1990 FEB 06 CC MINEL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 1990- 7:OOPM CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION given by Pastor Dennis Estill -El Segundo Foursquare Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Anderson PRESENTATIONS 1. Council recognized Employee of the Month - Barbara Pinchuk, Police Department 2. Councilman West proclaimed February, American History Month. Accepted by Lavina M. Bailey, Regent, El Redondo Chapter- National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Ms. Bailey presented Council with a Certificate of recognition for the City's participation in the Bells Across America Program. 3. Director of Recreation and Parks, Jim Faulk introduced, Cable T.V. Supervisor, Jeff Trujio. City Manger Cano introduced, Building Official, Hyrum Fedj. ROLL CALL Councilman Anderson- present Councilman Clutter - present Mayor Jacobson - present Mayor ProTem Dannen- present Councilman West - present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 1. James Taylor, 4700 131 Street, Hawthorne, Taylor Reclamation asked Council to support his company with regard to curbside recycling and to consider all alternatives. 2. Rich Reed, 414 W. Oak gave Council an update on his music reform system. 3. Louis Ervin, Representative of Allied Signal asked to address Mayor ProTem Dannen's discussion item listed on the Agenda under REPORTS - COUNCILMEMBERS. 4. Willard Crick, 1414 E. Mariposa questioned Council regarding the recent Ordinance passed regulating newsrack material. Mr. Crick referred to an article that appeared in the Los Angeles Time on Tuesday, January 30. It pertained to a Senate Bill presently being considered that would allow the sale of "so- called harmful matter from vending machines only in areas that are under adult supervision, which would probably severely curtail sidewalk sales." City Attorney Dolley informed Mr. Crick that the recent City adopted ordinance becomes effective thirty days after its last reading. There is a ninety day time limit for newsrack owners to comply with the new regulations. City Attorney Dolley stated that a law passed by the Senate would not go into effect until the following year. Council Minutes February 6, 1990 1 City Manager Cano stated he would discuss this item at the next meeting with regard to the Senate Bill in question. A. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING - Appeal of Planning Commission decision denying Environmental Assessment EA -195, Conditional Use Permit 89 -2 to construct portions of Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Open Space (OS) Zone of the City of El Segundo. Applicant: City of Los Angeles. Held over from the December 20, 1989 and the January 16, 1990 City Council Meetings. Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for the Continued Public Hearing on the Appeal of Planning Commission decision denying Environmental Assessment EA -195, Conditional Use Permit 89 -2 to construct portions of Hyperion Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Open Space (OS) Zone of the City of El Segundo. Applicant: City of Los Angeles. Held over from the December 20, 1989 and the January 16, 1990 City Council Meetings. Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice was given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated notice of the hearing was published by the Development Services Department. Mayor Jacobson asked if any written communication had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated one letter had been received from Sam L. Furuta, Division Engineer for Hyperion Construction Division requesting that Council continue the public hearing until such time as a Special Council Meeting could be held to address the Hyperion Plant issues. Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing. City Manager Cano requested this item be continued to a February 14, 1990 Special Council Meeting. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if this item could be discussed at the regularly scheduled Council meeting of February 20, 1990. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to close the public hearing to public input and to continue the hearing to the next Regular Council Meeting on February 20, 1990. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. It was the consensus of Council to continue this hearing to the next Regular Council Meeting on February 20, 1990. B. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. An Ordinance of the City of El Segundo, California, Amending Sections of the El Segundo Municipal Code Pertaining; to Enforcement of Zoning Code. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to waive further reading and read by title only. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1146 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE PERTAINING TO ENFORCEMENT OF ZONING CODES. Council Minutes February 6, 1990 2 Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to adopt as presented. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Councilman West 2. An Ordinance of the City of El Segundo, California, Adding a New Chapter 9.54 to Title 9 of the El Segundo Municipal Code Establishing Standards for Property Maintenance. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to read by title only and waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following- ORDINANCE NO. 1147 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 9.54 TO TITLE 9 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR PROPERTY MAINTENANCE. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to adopt as presented. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. IT WAS THE CONSENSUS OF COUNCIL TO TAKE THE FOLLOWING ITEM OUT OF ORDER: NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS - CITY COUNCILMEMBERS Mayor ProTem Dannen - 1. Discussion regarding AQMD Task Force- Hydrogen Fluoride Report /Hazardous Materials. Ed Camarena, Deputy Executive Officer, Office of Operations of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, 9150 Flair Drive, El Monte, California gave Council a report regarding the AQMD Task Force studies regarding the release of Hydrogen Fluroide /Hazardous Materials in the City of El Segundo with emphasis on Allied - Signal, Inc. He stated no recommendations have been made with regard to the report. The committee is now in the process of assembling recommendations that can be made on public protection measures in anticipation of a possible Hydrogen Fluroide leak. Mayor ProTem Dannen expressed concern regarding the amount of hazardous inventory Allied - Signal maintains. City Manager Cano stated staff is preparing a report to give Council at the February 20, 1990 Council meeting regarding the kinds of Hazardous Materials used in the City. Mayor ProTem Dannen expressed concern regarding the City's liability with regard to the Council's knowledge of life threatening materials being used by industry in the City. Louis Ervin, Jr. Plant Manager, Allied - Signal, Inc. 850 S. Sepulveda Boulevard read the following prepared statement: We support the findings of the Hydrogen Fluroide Task Force appointed by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. We feel they conducted a thorough and competent study of the use of HIP Council Minutes February 6, 1990 3 in our area. We support the Task Force conclusion that although there have been no significant releases of HF within the District, the current situation should be made more safe by implementing available HF spill and leak mitigating measures. We expect to implement their recommendations at our plant. HF is an important industrial chemical with wide spread uses: in the production of aluminum and stainless steel; as a catalyst; in the etching of glass; in the production of solvents, plastic and refrigerants; in the manufacture of fluorescent light bulbs and television picture tubes and as a source of fluorine and fluorinated chemicals. Our El Segundo plant utilizes HF in the production of HCFC -22, an important replacement for chlorofluorocarbon (CFCs) which have been implicated in the depletion of the earth's ozone layer. HCFC -22 is used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems. There is no replacement for HF in the manufacturing of HCFC -22. Banning HF in the basin would prevent us from continuing to manufacture this key replacement for CFCs. Because Allied - Signal is a major producer of HF, we have a vast amount of knowledge about its safe handling and use. We put that knowledge to use at El Segundo and continually upgrade our operation, training, and HF handling procedures to reflect the most recent information. We have designed and retro- fitted our plant with the latest state -of -the -art devices to prevent releases and are studying recent release mitigation to determine the best mitigation systems to install. We work closely with local officials, fire personnel, police and hospitals to keep them updated on how to deal with HF vapor and liquid releases (including training and maintaining our own fire brigade); in development of emergency response plans and plans to effectively shelter and /or evacuate in the unlikely event it becomes necessary. We are an active member of the Beach Cities CAER Association. We have always recognized that we have a responsibility of our employees and the public to operate this plant as safely as possible. We believe that our safety record supports the conclusion that we have always run El Segundo Works in this manner. For that reason, we believe that the safety performance of Allied- Signal and the data gathered by the HF Task Force support one of its conclusions: we can continue to manufacture Genetron 22 using HF at our El Segundo plant even more safely by implementing additional available spill and leak mitigating measures. City Manager Cano recommended the Hazardous Waste discussion be continued to the first meeting in March instead of at the next Council meeting of February 20, 1990. The Hyperion issue will take considerable time, and asked Council's reconsideration for agendizing this item. It was the consensus of Council to schedule the Hazardous Waste /Materials presentation for the first Council meeting in March (March 6, 1990). At 8:20 p.m. Council recessed; 8:40 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. D. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrants Nos. 24576 - 24811 Demand Register Summary Number 15 in total amount of $ 1,317,339.16 Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release check. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit Checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments. 2. Regular City Council Minutes - December 19,1989. Approve Council Minutes February 6, 1990 4 3. Adjourned Regular City Council Minutes - January 9,_1.9.90. Approve 4. Called for discussion by Councilman Anderson 5. Resolution Authorizing Destruction of Certain Library Records of No Further Value to the City of El Se ndo. Adopt resolution 6. Resolution of the City of El Segundo designating representatives to select and acquire surplus property from Corporate Donors Adopt resolution 7. Called for discussion by Mayor ProTem Dannen 8. Called for discussion by Mayor Jacobson 9. Called for discussion by Mayor ProTem Dannen 10. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, Committing Funds for the Construction of a One -Way Couplet for Nash Street and Douglas Street in the City of El Segundo. Adopt resolution 11. City Council Approval of an Architectural /Engineering Consultant in the Building Safety Division. Approve consultant for providing Plan Check Services to the Building Safety Division 12. Waiver of Filing Fee for a Variance at 500 E. Grand Avenue. Staff recommends that the $675.00 filing fee for a variance at 500 E. Grand Avenue be waived. 13. Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day, April 28, 1990. 1. Approve April 28, 1990 as Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day. 2. Allocate $25,000 from the General Fund unappropriated balance to finance the estimated cost. 14. Proposal to lend a maximum of $15,000 from the General Fund Account to sole source purchase and replace one (1) undercover police vehicle. General Fund will be reimbursed from insurance proceeds and the Asset Forfeiture Account. Adopt resolution 15. Called for discussion by Mayor ProTem Dannen 16. Called for discussion by Mayor ProTem Dannen 17. Called for discussion by Mayor ProTem Dannen 18. Called for discussion by Mayor ProTem Dannen 19. Called for discussion by Mayor ProTem Dannen Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to adopt the remaining items listed under the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA Council Minutes February 6, 1990 5 4. Regular City Council Minutes - January 16,1990. Approve Councilman Anderson expressed a discrepancy in the minutes referring to page seven specifically. A vote directing staff to complete the municipal code investigation in thirty days was not part of Councilman Anderson's original MOTION. Councilman West suggested this item be tabled to the next meeting to afford Council discussion since it was not on the agenda. Clerk Hart stated there was a MOTION made for an investigation at the January 16, 1990 Meeting and after that MOTION was passed there was a request by Council to direct staff to complete the investigation within (30) days. City Attorney Dolley stated the minutes can be corrected through the regular course of business. He suggested Council consider this item at this Council meeting before the scheduled interviews with the hired investigator to review the procedures takes place on February 8, 1990. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to consider this item at this time. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Councilman West Councilman Clutter objected to any Councilmembers being involved in the municipal code procedures investigation . Councilman Anderson felt he had a right to talk to the investigator to clarify his own reasons for bringing this issue before Council. City Manager Cano assured Council information on this matter would be gathered in a timely manner and did not foresee this issue continuing for an extended period of time. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to conduct an outside investigation on the Municipal Code project within 30 days from this date of February 6, 1990. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve the minutes as corrected. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Approve an allocation of $5,000 from the FY 1989/90 Capital Improvement Program Funds and authorize staff to proceed with the construction of a tan colored split face block wall. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he was not able to participate in this item as his home is within 300 feet and constitutes a conflict of interest. At the hour of 9:05 p.m. Mayor ProTem Dannen left the dais. Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve item number 7. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: Council Minutes February 6, 1990 N AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, West and Mayor Jacobson ABSTENTIONS: Mayor ProTem Dannen At the hour of 9:06 p.m. Mayor ProTem Dannen returned to the dais. 8. 1989 -90 Replacement of Sidewalk at Various Locations and Replacement of Walkways in Recreation Park. Project Number PW 89 -4. Allocate an additional appropriation of $12,000 from Gas Tax Funds and Ward the contract for subject project. 9. Cleaning and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection of Sewer Lines. Approve plans and specifications and authorize staff to advertise for bids. Mayor Jacobson and Mayor ProTem Dannen felt the above items were a conflict of interest. City Attorney Dolley stated it was appropriate for all Councilmembers to participate in the above items. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve items number eight and nine. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE._ 15. Presentation of the City's Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1989. Receive and file It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over for further consideration. 16. Administrative Purchasing Policies and Procedures Receive and file Mayor ProTem Dannen expressed concern over the City Clerk and City Treasurer mentioned as exceptions regarding administrative procedures within the subject policy. City Manager Cano stated this administration procedure would not in any way bind the elected officials. It is simply a matter of clarification. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve item number 16. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 17. Listing of Contracts Which Exceed $10,000 Receive and file Mayor ProTem Dannen asked that the words "receive and file" be stricken and replaced with "Approve and File ", under the recommendation for action. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve and file this item. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 18. Consideration of Proposal to Provide Legislative Advocacy Services with Kenneth Emanuels & Associates. Approve contract and authorize Mayor to Execute. Council Minutes February 6, 1990 VA Mayor ProTem Dannen requested a provision be added so as to provide Council with a quarterly report. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve with the above aforementioned. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. 19. City - School District Cable Advisory Committee- Proposed Restructuring. Approve restructuring. Mayor ProTem Dannen questioned the even number of persons on the committee and felt it would be beneficial to have an odd number. It was the consensus of Council to maintain the committee number as presented. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve as presented. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. E. NEW BUSINESS -CITY MANAGER 1. Proposed Ordinance of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California , adding a new chapter 9.54 to Title 9 (Peace, Safety and Morals) of the El Segundo Municipal Code regarding regulation of privately owned parking lots. City Manager Cano stated that one of the strategies proposed to reduce the frequency of incidents along the Main /Imperial Corridor was to enact an ordinance that would provide guidelines for privately owned parking lots. The ordinance would regulate certain activities which constitute a public nuisance. The adoption of such an ordinance, would allow the Police Department to become proactive in enforcing violations when they occur. Police Captain Tim Grimmond gave a presentation outlining the provisions of the proposed ordinance. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to read by title only and waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. City Attorney read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 9.54, TO TITLE 9 (PEACE, SAFETY AND MORALS) OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING REGULATION OF PRIVATELY OWNED PARKING LOTS. Councilman West introduced. City Attorney clarified the backup material and suggested the words pertaining to the necessity of a Public Hearing be deleted ini addition to the deletion of the second 2 paragraphs. 2. Proposed Graffiti Removal Program Director of Recreation and Parks, Jim Faulk stated this program offers four options for removing graffiti: 1) Purchase graffiti removal equipment: approximate cost $2,000; 2) Contract out to a firm currently doing this work: approximate cost $65 Council Minutes February 6, 1990 per hour; 3) Attempt to get support from the Chamber of Commerce or DESI to assume the responsibility, or participate in the effort as offered by Continental Development Corporation; and 4) Have the City crews continue as they are now, with the exception of one department doing the work. This would include the receipt of a written waiver to attend to graffiti on private property and would continue for a 90 -day period to properly evaluate the best solution applied. Director Faulk concluded by stating staff recommends that Council direct staff to implement option number four as presented in conjunction with a publicity campaign requesting the public to notify the City whenever graffiti is observed, and providing a procedure wherein that notification will spark the City's response and also document our effort. Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to accept staff recommendation. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked for clarification on the downtown sidewalk steam cleaning. City Manager Cano stated staff recommendation included Council concurrence with the graffiti project and curb side work on Main Street from El Segundo to Mariposa Avenue and when the curb improvements are completed staff at that time will bring to Council recommendations for a sidewalk steam cleaning program. 3. Report on Resource Recovery Programs Bill Martin, Street Maintenance Superintendent gave an oral report regarding curbside recycling programs. He stated that State Bill AB939, "The California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 ", mandates that California cities and counties must prepare, adopt, and implement a source reduction and recycling element, which identifies how the jurisdiction will divert through source reduction, recycling and composing 25% of solid waster from landfill or incinerator by 1995 and 50% or the maximum amount feasible by the year 2000. Each city must prepare and adopt a source reduction and recycling plan by July 1, 1991. Mr. Martin provided Council with a staff report on what other cities are doing to address this issue. "Green Waste ", Mr. Martin stated, has been identified as a major target material that could be diverted from landfill disposal to a beneficial use and preserve approximately 6,000 tons per day of landfill capacity and "Green Waste" recycling would necessitate little or no action in the General Plan. President of the Chamber of Commerce, Sandy Jacobs stated recycling containers have been placed but most private property owners don't have the space. President Jacobs urged Council to participate in this rewarding program. It was the consensus of Council to direct staff to investigate all options. Phil Beautrow, Manager Landfill Development of Waste Management Of North America, Inc., 18500 Von Karman Ave., Suite 900, Irvine, gave Council a report on Rail Cycle. He stated it is a joint venture with the Santa Fe Railroad and Waste Management, Inc. It would include a regional distribution station for solid waste disposal. It involves building a materials refuse center to separate the refuse and the remainder is placed in sealed containers and shipped out by train at night to a remote sight in the San Bernadino County. Mr. Beautrow presented an eleven minute video presentation on the rail cycle program. Council Minutes February 6, 1990 D Gary Peterson, Vice President, Ecolo Haul, P.O. Box 34819, Los Angeles, stated he represented a materials recovery facilities. He informed Council that there was a program also designed for commercial waste as well as residential waste. Bill Lockwood, Manager Waste Development, The Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company, 5770 S. Eastern Ave., Los Angeles, stated Sante Fe is excited at the opportunity to solve the waste management problems approaching Southern California. There is a hundred year estimate for the proposed site in San Bernadino. El Segundo was chosen for a material recovery facility because of its proximity to the railroad. Mr. Lockwood stated there is a 15 -20 acre site proposed near Rosecrans and Douglas Streets. Mr. Beautrow stated the whole project is in its infancy stages and is simply an informational issue for the Council. Mayor ProTem Dannen expressed reluctance to opening the door to trash dumping. Gayle Church, TreeMusketeers, urged Council to involve the citizenry in the decision making for the recycling center. Volunteered Treemusketeers time in "shopping" for a recycling center. Urged Council not to spend city funds to hire an outside survey. James Taylor, 4700 131 Street, Hawthorne, stated he supported the Treemusketeers but urged Council to read the law with regard to this matter. City Manager Cano stated there would be no outside consultant hired and that at this stage would be a staff initiated project. Consensus of Council to receive and file the above item. 4. Request to Replace the City's Current Telephone System and related telephone station equipment with the AT &T System 75. City Manager Cano stated the City's current telephone system is antiquated and in constant need of repairs. A Telephone Task Force explored possible telecommunication systems replacements and is now recommending the AT &T System 75. Manager Cano asked for Council concurrence for staff to pursue the AT &T System 75 for a final telephone system configuration and to establish total cost for replacement. It was the consensus of Council to concur with staff and pursue the AT &T System 75 for a final telephone system configuration. 5. Oral Staff Report on Senate Bill 255 (Berguson Bill- Airport Land Use Commission and Application to Los Angeles County) City Manager Ron Cano stated Senate Bill 255 involves the City having to submit all development plans to the Airport Land Use Commission. Mr. Cano stated that after review by the City Attorney's office it was determined that El Segundo need not comply as the City was governed by its own building and development laws. City Attorney Dolley stated the City of Palos Verdes had requested a review of this matter as it related to their city and it was determined that this law was not intended to apply to counties over 4 million. He stated he would advise the Council on further developments on this bill. At 10:40 p.m. Council recessed; at 10:45 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. Council Minutes February 6, 1990 10 6. Council Establishment of a City \School Standing Committee for the purpose of discussing issues that are of general interest to the School District and the City and to formulate informational reports to the respective policy bodies. City Manager Cano stated that on January 29, 1990 he met with the School District President Dr. Alan Leitch, Superintendent Dr. Richard Bertain, and Mayor Carl Jacobson to discuss general issues related to working relations of the School District and City. As a result of this meeting, concurrence was met for the benefits of establishing a Standing Committee for the purpose of meeting only on an "as needed" basis along with staff support from both the offices of the City Manager and Superintendent. The committee would merely discuss issues of general interest and report back to their respective bodies. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to establish a City /School District Standing Committee consisting of two members from each sector. Council's representatives would be Mayor Jacobson and Mayor ProTem Dannen. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Councilmen Anderson and West F. NEW BUSINESS AND REPORTS -CITY COUNCILMEMBERS - Councilman Anderson Reported on the South Bay Cities Meeting. Councilman Anderson stated the Century Freeway will need additional funding but the source has not yet been determined. - Councilman Clutter - NONE - Councilman West Attended the South Bay Cities Association Meeting and was concerned about Unreinforced Masonry Law; that City property owners receive advance notice. -Mayor Pro Tem Dannen Asked that it be noted in the Minutes when a contract was approved in Closed Session. He also requested that Citizen Recycling Committee and the discussion of Fire Sprinkler Law be placed on the next Agenda for discussion and possible action. In addition, Mayor ProTem requested staff review the City's compliance regarding asbestos laws. -Mayor Jacobson Announced that the Commuter Express will be operable in mid - April. Mayor Jacobson expressed concern regarding the visibility of street numbers on homes and would like to see address numbers on curbs. Suggested the possibility of having this a function of a service organization. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS- NONE Council Minutes February 6, 1990 11 MEMORIALS - NONE CLOSED SESSION At the hour of 11:20 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a Closed Session. Council moved into closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Sec. 54950, et §M..) as announced by the City Attorney, for the purposes of conferring with the City Attorney on: § 54956.9 (a) Dawson vs City of El Segundo and one matter under § 54956.9 (b) and (c). ADJOURNMENT At the hour of 11:25 p.m. Council adjourned. RECORDED, RONALD L. HART, CMC, CITY CLERK Council Minutes February 6, 1990 12