1990 NOV 26 CC MINME U'r'ES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL. MEETING NOVEMBER 26, 1990 CALLED TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Wise. ROLL CALL: Councilman Clutter - Excused Councilman West - Present Councilman Wise - Present Mayor ProTem Dannen - Present Mayor Jacobson - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - NONE SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: ITEM 2: Extension Of Excused Status For Councilman Clutter - Taken Our Of Order. Councilman West asked if Councilman Clutter's extension granted for 90 days ended in November. City Attorney Wadden stated the extension was granted on August 7th to November 7th with a 60 day State statute which ends January 7th, and should he go 60 consecutive days without attending any of the meetings without any excuse then at the end of the 60th day the Office becomes vacant. Councilman West stated that it was his understanding Councilman Clutter asked the City Manager not to discuss his health condition, and not knowing his condition concerned him with regards to making a decision in extending his excused status. Mayor ProTem Dannen informed the Council he spoke to Councilman Clutter at approximately 6:20 p.m. that evening and that Councilman Clutter was feeling stronger and wished to convey his appreciation to the Council for their patience. Furthermore, he was asking for a small extension and intends to return as a Councilman and perform all the duties thereof shortly after the first of the year. MOVED by Mayor ProTem Dannen; SECONDED - MODIFIED - by Councilman Wise to extend the excused status of Councilman Clutter until further action by the City Council. Councilman West stated for the record, he was not in favor of granting an extension for Councilman Clutter because he felt the Council owes the public a full Council which is presently short approximately 20% of its decision making capability, and the Council needs the input of Councilman Clutter. MOTION PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Mayor Jacobson, Mayor ProTem Dannen, Councilman Wise. NOES: Councilman West. ITEM 3: Status Of Golf Course - Taken Out Of Order Mayor Jacobson stated this item was a miscommunication and would not be discussed. ITEM 1: Capital Improvement Program (FY 1990-1995): City Manager Cano stated that an introduction and background report was given at the prior two workshops, and the same procedure could be followed as before with the Mayor going page by page and discussions on any items as required. City Manager Cano stated Page 12, Item 51189- 4/301 -8338, was the last item discussed at the October 30 CIP Workshop, at which time staff made a recommendation to City Council that the funding for this project be moved to FY 1990 -91 instead of FY 1992 -93 in order to complete the cul-de-sac. 1 PAGE 12: 1. SH894801 -8338: Maple Avenue Improvements CulAe-aac improvement at west end of Maple St. to provide street frontage to City owned property. Councilman Wise asked when the City would be addressing the unfinished part of Maple Avenue in front of the existing house. Mayor Jacobson responded when over 50% of the north side is complete. Don Greek, Interim Public Works Director, stated that it takes 50% or more completion of the side of the street that you want to improve before Council is allowed to take action through the 1911 Act Proceedings, should they decide to, in placing the improvements in and then placing a lien against the property if the property owner does not pay. Councilman West asked if this could be placed as a requirement for the Developer at the time of development; Mr. Greek concurred. Mayor Jacobson stated that Council has been asked to move item from FY 1992 -93 to FY 1990 -91 for $18,000.00, and asked if there were any objections. No objections made. ACTION: MOVED TO FY 1990-91 FOR :18,000.00. 2. SH85- 10/TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT GRAND AVENUE AND CENTER STREET. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if staff had been able to locate those funds of $100,000 for a traffic signal. Mr. Greek responded that the City Managers report stated after reviewing the mitigating conditions in the resolution there was not a $100,000 fee put aside for a traffic signal. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if there was $75,000; Mr. Greek responded that is was only $22,000. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked staff what the Planning Department documents state about the mitigating conditions of that project. City Manager Cano responded that no monies were collected specifically for a traffic signal, and based upon the project approval, only $22,000 was collected from the Developer in July 1989 for traffic mitigation which then went into the Traffic Mitigation Fund. This money is then left up to the City, through recommendations of the City Engineer, to recommend those projects that would be most appropriate. in addition, that project generated a $132,000 payment collected September 1989 - relating to fees associated to $1,500 per unit to offset the negative fiscal impacts relating to various City services. The City collected a total of $154,000 from this project. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated it was his understanding that a specific amount of $75,000 was stipulated in the mitigating conditions of that project for traffic mitigation to include "one each - traffic signal ", and staff gave him a copy of the mitigating conditions. City Manager Cano stated staff reviewed the mitigating conditions of this project's resolution and was only able to collect $154,000 from this project in mitigation fees. Councll Direction: Mayor Jacobson asked that each Counci[member be given copies of the Planning Commission Meeting tapes for their review. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL ON THIS ITEM. Councilman Wise asked if the report on the Urho Saari Swim Stadium would be given by the City Manager during the meeting. Mayor Jacobson asked City Manager Cano if he was prepared to give his report at the end of the meeting; City Manager Cano replied he was prepared to address the item at Council's request. PAGE 13: 3. SH87- 3/1008619: Street Resurfacing Heater -Remit Program Heating. scarifying existing pavement, followed by a two-inch overlay surface. Mayor Jacobson stated last year Council discussed urban sidewalk replacement, and asked if there were any comments. Councilman West asked if the upgrade crossing by Public Utility Commission (PUC) was finished. Mayor Jacobson responded at grade, but thought they found other funding, and asked staff if the City will need the $600,000 matching fund. Bellur Devaraj, Assistant City Engineer, concurred. 2 Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he understood the City had to give up $300,000 to widen Sepulveda Boulevard, and if true the State would come in and cover the Douglas Street Extension and the Widening of Rosecrans Avenue /Aviation Boulevard which would keep the City from coming up with an additional $300,000 for a total of point six- million. Councilman Wise stated he also understood this to be that way, and that the City would put in $320,000 for Sepulveda Blvd. Mr. Devaraj responded that the State has no interest in the Douglas Street Crossing, and the Federal money has been given to the City with a 20% maximum rule. Mayor Jacobson stated the City was getting some discretionary County and State FAU monies that were supposed to offset a lot of it, and knew it would not offset the full amount but thought it was less than this. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked staff to report on the total amount of expenses the City of El Segundo will be paying regarding the 1) widening of Sepulveda, 2) the widening of Rosecrans BI. at Aviation and 3) the Douglas Street Extension, because he understood that the widening of Sepulveda hindged upon the widening of these other two projects and the City would only have to pay out $320,000. He stressed concern that Council was now being informed it will cost another $300,000, and had concerns with future change orders which would increase this amount possibly by another $300,000 - $400,000. Mr. Greek responded there was a letter which stipulated the City's share was $320,000 in the widening of Sepulveda BI., but this amount was not the total charge. Furthermore, the City's total share for the widening of Rosecrans at Aviation, widening of Sepulveda, and the Douglas Street Expansion projects is $1,057,000. Broken down as follows: Rosecrans at Aviation $37,500; Sepulveda $320,000; Douglas Street Expansion is $700,000. Mayor Jacobson stated he still believed there was still more funding coming in to cover these expenses, and asked staff to research this possibility, and report back to Council. City Manager Cano stated when this item was taken up staff itemized how these monies would be allocated. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he did not recall seeing any report indicating that the City would be spending over a $1 million dollars for these projects. City Manager Cano stated he would distribute copies of this report to Council Mayor Jacobson stated some of these monies were coming from the developer fees associated with project surrounding that intersection, and was not actually the City's share but was through developer contributions. Councilman Wise stated he remembered the $320,000 and the $37,500, but did not remember anything about the $700,000. Furthermore, he understood Prop 108 and 111 covered the other part of Douglas Street Expansion. Council Direction: Staff directed to 1) submit copies of the existing staff report which indicates the $1 million dollar funding for these projects; 2) to review the funding for all of these projects; 3) to research Prop 108 and 111 funding with regards to its relation to the Douglas Street Expansion; and 4) to review all monies received and paid by the City with regards to all of these widening projects, and then report back to Council. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL ON THIS ITEM. PAGE 14: 4. SH89- 2/113 -8511: City Wide Installation Of Signal Pre- Emempt ion Devices. Mayor Jacobson stated the Planning Commission was studying this and understood they were completed, and stated that Council should have a report by now. City Manager Cano responded that the study had been complete for about a month and will be agendized for Council consideration. Mr. Devaraj stated the plans /specifications are about 75 % -80% complete and are presently being reviewed by Caltrans for the locations on Sepulveda Blvd. Furthermore, staff proposes to agendize them within the next two months, once Caltrans is finished reviewing them. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked for a specific date the item will be agendized. City Manager Cano stated the first meeting in February 1991. Mr. Greek stated staff would give Council detailed dates for all the projects approved after the Capital Improvement Program is approved. Council Direction: Staff directed to distribute completed report to Councilmembers as soon as possible, and agendize item for consideration as soon as possible. Staff Offer: 1) To agendize Plans/Specifications for Council review by February, 1991; 2) After completion and approval of CIP, staff will submit specific dates for all the projects. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCEL 3 PAGE 15: 5. SH89-3,708 -8803: Studies for Extension of Mariposa Ave.. Iairport St.. Hughes Wad and Grand Ave. City Manager Cano recommended the item be taken out of the CIP. He stated that should the City at some point in the future want to go through Mariposa Avenue when Northrup vacates the premises, it should be the responsibility of the developer, not the City, to commence any studies to proceed with that and would save City resources. Mayor ProTem Dannen questioned if any funds collected need to be designated for this use; City Manager Cano assured Council it was general monies based upon general development fees placed into that fund until the City decided to do a study. Mayor ProTem Dannen stressed concerns regarding future problems deriving from the City's use of these funds which may have been specified for other uses; Mayor Jacobson shared his concerns. Councilman West stated he understood the Pedestrian Superblock Project funds are on hold until 1992 -93, and asked if discussions regarding alternatives have taken place with contributors. Mayor Jacobson stated Council decided awhile ago that the bridge was out and the City was awaiting the completion of the Light Rail Transit. Council Direction: Staff to research those grants and developer contributions collected from projects received by the City for mitigation fees, and whether they were specified for particular uses, and report back to Council. ACTION: COUNCIL DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL 6. SH87- 51708-8805: Nash StMouglm St. One -Wap Couplet Traffic Signal and Median Island Modifications. Signs and Pavement Markings to convert these streets to a one - My couplet between M Segundo Blvd. and Impede! Hwp. in conjunction with construction of the I -105 Freeway. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if Council wanted to do a one -way couplet and whether it was in the best interest of the City. Mayor Jacobson stated he understood that there might be some commitments to how things were rearranged at Imperial, between Nash and Douglas. City Manager Cano informed Council the City had also signed an agreement with Caltrans. Mr. Devaraj stated he did not think the City had signed an agreement, but that the City Council passed a resolution committing construction monies should Caltrans design the one -way couplet for the City, which they are now in the process of doing. ACTION: MOVED TO 1991 -92 FOR $550,000. 7. SH90 -Z/ 708 -8806: Aviation Bl. Improvements Imperial Hwy. to Rosecrans Ave. Design study onl. Councilman Wise asked if one study could be done to include all of these proposed projects instead of several to save money. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated his preference was to have only one thoroughfare being Aviation Boulevard. Councilman Wise agreed stating he believed Prop 108 & 111 forced the widening of Marine Ave. in Manhattan Beach and Grand Ave. in Redondo Beach and if this was true, then El Segundo may be able to save money which could be used towards the widening of Aviation Boulevard. Mayor Jacobson stated concerns that the proposed and promised funds were not confirmed in writing, and directed staff to prepare a letter asking for confirmation of these funds and report back to Council. Staff Offer: City Manager Cano permission for staff to prepare a list of sources and a tabulation on all proposed/promised funds (federal, state, local monies), and return to Council with a report. 4 Council Direction: Staff to: 1) also include those monies already committed with the above staff offer to prepare a list of sources and tabulation; 2) research Prop. 108 & 111 funding and the specific projects they relate to; 3) prepare a letter asking for confirmation on those promised funds, and then return to Council with a report. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL ON THIS ITEM. PAGE 16 8. SS76- 1/301 -8304: Hyperion Treatment Plant Improvements, Estimated share of Capital Improvement costs to be paid to City of Los Angeles. Mayor Jacobson stated he did not see either the sewer line repairs or the sewer pump station upgrades on the CIP, and asked if this was because they were going to take approximately a year to design. Mr. Greek responded that staff just began on the sewer lines, and the pump station plans were submitted to Council in September and are scheduled again for Council review on December 4. City Manager Cano clarified Council direction in September was they wanted to hold off to allow them time to review the entire CIP. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked about the $1.2 million dollars showing spent on the CIP Report. City Manager Cano responded these monies have not been spent but have budgeted those monies for capital upgrades, and through the City Attorney's advice, staff has budgeted these monies but has not dispersed them to Hyperion. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked why $1.2 million dollars is shown as expenses to June 30, 1990. Mr. Devaraj responded this was all the monies reflected for the past ten years, but per Council's direction, no monies have been paid for the past two years. Councilman Wise stated he understood for the previous four or five years no monies have been budgeted to the Hyperion. City Manager Cano responded that he believed there was one or two years that the City had not budgeted Hyperion, and his recommendation was the City budget this item because they would eventually have to pay this amount. Mayor Jacobson stated he believed the $12 million project was not figured at $12 million ten years ago; Mayor ProTem Dannen stated it only came up approximately 24 months ago, so this expense to date is unrealistic. City Manager Cano responded that he believed Mr. Devaraj was trying to stipulate that the $1.2 million was to verify that payments for Capital Improvement associated with the upgrade of Hyperion over the past ten years has come up to $1.2 million dollars which the City has paid, and the FY 1990 -91 through FY 1994 -95 CIP Funds was only to cover estimated future expenses to be held in a fund until Council directs staff to make payments. City Manager Cano clarified the expenses to date was included into the $12.187 million. Council Direction: Staff to research what the $1.3 million dollars was paid out for, and prepare a report for Council review. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL ON THIS ITEM. 9. SS84 -?/301 -8309: Upgrade Sewer Pump Station Upgrade Pump Stations On a Phased Annual Program. City Manager Cano requested approval of funds on this item based on it being agendized for December 4. Mr. Greek informed Council the monies on the staff report are more than those estimated on the CIP. ACTION: MOVED by Mayor Pro rem Dannen; SECONDED by Councilman Wise to pull Item SS84 -2 in the amount of $100,000, allocate those funds, and authorize the request for bids and specifications in this years budget. MOTION PASSED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5 10. SS83 -1: Franklin Ave. Relief Sewer Line. Construction of a new 8" sewer line in Franklin Ave., Standard St., and El Segundo Blvd. to Plant #2. This would parallel cxlsdng lines and relieve a shortage of capadtp that exists in the lines. Mayor ProTem Dannen recommended this item be pulled off the CIP and use development mitigation funds to fund the entire sewer lines; Councilman Wise concurred as long as no urgency to have these sewer lines replaced existed. Larry Vivian, Utility Manager for Water/Wastewater Division, assured Council this was not an urgent item, and could wait for a couple of years. Councilman West stressed concerns regarding the financial impact on small developers. Mayor ProTem Dannen commented that an extensive study was done for that area a while back, and the zoning was changed to encourage the combination of lots, leaving the area primed for redevelopment and for much larger projects than historically seen. ACTION: MOVED by Councilman Wise; SECONDED by Mayor ProTem Dannen to leave the $450,000 estimated cost of project, and to change the Method of Funding from "C - Capital Improvement Fund" to "E - Grants & Developer Contributions ". MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: MAYOR PROTEM DANNEN, COUNCILMAN WISE, AND COUNCILMAN WEST, ABSTENTION: MAYOR JACOBSON. PAGE 17 11. SD85 -3601 -8314: Storm Drain in Virginia St. from 125 fleet south of Imperial Ave. to Imperial Hwy.: an d 12. SD85- 4/301 -8318: Storm Drain in Laiport St., Mariposa Ave. to Maple Ave. Mayor Jacobson asked staff if the $3.2 million was an accurate amount including the latest projections. Mr. Devaraj responded that staff placed the $3.2 million in FY 1991 -92 because even should the City goes to bid next year, the City could handle the payments for this fiscal year by the funds already allocated to date. The bulk of the expenditures are actual payments to the contractor coming up after July, 1991. Mayor Jacobson stated funds allocated to date were for Pump Station #15 and not #19. Mr. Devaraj responded they would be reconstructing #19 and connecting #15 to it by a gravity drain. Mayor Jacobson stated he understood that, pointing out that the $656,000 funds allocated to date was actually allocated for Pump Station #15 and not #19, and that the monies which were allocated for #19 were used for a station which presently does not work. Staff Offer: 1) City Manager Cano stated a closed session was held on this item, and staff would be submitting a breakdown on the monies spent to date and what for on Pump Stations #15 and #19 to Council at their December 4 meeting; 2) City Manager Cano requested Council hold this item over, to the extent that the City go along with the project as proposed in the CIP, allowing staff time to evaluate it in terms of its ability to negotiate a resolution out of court, and time to see what available resources the City has. After which a determination of whether the City goes along with the original design to upgrade #15 and #19, or goes with the alternative design as proposed in the CIP. He stated he felt it was important to reevaluate the project once they resolve the issue with Wildan and Associates. ACTION: ITEM HELD OVER - STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNC EL. BREAK AT 8:50 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. PAGE 17 13. SD89 -1/301 -8808 AND 708 -8808: Southport Drains Mariposa Ave./Pine Ave., an d West of Valley St. Mayor ProTem Dannen; Councilman Wise concurred, that the City of Los Angeles being short on money was their responsibility and not the City of El Segundo's. City Manager Cano stated if Council wanted to go along with the easements of the City of Los Angeles they will pay, but should Council decide to vary then the City of El Segundo would need to pay. 6 Councilman Wise, Mayor Jacobson stressed concerns regarding the $300,000 expense; Councilman West shared their concern, adding that the Council has the obligation to protect their constituents. City Manager Cano asked Council to hold this item over to allow staff to return with structural designs, and should any changes in design be made all of the appropriate property owners would be notified. Council concurred with his request. Staff Offer: Staff to return to Council with structural designs. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO RETURN TO COUNCQ.. PAGE 18 14. SD90- 2!301- 8339: Replace deteriorated fence around Maple Ave. retention basin west of Hillcrest Ave. Mr. Vivian reported on the condition of the fence around Maple Avenue stating it was broken and attracts transients, and the catch basins are usually cleaned once per year. Councilman West stated this basin doesn't seem to have been clean in a long time, Mr. Vivian stated he was unsure of the exact date it was last cleaned out. Mayor ProTem Dannen and Councilman Wise stressed concerns regarding the cost of $25.00 /ft. for a chain link fence. Mayor Jacobson asked what the size of the property was, Mr. Vivian responded it was approximately 150' wide x 400'long - on both sides. Discussion then ensued regarding the cost of a new fence vs. a new pump station instead. Mr. Vivian stated the area would have to checked for power lines in order to determine if a pump station could be placed there instead. Staff Offer: City Manager Cano asked Council to hold this item to allow staff to research the costs involved and available alternatives, then report to Council by December 18. Council concurred. ACTION: ITEM HELD OVER - STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL WITH A REPORT BY DECEMBER 18. PAGE 18 15. SD90-3/301 -8341: Modify pumps in Pump Station #18 to allow emerdsing the pumps during dry conditions. Mr. Vivian stated $2,000 will be enough to modify the pumps in Pump Station #18. Mayor Jacobson asked staff if they wished to pull this item; City Manager Cano concurred. Staff Offer: City Manager Cano asked Council to pull item for 1991 -92 to allow staff the opportunity to research the possibility of refurbishment. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. PAGE 1 16. W89- 1/501 -8211: New Main and Valves - remove 1.75 mg. reservoir and related work. Mayor ProTem Dannen questioned why the reservoir needed removal instead of restoring; Mr. Vivian responded that it required a lot of work - the roof needed repair, there were cracks in the concrete and some water was inside, but was basically empty. Councilman Wise stated with the drought at hand he would like to see the reservoir restored and water stored inside. Mr. Vivian stated staff will be testing the coating and water inside the tank, after which the cost to restore would be more clear. Staff Offer: City Manager Cano asked Council to hold this item to allow staff time to research the possibility of restoring the reservoir and expenses involved in the restoration, and then report back to Council with a report. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. 7 PAGE 1 17. W87 -51501 -8207: Water Main Replacement - Replacing aging and undersized lines on a planned, phased basis. Mr. Vivian reported some 6" mains on the east side (not east of Sepulveda Bl.) of town needed to be replaced with 8" mains to allow staff to shift lines for fire flow requirements. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if this was a Code requirement, and were the mains deteriorated. Mayor Jacobson asked if this included valves. Mr. Vivian responded stating that staff report on the Montgomery Report was not completed yet. Therefore, staff would need to report back to Council on those issues. Staff Offer: City Manager Cano asked Council to hold this item to allow staff time to research these issues and report back to Council. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. PAGE 20 18. W87 -1/501- 8206!708 -8919: Sepulveda Distribution Main, Grand Ave. to Rosecrans Ave. This is an interne between the two major water supply lines in the City and will also provide service to the developing area along Sepulveda Bl. Project funding to be coordinated with funding of the Sepulveda Bl. widening, Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if staff had reviewed this project with the City's zoning map, general plan, and deed restrictions on the said properties along Sepulveda Boulevard. Mr. Vivian stated that part of this project was to tie the two main feeders - west basin 28 and west basin 3 - which a main portion of this was going to allow the City to have a better connection in case the City looses one line the other can function in its place. Grand Ave. and Rosecrans Ave. is on the west side of Sepulveda BI. and when Sepulveda gets widened this will be done at the same time. Councilman Wise asked why $550,000 is coming out of the water fund and only $250,000 coming out of grant & developer contributions if this is going to be the intertie between major water supply lines which will also be supplying service to the developing area, and that would be the time to think about developer fees paying this expense. Mayor Jacobson stated it would depend upon what portion of that could be attributed to development and what portion to actually tieing the two systems together for the safeguards, and the Montegomery Study will give the City a better idea of the situation. Councilman Wise asked what the time limitation was on the master plan; Mr. Greek responded that staff was reviewing the Montgomery Study and estimated it would be ready for Council review at their January 8 meeting. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked staff to prepare a report by the next CIP meeting of those items that they have not had a problem with, so Council could put a motion on the floor to get them out of the way. City Manager Cano responded that staff would prepare a report by the next CIP meeting. Council Direction: Staff to prepare a report by the next CIP Workshop meeting with all items they have no problems. ACTION: STAFF DIRECTED TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL AT THE NEXT CIP WORKSHOP MEETING. PAGE 21 19. W87- 2501 -8205: Sepulveda Blvd. 10" line - Imperlal Hwy /Walnut Ave. This will replace an edsnng 6" line to enhance water supply and fire flows in the area south of Imperial Ave. between Selby St. and the west side of Sepulveda Blvd. PROTECT COMPLETE.; 20. W87 -4601 -8209: Sepulveda Distribution Main, Walnut Ave. to Grand Ave. Repladng an gggdng 6" line: and 21. W87 -51: H. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated that W87 -2, W87 -4 and W87 -5 seemed to be duplicated. Mr. Devaraj responded W87 -2 has been accepted complete by Council; W87 -4 has been stalled in anticipation of a proposed 135 -room hotel project on the west side of Sepulveda Blvd. in the Hacienda parking lot, and W87 -5 is the ongoing project that is kept open in rase something needs to be repaired /replaced. Councilman Wise asked if the "B - Water Fund" could be changed to "E - Grants & Developer Contributions" on those projects. Mr. Greek responded stated they could make that change, but the notation at the bottom of the page stipulated there is a potential for partial funding by developers. ACTION: NO ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL PAGE 22 22. W90- 1/501 -8214: Routine annual Water Meter Replacement: and 23. W90- 2/501 -8215: Routine annual Water Valve Replacement. Mr. Vivian stated staff was trying to get a regular maintenance program started, and begin replacing those meters over 15 years old to get the additional income from them. Once this regular maintenance program begins, the City will have a much more reliable water system - but along the way there will be valves which need to be replaced. Councilman West asked if these routine water meter replacements would be domestic water meters; Mr. Vivian concurred, adding that staff was trying to get all the meters they can and then the area will be slurry sealed. Mr. Greek stated the program will eventually pay for itself as the City repair all of the old meters instead of having to buy new ones. ACTION: NO ACTION TAKEN BY COUNCIL. PROJECT'S FROM PRIOR LIP'S NOT CARRIED FORWARD: RP 87-4: Light at Richmond Street School Athletic Field. Mayor Jacobson stated he understood that they agreed not to do it until an agreement could be made with the District, but deleting it made it seem as though the whole idea was being abandoned. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated although he would like to spend the money, after looking at the current budget and the cost of the upkeep, he felt the City could not afford it. Councilman Wise asked if it could be placed on the project description with an estimated cost, no funding, as just a reminder. City Manager suggested that it be placed on the FY 1994 -95 Budget, and have the estimate be an "A - Non Applicable ". MayorJacobson stated he had no problem with it being dropped but requested the reason be changed to reflect that it was due to no agreement was made between the City and the District. ACTION: COUNCIL AGREED TO DROP ITEM OFF AND REASON TO BE CORRECTED TO REFLECT DECISION BASED ON THE FACT THAT NO AGREEMENT COULD BE MADE BETWEEN CITY AND DISTRICT. BREAK AT 9:55 P.M. TO 10:00 P.M. Mayor Jacobson asked City Manager Cano for his report on the Uhro Saari Swim Stadium. Recess called to give City Manager the opportunity to put together his report. BREAK AT 10:02 P.M. TO 10:08 P.M. Mayor Jacobson asked City Manager Cano to give his report on the Uhro Saari Swim Stadium. 9 City Manager Cano stated at the November 20 meeting staff was directed to check into three issues: 1) Possible Historic Funding, 2) Structural Deficiencies and Retainment Of A Structural Engineer/Plans & Specifications, and 3) Identify Locations and The Removal Of All Asbestos From Stadium. 1) Possible Historic Funding: City Manager Cano stated staff researched historical funding possibilities and found none available, but did discover the Stadium could be placed on the National Register, and that by being on this Register it would allow for a prestigious marking, and puts the City in a favorable position to compete for federal and state monies. Furthermore, it allows the City to use the State Historic Building Code which allows more lenient building upgrades. He felt it was in the City's best interest to get on this Register by submitting an application which would take approximately six months to process and the Governor to act on. Another way would be for Council to authorize staff to pursue having the stadium placed on a project listing called "Point Of Historical Significance" which allows the City, in the absence of being on the Register, to get approval to use the State Historical Building Code. He requested Council's approval to proceed with that immediately. 2) Structural Deficiencies and Retainment Of A Structural Engineer/Plans & Specs: City Manager Cano stated after looking into existing deficiencies at the stadium, staff found them to go beyond what was initially anticipated as part of the renovation. Thus, since Council gave him authorization to proceed using his best judgement on change orders, to the extent that it made reasonable sense to utilize the presence of the scaffolding and contractor, he had retained a Structural Engineer to further identify problemsand put together plansand specifications which will come to Council for review and final approval. Mr. Greek added the Structural Engineer is presently working on detailed drawings that will enable staff to obtain a more realistic dollar amount that it will cost for this project. Furthermore, the engineer had submitted some sketches indicating those things originally considered minor but have been determined to be structurally major. 3) Identify Locations and The Removal Of All Asbestos From Stadium: City Manager Cano stated per Council's direction to remove all asbestos from the facility, staff contacted the consultant - Gills and asked them to identify all asbestos in the facility and the removal of such. Staff will report to Council upon the completion of this study. Discussion ensued regarding the structural, electrical and mechanical conditions of the facility, and the need to have engineers look into each of these conditions. City Manager Cano stated staff only found out about 1 -1/2 weeks ago the full extent of the problems in the facility. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated this issue was originally brought to Council and staffs attention about 2 -1/2 years ago when he informed them that he was told there was a problem with the steel structure, along with a number of other problems. Councilman West stated he felt Council needed to make a policy decision giving staff authorization to proceed. Mayor Jacobson responded that at the November 20 meeting direction and authorization was given to the City Manager to use his best judgement using change orders, to the extent that it made reasonable sense to utilize the presence of the scaffolding and contractor, and to retain a Structural Engineer to further identify problems and put together plans and specifications that would come back to Council for review and final approval. Councilman Wise stated the entire project needed an evaluation. City Manager Cano stated that the City needed to identify what the deficiencies and needs are, put plans /specifications together, and then go out to bid. He then asked for Council's support to exercise his judgement as to what constitutes sense, and to the extent that he has to make a decision and then bring it back to Council for ratification, this would allow Council to evaluate whether his judgement. City Manager asked for Council's confidence in that he can handle this project, and allow him to report back expeditiously - keeping Council informed and involved. CouncH Direction: Mayor Jacobson stated Council will be meeting again on December 4 it would be a push for staff to get in there, but this is where the City Manager's best judgement comes in, and find out what needs to be removed so that Council could find out what it will take to get the job done. ACTION: STAFF TO AGENDIZE ITEM FOR NEXT COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 4. 10 PAGE 2 PF84- 11301- 8907 - 708 -8907 City Manager Cano asked for Council approval to proceed with getting a Fair Market Appraisal on both properties, stating it would be to the City's advantage to have a good valuation. Councilman West asked what the process would be should the property being deeded over to the City be exchanged for a same piece of property instead. City Manager Cano stated that this is a City project, and it is his experience once the City establishes a valuation then they have to put it out to bid. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he believed that staff was asking to spend funds for the process of trading or selling property, and informed them this was not on the agenda for this evening and any decision thereof would probably be in violation of the Brown Act. City Manager Cano stated he was only proposing this because it is in the CIP as a project, and to the extent that the City proceed with the development of that site, he felt that the Council should have an idea of what the valuation of the property is. Mayor ProTem Dannen agreed, further stating that it should be agendized. Mayor Jacobson stated that this was one of the projects approved in the CIP at which time Council stated that it was to be put on hold. Staff Offer: City Manager stated the item would be agendized for the December 4 meeting. ACTION: STAFF TO AGENDIZE ITEM FOR NEXT COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 4. City Manager Cano stated now that Council and staff had gone through the entire CIP, he would like to prepare an errata sheet to allow them to put everything in a proper perspective, summarizing any actions or positions taken by the City Council for the next CIP meeting. Councilman Wise stated Mayor ProTem Dannen had a good idea to also have a list of the work that was decided would have to be done right away so they could address with those issues first and address those other issues which require discussions, later on. City Manager Cano acknowledged stating that by Council's December 4 meeting they would be able to give Council an idea of when they will be prepared to have the next CIP meeting. Staff Offer: STAFF TO PREPARE ERRATA SHEET SUM[MV.ING ANY ACTIONS OR POSITIONS TAKEN BY COUNCIL TO INCLUDE THOSE ITEMS THAT REQUIRE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION OR WORK BY NEXT CIP WORKSHOP MEETING. STAFF TO REPORT TO COUNCIL AT THE DECEMBER 4 MEETING WITH A DATE FOR THE NEXT CIP WORKSHOP MEETING. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS: NONE ADJOURNED AT 10:50 P.M. 11