DECEMBER 3, 1991
CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 P.M.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mayor ProTem Dannen.
INVOCATION given by Reverend John Svendsen, First Baptist Church.
1. City Council proclaimed Bill Of Rights Week as December 9 -16,
1991, and Councilman West presented proclamation to Lavinia
2. City Council proclaimed Toys for Tots Month as November 18-
December 18, 1991, and Mayor ProTem Dannen presented
proclamation to City Manager Cano.
Councilman West - Present
Councilman Wise - Present
Mayor ProTem Dannen - Present
Mayor Jacobson - Present
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit)
Five individuals addressed the City Council.
Bob Anderson addressed Council welcoming everyone to come to Candy
Cane Lane at the 1200 Block of Acacia to see Santa Claus and the
beautiful decorations nightly at 7:00 p.m. from December 14 -23,
Lyn Bonia, 929 Dune Street addressed Council regarding the Hyperion
spill last week stating he felt Hyperion was acting in a reactive
way, and had concerns regarding odor, vibrations, noise, and
aesthetics. He asked Council if plans had been made to assure
residents that this will not have an effect on their houses.
Mayor Jacobson stated this item was not on the agenda and therefore
could not be discussed.
City Attorney Dolley stated that Mr. Bonia's concerns are presently
being addressed by the City, but that the City is presently in
litigation and did not recommend discussion.
Jim McGoldrick, 412 Oregon Street addressed Council stating he was
pleased to see reference made to the Bill of Rights. He felt that
rezoning the commercial businesses east of Sepulveda for multiple
use will attract crime and violence. He understood the proposed
General Plan was due to be sent out tomorrow and asked Council to
abandon it, and start over with the residential members of the GPAC
along with two additional residents in place of the two special
interest members.
Mayor ProTem Dannen responded since economy took a dive, it has led
the Council to work closely with the Chamber of Commerce in order
to help the Community economically by trying to develop ways to
bring more revenue into the City.
A. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS — Taken out of order.
1. Canvass of General Municipal Election held November 5, 1991.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Dannen to
read resolution by Title Only. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS
City Council Minutes
1 December 3, 1991
City Attorney Dolley read Title Only:
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to
VOTE 4/0.
2. Presentation of Certificate of Election.
Mayor Jacobson presented Councilwoman Elect Jan Cruikshank
with the Certificate of the Election.
3. Swearing in of Councilwoman Elect Jan Cruikshank.
Mayor Jacobson presented the Oath Of Allegiance to
Councilwoman Elect Jan Cruikshank, and she then signed the
Councilwoman Cruikshank thanked everyone for their support,
stating this was a new beginning.
Councilman Wise stated he felt that this City Council will
work well together.
RECESS at 7:36 p.m.
RECONVENED at 7:44 p.m.
ROLL CALL all Councilmembers present.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit) -
1. Request from ROAD for Council approval of $10,000 to be used
for FY 1991 -92 expenditures.
Paulette Cadell -ROAD addressed Council expressing appreciation
for the City's donation for 1990, and presented a report
stating the E1 Segundo Reach Out Against Drugs (ROAD) Task
Force was incorporated in 1987 with the goal of combating the
increasing dilemma concerning substance abuse. ROAD is
requesting approval of $10,000 until such time as the grant
monies are received, in order to continue vital programs.
MOVED by Mayor Pro Tem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to
approve an expenditure of $10,000. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS
2. Restructuring of the Mid - Management Group as set by City
Dave Siemienski addressed Council asking permission to hold
this item over until City Manager Item No. 7 was discussed.
4. Public Hearing - An appeal of the Planning Commission's denial
of EA -252 and Variance 91 -3, an application to allow two
rooftop patios with waivers of maximum permitted floor area
and maximum permitted structural height at 222 N. Sepulveda
Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice was completed, and
whether any written communications had been received by the
City Clerk's Office; Deputy Paul responded that proper public
City Council Minutes
2 December 3, 1991
hearing notice was done by the Planning Department, and that
no written communications had been received by the City
Clerk's Office.
City Manager Cano informed Council that he had received a
letter from the applicant today asking continuance of the
public hearing to December 17 due to a death in the family.
Mayor Jacobson opened public hearing for anyone wishing to
address the item. No public communications on the item were
received, therefore that portion of the meeting was closed.
Mayor Jacobson asked staff to check with the FAA on their
status of three helistops on this building.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to
continue public hearing to December 17. MOTION PASSED BY
Councilman West stated he felt uncomfortable with the
discussion as to whether they grant a particular variance, and
asked Council's consensus for City Attorney to look into the
information provided on variances in the Municipal Code with
regards to floor area and building height.
Council consensus for City Attorney to look into the E1
Segundo Municipal Code - regarding variances floor area and
building height.
Ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo adding Chapter 2.05 to
Title 2 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code relating to the
duties of the City Clerk.
Mayor Jacobson asked if Council wished to hold this item off
until the City Clerk arrives; Council wished to continue with
the item.
Councilman Wise stated he had this item agendized due to some
problems and questions he had regarding the recent News
Release by the City Clerk. He had asked that the City
Attorney research the following: 1) Does the City Clerk have
the authority to terminate this candidacy - with regards to
the comment made in the recent News Release, 2) What does the
State require as the duties of the City Clerk, 3) Possibility
of reducing tasks presently performed by City Clerk, and 4)
Possibly reducing the City Clerk's pay accordingly.
City Attorney Dolley presented an oral report to Council on
the results of his research as follows: 1) Whether the City
Clerk has the authority to terminate a candidacy or not. He
stated it was their opinion that the City Clerk does not. 2)
He stated that the City Clerk must perform those duties
outlined under the State Law, and others appointed by the City
Council. Also stating, he used the Government Code and
Election's Code to find out what duties the City Clerk is
responsible for, and that they may not have captured all of
them. 3) Under State Law the City Clerk is required to have
a salary set by the City Council, and in essence, the Attorney
General's opinion is that one cannot fail to set some sort of
an amount of payment for the services rendered - or set it at
some rate which no person may take the job. Presently, the
salary is set by resolution of the City Council with certain
benefits. He stated he wanted to be caucious, therefore he
has placed a sunset clause regarding salary adjustment in the
ordinance which recommends the Council set the salary at the
beginning of an election because State Law prohibits Council
from giving a bonus, etc. during term of office. Once the
April, 1992 election is over and a City Clerk is elected, the
Council has the option to have the salary go back to its
original amount.
City Council Minutes
3 December 3, 1991
Discussion ensued as follows: Duties: Only duties mandated
by State and what is appropriated by the City Council. If
resolution is adopted to limit the City Clerk's duties, the
City Manager would appropriate those duties. Salary: State
Law requires salary to be set by the City Council. General
opinion is that the Council cannot set an amount so low that
no one would be interested in running for the Office. Sunset
Clause: Best under the law to set at the beginning of the
election in order not to favor anyone.
Councilman Wise stated he believed the News Release was
politically motivated, editorialized, and the City of E1
Segundo and the Office of the City Clerk had been compromised.
He would like to see the ordinance adopted, and the Clerk's
salaries to be reduced down to what the City Council is
getting paid beginning January 6 through April.
Councilwoman Cruikshank stated she would be abstaining from
voting on this issue, but asked to make a comment. She wanted
people to know about what it is like when you go through a
campaign - having no axes to grind so to speak - but wanted to
give what you can to the City and do the right thing, and at
the beginning you have someone - a troll at the gate.
Unsuspectingly, you walk into a trap spending four months
defending yourself on an issue that should have never happened
if there had been help at the very beginning. She believed
this was the Clerk's responsibility, or whoever handles the
filing of the candidate's paper. It should be a non - political
person in that Office, and they should serve the public.
She stated that the other evening she had sat in on interviews
with the Council and found that there are some fine people in
the Community who have a lot to offer. She did not know why
some can walk through this and some are intimidated, but she
could tell them where they could personally overcome this type
of dirty politics. It is difficult on your home life, spouse,
and children which she was sure was why most people do not
step forward. The Council started the motion of cleaning up
City Hall - which began on November 5 - Election night, and
was a long coming. She was grateful that eyes are open, and
there is this effort in motion. With this in mind, she would
not vote on this issue because she does not want anyone to
think she came up here for revenge against anyone. They
started it, I will let them finish it, and from there we will
go on together.
Mayor Jacobson stated that our Forefather's started this City
and at some point decided that the City Clerk and City
Treasurer would be Elective Offices. It is only four months
to the election, and the electorate of this town can show
whether they feel this is right, wrong, or indifferent. He
did not believe they should be playing around with the Offices
by acting as political bodies - which was exactly what they
stated they were trying to clean up, and he felt that was what
the Council was doing up there right now.
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked to address Special Order of Business
Item 5. He stated he saw very few references in the Municipal
Code regarding the duties of the City Clerk, and wanted to add
all of those duties to the Code in an effort to help the
political process and make it available to anyone who is
interested in knowing what those duties are. He stated
reservations he had on those duties designated regarding
Section 2.20.010 - Checks and Balances and the fact he felt it
should stipulate a start date. He stated that he felt that
City Clerk's Office reports the minutes correctly, and that
putting them under the City Manager may take away the check
and balance system. Also, in the future he would like to have
either the Deputy City Clerk or the City Clerk himself at the
City Council Minutes
4 December 3, 1991
Councilman West questioned if the Council could set a time
limitation on when the minutes would need to be completed by;
Mayor ProTem Dannen responded the Council was not able to
enforce a specific date to have minutes done by.
Mayor Jacobson concurred with having the duties of the City
Clerk in the Municipal Code, but due to the check and balance
system, he was not in favor of having the minutes removed from
the Clerk's Office.
Councilman Wise stated the City Clerk's position was part -
time, and felt some of the duties were not being done
properly. That the News Release was untrue - a lie - and was
sent within six months before the election making it
impossible to remove the City Clerk from Office. He stated he
felt that all individuals need to be held accountable for
their actions.
Councilman West stated in the City Treasurer's Office
everything is up to date, going well, and are cooperative. The
City Clerk's Office is just the opposite. What Councilman
Wise is trying to do, is a form of recognition of improper
duties of an elected person in Office, and it is time that
they send a strong message.
Mayor Jacobson stated he felt it should not be political from
the dais; Councilman Wise responded that he felt it was not
Mayor Jacobson disagreed and stated that the duties presently
there are good for the City, and this ordinance is changing
the Office permanently. He then questioned by changing those
duties of that office whether or not the City would get anyone
in there which would be more qualified, because there is
nothing there to do.
Councilman Wise disagreed, and stated this was step one.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he understood the Mayor had
concerns reducing all of the City Clerk's duties; Mayor
Jacobson concurred.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he wanted to ensure checks and
balances, and would agree to a postponement which would give
the Mayor the opportunity to establish a list of duties he
felt should not be removed; Mayor Jacobson concurred, and
stated that he would prepare a list of duties he felt should
remain under the City Clerk's Office. Mayor Jacobson further
stated that those employees in the City Clerk's Office cannot
work under two different masters.
Council consensus to continue item to December 17.
6. Resolution of the City Council amending Chapter 1A1 (Elective
and Appointive Officers) of the E1 Segundo Administrative
Councilman Wise felt the City Clerk's salary should be the
same as the City Council's. It should become effective on
January 6 with a sunset clause that at the Certification of
the results of the April, 1992 election, it could possibly be
changed back.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he wished to put aside
personalities and faces, and look at the Office itself. The
City Clerk is expected to be there 50 %, and that presently the
pay is not enough. Concerned with the Attorney General's
opinion, and that State Law prohibits salaries be so low that
it would make an Office undesirable, and recommended to put
Item No. 6 off indefinitely to let the voters decide in the
April Election.
City Council Minutes
5 December 3, 1991
Councilman Wise asked Council if they agreed with a Letter of
Censer being sent to the City Clerk in lieu of cutting his
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he disapproved of the City Seal
being used in the way it was, and thought reducing the salary
of the City Clerk for a period of three months was not the
direction to go; Councilman Wise concurred.
Councilman West asked that these two items be continued to
next week.
Council consensus to continue item to December 17.
1. An ordinance supporting the South Coast Air Quality Management
District's imposition of an additional vehicle registration
fee and to receive fee revenues for implementing programs to
reduce air pollution from motor vehicles.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to read
VOTE 5/0.
City Attorney Dolley read Title Only:
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to
VOTE 5/0.
1. Senior Housing Board request for approval of budget for
calendar year 1992.
Darryl Birch, Senior Citizen Housing Board addressed Council
requesting approval of their budget for calendar year 1992.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West. MOTION
RECESS at 8:43 p.m.
RECONVENED at 9:00 p.m.
ROLL CALL all Councilmembers present.
2. Report on 75th Diamond Jubilee Planning Committee. Request
for a Hold Harmless Agreement with Chevron U.S.A.
Julia Abreu informed Council the 75th Diamond Jubilee Kickoff
Event which will be held on Chevron property on January 18,
1992, requires the City to indemnify and hold Chevron
harmless. The City Attorney has prepared an agreement which
requires the Mayor's signature and attestation of the City
Clerk. She announced the Grand Opening of the 75th Diamond
Jubilee Store will be held on December 5 at 5:30 p.m. in
conjunction with DESI's Mistletoe Magic at the E1 Segundo
Camera, 401 Main Street. Santa Claus will also be there.
MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to
approve; authorized Mayor to execute Hold Harmless Agreement.
Mayor ProTem Dannen called a question thanking Chevron and all
other sponsors for their support. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS
City Council Minutes
6 December 3, 1991
3. Announcement of new members to the Wall of Honor Committee.
Mayor Jacobson announced that Margie Randall was reappointed
for a full term, and John Peterson appointed to complete Bill
McAllister's term on the Wall of Honor Committee.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated City Manager Cano just informed him
that Mr. Sullivan resigned from the Wall of Honor Committee.
Mayor Jacobson responded that the Council had decided on an
alternate, therefore they could appoint Rita Chute to complete
Mr. Sullivan's term.
Council's consensus to appoint Rita Chute to fill Mr.
Sullivan's term.
Announcement of new members of the Wall Of Honor Committee:
Margie Randall - Full Term, John Peterson - complete Mr.
McAllister's term, and Rita Chute - complete Mr. Sullivan's
term, as the new members to the Wall of Honor Committee.
4. Appointment and announcement of new members to the Capital
Improvement Program Committee.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman West to
appoint the following individuals to the new Capital
Improvement Program Committee with various terms to be decided
at a later date: Richard Fearn, Blake Mitchell, Louis H.
Ervin, A.J. Paz, and Mark Butler. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS
The City Council representatives are Mayor ProTem Dannen and
Councilman Wise.
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion
and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is
made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next
heading of business.
1. Warrant Numbers 37173 -37425 on Demand Register Summary Number
10 in total amount of $1,616,118.51.
Approved Warrant Demand Register and authorized staff to
release. Ratified Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks
released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency
disbursements and /or adjustments.
2. City Council minutes of November 5, 19, and 25, 1991.
Adopted minutes.
3. Status report on the Interim Zoning Ordinance No. 1167 adopted
November 5, 1991 pursuant to Government Code Section 65858.
Received and filed.
4. Approve Paragon Cable equipment donation list as credit toward
future required compensation per Franchise Agreement.
Approved proposed Paragon Cable equipment donation, and credit
Paragon Cable $20,200 toward their $75,000 Year Five
contribution of the Franchise Agreement requirement.
5. Lease Agreement between the City of E1 Segundo and 621 Hawaii
Associates to lease the portion of City property at 630 South
Douglas Street for parking purposes.
Approval of lease agreement, and authorized Mayor to execute
the agreement.
6. Report on results of video taping of City sewer system.
Received and filed report, and approval to discuss during
workshops /meetings on the Capital Improvement Program.
City Council Minutes
7 December 3, 1991
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to enact
1. Revised schedule for the General Plan Revision Project, and
setting of a date for an additional Community Workshop.
A revised schedule was presented to the Council in response to
an action taken at their November 5 meeting.
Mayor Jacobson recommended public hearing be held on Tuesday,
February 25, and that a Community Workshop be held January 13
at the Joslyn Center; Council concurred.
Council consensus to hold a Community Workshop at Joslyn
Center on January 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Joslyn Center, and a
City Council Public Hearing in City Hall Council Chambers on
February 25.
2. Library System Affiliation Agreement between the City of E1
Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District.
City Manager Cano stated this agreement allows the City to
take over administration of the libraries at Middle, Center,
and High Schools, and will cost the General Fund $70,000, but
will save the School District $150,000.
Barbara Pearson, Library Director, informed Council that Debra
Brighten, Principal Library had been working with Mary Haag -
School Librarian on the service needs which will be shared
with the Library Board of Trustees.
Mayor Jacobson stated it should have been a three year
agreement ending when the school year was over and not during
the middle of the year.
MOVED Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West to approve
agreement and authorize Mayor to execute the agreement.
3. Consideration of an agreement with Kenneth J. Emanuels &
Associates for Legislative Advocacy Services.
City Manager Cano informed Council staff devised a solution to
create joint powers of authority, primarily within LA County,
to allow the pooling of restricted monies. Specifically
redevelopment monies from other cities to be used in the
acquisition of land and the construction of low income housing
for the air force. It would be a viable opportunity which
requires commitment by the Governor, and special legislation
to get it through. Staff requested authorization to retain
the services of Kenneth J. Emanuels & Associates for
Legislative Advocacy Services.
Mayor Jacobson asked City Manager Cano if staff had received
word from LACTC on Light Rail sites which they could visit
because there are several options; City Manager Cano responded
that they had not.
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Dannen to
approve proposed agreement with Kenneth J. Emanuels &
Associates, and authorize Mayor to execute agreement. MOTION
4. Oral Report- Status of Los Angeles County Comprehensive Airport
Land Use Plan.
City Council Minutes
8 December 3, 1991
Don Harrison, Assistant to the City Manager, informed Council
that Senate Bill 329 by Senator Russell was vetoed, and that
the General Plan Revision will need to be submitted to the
County Regional Planning Commission for a finding of
consistency with the Airport Land Use Plan.
Kendra Morries, Planning Director, stated the County has 60
days to issue a written determination. The City can override
any County decision with a four - fifths vote during a public
5. Submission of revised Preliminary FY 1991 -92 Operating Budget.
City Manager Cano informed Council staff transmitted copies of
the Budget, as revised with the format revisions outlined by
the Council during budget workshops.
Council consensus to schedule Workshops on December 20 at 6:00
p.m., and Saturday, December 21 at 8:00 a.m.
6. Resolution to implement a proposed Management Compensation for
Performance Incentive Plan as a REPLACEMENT to the across -the-
board yearly Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and as a means
to promote efficiently, effectively and cost savings in local
Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to adopt
Resolution No. 3735 approving with less $75.00 per month for
medical and dental benefits, for a total of $205,819.
Councilwoman Cruikshank asked for discussion stating she was
unhappy with this, and felt COLA was not meant to be a reward
but a cost of living. Also, that 20% as a bonus is going to
be a negative impact, and was like robbing Peter to pay Paul;
Mayor Jacobson concurred.
Councilman West questioned whether the rest of the staff
received an increase medical compensation package, or remained
the same; City Manager Cano responded they remained the same.
Mayor Jacobson called the question: MOTION PASSED BY THE
FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE 3/2 - AYES: Mayor ProTem Dannen,
Councilmen West and Wise. NOES: Mayor Jacobson and
Councilwoman Cruikshank.
7. Resolution for Reorganization of Management /Confidential Unit.
Mayor ProTem Dannen questioned City Attorney Dolley if Council
were discussing meet and confer at this point.
City Attorney Dolley responded he anticipated some discussion
concerning items which were meet and confer, and it was his
opinion that when you have a meet and confer situation, you
have members from both groups. The matter in front of them
was a resolution confirming a reorganization of a management/
confidential unit, and recommended they listen and not
City Manager Cano informed Council that as a result of the
downsizing project there were twenty employees who did not fit
into either of the two newly created management groups -
Executive Management and Mid - Management /Confidential. A
formal petition was then filed by Teamsters Local 911, in
accordance with established City procedures, to represent
those employees who were removed from the management groups.
At the conclusion of a series of meetings between staff and
union officials, an agreement was reached that seventeen of
those positions share an identifiable community of interest to
quality as an appropriate bargaining unit. A secret ballot
election was conducted resulting in a unanimous vote for
Teamsters Local 911 to serve as the exclusively recognized
City Council Minutes
9 December 3, 1991
employee organization for the unit. This resolution confirms
this reorganization of management /confidential unit.
Councilman Wise left dais at 9:45 p.m. and returned at 9:50 p.m.
Mayor ProTem Dannen left dais at 9:50 p.m. and returned at 9:52
Pete Whalen - Recreation & Parks Department addressed Council
stating concerns regarding the issue, and asked them not to
vote on the issue this evening.
Councilman Wise stated the City receives their revenue from
taxing people, and economy these days are not fair. The City
Manager was acting at the direction of the City Council.
City Attorney Dolley stated for the benefit for the public
that the election for the organization has taken place; State
provides that both sides must go into a bargaining meeting,
and recommended not to get into a conversation debating the
Bill Cameron - Recreation & Park Department addressed Council
stating he had the same concerns as Mr. Whalen did, and wanted
to add the fact that no appeals were allowed on the decision
to downgrade these positions.
Gary Ganibi - Police Department addressed Council stating
concerns regarding the City spending approximately $60,000 for
a study to be performed, but yet not using it in this decision
to downgrade management positions.
Jeff Trujillo - Cable - Recreation & Parks Department
addressed Council with his concerns, and that his main reason
for accepting his position was the management status and
benefits,. He had other offers which he turned down based on
the City's application package.
Gail Burkeholter - Recreation & Parks Department addressed
Council with her concerns; agreed with prior comments; asked
Council not vote on the issue this evening, and to look at the
big picture.
Dave Siemienski - Recreation & Parks Department addressed
Council with his concerns; agreed with prior comments, and
stated he felt this would have a devastating effect.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he will address these issues this
evening during Closed Session under Meet and Confer, and that
he was also willing to cut employees 5% to 10 %.
Councilwoman Cruikshank stated she was confused of the
reasoning with this because of hearing three different
reasons. She felt the Council had shown great support to the
School District during the past, but there should also be some
sort of compassion shown to your own employees too.
Council consensus to hold item over for Meet and Confer under
Closed Session.
City Manager stated he wanted to remind Council of an
Adjourned Meeting on December 9 for the Capital Improvement
Budget, the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at 4:30 p.m., and
the mixer at the Security Pacific Bank.
Councilwoman Cruikshank - NONE
Councilman West - NONE
City Council Minutes
10 December 3, 1991
Councilman Wise
1. Review of Fire Service Fees.
Councilman Wise stated there were some complaints on the
fire fees for initial inspections and reinspection being
too high, and recommended the fees to be changed for
Initial Inspection to be $57.00, and if corrected - no
charge for the Reinspection. He stated that the fees
were not as he understood them to be.
Mayor Jacobson recommended there be no charge on the
Initial Inspection, but should there be a problem then
there be a charge for Reinspection. This would be an
incentive for businesses to comply with fire safety.
Councilman Wise stated he saw no problem with paying an
Initial Inspection Fee.
Councilman West recommended the Fire Chief look over the
report he presented the last time, and return with a
resolution of their recommendations.
Councilwoman Cruikshank questioned how businesses are
notified of fire safety inspections; and recommended
notices go out with business license applications.
City Manager Cano stated staff could send out notices of
all required fees, but the complaints are not about not
being notified, but about the Reinspection Fee itself
MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Councilman West for
staff to bring back a resolution to amend to the Fire
Mayor ProTem Dannen left dais at 10:55 pm; returned at 11:00 pm
2. Building height limitations and floor area ratios (FARS)
east of Sepulveda Boulevard.
Councilman Wise stated at the last meeting Mr. Krick
brought up building height regarding east of Sepulveda
Boulevard. He asked if there was a building height of
200 ft. east of Sepulveda Blvd.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he went through the Planning
Code - Title 20 and found several items. The Traffic
Systems Ordinance added to Title 20 specifies in the C -3
zone is 1.5:1, the M -1 zone is .75:1, and the C -M zone
there is considerable difference in the percentage. It
continues stating specific height limits, with the C -3
zone stating that building height limit may not exceed
200 feet, unless adjoined with residential which would
then be 100 ft.
Mayor Jacobson stated that the new General Plan
designations had no existing zoning code heights.
Councilman Wise clarified there was a 200 foot height
limit east of Sepulveda, and if it adjoins residential,
then it is a 100 foot limit. He asked if this could be
added to the General Plan.
Kendra Morries, Planning Director responded by placing
this into the General Plan, it may require a General Plan
Amendment every time a variance application comes
3. City Municipal Code and State mandated rules and
requirements for the establishment of non - profit
organizations in general and in particular community
City Council Minutes
11 December 3, 1991
oriented non - profit organizations such as the E1 Segundo
Residents Association (ESRA).
Councilman Wise asked the City Attorney for rules and
regulations on non - profit organizations, and what are the
ramifications should they break these rules and
regulations. He then challenged ESRA to open up their
membership to all residents of the City, to have articles
in the ESRA Newsletter signed by the author, to have a
rebuttle section in the newsletter, and to have a
leadership of this group to work with the City and
Chamber of Commerce. He asked that this be agendized at
a meeting during January.
Mayor ProTem Dannen left dais at 11:05 pm; returned at 11:10 pm
4. City Municipal Code and State mandated rules, public
disclosure and reporting requirements for Political
Action Committee and involvement of ESRA in most recent
municipal election.
Councilman Wise questioned what political action
committee's are required to do within the City.
City Attorney Dolley responded there are some rules in
the Fair Political Practices Act which state
requirements, and that he would transmit them a copy.
Councilman West asked whether the City was in the process
of developing a booklet of rules and regulations to be
issued to candidates.
Mayor Jacobson stated he believed the City Clerk's Office
was presently in the process of doing this.
City Clerk Hart responded that since he took office, he
has divided the entire book into two sections 1)
Nominations and 2) Campaigning, in order to make the
process less confusing. He is presently working on
updating this manual and was interested in a product
which is both clear and complete. He stated that he is
interested in anything the City Attorney may feel would
be appropriate.
Councilwoman Cruikshank questioned the City Attorney if
the information he will be providing the Council with
would include both the City of E1 Segundo's and the
Federal Political Practices Commission's rules. She
stated that the City's Code is different from the States
rules regarding Campaign Disclosure, which makes it very
confusing. She asked that this also be looked into.
City Attorney Dolley stated that he would be providing
Councilman West asked staff to agendize this under his
name for discussion and possible action.
Councilwoman Cruikshank stated she was confused on
whether individuals could campaign at Park Vista, and
recommended that in the future that the rules be
explained completely to the candidates.
5. Discussion and possible action regarding City Clerk's
duties, responsibilities, and adjustment to City Clerk's
salary and benefits.
No discussion held on this item.
City Council Minutes
12 December 3, 1991
Mayor ProTem Dannen
1. Written reports from the Office of the City Clerk on 1)
Status of $20,000 allocation to the Office of the City
Clerk for codification and indexing of Municipal Code.
Mayor ProTem Dannen questioned City Clerk Hart if the
minutes had been actually input; City Clerk Hart
responded that they had been.
2. Noise Abatement Committee - consideration to amend by-
laws of Committee.
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated that the Committee currently
is having trouble getting enough members present to hold
meetings, and recommended that Council direct an
amendment be made to their bylaws which allows them to
hold a meeting to discuss with a majority. This will
give them the ability to meet and discuss.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise
to amend the bylaws to state a simple majority of the
committee be present to meet and discuss. Mayor Jacobson
stated you may want to consider having both simple
majority and /or five members. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated
since he made the motion he was calling it back to the
table for discussion and possible action.
MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise
to amend the Noise Abatement Committee's by -laws to be
either a simple majority or five whichever is less be
present to meet and discuss. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS
3. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked staff to agendize for
discussion and possible action the purchase of the School
District at the west end of Imperial - piece adjacent to
Acacia Park - and possibly changing it into a pay parking
Mayor Jacobson - NONE
1. Questioned when Business License Renewals will be sent
City Manager Cano responded very soon, but would get back
with him.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - (City Business Only -5 minute limit) -NONE
The City Council moved into a closed session at 12:30 a.m. pursuant
to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section
54950, et sea.) as announced by the City Attorney, for the purposes
of conferring with the City Attorney on potential and /or existing
litigation and /or discussing personnel matters on the following:
S54956.9(a) - (City a party to pending litigation)
City of E1 Segundo vs. Westinghouse
Public Storage, Inc. vs. City of E1 Segundo
LAX Variance vs. City of El Segundo
City of El Segundo vs. Hyperion
Stevens vs. City of El Segundo
g54956.9(b) - (City might have significant exposure to litigation)
One matter.
City Council Minutes
13 December 3, 1991
MOVED by Councilman West; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to
affirm the regrouping of the Management /Confidential Unit, and
adopted Resolution No. 3736.
ADJOURNMENT to 7:00 p.m. December 9.
Lora Freeman
Deputy City Clerk
City Council Minutes
14 December 3, 1991