CALLED LED TO ORDER at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Jacobson.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE given by Gail Church
Councilman Clutter
Councilman West
Councilman Wise
Mayor ProTem Dannen
Mayor Jacobson
- Absent
- Present
- Present
- Present
PUBLIC COMMU)\IICATIONS - (City Business Only - 5 minute limit)
Gail Church presented a brief
overview of
the Committees report and their
recommendations, and asked
on behalf
of the Committee
for Council
direction on the preliminary draft. She stated Chapter 2 of the
SRRE "Goals
and Objectives Statement" will
also contain
information about
El Segundo's
philosophical approach to waste
which is something
they hope to
get from this workshop.
Ms. Church stated the Committee performed a survey with the residents and
business community which resulted in that the public wanted to know 1) the
greatest environmental impact, 2) wanted a program being easy to follow,
and 3) wanted a low cost program. Another major concern was saving the City
money which the Committee has been able to achieve by 1) saving $100,000 on
a waste generation analysis, 2) saving approximately $100,000 on the SRRE,
and 3) the recommended programs in the Plan are voluntary which other
cities are spending approximately over $100,000 to implement.
Ms. Church then informed Council she found out earlier in the day that staff
had sent copies of this draft Plan out on Friday into public circulation for
comments - in the name of the Committee - without their knowledge or
authorization. The draft was sent to outside cities, the county, State
Integrated Waste Management Board incomplete as follows: 1) the Waste
Generation Analysis was not in the draft Plan, 2) part of the SRRE was
missing - which the Committee just distributed to Council this evening, 3)
Statement of Goals and Objectives was not in the draft Plan, 4) Executive
Summary Section - which content will be placed in after this workshop - was
sent out with just committee comments. She stressed that the Committee is
very upset about this draft Plan being distributed in its present condition
without their knowledge and /or authorization.
Mayor Jacobson asked staff why the draft Plan was distributed this way.
City Manager Cano replied that staff was aware the Plan was incomplete but
the City Attorney advised them that the time period for submission had
expired, therefore, it was sent out for circulation/review for comments
Mayor Jacobson asked Assistant City Attorney Young how many other City's
had distributed theirs; he responded that a number of them have prior to
Friday, and Council could continue to refine their Preliminary Draft SRRE -
which is a significant concept - and is what the State has stipulated.
Furthermore, the Preliminary Draft SRRE has two comment periods 1) 45 days
and 2) 30 days, and when the second comment period is finished the City can
have its hearing on the adoption. Also, at the end of this process, there
is CEQA requirements to comply with - which is another 30 day review period
and July 1 is the due date for this Plan.
Mayor Jacobson stated that this July 1 date had possibilities of being
Councilman Wise asked staff if anyone had responded to this Preliminary
Draft Plan; Ms. Church stated she spoke with the Waste Management Board
earlier in the day, and that they informed her the Plan was incomplete -
missing several components - but that they had not had enough time to review
it yet. She stated that the Assistant City Attorney Young's timeline and
the Waste Management Board's timeline do not coincide with each other.
Furthermore, in the Waste Management Board Regulations it states: In
accordance with Government Code Section 15376 the review period shall be
a minimum of 30 days - median 38 days - and maximum of 45 days for the
Preliminary Draft document.
Assistant City Attorney Young responded that the Preliminary Draft was
required to go out for review no later than the middle of March, 1991.
Mayor Jacobson asked staff if a letter explaining just how `preliminary'
this Preliminary Draft was, accompanied this document; Kendra Morries,
Planning Direction, responded one had which stated it was a preliminary
draft and that there would be ongoing work being performed on it. Also, she
had sent it out for review based upon the recommendation of the Assistant
City Attorney Young's report that it was already late getting out for
comments, and that staff received a call confirming receipt of the
Preliminary Draft document which started the first review period of 45
Ms. Church stated the Waste Management Review Board informed her they would
return this draft document should the El Segundo City Council authorize so
- which would allow the Committee the opportunity to submit a complete
document and get back on their timetable.
Councilman Wise asked if it would be feasible to do this due to the 45 day
review period requirement, and could they separately submit those items
that were not included, and would those items submitted separately being
a new 45 day review period cycle with each submission.
Councilman Clutter stressed concerns regarding volunteers enthusiasm and
did not want to see their hard work or feelings change because of this
action; Council concurred.
Mike Kretsmire, Committee Member and attorney with Law Firm of Sidney and
Austin in Los Angeles, addressed Council stating he had worked with the
Committee in interpreting the rules /regulations of the Waste Management
Review Board, and he was in disagreement with the Assistant City Attorney's
interpretation of the deadline date.
After a lengthy discussion, it was Council's consensus that the Assistant
City Attorney Young and Mr. Kretsmire depart and meet in the West
Conference Room to discuss the timetables and then report back to Council
with the results; both concurred and left the Chamber.
RECESS at 8:30 P.M.
Mayor ProTem Dannen recommended a letter be sent requesting the submitted
Preliminary Draft Plan be returned to the City, and the document be
prepared to include all elements /corrections, and then resubmit for
review. The letter will include a date of resubmittal, and understanding
the possible fines involved - he stated that he felt the Committee would not
let the City down. Also, he recommended staff be given direction to contact
City's Lobbyist explaining their position, and send a letter of support to
the League of California Cities.
Councilman Clutter recommended the letter also stipulate that due to no due
date guidelines, it was unclear as to when the documents are due, which is
the reason why this incomplete draft as sent out for review.
City Manager Cano suggested that the letter go out tomorrow in Mayor
Jacobson's signature asking for a retraction, and that the City of El
Segundo supports a six -month extension.
Mr. Kretsmier returned to Chamber and addressed the Council stating that
the Committee understood there have been, and will continue to be, many
obstacles to overcome, but they would appreciate better communication
between staff and the committee in order to avoid future problems.
Ms. Church introduced the Executive Summary and the Goals and Objectives
Section stating that this section is presently being written, and then she
introduced the Solid Waste Generation Analysis which is the basis of the
entire document, and it contains the data needed - and was one of the
elements which was not included in the distributed document.
Mayor Jacobson left dias at 9:40 P.M. returning at 9;42 P.M.
Councilman Wise left dies at 9:44 P.M. returning at 9:46 P.M.
Councilman Wise asked Ms. Church how the Board felt about a volunteer
committee handling this instead of a consultant; Ms. Church replied that
they were behind the committee, and she felt it would also get special
Mr. Truillo addressed Council on the charts containing the composting
information stating that the percentages were derived from the compost
survey performed by Bob Metcalf, and that the totals were derived from BFI
for residential - and other haulers. The commercial had more trash than
residential, therefore they would be expected to recycle more.
Council stressed their appreciation to those volunteers for all of their
hard work and dedication.
Mayor Jacobson asked if the Committee recorded any specific direction on
certain issues; Ms. Church asked what the City's square footage was; staff
responded 5.5 sq.mi. Ms. Church reported that there had been a 10%
reduction in the residential areas.
Susan Scott introduced the Source Reduction Element giving a brief
overview of the section stating a supplement containing their
recommendations will be added to the Plan later on. Discussion ensued
regarding alternatives to source reductions.
Margo Nelligan addressed Council regarding commercial alternatives and
those source reductions already being followed, then introducing the
Recycling Element and those alternatives recommended.
The Committee introduced the individual components of the Plan asking
Council for direction.
Mr. Kretsmire stated that he and Assistant City Attorney Young discussed
the timetables and came into agreement - with Council's and Committee's
concurrence - to leave the submitted Plan and the Committee will submit the
revised Preliminary Draft SRRE on Monday, April 15. By doing this, the City
will not stop the time clock, and will show a good faith effort on behalf of
the City of El Segundo.
Mayor Jacobson stated that a letter would be sent out to the City's Lobbyist
for support of the six -month extension.
Council's consensus to agendize for May 7 regular meeting a staff report to
be submitted by committee on the El Segundo Integrated Waste Management
ADJOURNED at 10:30 P.M. to April 15, 1991 at 7:00 P.M.
Ronald L. Hart, CMC /AAE
City Clerk