1988 MAR 15 CC MINDI D r lj Z IH w 10 W&O wt M. I.M 1 �• •,• 11
CALL TO CWXR by Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt at 7:00 p.m.
INVOOM N given by City Clerk Ron Hart.
PfEDM OF ALEEGIANCE led by Police Chief Ray Lewis.
1. Councilman Jacobson read a proclamation Honoring the Loyal Order of
Moose on their 100th Birthday.
Councilman Anderson - present
Councilman Jacobson
Councilman West
Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt
Mayor Siadek
1. Rich Reed, 414 W.
- present
- present
- present
- absent
Oak read a prepared dissertation regarding his music
It was the consensus of Council to hear public testimony when this item was
ID �L 117
1. Downtown El Segundo, Inc. (DESI), Dennis Wingate, Chairman of the DESI
Board: Progress Report on "Main Street Program" Activities
Dennis Wingate Chairman of the DESI Board 337 Hillcmest gave an update
regarding the status of the "Main Street Program" Activities. Mr. Wingate
urged participation of citizens and concerted businesses and announced the
next General Member Meeting to be held on April 13, 1988 at 7:30 a.m. in the
Council Chambers of City Hall.
It was the c=isensus of Council to receive and file this item.
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion Without discussion and
paw unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item, is made, the
item(s) Will be considered individually tarter the nect heading of
Approve as written.
2. Minutes from the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting -March 3, 1988 -
8:ODAM- -Study Session on Policy Questions Regarding Fees for Residential
Refuse Collection.
Approve as written
4. Request fron Chamber of C=mleroe to Sponsor Jointly with the City of El
Segundo the Fourth Annual Fun Runs June 18, 1988.
Council Minutes
March 15, 1988
5. Early Replacement of the Library cash register - scheduled for
reolaceement in 1990.
Allocate funds from City Equipment Replacement Furl
6. Construction of Debris Bins at Maintenance Facility, Pw 87 -3.
Reject bids and authorize staff to solicit informal bids for block wall and
7. Replacement of Sanitation Pumo Station No. 1, FW 84 -18A.
Accept the work and approve Contract Amendment NO-1
9. Resolution of Intent to Conduct a Public Hearing on May 3, 1988
Proposed Citywide lot Merger (Zone Text Amendment. 87 -3, Environmental
Assessment EA -142).
Adopt resolution
10. Warrants Nos. 12984 -13208 on Demand Register Summary Number 19 in total
amount of $1,347.080.05
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to
contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
11. Request from Chevron U.S.A. for a six month extension of a 16 unit
Modular Building to 9 -20 -88 located at 116 W. E1 Segundo Blvd.
Grant request
Councilman Jacobson requested item number 3 be removed and City Manager Fred
Sorsabal requested item number 8 be removed for discussion.
Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECNDED to approve the
remaining items under the Consent Agenda. MOTTCN CALMED BY THE FOIiOWING
AYES: Councilmen Amrrersnn, Jason, West and Schuldt
ABSENT: Mayor Siadek
3. Request from the Chamber of Commerce for City Approval for the Chamber -
sponsored Richmond Street Fair May 21, 1988.
Councilman Jacobson requested that a condition of approval be made regarding
Group License fee to be paid by the Chamber for all those participants who
do not hold an E1 Segundo City license.
Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve the
letter from the Chamber of Cnmer oe asking for approval of the Richmond
Street Fair with a condition that Group Insurance is obtained. MOTFICN
AYES: Councilmen Arxierson, Jacobson, West and Schuldt
ABSENT: Mayor Siadek
8. Douglas Street Railroad Grade Separation or Crossing at Atchison,
Topeka and Santa Fe Railway.
Accept proposal of DeLeuw, Cattier & Company for preliminary engineering
services, appropriate funds from traffic mitigation fees, and authorize
issuance of purchase order for services.
Council Minutes
March 15, 1988
City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated that if Council wished to accept the
proposal, their vote must include the six findings made by the Planning
Department in their vote for the acceptance of the proposal of Deleuw,
Lather & Ccupany.
Councilman ,tea•_• M=, Councilmn Anderson 7O• •71• to accept
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, West and Schuldt
ABSERr: Mayor Siadek
J6, :: hl� moor mt. ,h e-m
1. Coveters and Fmdr ent needed for the Hazardous Material Program _
Council Jacobson confirmed that the approximate amount for the purchase of
the equipment would be $12,000.
Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONM to authorize the
Fire Department to access Account 48100 -8104 in the approximate amount of
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West
ABSENT: Mayor Siadek
2. Amrvval of Preliminary Design Concept for the City Library.
Authorize architect to proceed with working drawings.
Suite 210, Glendale stated the Library expansion will approximately 13,100
square feet of floor area to the present library. ghe punt library,
13,000 square feet in area, will be renovated and modernized. Several new
areas have been added to meet the constantly evolving needs of the library.
CmTputer learning rooms will be provided in both the adult and children's
libraries. He further stated the layout of the library would be a compact
"wrap-around" design allowing the operation and supervision of the expanded
library with existing personnel. He concluded, closed windows and modernized
heating and air conditioning systems will provide for the increased comfort
and security of both patrons and staff while shielding them from airport
Councilman Anderson was concerned that the building design would match other
city structures.
Councilman West was concerned about ultimate cost and financing.
Mr. Walton replied to Councilman West that at no cost to the city he would
revise the project to meet financial changes that would occur.
Councilman Jacobson questioned if the library would be operable during
Mr. Walton assured Council that a transition process would be created and
maintained with the contractor.
Council Minutes
March 16, 1988
I IA t 1 IT.ti M I• I• (!p• �• _•
1. Bill Mc Oon/. 613 hoped that the City would not delay any longer
as inflation might create financial duress on the project.
2. Myle Wdtworth 206 W Sv®ore was in favor of the library project.
Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to authorize the
architect to proceed with working drawings. MOTION CARRM BY THE FOIMMU
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West
ABSENT: Mayor Siadek
1. Introduction of Ordinance. for Residential Refuse Collection.
City Attorney Colley stated this was a preliminary ordinance to establish a
refuse fee. He emphasized this was a first step measure and that another
ordinance for imposition of fees would need to cane back to Council for
introduction and adoption.
1. Scott Danner, 1127 E. ]Acacia opposed to imposition of refuse tax on the
residents of E1 Segundo.
2. Jim Clutter, 441 Ya was against imposing fees for refuse.
3. Dennis Martin. 722 Indiana Oast suggested to Council to let this item be
resolved by the new Council, after the April 12, 1988 election.
4. Ed Erdely. Coo-Chairman of GUM stated the residents do not want the tax
and if Council did not put it to the vote of the people it would be
accomplished for them.
Mayor Pro Tan Schuldt requested the City Attorney to read the entire
ordinance with the noted changes requested by Council.
After a discussion on the terms used in reference to residential \crmnercial
definitions City Attorney Colley read the following corrected ordinance per
Mayor Pro Tan Schuldt's request:
• 91 . 9C 1• 191 • 1 91 7C 1•
r9• r 1 r• •• •• •a. 191 :•.n •
WHEREAS, the health and welfare of the citizens of the City of E1
Segundo require the regular collection of garbage and rubbish from
residences within the City; and
M-IEREAS, the current City ordinances provide for but do not require
residential garbage and rubbish collection; and
WHEREAS, after studying the situation and various alternatives, the
City Council has deternined to require residential garbage and rubbish
Council Minutes
MArch 15, 1988
NW : 14#lzl DGV M :•. I •• a•
SEMCN 1. Section 6.08.140 is hereby added to Title 6, Chapter 6.08
of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code to read as follows:
[x[17 :C •ice �• =ti •• • r. ••:.- -,• •• ,
1. The City shall collect and dispose of residential and miscellaneous
refuse from every residential establishment within the City at least once
per week, provided that such refuse is prepared and placed for collection in
accordance with the provisions of this chapter and of subsequent resolutions
that may be adopted from time to time by the City Council.
2. All occupants of residential dwelling units shall be required to use
the refuse service provided by the City.
`Residential dwelling limits' as used herein means single family
residences or multi -unit or attached residences of up to 4 units.
3. Inasmuch as fees are to be changed for the collection of garbage and
rubbish, it is necessary that such fees be charged to the 0=43ants or
owners of residential dwelling units, regardless of whether such persons in
fact do place such garbage and rubbish for collection, to the end that all
persons will be encouraged to place garbage and rubbish for collection and
not ittproperly dispose of such garbage or rubbish to avoid payment of
4. Notwithstanding paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, an occupant or owner of a
residential dwelling unit may apply for a waiver of the requirements of this
section by presenting in writing the reasons therefor to the City Director
of Finance. The Director of Finance shall respond in writing to such
request within a reasonable period after its receipt, granting or denying
the waiver. His decision shall be final.
SEMCK 2. This ordinance shall become effective at midnight on the
thirtieth day from and after the final passage and adoption hereof.
SECICN 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of
this ordinance; shall cause the same to be entered in the book of original
ordinances of said city; shall make a minute of the passage and adoption
thereof in the records of the meeting at which the same is passed and
adopted; and shall within fifteen days after the passage and adoption
thereof, cause the same to be published once in the El Segundo Herald, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within
said City of E1 Sao and which is hereby designated for that Purpose -
Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt MOVED, Councilman West SEOWDED to introduce the
ordinance for residential refuse collection. M nON CAMM SY THE POILOWiNG
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Schuldt and West
NOES: Councilman Jacobson
ABSENT: Mayor Siadek
Councilman Jacobson requested staff to audit employees reported regarding
head tax count.
Councilman west requested staff to report on possible fees that are "on the
books" but may not be collected.
March 16, 1988
Council Minutes
1. Dennis Martin_ 722 Indiana (mat suggested charging the larger ccanpanies
twice the normal business fee.
2. Patty Pavnter, 920 Dime St. questioned the fees levied on hazardous
waste users.
Councilman Anderson confirmed that there is a charge for pickup and disposal
of hazardous waster materials.
Councilman Anderson read the following memorials:
JOKE BEATRICE BLACK, a longtime resident of E1 Segundo, died January 27 at
age 68.
JACK JOHN STRAUSS, a 43 -year resident of E1 Segundo, died February 24 at age
CORA HARRIET PECK, a 20 -year resident of El Segundo, died February 29 at age
Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be
held on the following matters:
GC 54956.9(a) (City a Party to mylina litigation)
GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation)
3 matters
GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation)
2 matters
Personnel Matters
0011rW 35
City Attorney Dolley requested that Kilroy v. E1 Segundo be added under GC
54956.9(a). Councilman Alan West MOVED, Councilman Bob Anderson SECONDED to
place the item under Closed Session on this agenda. MUTTON CARRIED BY THE
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West
NOES: None
ABSENT: Mayor Siadek
Council adjourned to Closed Session at 8:30 PM in the Mayor's Office and
reconvened at 10:05 PM with all members answering roll call with the
exception of Mayor Siadek, who was absent for this meeting.
City Attorney Dolley announced that Council had taken action under GC
Subsection A. He stated that Kilroy would be willing to settle on the basis
of Council adopting an ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL
ORDINANCE) OF THE EL SEGUNDO CODE. Attorney Dolley further explained to
Council that this ordinance bad to go to the Planning Commission prior to
returning to Council for introduction.
March 16, 1988
Council Minutes
• - i w •; u • • •' V• 9• t71• I • • t • M 1
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West
ASSENT: Mayor Siadek
Under GC Subsection (b) all Council who were present ( Siadek absent)
unanimrusly agreed to a Close -Out Agreement with Westinghouse regarding the
Hydroelectric Facility, providing for an extended warranty or bond
acceptable to the City for a period of three years from expiration of the
one -year guarantee.
Council adjourned at 10:15 FM
March 16, 1988
COunCil Minutes