1988 SEP 06 CC MINEL SEGUNDO ADJOURNED CITY COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 - 6:OOPM CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Carl Jacobson at 6:00 PM Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Clutter - present Councilman West - present Mayor ProTem Dannen - present Mayor Jacobson - present SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. Joint Meeting with the Planning Commission: Light Rail Presentation. Presentation by Mr. Steve Lance of Los Angeles County Transportation Commission (LACTC). "4 _001il 7z!v1EI:ION Council adjourned at 6:45 PM. RECORDED, RONALD L. HART, CMC, CITY CLERK EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - SEPTEMBER 6, 1988 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION given by Rabbi Leon M. Kahane, Temple Rodeph Shalom, El Segundo PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Clutter. PRESENTATIONS 1. Council recognized September Employee of the Month Ruth Mason, Library. 2. Council recognized John Allman, former President of Senior Housing Board. 3. Councilman Clutter proclaimed September 12 -16, 1988 Drug Abuse Resistance Education Week. 4. Councilman West proclaimed September 17 -23, 1988 Constitution Week. ROLL CALL Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Clutter - present Councilman West - present Mayor Pro Tem Dannen - present Mayor Jacobson - present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (City business only -5 minute limit) 1. Letter and back -up materials submitted from Laurie Jo Taylor /Owner /Manager of the Body Connection regarding Business License Fees for Therapeutic Massage in the City of El Segundo. Laurie Jo Taylor, 2250 Park Place, Owner. Manager of the Body Connection referred to the Council material submitted and suggested an addendum to the E1 Segundo Municipal code,requesting more equitable business fees. It was the consensus of Council to refer this item to staff. 2. Nick Tavlor. Manager of the Sports Connection. 2250 Park Place was in concurrence with Laurie Jo Taylor's request. 3. Jav Babb, Joe Babb Chevron, E1 Segundo and Sepulveda was also in favor of Laurie Jo Taylor's request. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS Mayor Jacobson stated at 7:27 PM he leave the dais and the room, as the following two items could be a possible a conflict of interest. 1. Public Hearing - Proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from Commercial- Manufacturing (C -M) to Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Small Business (SB) District. City of E1 Segundo initiated proposal to change the land use designation and zoning for the Commercial- Manufacturing (C -M) zoned property on Standard Street from C -M to Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Small Business (SB) District. Project area includes the west side of Standard Street between El Segundo Council Minutes September 6, 1988 Boulevard and Franklin Avenue (Lots 21 -40, Block 10, E1 Segundo); and the east side of Standard Street from Franklin Avenue north 350 feet (Lots 6 -19, Block 24, E1 Segundo). The Planning Commission recommends the C -M zoned area be changed to S -B, establishing S -B zoning for the west side of Standard Street between E1 Segundo Boulevard and Franklin Avenue. A Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared (Environmental Assessment EA -168, General Plan Amendment 88 -1, Zone Change 88 -3). Applicant: City of E1 Segundo. Mayor ProTem Dannen announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a Public Hearing on the Proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from Commercial- Manufacturing (C- M) to Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Small Business (SB) District. City of E1 Segundo initiated proposal to change the land use designation and zoning for the Commercial- Manufacturing (C -M) zoned property on Standard Street from C -M to Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Small Business (SB) District. Project area includes the west side of Standard Street between E1 Segundo Boulevard and Franklin Avenue (Lots 21 -40, Block 10, E1 Segundo); and the east side of Standard Street from Franklin Avenue north 350 feet (Lots 6 -19, Block 24, E1 Segundo). The Planning Commission recommends the C -M zoned area be changed to S -B, establishing S -B zoning for the west side of Standard Street between E1 Segundo Boulevard and Franklin Avenue. A Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared (Environmental Assessment EA -168, General Plan Amendment 88 -1, Zone Change 88 -3). Applicant: City of El Segundo. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated notice of the hearing was published by the Planning Department. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if any written communication had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated he had received no communications. Director of Planning Lynn Harris stated the project area included the east side of Standard Street from Franklin Avenue north 350 feet, and the west side of Standard Street between E1 Segundo Boulevard and Franklin Avenue. It includes thirty -four 25 foot wide lots, for a total area of 121,000 square feet (2.8 acres). The proposed zone change would extend the western boundary of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Small Business District. Ms. Harris continued by stating the area contains a mixture of land uses including light manufacturing, automotive related uses, offices and retail services, single - family residences, vacant land and city owned storm water detention basin. All existing land uses would be permitted in the Special Business District either as primary or accessory uses, with the exception of the single - family residences which will remain legal non - conforming uses. Director Harris stated the development standards for the Small Business district are less restrictive than those required by the C -M zone, regarding minimum parcel size and frontage, open space and front setbacks; allowable building height would be reduced to 35 -40 feet, which would affect only new development since the existing structures are one to two stories. The project area appears to be a logical extension of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Area, and particularly the Small Business District. This district is located in the western part of the Specific Plan area and has standards designed to maintain a small industrial business environment and provide a transition between the (2) Council Minutes September 6, 1988 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS- CONTINUED pedestrian scale downtown and the medium sized manufacturing area to the east. Director Harris concluded by requesting the City Council approve the Planning Commission Action, certify a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment EA -168 and introduce an ordinance to approve General Plan Amendment 88 -1, Zone Change 88 -3. Mayor ProTem Dannen opened the hearing to public input. Seeing no one wishing to address Council Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to close the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and West NOES: NONE NOT PRESENT /NOT VOTING: Mayor Jacobson Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to have the City Attorney read the subject ordinance by title only.MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and West NOES: NONE NOT PRESENT /NOT VOTING: Mayor Jacobson ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (EA -168); APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88-1 AND ZONE CHANGE 88 -3, TO CHANGE THE COMMERCIAL-MANUFACTURING ZONE ON STANDARD STREET TO THE SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN -SMALL BUSINESS DISTRICT. Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to introduce the proposed ordinance. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and West NOES: NONE NOT PRESENT /NOT VOTING: Mayor Jacobson The second reading and adoption of the subject ordinance will be at the next City Council Meeting, September 20 ,1988. 2. Public Hearing - Proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from Commercial Manufacturing (C -M) to Commercial - Retail Service (C -RS) District. (3) Council Minutes September 6, 1988 61 !a*44# twi):] DID) "7.3/J 1I13 k O kY It 1 0. City of E1 Segundo initiated proposal to change the land use designation and zoning for the Commercial- Manufacturing (C -M) zoned property on Main Street from C -M to Commercial - Retail Service (C -RS). Project area includes the 100 block of Main Street between E1 SEgundo Boulevard and Franklin Avenue (Lots 1- 20, Block 10, E1 Segundo; and Lots 21 -40, Block 11, E1 Segundo). The Planning Commission recommends the C -M zoned area be changed to C -RS, establishing C -RS zoning for the entire 100 block of Main Street. (Environmental Assessment EA -169, General Plan Amendment 88 -2; Zone Change 88 -4). Applicant: City of E1 Segundo. Mayor ProTem Dannen announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a Public Hearing on the Proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from Commercial Manufacturing (C- M) to Commercial - Retail Service (C -RS) District. City of El Segundo initiated proposal to change the land use designation and zoning for the Commercial- Manufacturing (C -M) zoned property on Main Street from C -M to Commercial- Retail Service (C -RS). Project area includes the 100 block of Main Street between E1 SEgundo Boulevard and Franklin Avenue (Lots 1- 20, Block 10, El Segundo; and Lots 21 -40, Block 11, E1 Segundo). The Planning Commission recommends the C -M zoned area be changed to C -RS, establishing C -RS zoning for the entire 100 block of Main Street. (Environmental Assessment EA -169, General Plan Amendment 88 -2; Zone Change 88 -4). Applicant: City of E1 Segundo. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated notice of the hearing was published by the Planning Department. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked if any written communication had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated he had received two letters: Dennis Levy 111, 133 Main Street and a letter from Dennis Wingate, Chairman of DESI asked that no change be made to the existing area. none had been received. Planning Director Lynn Harris informed Council the project area consists of the 100 Block of Main Street, between E1 Segundo Boulevard and Franklin Avenue and includes forty lots measuring 25 feet by 140 feet, for a total of 140,000 square feet. A mixture of land uses are located within this area, including light manufacturing, restaurants, offices and retail services, vacant land and the Chevron employee parking lot. Ms. Harris stated the primary differences between the existing C -M and proposed C -RS development standards are front setback and parking requirements and the range of allowable uses; both zones establish a 45 foot height limit, and the building intensity in the C -M zone is further limited by a 1:1 Floor Area Ratio. The lot sizes, range of uses, development pattern and building height in this area is consistent with the C -RS zone to the north and appears to be a logical extension of the downtown area and is included in the downtown project area. Moreover, this change would provide a southern entryway to the downtown from a major arterial, E1 Segundo Boulevard. Director Harris continued that under the proposed rezoning to C -RS, four of the existing uses within the 100 Block of Main Street will become non- conforming. (4) Council Minutes September 6, 1988 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS- CONTINUED Following rezoning, these uses may remain indefinitely as long as they are not intensified or stopped. If these uses are removed, the non - conforming status is removed and any future uses must conform to the new standards. A petition in support of the rezoning has been received from five property owners on the block. Ms. Harris concluded by requesting Council approval of the Planning Commission action, certify a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment EA -169 and introduce an ordinance to approve General Plan Amendment 88 -2, Zone Change 88 -4. Mayor ProTem Dannen opened the public hearing to public input. Seeing no one wishing to address Council Councilman Clutter MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to close the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and West iii*] *�UONJO NOT PRESENT /NOT VOTING: Mayor Jacobson Councilman Clutter MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and West NOES: NONE NOT PRESENT /NOT VOTING: Mayor Jacobson City Attorney read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (EA -169); APPROVING GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 88 -2 AND ZONE CHANGE 88 -4 TO CHANGE THE COMMERCIAL- MANUFACTURING ZONE ON MAIN STREET TO THE COMMERCIAL- RETAIL SERVICE ZONE. Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to introduce the proposed ordinance. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and West ilk [Q2&` Z[a]Z12i NOT PRESENT /NOT VOTING: Mayor Jacobson The second reading and adoption of the subject ordinance will be at the next City Council Meeting, September 20 ,1988. At the hour of 7:43 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 8:03 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. (5) Council Minutes September 6, 1988 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Amend ordinance for bid procedures relating to contract and open market bid Procedures. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS 2.52.060, 2.52.070 AND 2.52.090 OF CHAPTER 2.52, OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE, WHICH SECTIONS RELATE TO CONTRACT AND OPEN MARKET BID PROCEDURES FOR PURCHASES AND SUPPLIES. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to adopt the subject ordinance. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - NONE NEW BUSINESS - CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Minutes of the Special Meeting of City Council- August 9, Approve as written 2. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council- August 10, 1988 -6:00 PM. Approve as written 3. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting- August 16, 1988- 7.00 PM Approve as written 6. Replacement of Curb and Sidewalk at Various Locations Project No. PW 87 -4. Accept the work 7. Heater -Remix Overlay on Various Streets - Project No. PW 88 -3 Accept the work 8. "Report of Cost of Abatement" Acceptance of "Report of Cost of Abatement" of Weeds, Rubbish, Refuse and Dirt 11. Warrants Nos.15756 -15980 on Demand Register Summary Number 6 in total amount of 51.354.230.36 Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments. (6) Council Minutes September 6, 1988 CONSENT AGENDA - CONTINUED Councilman Clutter asked that item number 4 be removed; Councilman West asked that item number 5 be removed; City Manager Sorsabal requested item numbers 9 and 10 be removed for discussion. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve the remaining items listed under the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 4. Request Approval of Single Source Contract - Foaming of Waiver of Bidding Authority to Issue Corporation. Procedure for Foaming of Sewer Lines and Purchase Order to Pacific Sewer Maintenance Councilman Clutter expressed concern regarding the environmental impact of this matter but informed citizens of the procedure used and stated it is a necessary function. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to approve item number 4. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5. Change of Sale Tax Audit and Information Services Firm Approval of contract changes to Municipal Resource Consultants Councilman West asked if the contract changes were sufficient to cover the City's auditing needs. City Manager Sorsabal confirmed this contract covered sufficient changes. Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve item number 5. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 9. LAX Business Center Adopt Resolution Approving final Parcel Map 18465: Accepting Street Dedication, Approving Agreement Affecting Real Property and Reciprocal Easement Agreement for Fire Life Safety. City Manager Sorsabal asked that this item be removed until all necessary documents have been received by the City. It was the consensus of Council to remove this item from the agenda. 10. Traffic Signal at Main Street and Imperial Avenue Reject Bid of Low Bidder, K & R Electric Company for Cause and Award Contract to Steiny and Company, Inc. ($50,734.00) for the Installation of a Traffic Signal at Main Street and Imperial Avenue. City Manager Sorsabal asked that this item be held until the next Council Meeting of September 20, 1988 to assure that all documents and facts are in order. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item for two weeks. (7) Council Minutes September 6, 1988 1:174 ^. �:1 ►f.`i � �` I7j.')_'II� 4 y'� i /,\ �I',[e� � 7 1. Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) Ordinance. City Manager Sorsabal stated that staff agrees that there are other means for "policing" the legitimacy of exemptions for federal employees. However, as a means of raising additional revenue, the City Council would be best served by requiring such voucher payment. The determining factor here in increasing the revenue is not the federal or state employee's being on official business, but the City's ability to levy a tax on an individual and its inability to levy a tax on the federal or state government. Manager Sorsabal continued that it has been recognized that the voucher system is in very limited use, and accept that most claims for exemption by government employees are legitimate. However, it should be noted that despite maintaining facilities in E1 Segundo and receiving city services either directly or indirectly, the federal government does not pay taxes in E1 Segundo. The elimination of exemptions for government employees except when using vouchers for payment would extend the tax burden to a sector which currently accepts none. Manager Sorsabal stated that E1 Segundo's hotel industry currently maintains a competitive advantage over neighboring cities by virtue of our low (8 %) TOT rate. Manhattan Beach maintains 8.5 %; Torrance 9 %; Inglewood 10 %; Culver City 10 %; Los Angeles 12 %; Santa Monica 10 %; and Los Angeles County Unincorporated Areas 10 %. The proposed ordinance would 1) eliminate exemptions to Transient Occupancy Tax for federal and state employees except when using a voucher from the government agency as payment. 2) eliminate the exemption for occupancies in excess of 30 days except by individual. City Manager Sorsabal concluded by stating that it is estimated that these changes would result in $420,000 in new revenue. Council discussion ensued regarding the possibilities of other cities in the area changing their transient occupancy tax. City Attorney read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING SECTIONS 3.12.020, 3.12.040, AND DELETING SECTION 3.12.075, OF CHAPTER 3.12, TITLE 3, OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to introduce the subject ordinance. MOTION CARRIED BY ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Jacobson NOES: Councilmen Anderson and West 2. Building Safety Department Consultants City Manager Sorsabal stated staff thought be abreast of those persons chosen to act consultants for the City of E1 Segundo. (8) Council would like to as plan check Council Minutes September 6, 1968 NEW BUSINESS CITY MANAGER- CONTINUED Mayor Jacobson expressed concern regarding all persons listed who were not working at City Hall and how they were chosen. Councilman Clutter asked for a report regarding the procedure. Mayor Jacobson suggested giving the City Manager discretionary judgement for choosing the consultants until a report can be brought back to council regarding this specific procedure. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to authorize the City Manager to have temporary authority to contract with outside concerns up to the municipal code level of $5,000. This is effective until September 20, 1988 when Council will review Plan Check procedures with regard to hiring outside contractors. The report will also include how the specified contractor were chosen. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE 3. Request for extension of Variance 85 -1, 222 Sepulveda Boulevard, to permit an existing foundation pad to be used for a not to exceed 9.999 square foot building for restaurant purposes. City Manager Sorsabal stated this item, in accordance with Resolution No. 3330, Variance No. 85 -1 becomes effective upon recordation of the Final Parcel Map. Pursuant to Section 20.96.020, variances become null and void if not exercised within one year from the date of approval unless another time frame is specified. Therefore, this variance will become null and void on October 29, 1988 unless an extension is granted. Manager Sorsabal concluded that the applicants have requested a one -year extension of Variance 85 -1. If granted, this extension will enable the applicants to complete final building plans and obtain a building permit. Council expressed concern regarding ambiguous details in the project and asked for a full report of its history. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item to the next Council Meeting of September 20, 1988. 4. Joslyn Center Remodel Report and Recommendations Regarding Modifications and Additions to Joslyn Center. Authorize Redesign not to Exceed $5,700.00 City Manager Sorsabal gave a brief report stating the architect has estimated that a savings of approximately $70,000 can be realized if the modifications are incorporated in the plans. The project includes the relocation of a sewer main that was not included in the original scope of work. The sewer is located in the park in the vacated Holly Avenue right -of -way and is left in place would leave appropriate that the cost of this work, estimated to be $20,000, should be charged to the Capital Improvement Fund. Should the foregoing changes be incorporated in the proposal modifications to the work, Manager Sorsabal continued, the cost savings would bring the project within the funds available. The architect has estimated that the cost to revise the plans based upon hourly rates of the various consultants will not exceed $5,700. Council expressed concern regarding the provisions in the contract to hold architects and contractors to their estimates. (9) Council Minutes September 6, 1988 NEW BUSINESS CITY MANAGER- CONTINUED It was then the consensus of Council to set a policy for all future contracts that it be stated that subject contractors and architects ensure the estimate will not exceed the stated amount. Barry Schweiger. Barry Schweiger & Associates explained the ventilation system within the proposed Joslyn Center remodeling. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve staff's recommendations. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE NEW BUSINESS- CITY ATTORNEY - NONE COUNCILMEMBERS REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Councilman Anderson Reported on the League of Cities meeting. - Councilman Clutter 1. Parking at the Hacienda Hotel. City Manager Sorsabal stated the number of parking spaces are in compliance with the current information given by the City Attorney (440 parking spaces needed to be legal). Councilman West expressed concern with regard to the attention drawn to the Hacienda Hotel. City Manager Sorsabal suggested that Council address car rental facilities at all hotels. 1. Frank Godoy, 525 Sepulveda. Hacienda Hotel informed Council that inconsistencies in regards to parking spaces were justified do to the Hotel's building transitions. - Councilman West 1. Discussion of Agenda Procedural Matters and Excessive Use of Staff Time for Research. Councilman West asked to continue this item to the next meeting of September 20, 1988. -Mayor Pro Ten Dannen 1. Election Campaign Reform Request Mayor ProTem Dannen asked the Clerk if all filings have been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated all filings had been received "in substance." Clerk Hart stated the Community OutReach Committee's (a Chamber Organization) filing was received by the County, which was transmitted to the Clerk's Office although the Clerk's office only received a copy of the original. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked for a copy of the Chamber's filing. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked the City Manager the status of the Tanner Legislation (Toxic Waste Disposal). (10) Council Minutes September 6, 1988 COUNCILMEMBERS- CONTINUED City Manager Sorsabal stated that this item and revenue considerations could be discussed at the proposed adjourned meeting of September 13, 1988 or at the regular Council meeting of September 20, 1988, pending the City Attorney's recommendations. -Mayor Jacobson -none PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS- (City business only -5 minute limit) - NONE MEMORIALS - NONE CLOSED SESSIONS Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pending litigation) None GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation 2 matters GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation) 0 matters GC 54957 Personnel matters 0 matters GC 54957.6 Employee Group Negotiations 0 matters GC 54956.8 Real Estate Negotiations 0 matters GC 54956.7 Challenging Licensee 0 matters At 9:25 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for Closed Session. At 10:29 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. It was announced that no actions were taken. M Y At 10:25 p.m. Council adjourned to Tuesday, September 13, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. RECORDED, RONALD L. HART, CMC