CALL TO ORDER at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jacobson
INVOCATION given by Ronald L. Hart, City Clerk
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Anderson
1. Council recognized City Employee of the Month, Police Sergeant Mitchell Tavera
2. Councilman Anderson proclaimed the Month of April, 1990 as Earthquake
Preparedness Month
3. Introduction of New City Employees:
Police Department Records Clerk- Veronica Diaz Culik
Police Department Cadet -Alan Coquette
Planning Manger - Kendra Morries
Councilman Anderson- present
Councilman Clutter - present
Councilman Dannen- present
Councilman West - present
Mayor Jacobson - present
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS -(City Business Only- 5 minute limit)
1. Jim Sanders, El Segundo resident expressed his discontent with the recent
increase in the Paragon Cable basic service charge and requested Council to take
action if possible.
Consensus of Council to place this subject on a future agenda.
2. Dahna Underhill, 625 Hillcrest questioned Council regarding the most recent
chemical spill at the Chevron refinery.
3. Terry Cerreto, 210 W. Acacia stated he had concerns about growing crime
activity in the Hillcrest - Imperial areas.
City Manager Cano informed Council that staff has been working on reporting on
the public safety in this subject area and a report could be ready as early as April
17, 1990.
4. Rod Spackman, Chevron USA stated he would make available to Dahna Underhill
a complete report on the latest chemical spill at Chevron.
1. Public Hearing - Recommendation from the Planning Commission to the City
Council to approve Environmental Assessment EA -210 and Unclassified Use Permit
UUP 89 -1 for a Dog /Cat Kennel located at 235 E. Franklin. Applicant Jack
Baldelli /David Nielson.
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for
a Public Hearing - Recommendation from the Planning Commission to the City
Council to approve Environmental Assessment EA -210 and Unclassified Use Permit
UUP 89 -1 for a Dog /Cat Kennel located at 235 E. Franklin. Applicant Jack
Baldelli /David Nielson.
Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated
notice of the hearing was published by the Development Services Department.
Mayor Jacobson asked if any written communication had been received. Clerk Hart
stated no written communication had been received.
Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing.
Mayor Jacobson announced he would be abstaining from voting or discussing this
item due to a possible conflict of interest. The Mayor left the dais at 7:20 p.m.
Director of Development Services, Lynn Harris stated that all unclassified use
permits obtain final review and approval from the City Council if the Planning
Commission has recommended adoption. Section 20.46.010(b) allows Kennels
(excluding any R, P or C zones, or M -1 zone west of Sepulveda Boulevard) but is
subject to the approval of any Unclassified Use Permit. Director Harris stated the
Property is located in the Small Business District and is exempt from the Smoky
Hollow Specific Plan Site Plan Review. The Planning Commission has recommended
the approval of Unclassified Use Permit UUP 89 -1 and certifying a Negative
Declaration of environmental Assessment, EA -210, to permit a 3,338 ft. Dog /Cat
Kennel in an existing structure located at 235 E. Franklin Avenue. The use
proposed 2,904 square feet (87 %) of the total floor area to be devoted to boarding
area and the remaining 434 square feet (13 %) allocated to a general maintenance
area. Ms. Harris concluded by stating the prior use was a machine shop and this
project does not involve any structural alterations.
Councilman Clutter stated concerns regarding the additional parking problems this
establishment might cause. Director Lynn Harris, replied that the Planning
Commission had the same concerns, but due to the nature of the business, the
average customer total per day would be eight with limited parking time required.
Mayor ProTem Dannen, opened the hearing to the public. No one addressed
Council and Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to close
AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen, West and Anderson
NOES: None
ABSTENTIONS: Mayor Jacobson
Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve
Environmental Assessment EA -210 and Unclassified Use Permit, UUP 89 -1.
AYES: Councilmen Clutter, West and Anderson
NOES: Mayor ProTem Dannen
ABSTENTIONS: Mayor Jacobson
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to waive further
reading and adopt the following resolution: MOTION CARRIED BY THE
AYES: Councilmen Clutter, West and Anderson
NOES: Mayor ProTem Damien
ABSTENTIONS: Mayor Jacobson
Mayor Jacobson returned to the dais at 7:45 p.m.
2. Presentation Regarding Six Month Budget Review:Revenue and Expenditures.
City Manager Ron Cano presented Council with an overhead projector presentation
showing detailed accounts of General Fund Revenues, General Fund Expenditures,
and a Summary by Funds for 1989 -1990 Budget Revised Projections.
Mayor ProTem Dannen left the dais at 7:50 p.m.
Interim Finance Director, John Stark gave Council a mid -year budget review of
expenditures and revenues. Mr. Stark stated that Revenues totaled $8,752,525 or
37.4% of the $23,389,500 budgeted and added that the current projections indicate
that General Fund Revenues for Fiscal Year 1989 -90 should exceed budgeted
amounts by approximately $385,000 and it will be necessary to formally appropriate
the additional revenue to the General Fund before year end. He stated Sales Tax
Revenue was budgeted at $3,300,000 and the actual sales tax revenue received was
$4,527,130. This increase was due primarily to the sale of a satellite by Hughes
Aircraft and cold weather sales to Southern California Edison by Chevron. This
revenue is not expected in the current year and representatives from both
companies have been contacted to give a new projection.
Business Tax was projected at $10,895,000 and will actually yield the City
The Utility Users Taxes show a significant difference in projection than was
actually budgeted. The majority of this is from the electrical and telephone taxes.
The additional revenue from the Electrical Utility Users Taxes is approximately
$375,000 and appears a result of the 1989 -90 projection being made on less than
a full year of prior year data. The Telephone Utility Users Taxes lacked sufficient
or accurate data and thus provided an inaccurate picture.
The latest draft from the consultant recalculating El Segundo's limit shows the
Fiscal Year 1989 -90 Appropriation Limit to be $29,500,000 and the City Council
adopted a limit in August of 1989 at $25,278,747. It does not appear, Director
Stark stated that the City will need to take any action regarding the "Gann Limit"
but adopt a resolution establishing our new limit. This material will be brought
back to Council at the Council Meeting of April 17, 1990.
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
Mr. Stark stated both Revenues and expenses for the Water Enterprise are now
projected lower for Fiscal Year 1989 -90 than budgeted. The Wastewater Enterprise
revenues are on target as well as the Equipment Replacement Fund, and Liability
Insurance Fund. The Workers' Compensation Fund may require an additional
appropriation before year end.
Mayor ProTem Dannen returned at 7:58 p.m.
The Capital Improvement Fund at mid -year had expenditures and encumbrances
of $131,253 out of appropriations of $8,736,839 for Fiscal Year 1989 -90. The
unexpended amounts include appropriations of $1,900,896 for Hyperion Capital
costs, $2,758,833 for the Library Expansion project (bids were received on March
27, 1990), and approximately $1,258,000 of capital projects that are anticipated to
be advertised for bidding before June 30, 1990. An additional $600,000 of capital
projects are currently in the bidding process which accounts for 76% of the current
fiscal year's appropriations.
Councilman Clutter left the dais at 7:59 p.m.
Councilman Clutter returned at 8:02 p.m.
Consensus of Council to receive and file.
1. Appointment of New Members to the Noise Abatement Committee
Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to appoint Mr.
George Wiley, Jr., Mr. Ralph Freshour, and Mrs. Micki Freshour to the Noise
2. Correspondence from the Senior Citizen Housing Board
City Manager Cano stated a letter was received from Ken Schofield, President El
Segundo Senior Housing Corporation asking Council to follow some guidelines for
the selection process for future appointees to the Board of Directors for Park Vista.
The following were outlined in the letter as guidelines: 1) The Board would be
responsible for the composing and subsequent advertising for the solicitation of
prospective new candidates. Advertising would be in a newspaper of general
circulation to run for a period of not less than one month; 2) Subsequent interviews
of prospective candidates would be established by staff for the City Council and the
Senior Housing Board. Interviews would be conducted by the City Council while the
Senior Housing Board would have two of its members in attendance for
participation in the interview process; and 3) Selection and subsequent appointment
to service on the Board would be the responsibility of the City Council.
City Manager Cano, stated he was not comfortable having this item on the agenda
at this time.
Mayor ProTem Dannen requested this item be held over to the April 17, 1990
Council Meeting and stated he did not feel this was an item to be presented or
discussed by Council since it was voted on at a previous meeting. Councilman
Clutter concurred that is subject had previously been presented to and voted on by
Councilman Anderson stated he was of the opinion that the Senior Housing Board
did not feel the City Council understood their total function nor their needs.
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to present this
matter to Council for discussion. MOTION FAILED BY THE FOLLOWING
AYES: Councilmen West and Anderson
NOES: Mayor Jacobson, Dannen and Clutter
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed
unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be
considered individually under the next heading of business.
1. Warrants Nos. 25474 - 25716 Demand Register Summary Number 18 in total
amount of $ 1,031,973.93
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release check. Ratify:
Payroll and Employee Benefit Checks; checks released early due to contracts or
Agreements;Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
2. Regular City Council Minutes -March 20, 1990 -7:00 p.m.
3. Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting -March 23, 1990 -7:00 p.m.
4. Called for discussion by City Manager Cano
5. Called for discussion by Councilman Clutter
6. Called for discussion by Mayor ProTem Dannen
7. Called for discussion by Councilman West
8. Cleaning and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Inspection of Sewer Lines.
Award contract to National Plant Services, Inc.
9. Called for discussion by Mayor ProTem Dannen
Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve the
remaining items listed under the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED BY
4. Extension of El Segundo Boy Scout Association Lease Agreement
Approve extension
City Manager Cano requested this item be held over to the April 17, 1990 Council
Meeting as staff has been unable to meet with the representatives from the El
Segundo Boy Scout Association to verify their understanding of any lease agreement
changes. Consensus of Council to review this item at the next meeting.
5. Request from the El Segundo Unified School District regarding City intentions
to purchase surplus School District property on Imperial Avenue near Imperial and
Loma Vista Streets.
Adopt statement declaring the City has no interest in acquiring subject site.
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
Councilman Clutter requested this item be held over to the April 17, 1990 Council
Meeting and to also discuss this item in Closed Session. It was the consensus of
Council to review this item at the next meeting and consider this item in Closed
6. Request from Pressure Vessel Service, Inc for Trailer Permit, located at 850
South Sepulveda.
Approval of request
Mayor ProTem Dannen stated he wanted to deny this request and was concerned
this subject property might be considering expansion. Consensus to consider this
item at the April 17, 1990 Council Meeting.
7. Repair of Sewer Lines at Various Locations
Accept the work as complete
Councilman West stated upon the advise of City Attorney Dolley he would be
abstaining from voting on this item due to a possible conflict of interest.
Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve
AYES: Councilmen Clutter, West, Dannen and Anderson
NOES: None
ABSTENTIONS: Councilman West
9. Consideration of a Certificate of Deposit Agreement with Sierra Partners to allow
for issuance of a building permit prior to recordation of Tract Map Number 46511.
Approval of the Certificate of Deposit Agreement.
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if there were any provisions for the expiration of
precise plans.
Director of Development Services, Lynn Harris stated a precise plan was used
because of the uniqueness of the site and deferred legal comments to the City
City Attorney Dolley stated certain permits are valid for one year. He suggested a
Closed Session discussion on this matter. He added that Council had made a policy
through a resolution regarding matters such as these and if Council preferred not
to extend the privilege of filing a tract map after a building permit is granted,
Council had the authority to do so.
City Attorney Dolley also stated that prior to this policy, there were some
inequities if a person could not extend a plan, so Council provided a policy here,
in some cases the building permit could be issued prior to the recordation of the
tract map.
Mayor ProTem Dannen suggested Council protect the public from projects of this
kind and return to the old policy of requiring the tract map before issuing the
certificate of occupancy.
Consensus of Council to consider this matter in Closed Session.
1. Request for approval to replace the City's current telephone system (switch) and
ALL related telephone station eauitiment with the AT &T Svstem 75.
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
City Manager Cano stated the Telephone Task Force has been working with AT &T
technicians, City Department and Division personnel to finalize a system design and
cost proposal. The total system cost is $265,000 and included the upgraded system
cost of $256,440 plus an additional 3% contingency of $8,560 to cover any
changes /additions at the time of installations. The difference between the original
estimate of $113,326 and the current upgraded quote of $256,440 reflects the
upgrades requested by each department to meet their needs and included the total
upgrade of the Emergency Operations Center.
City Manager Cano recommended that Council consider a direct purchase as
opposed to a lease /purchase option.
Evelyn Benedix, City Hall Receptionist informed Council of the disadvantages and
non - functioning operations of our present City Hall phone system.
Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve the
direct purchase of the AT &T System 75 and Merlin II.
2. Status Report on Male Avenue West of Hillcrest Street
Director of Development Services, Lynn Harris stated Council had directed staff to
review the unimproved northerly half of Maple Avenue street west of Hillcrest
Street. The cost of constructing curbs, sidewalks and paving improvements in the
area is $55,000. This work has not been proposed for improvements by the city as
it is the City's intention to require the future developer of the vacant property
abutting the unimproved roadway to construct the improvements at the developer's
cost. Ms. Harris continued by stating the westerly end of Maple Avenue is also
unimproved but the 1989 -94 Capital Improvement Program includes $50,000 for
constructing a cul -de -sac at the westerly end of Maple Avenue in fiscal year 1991-
92. The total estimated cost of constructing both the northerly half of the roadway
and the west end cul -de -sac is approximately $100,000. Staff recommended that
the work be accomplished with developer financing in conjunction with future
Marcy Dugan, 725 West Maple Avenue urged Council to approve improvements
for this land. She stated there are potential safety problems with parked cars,
dumping of trash, and clothing and rain run -off as well as general nuisances
associated with the unimproved land.
Mayor ProTem Dannen suggested "NO PARKING" signs be installed.
City Manager Cano suggested that staff review the area for asphalt burming to
alleviate the problem of rainwater runoff, the posting of signs for "NO PARKING"
and "NO DUMPING ".
It was the consensus of Council to follow the recommendation of the City Manager
with minimal cost of asphalt burming, signage and provide Council with an
informational memo as to the progress.
3. City Prosecutors
City Manager Cano stated the District Attorney by law has prosecutorial
responsibility for State statute misdemeanors and all felonies. The District Attorney
charges for prosecuting Municipal Code violations although they can allow cities to
prosecute their own misdemeanors at the cities' expense, and some local cities do
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
Police Chief Frank Meehan stated that since all felony proceedings, by law, are
handled by the District Attorney, the issue is narrowed to misdemeanors
specifically. There are six filing deputies from the Inglewood Office handling El
Segundo's misdemeanor complaints as well as some other neighboring communities.
1,147 misdemeanor case filings are expected for this fiscal year consisting of the
following breakdown: 386 driving under the influence, 438 other traffic
misdemeanors and about 216 miscellaneous charges including assault and battery,
resisting arrest, minor drug offenses and similar misdemeanors. Also included, Chief
Meehan stated, were projections for approximately 107 requests for misdemeanor
prosecutions of municipal code violations. Charges for municipal code violations
were averaging $150 per invoice but the County charges varying amounts according
to the experience level of the Deputy District Attorney handling each case. There
are several cities in the South Bay area that have their own city prosecutors. Some
are full -time and others are part -time; some handle all misdemeanors while others
handle only municipal code violations. Chief Meehan continued by stating there
are cities contracting with a part -time city prosecutor who charges a rate of $110
per hour but the County of Los Angeles currently charges the City of El Segundo
about half that amount. From an economic standpoint, Meehan stated, the workload
generated by El Segundo Municipal Code violations would not justify increased
expenditures for having our own City prosecutor.
Police Chief Meehan summarized by stating the effectiveness of the District
Attorney's office has been satisfactory. Some reasons cited in favor of a city
prosecutor include an enhanced rapport between police and prosecutor, increased
input on plea bargains, and sensitivity to community needs. The rapport, however,
with our police department and the Inglewood District Attorney's Office has been
good and at this point it appears that an in -house city prosecutor would not be cost
It was the consensus of Council to receive and file.
4. Los Angeles Air Force Base regarding possible closure.
City Manager Cano stated the U.S. Air Force has provided the City with notice
that they are underway with preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement,
which will study the effects of the Los Angeles Air Force Base closure or relocation
of its facilities. Manager Cano requested that Council direct the Mayor on behalf
of the City Council to request the U.S. Air Force include in its Environmental
Assessment of the impacts on the community, a full, detailed, and comprehensive
Economic Impact Study.
Consensus of Council to follow the City Manager's recommendations and include
in the letter inquiries to the Federal representatives as to any possible alternative
plans for the property if and when the Air Force does move.
1. Discussion on the completion of the Municipal Code In -house Project currently
being done by the City Clerk's Office.
Consensus of Council to review this matter again after the General Municipal
Election on April 10, 1990 at the next Council Meeting on April 17, 1990.
- Councilman Anderson - None
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
- Councilman Clutter
1. Expiration of building permits and time period to complete work once
Councilman Clutter had asked if there were any expirations on building permits
once they were issued. He stated he understood the procedure to hold certain time
limits and wondered if the homeowners were misunderstanding City procedure and
or why final inspections were delayed or never completed on certain projects.
City Manager Cano stated the Municipal Code states that once a building permit
is taken out the applicant has 180 days to commence construction. Once
construction has commenced and if it stops for more than 180 days this action can
invalidate the original permit. The current issue is one of enforcement.
Councilman Clutter expressed concern regarding the fact that the policy is
sometimes only enforced upon complaints of neighbors. He asked if applicants could
be notified by mail of regulations.
City Manager Cano stated that administratively, the applicant could be notified by
mail of what the code provides, and suggested a review of this matter with a
future report to Council.
Councilman Clutter asked how many current permits were outstanding.
Director of Development Services, Lynn Harris responded by saying there were in
excess of 125 open permits in the City predominately in the residential area with
an average age of over three years. Ms. Harris also reported that up until a week
and a half ago the City did not have a procedure in place for follow -up once a
permit had been issued. There has been no previous check system to ensure that
the final inspection has been made prior to allowing the utility turn on. However,
Ms. Harris stated, the department has made this a priority item and is working
diligently in rectifying the matter.
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if this procedure was perhaps a selective
Director Harris stated it was possibly more a matter of inconsistencies on the part
of the inspector or lack of experience.
Councilman Clutter simply expressed concern for a check system to ensure the final
inspection has been made.
Director Harris stated the building official has split up the permits among staff and
anticipates a report by the end of next week. Ms. Harris assured Council that staff
would provide Council with a status report and progress of this matter after all
information has been gathered.
- Councilman West - NONE
-Mayor Pro Tern Dannen
Requested the Fire Department to research and report back to Council on how
many releases of Hydrogen Fluoride have occurred over the years in El Segundo.
Requested letters from Mr. Bob Hori, Los Angeles City Engineer, that were sent
to Congressman Levine's office to be placed on the next Council Agenda for
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
City Manager Cano stated there were actually three letters, with one being
designated for Closed Session discussion.
-Mayor Jacobson
Reported on his recent trip to Sacramento with regard to giving testimony for
Assembly Bill 2857. He also stated testimony will be given at the AQMD meeting
on Friday, April 6, 1990
City Manager Cano gave a brief report on the recent first meeting of the Council
Community Hyperion Committee.
City Attorney Dolley reported that the Nuisance Suit was filed against the
Hyperion Treatment plant this day.
PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS -(City Business Only- 5 minute limit)
1. Eugene Gillingham, 1209 E. Acacia expressed concern regarding a block wall
next to the Embassy Suites Hotel on the California Street side. He stated intruders
come through a hole in the wall via Imperial Avenue and requested Council /staff
assistance in arresting the situation.
It was the consensus of Council to direct staff to review this matter and report
back to Council.
2. Gerhardt VanDrie, 724 W. Pine, congratulated Council on the filing of the
Hyperion lawsuit.
At 11:00 p.m. Council adjourned to Closed Session.
Council moved into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown
Act (Government Code Sec. 54950, et seg..) as announced by the City Attorney, for
the purposes of conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/ or existing
GC 54956.9(a) (Cityaparty to pending litigation)
Hyperion vs El Segundo
Dawson vs El Segundo
Orejel vs El Segundo
GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation
Three items
GC 54956.9)c) (City might decide to initiate litigation
One item
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990
City Attorney Dolley stated the following action was taken during Closed Session:
Item Number Nine under Consent Agenda: Consideration of a Certificate of Deposit
Agreement with Sierra Partners to allow for issuance of a building permit prior to
recordation of Tract Map Number 46511.
Approval of the Certificate of Deposit Agreement.
Council approved the Certificate of Deposit with Sierra Partners.
By a 5/0 vote Council approved a matter not on the agenda to be considered as
arising after the posting of the agenda.
By a 5/0 vote Council rescinded Resolution Number 3591 which adopted policy for
issuance of tract maps on approval of a certificate of deposit (as with Sierra
Partners) and directed staff to prepare a new policy for small developments and
hardship cases.
Council Minutes
April 3, 1990