1988 MAY 03 CC MIN91 `19! I U• M N MI 191 1 '� 11 • I CALL TO CFXI2 at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Jacobson INWC MCN given by Bonnie Wulff, New Thought Church 1. Council recognized City Employee of the Month Mary Siemienski 2. Mayor Pro Ten nannen proclaimed Municipal Clerk's Week-May 8 -14, 1988. 3. Councilman Anderson proclaimed Shatter Silence Month -May 1988 P401L CALL Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Clutter - present Councilman West - absent Mayor Pro Tem Danner - present Mayor Jacobson - present ii Ilk 11 .1 Y:' 1. - %iL! =.1 1-�- •I 1. ....�'< Proposal to adopt a lot merger procedures ordinance as an a¢nerrhnent to the El Segundo Municipal Cade Chapter 19.12 (Subdivision Code) . one proposed lot merger ordinance would create a procedure whereby contiguous parcels held by the same owner that do not conform to the standards for minimum parcel size or site development could be merged. The proposed ordinance establishes the required conditions for a merger to take place, and the notification, public hearing, and appeal procedures for merging parcels (Environmental Assessment EA -142, Zane Text Amendment 87 -3). Applicant: City of El Segundo. Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a Public Hearing on the Proposal to adopt a lot merger procedures ordinance as an amerrIment to the El Segundo Municipal Cade Chapter 19.12 (subdivision Code). The proposed lot merger ordinance would create a procedure whereby contiguous parcels held by the same owner that do not conform to the standard for minimum parcel size or site development could be merged. The proposed ordinance establishes the required conditions for a merger to take place, and the notification, public hearing, and appeal procedures for merging parcels (Environmental Assessment EA -142, Zone Text Amen&rent- 87 -3) . Applicant: City of El Segundo. Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated notice of the hearing had been published by the Planning Department in a proper and timely manner. Mayor Jacobson asked if any written communication had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated none had been received by his office. May 3, 1988 Council Minutes SPECIAL C REERS OF BUSINESS (m,tinurl) Mayor Jacobson opened the Public Hearing. Director of Planning, Lynn Harris stated the proposed lot Merger Procedure Ordina,ce establishes procedures as authorized by State law (Goverrment Code Sections 66451.11 through 66451.21) whereby contiguous parcels held by the same owner that do not conform to the standards for minimum lot size or site development can be merged. The ordinance defines the required conditions for a merger to be initiated by the City, and the notification, public hearing and appeal procedures. No lots are merged as a result of this ordinance. The ordinance establishes procedures in the event the City wishes to pursue merger in the future. Director Harris cotutin ued by stating that the proposed ordinance was initiated in response to citizen concerns raised during the Planning Commission's review of the Multiple - Family (R-3) development standards regarding density on substandard (25 foot wide) size lots. 11he Proposed ordinance would be applicable in all zones that contain minimum parcel sizes. Public Hearings and notification are required lot by lot. The intent of the ordirance is to preserve the residential and cam ercial densities defined by existing zoning standards and encourage lot consolidation to afford better design and adequate better design and adequate open space. Ms. Harris concluded by stating the Planning formission adopted Resolution No. 2199 approving the proper code amendments and negative declaration of environmental impact. Subsequent to the Commission's action, two minor changes have been suggested by the legal department to clarify intent of the following sections: 19.12.020.A AMlicabilitV - defines ownership, referencing the California Civil Code. 20.58.200 Substandard Lots - clarifies that a single family residence may be constructed on any substandard residential lot Mess lot merger procedures pursuant to Chapter 19.12 have been initiated prior to issuance of a building permit. Director Harris stated these charges have been- incorporated into the proposed ordinance and are recommended for approval. Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing to public input. Mayor Jacobson stated a request had been received by Councilman West to hold this item over to the next Council meeting of May 17, 1988. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Mayor Jacobson SECONDED to keep the public hearing open and hold this item over to the next Council Meeting of May 17, 1988. MDTICN CARRIED BY THE FOIXDWIM VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman West 2. PUBLIC HEARING - Proposed Zone Grange, 951 Main Street. City of E1 Segundo initiated zone change on a split zoned 6,701 square foot lot located at 951 Main Street. The 50' x 134' lot is currently zoned General Commercial (C -2) on the north 83% (5,578 square foot) of the lot area, with the remaining 17% (1,123 square foot) on the south side zoned Residential -3 (R -3). The Planning Commission reooamiends the R-3 zoned area be changed to C -2, establishing General Commercial zoning for the entire lot. A Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared. (Environmental Assessment EA -157, Zone Change 88 -1). Applicant: City of El Segundo. (2) May 3, 1988 Council Minutes Mayor Jacobson annxan:ed that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a Public Hearing on the City of E1 Segundo initiated zone change on a split zoned 6,701 square foot lot located at 951 Main Street. The 501 x 134' lot is currently zoned General co mmercial (C-2) on the north 83% (5,578 square foot) of the lot area, with the remaining 17% (1,123 square foot) on the south side zoned Residential-3 (R -3). The Planning Cormd scion reccnmmerds the R -3 zoned area be changed to C -2, establishing General Counercial zoning for the entire lot. A Negative Declaration of Ernvirammental Impact has been prepared. (Errvu=nental Assessment FA -157, Zone Change 88 -1). Applicant: City of El Segundo. Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Ron start stated notice of the hearing was published by the Planning Department in a proper and timely maruuer. Mayor Jacobson asked if any written communication had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated none had been received by his office. Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing. Director of Planning, Lynn Harris stated the Planning Commission initiated this zone change at their meeting of February 11, 1988 in response to a request for interpretation frotm the property owner regarding which zoning standards apply to this split -zoned property. The application, which is supported by the property owner, involves a zone change only; no development of the site is proposed at this time. Ms. Harris stated the proposal involves the rezoning of a portion of a 6701.5 sq. ft lot located at 951 Main Street from a Residential -3 (R -3) zone to a General Commercial (C -2) zone. The southerly 8.38 feet of the subject property, ccuprising 16.75% of the total area of the lot, is zoned R -3 while the remaining area is zoned C- 2. The E1 Segundo Municipal Code (section 20.16.020) required that when there are two conflicting zoning regulations on a single property, the more restrictive code requirements prevail. This section also establishes the regulations and uses of the R-3 zone as more restrictive than those of the C -2 zone. The proposed rezoning will allow future development to the uses and standards of the C -2 zone. Ms. Harris concluded by stating it was staff's reccnuendation to uphold the Planning Commission recmumendation to approve, certify Negative Declaration of E7rviro muental Impact and introducie the Ordinance. Mayor Jaoobscn opened the public hearing and asked for public testimony. Seeing none, it was the consensus of Council to close the public hearing. Council discussion ensued regarding which zoning code should be upheld in this area. Mayor Pro Tpm Dannen MRn7ED, Councilman Clutter SB03CM to send this item back to the Planning Commission for further study as the majority of Council present did not find General Commercial (C -2) as an acceptable zone for this area. M TTCR CARRIED IK THE POIil7WING VOICE VOM: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Cou nci l man Anderson ABSENT: Councilman West (3) May 3, 1988 Council Minutes 1. Second reading of ordinance of the City of El Segundo adding Chapter 14.06 to Title 14 of the El Segundo Municipal Code, Entitled Public Water System Cross- Connection Control Re=lations and adopticn City Attorney read the title of the following: 14P 7 ►i�.q„« �;• • -11 r• « • 1 w • 7r 7r •• 1 • -i • •• 1 • r• • �• 1. • • 1 � ar •• I w •• 1 a 71• r• 71• •' 1 • - • 711 • • m as - •• 6.716 W. -.. • •. r• 9. 1711 •W RIr if. J 1 - • «' • Y «r u. .- .. Pool .t. •i AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Danneen and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman West •' •- • • 711 • • • •: - •• •711 • .•r• • •. V••4. 1711 YI • • 1 • « • AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Danner and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman West 2. Second reading of Ordinance of the City of El Segundo adding Chapter 19.08, entitled "Vesting Tentative Maps" to Title 19 (subdivisions) of the El Segundo Municipal Code. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: • •b C11-11 CE • AN ORDRMCE OF I OF EL SEGUNDO, CAlIFORNIA, •11 GIA= 19.08 TO TITIE 19 OF 1 EL SEGUNDO KMCIPAL CODE, 71 711 1rVEMMIG rV • • 1c - :• joib •• 1. - 7H • 711 -. • • • r• 9' •711 Y I • • 1 N • • «' • Y r 1 i. • - •• r• AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dan nen and Mayor Jacobson ASSENT: Councilman West • ' P. - 4 - • all •• • - • SN 171• • .. r• • Y V• 'J' 1 }1 i I • • 1 • «' • AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman West (4) May 3, 1988 Council Minutes RMUM OF CITY ("II7REESS, BMIdS AND CMffSSICNS 1. Downtown El Segundo, Inc. (DESI) Iou Young, Treasurer of the DFSI Board:Informational Presentation of the Desi Workplan and Bylaws. Iau Young, Treasurer of the IESI Board stated the purpose of this document was to provide a focused, well -organized, co- ordinate plan of action which will dictate the direction of this program for the upcoming year. The information contained in this document was the result of an intensive goal - setting session, numerous planning discussions and the resource team analysis of the project area. Input from individuals representing the interests of the residents, commercial property owners, merchants and city government was sought and it is the information that provides the foundation for this workplan. The report was received and filed. City Manager, Fred Sorsabal gave a report regarding the Planviing Commission meeting on the Toxic Waste Management Plan. Manager Sorsabal reported that points of discussion will be transferred to Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Commission. ssiol. nie- Planning c c m d scion requested Council to monitor the plan and keep staff informed of their desired direction. Councilman Anderson gave a report ,warding the South Bay Cities Meeting at which SLAG (Southern California Association of Goverment) discussed implementing another transportation study. Councilman Anderson also stated that SCAG upon request will be glad to present their prospective programs to Council. Mayor Jacobson suggested this type of presentation may best be presented to the Planning Commission. CCNSENT And All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting April 19, 1988 -7:00 PM Approve as written 2. minutes from the Adjourned City Council Meeting April 26, 1988 -6:00 FM Approve as written 3. Remodel and addition to Fire Departtient HeadgJarters Facility - Change order Number 4. Approve change order number 4, authorize appropriation of additional funds in the amount of $22,355.11 and accept the contract as complete. 4. Plans and Specifications and Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Replacement of 0-at and Sidewalk at Various Locations - Project PW 87 -4. Approve plans and specifications and authorize staff to advertise for bids. 5. Plans and Specifications and Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for the Furnishing and Application of Slurry Seal at Various Locations(all residential streets in the southwest quadrant between Mariposa and E1 Segundo Boulevard and Sheldon to the westerly limits of the City) - Project PW 88 -2. Approve plans and specifications and authorize staff to advertise for bids. 6. Plans and Specifications and Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Heater -Remix Overlay on Streets at Various Incations- Project PW 88 -3. Approve pla and specifications and authorize staff to advertise for bids. 7. Warrants Nos. 13660 -13913 on Demand Register Summary Number 22 in total amount of $877,600.60 Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; Emergen qy disbursermts and or adjustments. Mayor Pro Tlem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SEA to approve all items listed under the consent agenda. MOTICH CAM= BY UNANDUM WICE VCTE. (5) May 3, 1988 Council Minutes r- 1. 0rdinance of the City of El Segundo, California, amending Section 10.76.010 of Chapter 10.76, (Coasters and Skateboards) of Title 10 (Vehicles and Traffic) of the El Segundo Municipal Code. City Manager Fred Sorsabal summarized for Council by stating that at the April 19, 1988 mil meeting, Council accepted the recommendation of the Re=eation and Parks Commission to provide a facility for youth to ride skateboards and bicycles on the athletic court at the Teen Center on an experimental six months trial basis. Manager Sorsabal eluded by stating that inasmuch as ESMC Section 10.76.010 expressly prohibits this activity in public parks, the action of Council creates an exception to the Code; therefore the same must be amended. City Attorney read the title of the following ••11 r• r • AND ORDINANCE OF THE CTI9' OF EL SD3)NDO, CAUFORNIA, AMENDING SECTION 10.76.010 OF CHAPTER 10.76 (C0ASTERdS AND SKATEBOARDS) OF TITIE 10 (VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC) OF THE EL SDM1NDO MUNICIPAL CODE. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to waive further reading. NATION CARRIED 13Y THE FIOLIDWING VOICE VOTE: Mayor Pro Tem Dannen introduced. AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman west 2. Creation of a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) for the formation of a Lease finance pool. Approve and Adopt Resolution approving membership of El Segundo in the Independent Cities Lease Finance Authority; and, Appoint two cities delegates to the Independent Cities Lease Finance Authority. City Manager Fred Sorsatal stated this Joint Powers Authority would provide the City with a vehicle for a possible future alternative if it was Council's desire to become active in the lease finance pool. This is an opportunity to borrow at a lower rate if the need arises. The time urgency is relative only to the act of joining. It was the consensus of Council to appoint Councilman West as delegate and Mayor Pro Ten Dannen as alternate and the unofficial alternate would be the Director of Finance. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following � •,� 5• 77. • • • 1 �• • I • 71 7r •• • • 1 i 1 71/7• • • 171 7• • • 1 '• 7•w • e" 77 17 M• 1 I / 171' 7 171 M 7•. / h M • • O / / I 17 1:17'..`1 / • 1 1 • •' •••/ / WIN I M •17'•797 / 7•J Z k1a 1 ' 1.40111-14 71 f• 7'w (6) May 3, 1988 Council Minutes Mayor Pit? Tem Dannen MOVED, Councilmen Clutter SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CARL= BY 1HE FOLIOWIM VOICE V=: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson ABSFNr: Councilman West Mayor Pro Tem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SEDONIDED to adopt the subject resolution. MJTTCff CARRIED BY THE FUIIDWIM VOICE VV18: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: Councilman West 3. Repeal of Section 1A2.090 of Resolution Number 2620 which requires specified department heads to reside in E1 Segundo. City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated it was difficult to hire qualified persons to fill the vacant managerial positions in the City without changing the resident requirement which also is necessary to comply with state law. Manager Sorsabal, however, informed Council that a response time could be taken into consideration as a requirement for enplayment. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: I V *:� &)060(*IS2 AM A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SD73NDO, CALI0041A, REFE'IG SECTICN 1A2.090 OF RESOTIT CN NO.J 2620 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO. Mayor Pro Tem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt. MOTION CARRIm BY UNANIN S VOICE V171E• AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT': Councilman West City Manager Sorsabal stated he would return to Council with an equivalent to a mileage chart or response time table for their consideration. NEW BUSINESS- CCTV CLERK - NONE -Cbmcilman Anderson Recognized Baseball Coach John Stevenson for a "job well dorWI for winning 600 baseball gams. He cmplimented team spirit and leadership. Councilman Anderson encouraged all citizens to attend the Hometown Fair, Saturday May 7, 1988. - Councilman Clutter 1. Discussion on method of tracking Hyperion performance. Councilman Clutter expressed his desires to have someone in the City report and grade hyperico performances. His idea was to incorporate, noted odors at specific locations in the daily police log. City Manager Sorsabal stated he would discuss this matter with Chief Meehan. (7) May 3, 1988 Council Minutes Mayor Pro Tem Dannen was concerned with ground vibrations as well as odor problems; wanted the City to look into the possibility of installing a mechanism to measure ground vibrations. City Manager Sorsabal stated he would report back to Council at the next meeting of May 17, 1988 on possibilities based co Council's concerns of vibration and odor in regards to the Hyperion. The City Manager also stated that hyperion has requested to be placed on the agenda quarterly- -Councilman West - NONE -Mayor Pro Tom Dannm 1. An ordinance of the city council of the City of El Segundo repealing El Segundo Municipal Code Section 6.08.140 requiring mandatory residential oarbaae and rubbish collection. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following GARBAGE SB9JNM NJNICIPAL CODE SECTION 6.08.140 REWIRING MUMATORY RESIDUIrIAL . RUBBISH •• • Mayor Pro Tem Dannen MMM, Councilman Clutter SECIONDED to waive further introduced. AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson :S 7� Councilman Mayor Jacobson requested that the City Manager coordinate with the Finance Department to set dates for budget study sessions. City Manager Sorsabal will report back to Council on specific dates. PUMC C'Cb21XICATICNS 1. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana mat commended Council for their efficiency. 2. Ruth Rixler, 733 W. Pine Ave. felt the Hyperion Plant Employees were trying to cooperate with the residents in the area during their construction. PH243i IAIS - NONE (8) May 3, 1988 co unci-I Minutes CLOSED SESSIONS Pursuant to the California Goverrment Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: Raymond Lewis vs City of E1 Segundo GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litiaaticn) 1 matter GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation) 1 matter Personnel Matters 2 matters At the hour of 8:25 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's office for Closed Session. At the hour of 9:55 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call with the exception of Councilman West. City Attorney Colley stated that no actions were taken in Closed Session. At the hour of 10:05 p.m. Council adjourned. ICf zo I in 22.,Ul u1�w Y Wtr 0 a: ±;1 (9) May 3, 1988 Council Minutes