
AB939 Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989.
Mr. Putnam presented a brief overview of AB939, and a status report on the City's
actions. He also informed them that the current contract expires on January 31,
1993, and that the City had the option of extending it for a year. Discussion
followed on the Request for proposals received, and whether the City wanted to
go with a sole source or mixture.
Councilman Switz questioned if the City could challenge the January 1995
deadline due to the State not meeting their deadlines; Mr. Putnam responded that
the legislature refused to make any changes to this date although they were
aware that the State was behind.
Mayor ProTem Wise suggested directing staff to check with the Chamber and ask
them to attend the next council meeting with a copy of their report.
Council consensus to continue this item to September 1 meeting, and for City
Manager to contact the Chamber of Commerce about moving up their meeting date.
City Council - 8/4/92 - 7:00 p.m. 5
Gary Schultz called a point of order and spoke in favor of El Segundo Refuse
Hauling, Inc. as the City source for this project, and urges the council to made a
decision. Discussion followed.
Councilman Switz questioned whether Mr. Flynn's or anyone eases proposal was
used as an example; Mr. Putnam responded that none of the proposals received
were used as examples.
Robert Flynn, El Segundo Refuse Hauling, Inc. addressed Council on his submitted
proposal, and asked them to look at it again.
2. Completion of South Port Storm Drain by County and disposition of former
Holby/Valley drainage basin.
Mr. Putnam presented a brief report.
Mayor Jacobson stated he would like to wait until he hears the Recreation and
Parks Commission comments; Mayor ProTem Wise concurred .
MOVED by Councilman Robbins; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Wise to approve
#1B - direct staff and Recreation and Parks Commission to hold a neighborhood
meeting to get the Community's input on the site's use. MOTION PASSED BY
UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE 41011 - Councilman West absent.
Councilman Robbins
Asked City Attorney for clarification on whether he could discuss an issue
regarding the development on Sierra Place and an item in the last edition
of the Herald regarding noise problems since it was within 300 feet of his
property; City Attorney Dolley responded that he could not discuss anything
within 300 feet of his property.
Councilman Switz
1. Encourages the Public to attend all General Plan meetings and requested
copies of the survey be available for the public to review at tomorrow
nights meeting.
- Councilman West
- Mayor ProTem Wise
- Mayor Jacobson
Joe Vitori, 124 W. Oak addressed Council regarding school funding - deed Imperial over
to City which will show something for the money the City is funding.
ADJOURNMENT at 9:05 p.m. o August 5, 1992 at 7:00 p.m.
Lor Freeman,
Deputy City Clerk
City Council - 8/4/92 - 7:00 p.m. 6