1988 NOV 15 CC MINEL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING- NOVEMBER 15, 1988 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION Robert Marsh, Fire Chief PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Councilman Clutter PRESENTATIONS - NONE ROLL CALL Councilman Anderson - absent Councilman Clutter - present Councilman West - present Mayor ProTem Dannen - present Mayor Jacobson - present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (City business only -5 minute limit) 1. Letter from ALL TYPES Auto Detailing and Polishing Specialist, 1635 So. Sierra Bonita Avenue, Los Angeles regarding issuance of a business license. Requests City to issue a business license. City Manager's Recommendation: request staff to report to Council on this matter on December 6, 1988. City Manager Sorsabal stated the applicant was applying for a license to wash cars in the street. This is illegal in E1 Segundo and therefore it is not possible to issue a license. If the applicant is willing, this problem might be resolved through further discussion. Council directed staff to review and report back at the December 6, 1988 Council Meeting. 2. Rich Reed, 414 W. Oak gave an update on his music reform. 3. Ben Olson. Owner of Building located at 1200 E. Imperial expressed concern regarding CalTrans development on California Street and its possible infringement on Imperial residents. Suggested work be stopped by CalTrans to reevaluate the project. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked the City Attorney to investigate his possible participation in future discussion and action regarding this matter since his home abuts the property. Council directed staff to report back at the December 6, 1988 City Council Meeting. 4. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Court reminded Council and citizens of the Great American Smoke Out schedule for Thursday, November 17, 1988. Council Minutes November 15, 1988 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS 1. Public Hearing- Proposed 22 Unit Hotel, 951 Main Street a. Appeal of Planning Commissions decision to deny application to construct a 22 unit hotel on a 6,800 sq. ft. (.156 acre) rectangular parcel with a split - zoning. The property is zoned General Commercial (C -2, north 83 %) and Residential (R- 3,south 17 %). A Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared (Environmental Assessment EA -174, Precise Plan 88- 1). Planning Commission Resolution No. 2225. Applicant: Kemal Shabv. b. Appeal of Planning Commission decision to declare subject property suitable for development as (R -3) property only, denying applicants request to extend General Commercial (C -2) designation to whole of split -zoned property. The property is General Commercial (C -2, north 83 %) and Residential (R- 3,south 17 %). A Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared (Environmental Assessment EA -174, Precise Plan 88 -1). Planning Commission Resolution No. 2226. Applicant: Kamal Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a Public Hearing on a Proposed 22 Unit Hotel, 951 Main Street. Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated notice of the hearing was published in a proper and timely manner by the Planning Department. Mayor Jacobson asked if any written communication had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated letters had been received by Gladys M. DeWolf and Charles Newburg opposing the appeal of the applicant. Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing. Director of Planning Lynn Harris stated this is an appeal of a Planning Commission denial of request to construct a 22 -unit hotel at 951 Main Street; and appeal of Planning Commission decision to declare site suitable for development as Residential - 3 (R -3) property only. The property is a 6,701 sq.ft. (0.154 acre) rectangular parcel with a split zoning. The north 83% is zoned General Commercial (C -2) and the remaining 17% is zoned Residential (R -3). The Planning Commission reviewed and denied the proposed precise plan application and after additional deliberation and public testimony in favor of residential use, adopted a motion to declare the property developable under the R- 3 regulation. Ms. Harris concluded by stating that the applicant has appealed the decision of the Commission to the City Council. The appeal was filed in a timely manner and asks that the Council review both the project denial and the Commission's decision to restrict the property to R -3 type development. 1. John Schimmenti, Lawyer Representing the applicant stated the applicant is willing to make major changes and asked Council to send it back to the Planning Commission. Council discussed zone changes and interpretation of the code. City Attorney Dolley stated interpretation of the code is in broad general terms rather than on a point by point basis for zone restrictions. R -3 is generally more restrictive than C -2 and therefore should be applied. (2) Council Minutes November 15, 1988 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS (continued) 1. Bill Feldman, Bill Feldman Associates stated they were directed to design a hotel to the most restrictive code. The current design can be redesigned to meet R -3 standards. Mr. Feldman asked Council to assist in an expeditious decision. 2. Douglas Hurdman, 900 Cedar Street asked that this matter go back to the Planning Commission for further review. 3. Charles Newburg, 935 Main Street objected to a hotel, but not a residential project. 4. Gladys DeWolf, 935 Pepper was not in favor of a hotel. Expressed concern regarding those persons who did not receive notice (300 ft. limit) of the appeal. Ms. DeWolf also submitted a petition of residents opposing the project. Council directed staff to review the list of residents in that area and assure proper notice in the future is given. 5. Nellie Potts, Property Owner at 935 Main Street is not in favor of a hotel. Urged Council to consider this project as an R -3 property. City Manager reminded Council that hotels could not be built in an R -3 zone. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to close the public hearing. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen, West and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman Anderson 6. John Schimmenti, Lawyer for the applicant stated the applicant would like to improve on the plan and expressed that this matter be sent back to the Planning Commission. Councilman Clutter stated it was time to assist developers by clarifying our City zones. Councilman Clutter MOVED, to define this property as R -3 and be restricted according to the R -3 zoning code. City Attorney Dolley stated Council could not hamper a citizen's right to the appeal, variance, or precise plan process by "locking them in" by a majority vote of Council. Councilman Clutter withdrew his MOTION. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to deny the appeal of Planning Commission Resolution 2225 and 2226; keeping it as R -3 property. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter and Dannen NOES: Councilman West and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman Anderson City Attorney Dolley stated that the above TIE vote would result in NO ACTION and would not give the applicant any recourse at any level. The matter would be in limbo. (3) Council Minutes November 15, 1988 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS (continued) Mayor Jacobson MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to reconsider the MOTION. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Councilman West ABSENT: Councilman Anderson Mayor ProTem Dannen wished to renew his MOTION to deny resolution 2225 and 2226; maintain the R -3 zoning for the property in question, thus denying the appeal; Councilman Clutter SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Councilman West ABSENT: Councilman Anderson UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Establishment of a Development Services Department and Administrative Services Department in the City, Introduced by Mayor Protein Dannen on November 1, 1988. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH A DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND AN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT, AND PROVIDING CERTAIN EXCLUSIONS FROM THE PERSONNEL MERIT SYSTEM Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen, West and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman Anderson Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to adopt the ordinance as written. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. Mayor ProTem Dannen introduced. AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen, West and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman Anderson 2. Ordinance Amending Section 5.04.011 to Title 5 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code and Deleting Paragraph (6) of Section 2.16.020 of Title 2, thereby transferring the administrative and fee requirement responsibilities of the Business Regulations and Licensing for the City from the Finance Director to a Licensing Authority designated by the City Manager, Introduced by Councilman Anderson on November 1, 1988. (4) Council Minutes November 15. 1988 UNFINISHED BUSINESS (continued) City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADDING SECTION 5.04.011 TO TITLE 5 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE AND DELETING PARAGRAPH (6) OF SECTION 2.16.020 OF TITLE 2, THEREBY TRANSFERRING THE ADMINISTRATIVE AND FEE REQUIREMENT RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BUSINESS REGULATIONS AND LICENSING FOR THE CITY FROM THE FINANCE DIRECTION TO A LICENSING AUTHORITY DESIGNATED BY THE CITY MANAGER. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen, West and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman Anderson Councilman West asked the City Manager, at his convenience to supply him with a cost projection of this reorganization. City Manager Sorsabal stated he would comply. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS - NONE At the hour of 8:34 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 8:45 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council chambers with all members present and answering roll call, with the exception of Councilman Anderson who was absent. CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Auction List of City and Police Surplus Items for City Auction on December 10, 1988. Declare items surplus and approve items for sale on December 10, 1988. 3. Award Contract to General Facilities Inc. of Burbank, California for the Construction of Air Conditioning System for the Computer Room in the City Hall. Award contract 4. Minutes from the Regular Council Meeting- November 1, 1988. Approve as written 6. Annual renewal of contract for Computer Management and Computer Programming Services for Progressive Solutions, Inc. Approve contract renewal December 1, 1988 to December 1, 1989. 7. Library Video Rental Program. Approve concept of library video rental program, designed to subsidize the purchase of new adult and children's recreational, informational, and educational videos. If approved implementation would begin January 2,1989. (5) Council Minutes November 15, 1988 CONSENT AGENDA (continued) 8. Warrants Nos. 16938 -17171 on Demand Register Summary Number 11 in total amount ofS1,207,032.64. Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments. Councilman Clutter requested item number 2 and Mayor ProTem Dannen requested item number 5 be removed for discussion. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to approve the remaining items listed under the consent agenda. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE. AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen, West and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman Anderson CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 2. Request for Council Approval to Purchase Various City Budgeted Vehicles for the Public Works Department. Approve request Councilman Clutter asked that this item be postponed until such time as the City is fiscally more sound. City Manager Sorsabal stated these items have already been designated for replacement from the Equipment Replacement Fund. City Manager Sorsabal asked if this Council was making a Policy Statement on these matters. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated as a Councilmember he wants to reserve the right to review all expenditures and he would like to postpone these bids until April 1989. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, to table item number 2 until December 6, 1989 Council Meeting and requested more information from staff regarding the purchase. Councilman Clutter SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen, West and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman Anderson 5. Approve Change in Lead Agency of South Bay Commuter Transportation Implementation Plan from Rancho Palos Verdes to Torrance and Appoint Delegate and Alternate to CTIP Policy Steering Committee. Authorize Mayor to execute MOU and appoint delegate and alternate to policy steering committee. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated monies on this project. Mayor ProTem Dannen stated affirmative on this matter diligently to get the best and requested that a staff after the July 1989 implemi he was not in favor of spending City he would be willing to vote in the if the alternate and delegate work return on our dollar with this project report be given within a few months =_ntation date. (6) Council Minutes November 15, 1988 CALL ITEMS FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA (continued) City Manager Sorsabal reconfirmed that total funding of this project would come from Proposition A funds. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve item number 5. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Dannen, West and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Councilman Clutter ABSENT: Councilman Anderson NEW BUSINESS -CITY MANAGER 1. Proposed Annual Compensation Adjustment for Management and Confidential Employees. City Manager Sorsabal requested a Closed Session with Council regarding this matter. 2. Revenue Considerations. 1. Gordon Lance, Representing Industrial Affairs Committee of E1 Segundo Chamber of Commerce asked for the opportunity to comment on the items being considered for raising revenue. It was the consensus of Council to meet Monday, November 21, 1988 for an Adjourned Council Meeting to discuss revenue considerations and finalization of proposed ballot measures. Council asked Mr. Lance if he could supply the Council with comments from his committee by Friday, November 18, 1988. Mr. Lance stated he would be glad to comply. City Manager Sorsabal stated the reason this item was placed on the Agenda was to allow Council to consider additional items for the March 7, 1989 election. 3. A proposed Ordinance amending Sections 5.40.030 and 5.40.040 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code relating to regulation of massage parlors and massage technicians. City Manager Sorsabal stated the ordinance reflects the actual costs of the regulatory activity thereunder and utilizing the Los Angeles County Technician Testing Policy and inspection program to regulate massage parlors and massage technicians within the City of E1 Segundo. Mayor ProTem Dannen expressed concern regarding the inspection process being assumed by the County of Los Angeles. Chief Meehan stated there are only two parts of the inspection process that the County is responsible for completing. The first is a written test and the second is a semi - annual inspection of the facilities. Chief Meehan stated the applicant must have two years of schooling for this business. The business will pay a one time fee of $500.00 to cover background investigation made by the E1 Segundo Police. The business will pay an annual facilities inspection fee of $120.00 which will be made by the County and passed through to the County. The business will also pay an annual business registration fee of $50.00. Chief Meehan concluded by stating that each technician will pay a one time fee of $150.00 for testing by the County which will be passed through to the County. Each technician (other than owners) will pay an annual fee of $50.00 as an independent contractor. (7) Council Minutes November 15, 1988 NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER (continued) City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 5.40.030 AND 5.40.040 OF CHAPTER 5.40, TITLE 5, OF THAT CODE RELATING TO REGULATIONS OF MASSAGE PARLORS AND MASSAGE TECHNICIANS. Councilman West MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: Councilman West introduced. AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen, West and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman Anderson 4. Presentation of draft ordinance amending various sections of Chapter 5.08 of Title 5, Business Regulations and Licensing. City Manager Sorsabal requested this item be discussed in Closed Session. 5. Discussion of Airport Signaae. City Manager Sorsabal stated a wooden sign can be constructed for $4,300.00. Manager Sorsabal stated there is potential liability problems relating to rocks weighing 35 pounds each. It is staff's intent to implement the signage plan but proposed a wooden sign or possibly a cloth banner sign. The cost of a banner would be approximately $2,500.00. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to direct staff to investigate a cloth sign and if it is not substantially more inexpensive, then proceed with the wooden sign. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen, and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Councilman West ABSENT: Councilman Anderson The above item will return to Council for further consideration on December 6, 1988. City Manager Sorsabal stated he would like Council to consider indexing revenue producing or inflationary items. 1:1 0l^1:11R* f:l a`fi� VWdr;N—Wz*TR'.1 X17 1. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, adding a new Chapter 3.24 to Title 3 of the El Segundo Municipal Code and Deleting the Present Chapter 3.24, Which said Chapter Establishes a Utility Users Tax. (8) Council Minutes November 15, 1988 NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY (continued) ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADDING A NEW CHAPTER 3.24 TO TITLE 3 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE AND DELETING THE PRESENT CHAPTER 3.24, WHICH SAID CHAPTER ESTABLISHES A UTILITY USERS TAX. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to an Adjourned Council Meeting on November 21, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. 2. An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Amending the E1 Segundo Municipal Code by Adding Chapter 3.28, Title 3 of that code, which chapter relates to an excise tax on the use of real property imposed for the purpose of raising revenue to pay for the cost of municipal services. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING CHAPTER 3.28, TITLE III OF THAT CODE, WHICH CHAPTER RELATES TO AN EXCISE TAX ON THE USE OF REAL PROPERTY IMPOSED FOR THE PURPOSE OF RAISING REVENUE TO PAY FOR THE COST OF MUNICIPAL SERVICES. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to an Adjourned Council Meeting on November 21, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. NEW BUSINESS -CITY CLERIC 1. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Calling and Giving Notice of the Holding of a Special Election to be Held on Tuesday, March 7, 1989 for Submission to the Voters a Question Relating to Utility User Tax. I.12Ye7MIIYto) 2a 2021 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1989 FOR SUBMISSION TO THE VOTERS A QUESTION RELATING TO AN APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS TO THE EXISTING UTILITY USERS TAX. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to an Adjourned Council Meeting on November 21, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. 2. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Setting Priorities for Filing (a) Written Argument(s) Regarding a City Measure (and) Directing the City Attorney to Prepare an Impartial Analysis of Utility User Tax. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, SETTING PRIORITIES FOR FILING (A) WRITTEN ARGUMENT(S) REGARDING A CITY MEASURE (AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS). (9) Council Minutes November 15, 1988 NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK (continued) It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to an Adjourned Council Meeting on November 21, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. 3. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Calling and Giving Notice of the Holding of a Special Election to be Held on Tuesday, March 7, 1989 for Submission to the Voters a Question Relating to Excise Tax on the use of real 1544:00 Y0to)1m1871 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1989 FOR SUBMISSION TO THE VOTERS A QUESTION RELATING TO EXCISE TAX ON THE USE OF REAL PROPERTY. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to an Adjourned Council Meeting on November 21, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. 4. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, Setting Priorities for Filing (a) Written Argument(s) Regarding a City Measure (and) Directing the City Attorney to Prepare an Impartial Analysis Of Excise Tax on the use of Real 1 DKOI Kill 11[s)eM -re A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, SETTING PRIORITIES FOR FILING (A) WRITTEN ARGUMENT(S) REGARDING A CITY MEASURE (AND DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE AN IMPARTIAL ANALYSIS). It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to an Adjourned Council Meeting on November 21, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. 5. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles to Render Specified Services to the City Relating to the Conduct of a Special Municipal Election to be Held on Tuesday, March 7, 1989. poll 2KOJ*gi *ii)ziz[SIP A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, Requesting THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO THE CITY RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 1989. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to an Adjourned Council Meeting on November 21, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. 6. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, Ordering the Canvass of the Special Municipal Election to he Held on Tuesday, March 7, 1989, be made by the (10) Council Minutes November 15, 1983 NEW BUSINESS - CITY CLERK (continued) RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CALIFORNIA, ORDERING THE CANVASS OF THE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY MARCH 7, CITY CLERK. It was the consensus of Council to hold this Adjourned Council Meeting on November 21, 19 COUNCILMEMBERS REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS - Councilman Anderson CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, SPECIAL MUNICIPAL 1989, BE MADE BY THE item over to an 38 at 7:00 p.m. 1. Discussion on LACTC Candidate Support. Council direction Do to the absence of Councilman Anderson, this item will be held over to the December 6, 1988 Council Meeting. - Councilman Clutter Councilman Clutter expressed concern regarding parties in E1 Segundo given by young teenagers and the alcoholic and drug consumption. Asked Council to consider a method whereby if the police are called twice then a letter is sent to the landlord with a bill attached for possibly $400.00 for police services. Chief Meehan stated the Penal Code for Disturbing the Peace is often the reason for response. A call if received stating their peace is being disturbed. Often times the first visit to a party is a warning, the second is a disbursement and the third often results in arrests. City Manager Sorsabal concurred with Councilman Clutter, although single resident homes need to be notified in the same manner. Councilman Clutter requested this item be placed on the December 6, 1988 Agenda for possible establishment of fees (fines) in correlation and implementation with the Griffith report (Cost Allocation Study). - Councilman West - NONE -Mayor ProTem Dannen 1. Request Council Action on designating the Philip R. Schwartze Report, 303 Virginia Street, dated August 29, 1988, a public record pursuant to Government Code Section 6254. Councilman West did not participate in the above discussion and abstained from voting. Mayor ProTem Dannen MOVED to designate the Philip R. Schwartze Report, 303 Virginia Street, dated August 29, 1988, Councilman Clutter SECONDED. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING VOICE VOTE: (11) Council Minutes November 15, 1988 COUNCILMEMBERS REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (continued) AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson NOES: NONE ABSENT: Councilman Anderson NOT VOTING: Councilman West -Mayor Jacobson - NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS- (City business only -5 minute limit) - NONE MEMORIALS - NONE CLOSED SESSIONS Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pending litigation) None GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation 1 matter GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation) 0 matters GC 54957 Personnel matters 1 matter At the hour of 10:23 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for Closed Session. At the hour of 12:30 a.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call with the exception of Councilman Anderson who was absent. Mayor Jacobson announced that in reference to item number 1 under NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER (Annual Compensation Adjustment for Management and Confidential Employees); Council approved the following actions: 1) a 5% increase to the City's Authorized Salary Range Schedule and 2) $125,000 to be allocated by the City Manager based on merit and fringe benefit adjustments. ADJOURNMENT At the hour of 12:45 a.m. Council adjourned to November 21, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of an Adjourned City Council Meeting. RECORDED, RONALD L. HART, CMC CITY CLERK (12) Council Minutes November 15, 1988