1988 MAY 17 CC MINIp `1J! h0.• MY4 •� I \M■ V17�BiY 1 \_.r: 7.T.�i��.17:;1
CALL TO CFdM by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 p.m.
lI1VOCA7'ICFP given by City Clerk Ron Hart
r LE= OF AIiHG1MCE led by the El Segundo Police Depart rent Color Guard
1. Councilman Clutter proclaimed Police Week May 15 -21
2. Councilman West proclaimed Public Works Week May 15-21
3. councilman Anderson recognized El Camino college Basketball Team Winning
its m,ird State Championship.
Councilman Anderson - present
Councilman Clutter - present
Councilman West - present
Mayor Pro Tem Dannen - present
Mayor Jacobson - present
PUBLIC C OM NICATIC NS (City business only -5 minute limit)
Gail Cnlx+c WTree M sbx!ters Troop 91 Made the following requests: Requested
assistance in making a master plan for future tree plantings, requested
assistance in acquiring necessary information to coordinate with SCE, etc.,
requested they be allowed to plant trees smaller than 15 gallon size,
requested general, non-financial, support.
It was the consensus of Council to refer this item to Bob Wynn and staff to
Coordinate with involved Companies, City Staff and Tree Musketeers.
P,n tordt pan Drie. 724 W. Pine Avenue requested to speak with regard to the
Hyperion issue when the matter was addressed.
Rich Reed, 414 W. Oak expressed thanks to the Cable Company for being given
the opportunity to air his music reform.
Julie Sm9110 Property Owner of 109 Sheldon stated property had been
partially destroyed by fire recently and expressed concern regarding the new
underground electrical regulations. Mrs. Smillo asked that she and her
husband as property owners be allowed to restore electrical overhead as
previously installed.
It was the consensus of Council to refer this matter to staff and possibly
rectify the problem before the next Council meeting of June 7, 1988. If this
could not be accomplished then this item would come back to Council as an
Agenda Item for discussion and possible action.
Council Minutes
May 17, 1988
1. PUBLIC HEARING - Lot Merger Procedures Ordinance
Proposal to adopt a lot merger procedures ordinance as an amendment to
the El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 19.12 (Subdivision Code). The
proposed lot merger ordinance would create a procedure whereby
contiguous parcels held by the same owner that do not conform to the
standards for minirm,m parcel size or site development could be merged.
The proposed ordinance establishes the required conditions for a merger
to take place, and the notification, public hearing, and appeal
procedures for merging parcels (Environmental Assessment EA -142, Zone
Text Amendment 87 -3). Applicant: City of El Segundo. Held aver from
the City Council Meeting of May 3, 1988.
Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed
for a Public Hearing on the Proposal to adopt a lot merger procedures
ordinance nance as an amen3ment to the El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 19.12
(Subdivision Code). The proposed lot merger ordinance would create a
procedure whereby contiguous parcels held by the same owner that do not
conform to the standards for minimum parcel size or site development could
be merged. The pressed ordinance establishes the required conditions for a
merger to take place, and the notification, public hearing, and appeal
procedures for merging parcels (Environmental Assessment EA -142, Zone Text
Amendment 87 -3). Applicant: City of E1 Segundo.
Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart
stated notice of the hearing had been published by the Planning Department
in a proper and timely manner.
Mayor Jacobson son asked if any written crmme+ni cation had been received. City
Clerk Ron Hart stated none had been received by his office.
Councilman West stated he owns property on Main Street and asked if there
was a conflict of intent.
City Attorney Dolley stated there was not a conflict of interest.
Mayor Jacobson opened the Public Hearing.
Director of Planning, Lynn Harris stated the proposed Lot Merger Procedure
Ordinance establishes procedures as authorized by State Law (Government Code
Sections 66451.11 through 66451.21) whereby contiguous parcels held by the
same owner that do not conform to the standards for minimum lot size or site
development can be merged. The ordinance defines the required conditions for
a merger to be initiated by the City, and the notification, public hearing
and appeal procedures. No lots are merged as a result of this ordinance. The
ordinance establishes procedures in the event the City wishes to pursue
merger in the future. Director Harris continued by stating that the proposed
ordinance was initiated in response to citizen concerns raised during the
Planning Commission's review of the Multiple - Family (R -3) development
standards regarding density on substandard (25 foot wide) size lots. The
proposed ordinance would be applicable in all zones that contain minimum
parcel sizes. Public Hearings and notification are required lot by lot. The
intent of the ordinance is to preserve the residential and commercial
densities defined by existing zoning standards and encourage lot
consolidation to afford better design and adequate better design and
adequate open space. Ms. Harris concluded by stating the Planning Commission
adopted Resolution No. 2199 approving the proposed code amer&rhentc and
negative declaration of environmental impact. Subsequent to the Commission's
action, two minor changes have been suggested by the legal department to
clarify intent of the following sections:
19.12.020.A Anmlicability - defines ownership, referencing the California
Civil Code.
council Minutes
May 17, 1988
' 7MF •: •i 1'�'•. • : � 1 IP.1 •r u
20.58.200 Substandard Lots - clarifies that a single family residence may be
constructed on any substandard residential lot unless lot merger procedures
pursuant to Chapter 19.12 have been initiated prior to issuance of a
building permit.
Director Harris stated these changes have been incorporated into the
proposed ordinance and are wed for approval.
Mike Yonno, 405 S1>®ore St. stated he was against a lot merger for
residential property.
Council discussion ensued. Councilman West expressed concern regarding this
issue and if it might be a taking of property.
City Attorney Dolley stated this ordinance does meet constitutional
rem+irements and this is a proper legal form and not a taking of property.
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the follading
t'll tA#-V1,110E OF M CM OF EL SBGUNM, CALIFCRiIA, 1z 1 jam' !�'E 71
7r 1• MUNI=AL
•• 1 • 11 1 • r• 71• 711 101•.Jgp• •
.•E • •1 101 11 7 • • •• • r• • 7• • •
I • • 1u 1: V :• 011 •r it n_ I k - 0-60. 1711 • _
2. PUBLIC HFARING-Proposed revision to Ct mwmial- Manufacturing (C-M) Zone
Development. Standards.
The project consists of an amendment to the El Segundo Lard Use Element:
of the General Plan and the Municipal Code Chapter 20.36, Commercial-
Manufacturing (C-M) Zone. The intent of the proposed revision is to
allow revenue- generating uses including retail sales, wholesale sales
and hotels and motels as primary permitted uses by amending Sections
20.36.020 and 20.36.030; and to establish a 1:1 floor area ratio (FAR)
by amending the land Use Element of the General Plan and by adding
Section 20.36.075 Building Area. A Negative Declaration of Environ-
mental pact has been prepared. (Environmental Assessment: EA -153,
Zone Text A*e*ilme*+t 87 -4, General Plan Amerdment 87 -2) . Applicant:
City of El
Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed
for a Public Hearing on the Proposed revision to Crmmemial- Manufactusing
(C-M) Zone Development Standards. The project consists of an amendment to
the El Segundo Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Municipal Code
Chapter 20.36, ConTexcial- Manufacturing (C-M) Zone. The intent of the
proposed revision is to allow revenue - generating uses including retail
sales, wholesale sales and hotels and motels as primary permitted uses by
amesxling Sections 20.36.020 and 20.36.030; and to establish a 1:1 floor area
ratio (FAR) by amending the lard Use Element of the General Plan and by
adding Section 20.36.075 Building Area. A Negative Declaration of Errviron-
mental Impact has been prepared. (Environmental Assessment EA -153, Zone
Text Amendment 87 -4, General Plan Arerndment 87 -2) . Applicant: City of E1
Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart
stated notice of the hearing had been published by the Plarnnisng Department
in a proper and timely manner.
Council Minutes
May 17, 1988
Mayor Jacobson asked if any written communication had been received. City
Clerk Ron Hart stated none had been received by his office.
Director of Planning, Lynn Harris stated it was recm rwzxIed that Council
uphold Plaruui.ng Commission action and introduce ordinance amending the land
Use Element of the General Plan and Municipal Code Chapter 20.36
(Cmmiesnial- Manufacturing Zone) to establish a 1:1 Floor Area Ratio and
allow revenue generating uses as permitted uses for all property zoned or
designated for Commercial Manufacturing land use. Also, direct staff and
Planning Commission to proceed with rezone of C-M zoned property on Standard
to Smoky Hollow designation. The intent of the amendments by the Planning
Ca[mission was to insure that future development intensity and land use does
not exceed the capacity of the City's circulation system and public services
due primarily to traffic and fiscal impacts. Ms. Harris continued by stating
that building density in the C-M zone is currently controlled by setback,
open space, and parking requirements and by the maximum building height of
45 feet. The General Plan currently has no density standards for commercial
manufacturing land uses. When compared with the development potential under
the existing C-M zone, the proposed revisions represent a theoretical
reduction in allowable building density, and would encourage inclusion of
retail uses and hotels on C-M zoned property. Since the majority of
intersections serving the C-M zoned property within the city are currently
operating at poor service levels (IDS E or F), this density reduction and
re- emphasis on retail use should have a beneficial effect on
traffic/circulation aver that which might otherwise occur. The proposed
changes would affect an estimated 136 parcels zoned C-M (approximately 588
acres) . Existing developments on C-M zoned property which exceed the
proposed 1:1 FAR would become non-confcrming, and could not be expanded or
altered. The proposed zone text and general plan amendments are internally
consistent, and would establish a standard for building intensity in the
Land Use Element of the General Plan, as required by State Taw. Ms. Harris
concluded by stating that the Planning Co mnissicn recce ended that the CM
zoned property on Standard Street be evaluated for possible inclusion in the
Small Business District of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan and adopted a
minute order to that effect. Potential consideration of alternative zoning
for the CM zoned property on Main Street was held in abeyance. These
properties would therefore be subject to the CM amendments.
'M� ..�4• -•- .�- •1•x�ll .l l' • �Sll 1l1 /_:yC. •.• ❑�Il ! _4� ra•
letter urging Council to restrict the height limit to 84 feet and remain
compatible with the existing buildings on Sepulveda and in Manhattan Beads.
Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to close the public
At the hour of 8:07 Council recessed. At the hour of 8:17 p.m. Cm=il
reconvened in the Council Omi>eers with all members present and answering
roll call.
Councilman West WVED, Councilman Clutter SE== to have the Planning
Commission proceed with the rezoning of the 100 -200 block of StmxIard street
and the 100 block of Main street. This would be strictly land use
consideration. MOTTTCd1 CA1UZIED BY UNAN11KX1S VOICE V=.
Councilman West asked if it was necessary to restrict both height and FAR.
Mayor Pro Tem Dannen stated that the best way to control density is to place
a FAR an a zone; by limiting height you prevent a developer from building on
one corner of a large parcel and then splitting his lot and building again.
This procedure can radically mange the density.
Director Harris also stated that Continental Development was developed under
a Precise Plan procedure to create the ambience needed for Continental Park
Plaza. This procedure is still allowable.
Council Minutes
May 17, 1988
D.'1 i:•JM I: V.a •$:•. •' :1:11. 1a.\ .. u . a•
City Attorney read the title of the following:
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-.. • • • Y •i71a1 1 r• 1 • L • Y • Y
Report by City of Ins Angeles Department of Public Works of progress in
meeting Conditional Use Permit deadlines at Hyperion.
Cam ssimer for Public i*ni s Kathleen Brown. City of Ios Ameles
reported on the progress of the Hyperion Plant. Ms. Brown stated the
following items under the Conditional Use Permit with the City have either
been completed or are under way: landscaping from Imperial to Pershing can
be completed by January 19, 1989, the Headworks odor Control has an August
1988 completion date, Temporary covets at the West launder Building was
completed in March, 1988, the Fast Headworks Odor Control is scheduled for
ooFrpleticn in August, 1988, the Grand Avenue left hand turn pocket has a
completion date of July, 1989, the sidewalk on the north side of Grand
Avenue has no specific date in the C.U.P. but are hoping for August, 1988.
Ms. Brown continued by stating that the vibrations from flares are under
control and claim procedures regarding construction damage to homeowners is
underway. Communications with the Hyperion has been improved through
meetings with the city. Commissioner Brown suggested a group be formed of
community members and city officials to establish a better understanding of
the Hyperion Plant.
commissioner Brown stated the Hyperion commissioned a very costly odor
control study. They identified the serious areas. The Fast Headworks and the
temporary covers at the West launder Building have alleviated a major
portion of the odor. Ms. Brown continued by stating that as a result of
living in the Ins Angeles basin odors will be more noticeable on days when
there is little or no air current to lift them out of the area.
Ion Goodrua. Superintendient of Hyperion Operations stated the plant operates
on a consistent basis. An equipment breakdown can cause solids to remain
stagnant and create odors. This does not happen on a daily basis. We take
residential complaints very seriously, Mr. Goodroa continued. complaints to
date are only 5-6 per month which can be attributed to the improvements made
thus far.
commissioner Brown stated they will look at trying to report frequently to
the City and Council regarding the mishaps that might occur at the Hyperion
Gerhardt Van Drie. 724 W. Pine expressed concern regarding the complaint
procedure, the Hyperion Plant not regularly watering their construction
site, vibrations occurring frequently, hours of construction and use of pile
Council Minutes
May 17, 1988
Mayor Jacobson stated that if any citizens are interested in participating
in the citizen group regarding the Hyperion Plant to contact Eileen Hunter
at 322 -4670.
William MCA lister_ 640 Sierra state that Hyperion and L.A. officials do not
have to live here and small the odors.
Frank Salvuchi 212 Oregm St urged Council to consider imposing fees like
the AMD for every day they infract excess emissions into atmosphere.
Received and filed
1. Ordinary of the City of El Segundo, California, amending Section
10.76.010 of Chapter 10.76, (Coasters and Skateboards) of Title 10 (Vehicles
and Traffic) of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code.
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following
[0)11�IaI'r,1 06 Do N10
Mayor Pro Ten Danner MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to waive further
2. Ordinance of the City Council of the City of El Segundo repealing El
Segundo Municipal Code Section 6.08.140 requiring mandatory residential
garbacte and rubbish collection.
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following
•'111• M •
Mayor Pro Ten Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to waive further
AYES: Councilman Clutter, Danner and Mayor Jacobson
NOES: Councilmen Arr3erson and West
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and
passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the
item(s) will be considered individually tinder the next heading of
1. Plans and Specifications for the _Remodel and Expansion of Joslvn_Center
Approve Plans and Specifications, Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids and
Appropriate Finds for Additional Professional Services
Council Minutes
May 17, 1988
2. Plans and Specifications for the :a-: is.;aping and Lighting of 2 City
Parking Lots located at Northeast Corner of Richmond and Franklin and 400
Block of Main Street
Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Staff to Advertise for
for Design and Construction
3. Revoke Taxicab Permit for American Transportation Inc. (Inadequate
First Request
for Extension
by Chevron of
a Temporary Office Trailer
No. 437 -88
Reolacess P.C. No.
215 -87
First Request
for Extension
by Chevron of
a Temporary Office Trailer
No. 438 -88
Replaces P.C. No.
214 -87
Minutes from the Regular City
Council Meeting
-Mav 3. 1988 -7:00 PM
Approve as written
7. Warrants Nos. 13921 -14146 on Demand Register Summary Number 23 in total
amount of $1,249.058.06.
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to
contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve all items
listed under the consent agenda. MOTION CARRIED BY U A IIMKXS VOICE VOTE.
1. High Rise Building Update
Fire Chief Bob Marsh gave a report regarding the retrofitting for fire
protection systems in four High Rise Buildings located at 101 Continental
Boulevard, 888 N. Sepulveda, 909 N. Sepulveda, and 999 N. Sepulveda.
Received and filed.
2. Upgrade of Data Processing System equipment and purchase of Utility
Billincr System software.
Acting City Manager Fred Weiner stated that Xerox Corporation presently does
the monthly billing for the City at a cost of $3,200 per month. It is the
intention of the City to do its own processing for the Utility System, and
in order to do this the City needs to purchase the required software and
hardware. The Finance Department expects the system to be operational for
utility billing by October 1, 1988 (equipment will not be delivered until
appro i nately September 10, 1988) . Therefore, funds for three monthly
billing with Xerox for 1988/89 (July, August and September) will cost
$9, 600. Acting Manager Weiner stated the following costs have been estimated
for the entire upgrade:
Software $ 31,950
Convexsicn Costs 6,000
Hardware 73.181
Total $ 111,131
council Minutes
May 17, 1988
�;10-a:1.J�IJ?. MYY .. r. ,l• ode
It will take less than three (3) years to amortize this software/hardware
purchase over what it would cost for three years of Xerox charges
($115,000). With this equipment upgrade, should the City decide to add a
"GODbasell system, there will be excess capacity on the new hardware.
Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve the upgrade
and appropriate the purchase from the Water Fund. MOTION audUED BY
3. Parcel Map No. 17749 Petitioned by Chevron USA and Parcel Map No. 17750
Petitioned by Chevron Laid and Development Comanv.
Director of Public Works William Glickman stated that Chevron USA and
Chevron Land and Development Ctapany propose to subdivide 68.6 acres of lard
located at the southeast corner of E1 Segundo Boulevards. 25.49 acres of the
property will be deeded to the City for golf course and related purposes.
The remainder of the property will be subdivided and sold for development.
Development will be restricted to conditions imposed by the Planning
Commission. The developer is required to construct public ixepravements and
to deed land to the City (1.191 acres) for expansion of a storm water
retention basin. Director Glickman concluded by stating that staff
recommended acceptance of the deeds for land dedication and approval of the
agreements as submitted.
City Attorney Dolley stated the documents should not be released until the
actual "piece of paper" is received and the lease is cancelled.
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following:
Councilman • • - • • ID • - SECONDED further .
• adopt.
• • V•'.• 1111 BY 1 M1 1 • t VOICE VOTE.
- Clmnicilman Anderson
1. Discussion on the need for a Historical Society/Historian
Library Director, Barbara Kirby stated library staff is being trained to use
history, California and Genealogy materials but a need for someone full -
time, on site to monitor these materials exists. Director Kirby stated it is
very important that the historical efforts of our City library be maintained
to ensure they remain a part of the library function.
Councilman Anderson congratulated our local baseball team for winning the
Pioneer League.
Councilman Anderson also cunmlernted on a Wastewater treatment plant that IAX
is in the process of building.
— nnancilman Clutter - NONE
Council Minutes
May 17, 1988
-councilman West
1. Further Discussion on Possible Direction Regarding potential Land Uses
for Property Located at 951 Main Street
Councilman West expressed concern over policy regarding Con ercial (C -2) and
Residential (R -3) zone modifications. Councilman West stated this issue
could have been a zone boundary correction and asked for reconsideration of
the matter. Councilman West MOVED, Co uncilaan Anderson SECONDED to have the
zone boundary changed and move the boundary 8ft 6" to the South to
correspond with the lot loss.
Mayor Pro Tem Darmen stated Roberts Rules of Orders bad been violated as "a
member in the affirmative" had not brought this item back for discussion.
Mayor Pro Tem Danner stated that when there is a mixed use on properties,
the most restrictive takes precedent. This property then is in fact all R -3.
If this property were to be rezoned it would not only need a zone change but
possibly require, a General Plan Amendment. This amendment would create a
radical increase in traffic.
Mayor Jacobson stated he was not in favor of changing this property to
Commercial Use.
Councilman Clutter was interested in reducing traffic and wondered why the
property owner dial not obtain an application to make specific changes.
Mayor Pro Ten Dannon referred the matter to the City Clerk regarding the
violation of Roberts Rules of orders.
City Clerk Ron Hart stated he was not certain if Roberts Rules of Orders
applied in this issue but rather that this issue was not on the Agenda for
any action. Clerk Hart referred to the City Attorney.
City Attorney Dolley stated no action could be taken.
Councilman Anderson withdrew his SECOND, Councilman West withdrew his
Mayor Pro Tem Danner stated this issue had been regarded by the Planning
Commission as a land use project.
Mayor Jacobson MOVED, Councilman West SEM= to refer this matter to the
Planning Coamission as project for potential residential or Hotel/Motel use
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, West and Mayor Jacobson
NOES: Councilmen Clutter and Dannen
2. Possible Amerdments to December 1987 General Plan
It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to the next meeting
of June 7, 1988.
-Mayor Pro Tem. Damen
Announced that Mabel Lutz was given a proclamation for Senior Citizen of the
-Mayor Jacobson - NONE
Council discussed and scheduled the following tentative ax1get Study
Sessions: June 6, June 13, June 14 and June 17.
Council Minutes
May 17, 1988
M3UC CO MRI2CATIOms- (City business MW-5 minute limit)
1. Dermis Markin, 722 Indiana CbLirt was concerned regarding the zone change
issue. Mr. Martin also expressed concern over the money that might be needed
to preserve the historical materials in the library.
Pursuant to the California Goverrment Code a Closed Session will be
held on the following matters:
GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pending litigation)
Ray Lewis vs El Segundo
GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation)
3 matters
GC 5495_6_.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation)
1 matter
Personnel Matters
►X44rWi w
At the hour of 10:50 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for Closed
Session. At the hour of 1:15 a.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers
with all mP&ers present and answering roll call. City Attorney Dolley
announced that no actions were taken.
At the hour 1:17 a.m. Council adjourned to June 4, 1988.
Council Minutes
May 17, 1988
i:l tiae i n• w •• � w1 i� 1 r• 11 i
All Present
•• i v • Z C"
1. Request assistance in making a master plan for future tree plantings.
2. Request assistance in acquiring necessary information to coordinate
with SCE, etc.
3. Request that we be allowed to plant trees smaller than 15 gallon size.
4. Request general, non - financial, support.
ACTION: Refered to Staff to Coordinate with involved Companies, City Staff
and Tree Musketeers.
1: .I : 1�, .l u - ..� -vim •_.� r •�.. • _ ..•-
Proposal to adopt a lot merger procedures ordinance as an amendment to
the El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 19.12 (Subdivision Code) . The
proposed lot merger ordinance would create a procedure whereby
contiguous parcels held by the same owner that do not conform to the
standards for minimum parcel size or site development could be merged.
The proposed ordinance establishes the required conditions for a merger
to take place, and the notification, public hearing, and appeal
procedures for merging parcels (Errvirrxmiental Assessment EA -142, Zone
Text Amendment 87 -3). Applicant: City of El Segundo. Held over from
the City Council Meeting of May 3, 1988.
It 4..11 bi .-
mg- IF-UFF5;FEF11�1�11MIN
2. PIJBUC HEMUM -PTA revision to Colm�ial- Manufacturing (C-N Zone
Development Standards.
The project consists of an amendment: to the El Segundo lard Use Element
of the General Plan and the Municipal Code Chapter 20.36, Commercial -
Manufacburing (C-M) Zone. The intent of the proposed revision is to
allow revenue - generating uses including retail sales, wholesale sales
and hotels and motels as primary permitted uses by amending Sections
20.36.020 and 20.36.030; and to establish a 1:1 floor area ratio (FAR)
by amending the land Use Element of the General Plan and by adding
Section 20.36.075 Building Area. A Negative Declaration of Environ-
mental Impact has been prepared. (Environmental Assessment EA-153,
Zone Text Amentnent 87-4, General Plan Amendment 87 -2). Applicant:
City of El Segundo.
Introduce Ordinance.
ACTION: Councilman west MOVED, Councilman Clutter SEOONOM to refer to
Planning Commission the rezoning and future lard use of 100 -200
block of Standard Street and 100 block of Main Streets.
Ordinance introduced by Councilman Damien.
3. Report by City of Los Angles Department of Public works of progress in
meeting Conditional Use Permit deadlines at Hyperion.
ACTICN: Received and filed
tNrrnnan= BUSINESS
1. Ordinance of the City of El Segundo, California, amending Section
10.76.010 of Chapter 10.76, (Coasters and Skateboards) of Title 10 (vehicles
and Traffic) of the El Segundo Municipal Code.
Second reading and adoption
AGTICN: Adopted unanimously.
2. Ordinance of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo repealing E1
Segundo Municipal Code Section 6.08.140 requiring mandatory residential
garbage and rubbish collection.
Second reading and adoption
AMON: Adopted 3/2 vote. AYES: Councilmorberc Clutter, Dannen & Mayor
Jacobson. NOES: Coy ncilmenbess Anderson and West
All items listed are to be adapted by one motion without discussion and
passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the
item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of
1. Plans and Specifications for the Remodel and Expansion of Joslyn Center
Approve Plans and Specifications, Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids and
Appropriate Furls for Additional Professional Services
2. Plants and Specifications for the Landscaping and Lighting of 2 City
Parking Lots located at Northeast Corner of Richmond and Franklin and 400
Block of Main Street
Approve Plans and Specifications are Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids
for Design and Construction
3. Revoke Taxicab Permit for American Transportation Inc. (Inadequate
Ratify are Approve
4. First Request for Extension by Chevron of a Temporary Office Trailer
P.C. No. 437 -88 Replaces P.C. No. 215 -87
5. First Request for Extension by Chevron of a Temporary Office Trailer
P.C. No. 438 -88 Replaces P.C. No. 214 -87
6. Minutes from the Regular City Council Meetincr -May 3. 1988 -7:00 PM
Approve as written
7. Warrants Nos. 13921 -14146 on Demand Register Summary Number 23 in total
amount of $
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to
contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
ACIICN: All items enacted unanimously.
1. High Rise Building Update
ACTION: Report by Chief Marsh received and filed.
2. Upgrade of Data Processing System equipment and purchase of Utility
Billing System software.
Appropriate funds to puxx:17 se hardware and software (Water Fund)
ACTION: Approved unanimously.
3. Parcel Map No. 17749 Petitioned by Chevron USA are Parcel Map No. 17750
Petitioned by Chevron land and Development Cmmmwanv.
Approve Maps, Which Includes Offer of Street Dedications, Accept Grand Deed
for Parcel Required to Expand Storm Water Retention Basin, Accept Grant Deed
for Parcel to be used for Golf Course and Related Uses, Approve Agreement
Affecting Real Property and Approve Reimbursement and License Agreement
ACTION: Approved and Adopted unaninhmously.
'171.1: •� 11
-0Oun ilman Anderson
1. Discussion on the need for a Historical Society/Historian
ACTION: Barbara Kirby, Library Director reported.
- Councilman Clutter
-Council= West
1. Further Discussion on Possible Direction Regarding Potential land Uses
for Property located at 951 Main Street
ACTION: Mayor Jacobson MDVED, Councilman West SEG>JNDED to refer this item
to the Planning Commission in regards to R -3 or Hotel/Motel Use if
there is a project at that location.
Approved 3/2 vote. AYES: Councilmembe's Anderson, West and Mayor
Jacobson. NOES: Counci l+prs Clutter and Dannen
2. Possible Amendments to December 1987 General Plan
ACTION: Held over to next regular meeting.
-Mayor Pro Ten Danner
-Mayor Jacobson
PuBizC OavuNICATIONs- (City business only -5 minute limit)
ACTION: 1 citizen addressed Council.
39143 ZIALS
Pursuant to the California Goverrm ent Code a Closed Session will be
held on the following matters:
GC 54956.9(a) (City a Party to Pendiirw litigation)
Ray Lewis vs E1 Segundo
GC 54956.9 (b) (City might have siclnificant exposure to litigation)
3 matters
GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation)
1 matter
Personnel Matters
2 matters
N: Council adjourned to Clossed Session at 10:50 PM and reconvened
with all members answering roll call at AM. No actions were