1988 OCT 04 CC MINEL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - OCTOBER 4, 1988 7:OOPM CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION by Fire Chief Bob Marsh PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Anderson PRESENTATIONS 1. Council recognized City Employee for the month of October 1988 - Juanita Zarilla, Deputy City Clerk. 2. Councilman Anderson proclaimed Firefighter Appreciation Day - October 13, 1988. 3. Mayor Protem Dannen proclaimed Fire Prevention Week - October 9 -15, 1988. 4. Councilman West proclaimed Business Women's Week- October 17 -21, 1988. 5. Councilman Clutter proclaimed Red Ribbon Week - October 23 -30, 1988. 6. City Manager Fred Sorsabal introduced Barbara Pearson as the new E1 Segundo Public Library Director and commended present library staff for hard work and effort. ROLL CALL Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Clutter - present Councilman West - present Mayor Protem Dannen - present Mayor Jacobson - present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (City business only -5 minute limit) 1. Letter from George Binder urging implementation of Ordinance 1114 to prohibit building on substandard lots. City Clerk Ron Hart read the letter submitted by George Binder. Council discussion ensued regarding R -1, R -2 and R -3 zone properties. Consensus of Council to take this matter up under REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS. IT WAS THE CONSENSUS OF COUNCIL TO TAKE THE FOLLOWING ITEM OUT OF ORDER. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY 1. Presentation of Strategies- Hazardous Waste Management Plan. Collin Leonard gave Council a brief overview of the Tanner Legislature and presented alternatives. Mr. Leonard stated there were three avenues with which to decide. 1) incorporate by reference the County's Hazardous Waste Management Plan 2) adopt by ordinance the County's Hazardous Waste Plan or 3) adopt a plan of created entirely by the City of E1 Segundo. Mr. Leonard continued by recommending the City of E1 Segundo adopt its own Hazardous Waste Plan. It would provide the City with more land use flexibility than the county's. CITY ATTORNEY- CONTINUED Additionally, the City would have the ability to adopt more astringent requirements for citing or planning. If the City adopts more astringent requirements, it would be more enforceable. Furthermore, the City has the ability to amend that plan at any time the City Council deems necessary. Lastly, it would not require the approval of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. Mr. Lennard also suggested that the Council take an active role in commenting on the county plan that is being considered. Also retain the necessary consultants to understand plans of this nature. In conclusion, as soon as the County's plan has been adopted by the Board of County Supervisors, each City would have to analyze that plan, and disapprove or approve of the provisions of that County Plan. If you should choose to disapprove, stated Mr. Lennard, do so by resolution with the proper documentation so as to pave the road for your own Hazardous Waste Plan. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to direct staff to immediately retain consulting services for Monitoring the County's Hazardous Waste Management Plan and proceed with a Plan for the City of El Segundo. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. IT WAS THE CONSENSUS OF COUNCIL TO TAKE THIS ITEM OUT OF ORDER SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 4. Utility User Tax Ordinance Council discussion ensued regarding the recent letter sent to residents by Southern California Edison regarding this issue. Darcy Skaggs. Area Manager for Southern California Edison read a prepared statement regarding the possibility of subjecting users to a surcharge for the use of natural gas. Council discussion ensued. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to put this item on the March 7, 1988 Special Election Ballot. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Council discussion ensued with regard to the percentage of tax considered for the User Tax Measure. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED, to agree on the percentage of tax at this meeting. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Jacobson NOES: Councilmen Anderson and West ABSTENTIONS: NONE It was the consensus of Council as a result of the previous vote that this item be continued to the Adjourned Meeting of October 6, 1988. 1. Appeal of the City Planning Commission determination denying a proposed 6 -lot residential subdivision, 710 West Sycamore Avenue. The application is a request to subdivide a 40, 029 sq. ft. lot (2) Council Minutes October 4, 1988 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS- CONTINUED located at 710 West Sycamore Avenue in the Residential (R -1) zone into six lots. A Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared for Tentative Tract Map 46053 which divides the lots into three lots of 7, 371 sq. ft. each on Maple Avenue and three lots of 6,031 sq. ft. each on Sycamore Avenue. The Planning Commission denied the application at their July 28, 1988 meeting. The applicants have appealed this determination to the City Council. (Environmental Assessment EA -167, Subdivision 88- 5 /Tentative Tract Map 346053) Applicant /Applicant: Ray Escano and Mayor Jacobson asked if Proper Notice of the Appeal been given. Clerk Ron Hart stated notice of the appeal was given in a timely manner. Mayor Jacobson asked if any written communication had been received. Clerk Hart stated the only communication that was received was the letter from the applicant requesting the continuance and a recent letter from Chris Northcraft agreeing with the Planning Commission recommendation to deny this appeal. Planning Director Lynn Harris stated there were additional letters received from Al Burke Associates, Western Lab and Compass Engineering. Ms. Harris stated the proposed subdivision will created six new lots with the intent of constructing one new single family residence per lot. The subdivision application meets or exceeds the standards for new lot creation of the R -1 zone for minimum lot size, street frontage and lot coverage. The applicant has submitted supplemental data and information in this application in response to four findings in the staff report (Planning Commission). A summary of the major issues involved with the proposed subdivision application are as follows: 1 The amount, depth and quality of import soil that has been added to this property; 2. The impact the raised grade level (as compared to the prevailing adjacent finish grade level will have on surrounding property owner; 3. The impact of the proposed grading plan will have on existing and future drainage patterns and drainage flow on adjoining private property and public streets; The six findings made by the Planning Commission in denying this application are in Resolution No. 2221. Overall, the Planning Commission has found the site not physically suitable for the type of development proposed and inconsistent with the City's General Plan for protection of the integrity of the R -1 zone. Director Harris recommended that Council deny the appeal request and uphold the Planning Commission decision to deny approval. Mayor Jacobson opened the appeal to Public input. 1. David Simon, Attorney representing the applicant asked Council to consider removing the present "eye sore ". Mr. Simon stated residents in the surrounding area are in agreement of removing the land fill that now exists by replacing it with appealing residential abodes. 2. Victor Hildegard 811 Hillcrest was concerned with the applicants motives behind recreating the project in its entirety. Seeing no other citizens wishing to address Council, Mayor Protein Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to close the public input portion of this appeal. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. (3) Council Minutes October 4, 1988 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - CONTINUED Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to uphold the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the appeal. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. At the hour of 9:09 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 9:22 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. 2. Public Hearing- Proposed 19 -Unit Townhouse Condominium Project 526 Sierra Street. Final action on Planning Commission Recommendation for certification of a Negative Declaration of environmental impact and for approval of a Precise Plan to develop 19 Townhouses and a subdivision for condominium ownership with 30 conditions in the R -3 Zone. A total of 15 three - bedroom units and four two - bedroom units are proposed. (Environmental Assessment EA- 171),Subdivision 88 -6 /Tentative Tract Map No. 46511, Precise Plan 88 -2). Applicant: Nick Olar. Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a public hearing on the Final action on Planning Commission Recommendation for certification of a Negative Declaration of environmental impact and for approval of a Precise Plan to develop 19 Townhouses and a subdivision for condominium ownership with 30 conditions in the R -3 Zone. A total of 15 three - bedroom units and four two - bedroom units are proposed. (Environmental Assessment EA- 171),Subdivision 88- 6 /Tentative Tract Map No. 46511, Precise Plan 88 -2). Applicant: Nick Olar. Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated that notice of the hearing had been published in a proper and timely manner by the Planning Department. Mayor Jacobson asked if any written communication had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated a letter was received by Hank and Carol Schoenmeier agreeing with the findings of the Planning Commission but expresses concern regarding the proposed curbs. Mayor Jacobson opened the Hearing. Planning Director Lynn Harris stated the Planning Commission previously held public hearings on an earlier proposal for 29 apartment units on this property. The proposed condominium project of 19 units with conditions as imposed by the Planning Commission is in responded to neighborhood and Commission concerns. Ms. Harris recommended that Council the Planning Commission's decision to Certify a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment Ea -171, approve Tentative Tract Map No. 46511, and adopt Precise Plan 88 -2. Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing to public input. 1. Charles Belak Berger. Architect stated he was available for questions and urged Council to approve the project. 2. Jerry Mirida, 525 Lomita expressed concern regarding the location of the swimming pool as shown in the plans. Mayor Protem Dannen expressed concern over the pool and its regard to the infringement of the area residents. (4) Council Minutes October 4, 1988 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS - CONTINUED Charles Berger stated he would be more than happy to remove the pool and replace it with a jacuzzi. Mayor Protem Dannen asked if there were any objections to disregarding the water recreation altogether. Mr. Berger stated he would like to have the jacuzzi with maybe a gazebo overhead. The endangerment of this project is less than that of a pool. Director of Planning Lynn Harris stated there is positive considerations with recreational amenities on site. With regard to the wall, Ms. Harris stated, it was listed as condition number 25 in the staff report. Ms. Harris stated the pool issue versus the jacuzzi is basically six of one half dozen of the other. Barbecue pits could provide as much hazard as either one. 3. Luann Randaran, 526 Lomita felt the jacuzzi would add more noise and the gazebo would add more of an echo effect. Seeing no other citizens wishing to address Council, Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to close the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Charlie Berger stated he would change the plans to provide barbecue pits, landscaping and a sandbox and no swimming pool or jacuzzi. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT (EA -171), AND APPROVING PRECISE PLAN 88 -2 AND SUBDIVISION 88 -6 /VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 46511, TO ALLOW 19 CONDOMINIUM UNITS AT 526 SIERRA STREET; PETITIONED BY NICK OLAR. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to waive further reading and approve staff's recommendation without water recreational facilities, but instead barbecue pits, landscaping and a sandbox (condition number 31). The area designated as pool for the precise plan tract, will not be a pool but rather barbecue pits, landscaping and a sandbox. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Councilman West introduced. 3. Public Hearing - Implementation of "Superblock" or "International Center" pedestrian /bicycle /light rail station, median plantings, or shuttle bus interface. Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a public hearing on the Implementation of "Superblock" or "International Center" pedestrian /bicycle /light rail station, median plantings, or shuttle bus interface. Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated notice of the hearing had been given in a timely manner by the Planning Department. Mayor Jacobson asked if any written communication had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated a letter had just been received from Glen S. Calkins, Vice President of Sutter Hill Limited. (5) Council Minutes October 4, 1988 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS- CONTINUED Planning Director Lynn Harris briefed Council regarding this matter by stating that seven large scale developments in the Superblock area contained conditions of approval requiring financial contributions (total $750,000.00) for pedestrian, bicycle improvements in the area. These conditions date from 1982 and are single purpose assessments which contain an expiration date of Fall, 1988. Staff recommended the public hearing be held and that Council adopt the pedestrian network of at grade pathways as the project concept for implementation. Staff would return with specific project items and funding items for further approval from the developers assessments. Ms. Harris stated the purpose of the hearing was to solicit comments on the pedestrian overpass, the pedestrian network, shuttle bus interface and alternative projects that would meet the project objectives of improving pedestrian /bicycle safety and enhanced connections with the light rail system. Notice of the hearing was published in the "E1 Segundo Herald" and a notice mailed to the list of interested parties and neighboring property owners who were notified in connection with the hearing of September 1987. Ms. Harris concluded by stating the Council should approve, in concept, the scope of the project and estimated budget, up to $850,000.00. This timely decision would enable the City to notify the participants of their obligation according to the schedule contained in their agreements. Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing to public input. 1. Frank Wong, 435 Valley expressed concern regarding the possible monetary obligation of the City of E1 Segundo. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to close the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Mayor Protem Dannen SECONDED to approve in concept as presented by staff. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Proposed Revisions to the Zoning Requirements for Unclassified Use Permits for Off -Site Hazardous Waste Management Facilities. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA CERTIFYING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT EA- 175;APPROVING ZONE TEXT AMENDMENT 88 -2; ADDING SECTION 20.08.221A TO CHAPTER 20.08; ADDING ITEM 10 TO SECTION 20.46.060 TO CHAPTER 20.46 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE, WHICH RELATES TO DEFINITIONS AND UNCLASSIFIED USE PERMITS FOR OFF -SITE HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITIES. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to adopt. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. (6) Council Minutes October 4, 1988 REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. Letter from Planning Commission Chairman Jack Schott requesting direction on R -3 Zoning Revision It was the consensus of Council that Goal Statement in the Citizen Advisory Plan be construed as adequate direction to the Planning Commission. 2. Status Report on Planning Commission Recruitment It was the consensus of Council to meet Monday, October 10, 1968 7:00 p.m. for interviews and possible decision. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting - September 13, 1988 -7PM. Approve as written 2. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting- September 20, iaav -7 nor Approve as written 3. Request for extension of a 16 Unit Temporary Modular Building P.C. No. 1099 -88 Replaces P.C. No 211 -88 Approve request. 4. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Refurbishment for George E. Gordon Clubhouse at Recreation Park Authorize staff to submit an application to the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission for Allocation of $25,000 of available CDBG Grant Funds for heating, ventilating and air conditioning refurbishment for the George E. Gordon Clubhouse at the Recreation Park. 5. Warrants Nos.16205 -16427 on Demand Register Summary Number 8 in total amount of $1,278,022.40 Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve all items listed under the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA - NONE NEW BUSINESS -CITY MANAGER 1. LAX Business Center City Manager Sorsabal stated this item would be held over as the Parcel Map has not yet been received. 2. Sepulveda Boulevard Tunnel Demonstration Project Diane Pareen. Representative of Staff of the Los Angeles Transportation Committee gave a brief presentation regarding Demonstration Project and Interagency Agreement. Ms. Pareen stated 80% of the monies would be contributed by the Federal (7) Council Minutes October 4, 1988 NEW BUSINESS -CITY MANAGER- CONTINUED Government and 20% must come from local sources. The City of E1 Segundo is responsible for 2% of the funds. If not contributed, the City would lose their vote in the project committee. Council discussion ensued regarding our participation in a tunnel expansion that only assists the LAX Airport. It was the consensus of Council to direct Ms. Pareen to have a briefing with the Department of Airport Commissioners regarding this issue and other related Airport problems. 3. Transfer of responsibility for zoning enforcement activities from Buildin4 Safety to Planning Director. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 20 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE: FOR THE PURPOSES OF DESIGNATING RESPONSIBILITIES OF ENFORCEMENT OF SAID TITLE TO THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor Protem Dannen SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. Councilman West introduced. 4. Upgrade of vacant Planning Assistant position to Associate Planner in Planning Department City Manager stated this is simply upgrading the Planning Assistant position to Associate Planner without any additional appropriation of funds needed. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5. Resolution proposing City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, increase the bail schedule of the El Segundo Municipal Code Parking violations; modify the delinquent and lien amounts; and request the Inglewood Municipal Court Bail Committee to approve the bail schedules for both the E1 Segundo Municipal Code and State of California Vehicle Code Violations. City Manager Sorsabal stated the City is low in this area and if approved would improve the monetary intake by $100,000 and the City would be within the average of other neighboring cities. City Attorney read the title of the following: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, INCREASING THE BAIL SCHEDULE OF EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE PARKING VIOLATIONS; MODIFYING THE DELINQUENT AND LIEN AMOUNTS; AND REQUESTING THE INGLEWOOD MUNICIPAL COURT BAIL COMMITTEE TO APPROVE THE BAIL SCHEDULES FOR BOTH THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA VEHICLE CODE VIOLATIONS. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve staff's recommendation. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. (8) Council Minutes October 4, 1988 NEW BUSINESS CITY MANAGER- CONTINUED 6. An Agreement for an additional extension of term of the Joint Powers Agreement for the South Bay Corridor Study Phase III(Implementation) and for the inclusion of the City of Los City Manager Sorsabal stated this agreement would extend into 1993 and costs the City $100.00 annually. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve the extension. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. NEW BUSINESS- CITY ATTORNEY 2. Request for extension of Variance 85 -1, 222 Sepulveda Boulevard, to permit an existing foundation pad to be used for a not to exceed 9.999 square foot building for restaurant purposes City Attorney Dolley stated the Council is not obligated to extend the variance but could if desired grant the variance with conditions. Mayor Protem Dannen stated he was not willing to extend the variance and felt the restaurant should never have been approved. Mayor Protem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to deny the extension. Eva Marie Hurhuskv. Representative of Pacific Realty Associates stated the variance simply allows them to build on that pad. Traffic would not be obstructed, traffic would be required to pull off of Sepulveda Boulevard. Ms. Herhusky asked Council to put aside any past resentments and approve the extension. Nancy Lew, Asset Manager for Pacific Realty Associate stated they have no relation with Prudential and have no idea what transpired with the City Council in the past." We are new owners," Ms. Levy stated," we simply would like the opportunity to build on that pad ". MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Jacobson NOES: Councilmen Anderson and West ABSTENTIONS: NONE COUNCILMEMBERS REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Councilman Anderson - NONE - Councilman Clutter 1. LAX Ground Sign. Council Direction Requested Council vote for a $4,000 sign to be place on a hillside near Sheldon and Imperial Hwy. Edward Bedneric 318 Concord stated pilots do not have time to read road signs outside the windows of the plane traveling at 150 mph. Mr. Bedneric suggested pursuing a noise abatement procedure. (9) Council Minutes October 4, 1988 COUNCILMEMBERS REPORTS- CONTINUED Mayor Protem Dannen asked the City Attorney if the City has attempted to right a wrong is it not time for this matter to go to Closed Session. City Attorney Dolley answered with affirmation. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor Protem Dannen SECONDED to direct staff to proceed with signage. Councilman Clutter amended his motion to make this item affective November 1, 1988 after notifying the Department of Airports via a letter of the City's intentions to proceed with signage. Mayor Protem Dannen SECONDED the amendment. Mayor Protem Dannen suggested going to the Los Angeles City Council Meeting to discuss this item. Councilman Clutter amended his motion to make this item affective the Monday after November 1, 1988. Frank Wong, 435 Valley suggested using private roofs in the airport area on Imperial Avenue for advertisement purposes. Janice Fowler, 738 Dune suggested a 500 foot tower preventing any early turns. City Attorney Dolley stated the City would be susceptible to heavy litigation. Councilman Clutter amended his motion further to have the funds for the sign taken from the Reserves. Mayor Protem Dannen SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Jacobson NOES: Councilmen Anderson and West ABSTENTIONS: NONE - Councilman West - NONE -Mayor Pro Tem. Dannen 1. Update on Hyperion Conditional Use Permit. Council discussion, and Mayor Protem requested that copies of this report be made available to the public. 2. Paragon Cable (a) government access channels (b) review of franchise agreements Bill Bower, Vice President of Operations for Paragon Cable stated the problems with Channel 22 have resolved and the complications with Channel 57 are being resolved. Mr. Bower stated the City should be completely rewired by the end of the month. Mayor Protem Dannen asked to study the high rise sprinkler ordinance and discuss concerns in January. -Mayor Jacobson - NONE (10) Council Minutes October 4, 1988 PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS- 1. Frank Wong, 435 Valley expressed concern regarding the rights of citizens who have skateboard ramps in their backyard. Mayor Jacobson stated the Planning Commission did address a rather large (approximately 8 feet high and 30 feet wide) skateboard ramp and found it to be an infringement on other neighbors. MEMORIALS - NONE CLOSED SESSIONS Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters:None ADJOURNMENT At the hour of 12:47 a.m. Council adjourned to Thursday, October 6, 1988 at 7:00 PM RECORDED, RONALD L. HART, CITY CLERK, CMC (11) Council Minutes October 4, 1988