1988 MAR 01 CC MINI:1►�.Y9GLil ►�ZMMI• •�IL.M► .I �I�YL 4 b�: 1.1 CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Pro Schuldt at 7:00 p.m. 1. Council recognized City Employee of the Mcnth -Rer uka Rami, Library 21 Councilman Anderson proclaimed Arbor Day Marcia 7, 1988. I I ►) f i��TFiI Councilman Arrierson - present Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman West - present Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - present Mayor Siadek - absent 1. Ride Need, 414 W. Oak further explained the advantages of his music system. 2. Frank Wong, 435 Valley appealed to Council the rights of the children regarding skateboarding and bicycling within our City limits. He made reference to a letter sent out on City stationary regarding citation to violators. Council for - consideration and cooperation of D- - I Agree 1. Public Hearing - proposed Joslyn Center Eqmnsicn, 339 Sheldon StreL-t Request to allow the expansion of the Joslyn Center located at 339 Sheldon Street in the Open Space (OS) zone. The expansion includes 3,053 sq.ft. of additional floor area to the existing 6,229 sq.ft. recreation center. The proposal also includes a determination by the Planning Ccamussion pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.54.040 as to the required parking for the proposed expansion. The proposed project is exempt under the California Errr1rvnmental Quality Act Class 1, Existing Facilities. Applicant: City of El Segundo, (Conditional Use Permit 88 -2). Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a Public Hearing on the proposed Joslyn Center Expansion, 339 Sheldon Street. Request to allow the expansion of the Joslyn Center located at 339 Sheldon Street in the Open Space (OS) zone. The expansion includes 3,053 sq.ft. of additional floor area to the existing 6,229 sq.ft. recreation center. The proposal also includes a determination by the Planning Commission pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.54.040 as to the required parking for the prvpcsed expansion. The proposed project is exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act Class 1, Ex st ig Facilities. Applicant: City of E1 Segundo, (Conditional Use Permit 88 -2). Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated that notice of the hearing had been published in a proper and timely fashion by the Planning Deparbment. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt asked if any written camini,caticn had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated that no written communication had been received. Council Minutes March 1, 1988 •i Mayor Pro Ten Schuldt opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director Lynn Harris stated this was a City generated, City initiated project. This zone permits the expansion of the recreational facility subject to the discretionary review of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Comrassicn and City Council., The proposed expansion will provide additional floor area to the auditorium, arts and crafts roan, and kitchen facility intended primarily for senior activities, and administrative offices. Fnm expansion will not removed or displace any existing park facilities. No additional parking is proposed for the expansion, the applicant is requesting a determination pursuant to zoning Code Section 20.54.040 as to the required parking for the proposed expansion. Ms. Harris stated that staff recamended Council consider the Planning 03mdssicn's recommendation and approve Conditional Use Permit 88 -2 to allow the proposed expansion of the Joslyn Center with no additional Parking, by adopting the resolution attached as Exhibit A. Mayor Pro Ten Schuldt opened the public hearing to public input. 1. Frank Wom 435 Valley requested that Council allocate part of the fees for the benefit of the kids in E1 Segundo. It was the consensus of Council to close the Public Hearing. City Attorney read the title of the following: RFSOILTlIC N NO. 3519 • 1 D.• • • 1 M •� • 1 • 71 7r •• Y• ••i •I Y7 7• • /• • 0 r• • •/ 171 A ••' ••171 �•.•_ r Y 711 •r � _ - RN u. _ 7••: Y71 • _ _ AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSENT: Mayor Siadek Councilman . •obs MOVED, Councilman Anderson 7•T 11711 to approa- Resolution MrICK Y••i• 171 BY 1I • • 1- • Y' •Y AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSENT: Mayor Siadek 1. Proposed Development Agreement for Xerox Center Phase IV and Hotel, 1951 -61 Fast El Segundo Blvd City Attorney read the title of the following: AN ORDINANCE OF 1 OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFUFUUA, APPRUVING DEVEIDEMERr AGRMWU FCR THE PROPERTY EL SEGUNDO BOUI.EVARD, EL SEGUNDO. (2) Council minutes March 1, 1988 1. I' 1 1 •"17.1 :1• 1 17.\ .r u •r 1 u . • - r '• 711 •• 1 11 . - 7••. 111711 • _ _ AYES: CuL=ilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West :.a .- •. 1 u. - • 711 •. 11. .- .: 7•U. 1771• - • AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Schuldt and West NOES: Councilman Jacobson ABSENT: Mayor Siadek 2. Proposed Cmuercial Office Development on the "Continental Site," 2301- 2381 East Rosecrans Ave /810- 820 South Douglas Street City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: CRDINANCE NO. 3520 • • 1 1 1• M • L 1 M • 7 11l 11.7 Y• 11•• '771••.Y 71 7C •• 71 11 Y• 1 •; •11:7111 •1 Y71y 1 1 1 /• 1•• 1 V• } Id • •' 71'Y 11 1 ••: 1. 1•:71' • •; L • ••.Y 1 1 1• • 1 ••.1••.711 • 1 711. 171 •• • Y 1P 71• ',1. $M• • } : • : 1 1] 71 • • 171 •• 6a el Y971 •: 1711 •• 1 ID V' •• � 11 I. • - .1 • 7D •• 1 1 - 7U: 1:711 • _ _ • • • Y••P 171• LI • • 1 • •' •Y AYES: Om=ilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSENT: Siadek Councilman West MOVED, Councilman An•.- •n S7•i 0711 to adopt ordinance No. 3520 C=Icilman West introduced. • • Y '.'a M ME FULUXME VDIao VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSENT: Mayor Siadek RUCEU5 OF COMYI TMM, BOARDS AND OMUSSICRS - NONE CClSEl1P AGENER All iteIDS listed are to be adopted by one motion without disc Jon and passed unanimously. If a call for digaxsim of an item is made the item(s) will be considered i x ividlally under the next heading of business. 1. A Resolution of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo, California, In Support of the Posting of Signs Riexever Alcoholic Beverages are Sold or Dispensed to the Public, Warning of the Dangers of Consuming Alcoholic Beverages During Pregnancy. Adopt 2 Minutes of the Regular City CoL=il Meetinci- February 16. 1988 -7:00 PM. Approve as written. (3) Council l Minutes March 1, 1988 - = =• 3. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting - February 17, 1988 -9.00 AM. Approve as written. 4. Proposals for Preparation of a Sewer Revenue Program. Authorize Staff to Solicit Proposals (Held over from 2- 16 -88) 5. A Resolution authorizing the destruction of certain records in the Public Library pursuant to Government Code Section 34090. Adopt 6. Bid Number 0887- CwrQut r Egu;gnent to be used by the Police Department Reject bid A -1 from Data West and award to low bidders as follows: A -2 and D to Data West for $6251.55 and item B and C to Micro Cater Line for $4351.59. Total award $10,603.14 including sales tax. 7._ Agreement with City of Torrance for Police Motorzvcle renairs. Approve agreement - 8. Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, to amend "The Traffic Resolution" relating to one way streets. (Elsey Place and_Burnalow Drive). Adopt resolution. 9. Payment of Non - Budgeted Costs from November 3, 1987 Ballot Measure (4i Utility User's Tax). Approve appropriation of $5832.45 from rorwral Furl Balance and Approve payment of invoice from Los Angeles County. 11. Request from the Department of Recreation and Parks to purchase a Mini - Bus (replacement) with Proposition "A" Funds. Approve request and if expenditure is accepted by the County Transportation Commission authorize staff to utilize the normal bidding procedures for purchasing the vehicle. 12. Warrant Nos. 12726 -12978 on Demand Summary No. 18 in total amount of Ratify . approve Councilmn Jacobson requested item mmiber 10 be pulled. Councilman J• 711 Om=ilman Anderson .CO Y71 to approve remainuig items wrler the Consent Agenda. • • CARRIM BY lil' FUILUAnU • i • Y' AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Sdiuldt and West :tin NT: Mayor Siadek CATL F1'fS' U FXK CCNSEIM AMMA 10 Computers and Equirment needed for the Hazardous Material Program Authorize the Fire Department to access Account #8100 -8104 in the amount of $16,252 for purchase of the equipment. Councilman Jacobson requested this item be held over to the next Council meeting of March 16, 1988. It was the consensus of Council to comply with Councilman Jacobson's (4) Council Minutes March 1, 1988 1. Request three year extension with Professional Janitor Service for building maintenance of Recreation and Parks' Facilities and City Maintenance Facility. City Manager Feed Sorsabal stated the E1 Segundo Recreation and Parks Department with the concurrence of the City Maintenance Facility Superintendent reommended that the City Council waive the normal bidding process and accept the three year proposal for Professional Janitor Service and authorized staff to ; sst a purchase order to them in the amount of $8,010.00 for the remainder of the 1987 -88 fiscal year. Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve the recrnmiendation. MOTION CAIMM BY THE FO11aAIW VOICE V=: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSENT: Mayor Siadek 2. Request from Downtown El Segundo, Inc. to install Optional Ornamental Street Lights within Boundaries of Underground Utility District No.3. Kathy Metcalfe. Project manager for Dmffd -mm E3. Semndo. Die. stated they had chosen the Mission Bell style street light fixture as it was a subtle spanish influence customary to Southern California. Councilman Jacobson MCVM, Councilman Anderson SE03NEM to accept the request by Mrs. Metcalfe. MOTION CARRTEO BY TM FOUQWING VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSENT: Mayor Siadek 3. A Resolution approving the Library Services Construction Act (ISCA) Title II Contract Agreement #Ir357 in the amount of $158,727 CSU grant funds for the library exoansicn project. City Attorney read the title of the following RFS01D1TION NO. 3523 A RESOUMCN OF THE CITY CUMCTL OF THE CITY OF EL SBGUNE0, CAUFOEVIA, APPROIVIW. THE LIBRARY SERVICE CONSTR[JCTICN v TITLE II •• • r.• E is Councilpmn West NDIVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to waive further reading AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSENT: Siadek 4. Mid Year Fiscal Revenue Renort. City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated the report represents the second quarter or mid -year review of revenues and expenditures for the period July through December for the current fiscal year 1987 -88. The second quarter represents completion of fifty percent (50%) of the fiscal year. For the purpose of reporting and analysis the 50% is used to ccupare the actual revenues received and expenditures incurred through December 31, 1987, to the revenues estimated and expenditures budgeted for the fiscal year. (5) Council Minutes March 1, 1988 NEST HISIN SS - CITY MMUnM (continued) 5. Discussion of Policy Questions Regarding Fees for Residential Refuse Collection. City Manager Sozsabal stated there were six policy questions related to residential refuse fees to be considered: I. Shall property owners who do not receive service under the City's contract have residential refuse collection fees bg3osed upon them? For instance, shall multi -unit apartments which currently receive bin service independent of the City's contract, be liable for City imposed refuse fees? 2. If we are to exclude multi -unit customers from service and fees, shall we excluude only those locations currently receiving service independent of the City's contract? Or shall we establish a threshold in the number of units beyond whirls the service shall not be received under the City's contract and thus no fee charged, and below which the fee would be imposed and service made available? 3. Shall we charge for service rendered or readiness to serve? 4. Shall the City continue to serve those businesses in the downtown area which currently receive service under the City's extract? If so, shall these businesses be given the option of receiving service under the City's contract and being liable for fees, or obtaining service independent of the City and paying only for that service? 5. Shall the cost of refuse service to City facilities be covered by refuse fees, and thus be borne only by that segment of the City which is liable for refuse fees? Or shall the cost of service to City facilities be excluded in determining the level of refuse fees, and thus be borne by the City's General Fund? 6. Shall the City administer billing of refuse fees? Or shall the City negotiate with its refuse collection contractor to effect billing by the oontractor? City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated that it was reenmended the Council consider the policy questions presented, and provide staff with direction regarding residential refuse fees. Mr. Sorsabal further suggested a study session to consider the above question. It was the consensus of Council to hold a study session to discuss the policy questions relating to residential refuse fees on Thursday, Martin 3, 1988 at 8:00 a.m. NEW BLUINFSS -CTrY AT URNEY 1. Approvals required to provide financing for the Library Expansion and Councilman West had previously requested of Finance Director Jose Sanchez, a summary of the Library Expansion Financing. Finance Director Jose Sanchez gave a detailed accounting of the Expansion Financing broken down in four categories: 1) Project Cast, 2) Amount to be Financed ThroL1cg1 COP'S, 3) Debt Service and 4) Analysis (as follows) Grass Project Cost: $4,395,000 Principal and Interest $3,236,000 Revenue Sharing 1,000,000 State Grant 159,000 T ess: Net Estimated Project Cost $(2,750,000) TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING COST $1,645,000 OVER THE TWENTY (20) YEAR PERIOD (6) Council Minutes March 1, 1988 I I? :1. 1 10. M • ". I' •• _. � A. Approval of Preliminary Official Statement form and subsequent distribution for issuance of Certificates of Participation in the amount of $1, 745,000 to fund the Library Expansion and Wiling Project. City Attorney Dolley stated that the form of the Preliminary Official Statement for the sale of Certificates of Participation, series 1988, in the principal amount of $1,745,000 for the Library expansion and remodeling project as printed to the Council is approved for distribution subject to such mantles as are deemed necessary or desirable by the Interim City Manager and Director of Finance and further subject to final approval by the City Council upon the sale of the Certificates scheduled for March 22, 1988, or as soon thereafter as rescheduled. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt IUVM, Councilman Anderson SEOOdOID to approve the statement as read by City Attorney Dolley. )KYUM CAN=) BY THE FOIIOWIHG AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt NOES: Councilman West ABSERr: Mayor Siadek City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: 1-a.6 JM IR u• :1T 71 NOR", • •. •.M V1.11INDWINIM211 h NII • Y V' 1 I ".• 7 1? • : +� 1• • Y I •1 • 71 7C 1• V• •. •. !: 71'. 11 1 h 1 I a-91 S II • 2 M 10) 1 •••'••• •' / Y I `� 1• N • :• /. • 7t •' • 171' 1 I•'.•' 7 li •' 4 1 :7' 171 1 • I M •• I. •••� •••1 1 11 1 :•••• • 11.7 •'•w ♦ D ••••••• •' ••,•' 1 • 11'.• 1 I 7• V ?• •. • ••• 171 A11:171 Z•7:ii1"e' WN -1 491 q•J: %•J:: M S:. •• I u. •.- • T 711 •• 1 no, . .••.•�•, 7H: 11;711 AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSE1,1r: Mayor Siadek �• 1 - •i '• 71• ••' I . ►••_ •. 7•• 1"311 • .... • - w• •: III • V •• 1T1 1'I '• • 1 • •' • 1' AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSENT: Mayor Siadek At the hour of 8:14 p.m. Council adjourned to act as the El Segundo Capital Improvement Corporation (Minutes for this action recorded separately) . (7] Council Minutes March 1, 1988 1�15� :1. 1 15.1 M • ". I' •• a• At the hour of 8:22 p.m. the El Segundo Capital Improvement Corporation reconvened as the El Segundo City Council with all members present and answering roll call with the exception of Mayor siadek who was absent. B. Adjourn and reconvene to form Nat - Profit Corporation. Action to be taken: (1)Adcpt Articles of Incorporation of the E1 Segundo Capital Improvement Corporation. (2)Adopt By -laws of the El Segundo Capital lgnTwement Corporation. The El Segundo Capital Improvement Corporation acted on subsection B above with all enacbne„ts recorded within subject mimrtes. 115 . 1 15.1 Myy M 5;1V 1. Report on the need and fiscal impact of the Clerk's Office offering Notary Public Service to the General public. Councilman Anderson MMM, Mayor Pro Tam Schuldt SECCNDID to make no Changes in the existing status of the office of City Clerk tranaanting Notary Public Service to the General public. EDPICN CAI um By THE FouD im VOICE wm: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, Schuldt and West ABSENT: Mayor Siadek 1y11CIIN 60LL 0 .1 Y: Y 0 Z_-=0 510 M .11,. IF' A1,1 YY ..t..l COED SESSICNS Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: GC 54956.9fa) (City a Party to oendim litigation) KUM VS EL SE OUNM CC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation) 1 matter GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation) one matter Personnel Matters Id II. zz-=S At the hair of 8:35 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a Closed Session. At the hour of 9:30 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call with the exception of Mayor Siadek who was absent. Mayor Pro Tam Schuldt arumuutoad that by a unanimous consensus of councilme nberc present consideration of an item listed under GC 54956.9 (b) was discussed in Closed Session. Mayor pro Tam Schuldt further announced that no actions were taken in Closers Session. (8) Council Minutes March 1, 1988 At the hour of 9:40 p.m. Council adjourned to Mui sday, March 3, 1988 at 8:00 a.m. for a Study Session. I; F 1, l ��IYY M 71: 1 (9) Council minutes March 1, 1988 a Y601 u► r • w 1 r •.• o- 1P ••:•�•r• - • v 1 •: • r•.• •I a r� i� .•:• •r• • • The Directors named by the Incorporator of the Corporation named above, constituting the Hoard of Directors of this Corporation, and by their presence having accepted their respective appointments as Directors, held their first meeting at the time, on the date, and at the place set forth as follows: Time: 8:15 p.m. Date: March 1, 1988 Place: 350 Main Street (Council QiwaberS) E1 Segundo, California The following Directors, constituting the full board, with the exception of Mayor Siadek who was absent, were present at the meeting: Keith Sc huldt, Mayor Pro Ten H.R. "Bob" Anderson Carl Jacobson Alan West Mayor Jack E. Siadek, Also present was, Elizabeth Hanna, Incorporator. mail The Incorporator informed the Board that the original Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation had been filed in the Office of the California Secretary of State and that they named Jose R. Sanchez as initial Agent for Service of Process. The Incorporator presented to the meeting a copy of the Articles of Incorporation. The Secretary was directed to insert the copy in the book of minutes of the Corporation and was also directed to keep a copy at the principal office for the transaction of business for the Corporation. On motion duly made, by Qmi=an Anderson, seconded by Chairman Jacobson and unanimously ( Siadek absent) carried, it was resolved that Jose R. Sanchez be confirmed as the corporation's Agent for Service of Process. The matter of the adoption of Bylaws for the regulation of affairs of the Corporation was next considered. The Incorporator presented to the meeting a form of Bylaws which were duly considered and discussed. On motion duly made by Chairman Anderson, seconded by Qnairman Jacobson, and unanimously ( Siadek Absent) carried, the following resolution was adopted: AREAS, the Directors of this Corporation have not yet adopted any Bylaws for the regulation of its affairs; and WHEREAS, there has been presented to this meeting a form of Bylaws for the regulation of the affairs of this Corporation' and VAUMAS, it is deemed to be in the best interests of this Corporation that said Bylaws be adopted by this Board of Directors as the Bylaws of this Corporation' TrTEREFDRE, BE rr RESOLVED, that the Bylaws presented to this meeting and discussed are adopted as the Bylaws of this Corporation. (1) ESCIC MINUTES March 1, 1988 RESOLVED FiI MM, that the Secretary of this Corporation is authorized and director to execute a certificate of the adoption of those Bylaws and to insert those Bylaws as so certified in the book of minutes of this Corporation, and to see that a copy of the Bylaws, similarly certified, is kept at the principal office for the transaction of business of this Corporation. The meeting proceeded to the election of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Chief Financial Officer. The following were duly nominated and elected to the offices indicated before their names, to serve until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified: OFFICE President Vice President Chief Financial Officer Secretary Jack E. Siadek Of 4-20 •c. .T_ -. 641 -. i City Clerk, Ronald L. Hart The officers so elected accepted their respective offices, and thereafter the President presided at the meeting as Chair, and the Secretary acted as Secretary of the meeting. The Secretary presented for approval at the meeting a proposed seal of the Corporation, consisting of two concentric circles with the name of the Corporation and the words and figures "Incorporated." on motion duly made, seconded and Urlanimv,aly ( Siadek Absent) carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that the corporate seal in the form, words and figures presented to this meeting is adopted as the seal of this Corporation. The Chair suggested that the meeting consider the adoption of a fiscal year for the Corporation. On motion duly made by Chairman Anderson, seconded by Chairman Jacobson and unanimously ( Siadek Absent) carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that this Corporation adopt a fiscal year beginning on, and including, July 1, of each year and ending oh, and including, June 30 of the following year. a. w :� - is • r • �•• •; The Chairs-ted that the Directors consider providing for the deposit and disbursement of corporate funds, and authorizing certain officers to be responsible for deposit and disbursement. On motion duly made by Chairman Anderson, seconded by Chairman Jacobson and unanimously ( Siadek carried, the following resolution was adopted: (2) ESCIC MINUPES March 1, 1988 RESOLVED, that the Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of this Corporation, acting jointly on behalf of the Corporation, are authorized to open such bank accounts as may be necessary or appropriate for the conduct of this Corporation's business, provided that any such bank accounts shall require the signature of at least two officers of this Corporation on all checks, drafts and other orders for the payment of money drawn on such accounts, that all resolutions required by the depositary banks with respect to such amts are hereby adopted, and that the Secretary of this Corporation is authorized to certify to any bank the adoption of the resolution in the form used by that bank. U�'v•av Y � la J� JY1: e�.1A 6..� >.I V: :rS�N�:,. The (hair explained that federal and state tax exemptions are available to certain nonprofit corporations. on motion duly made by Chairman Anderson, seconded by Chairman Jacobson, and unanimously (Siadek Absent) carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that the Chief Financial officer consult with legal counsel to ascertain the availability of exemptions from taxation tinder the federal and state tax laws and, if such exemptions are available, the officers of this Corporation, and each of them, are authorized and directed to execute and file all necessary applications for exemption from those taxes with the appropriate federal and state tax authorities, and to pay necessary filing fees. The Chair pointed out that pursuant to Section 6210 of the California Corporations Code, the Corporation is required to file and annual statement with the Secretary of State setting forth certain information as prescribed by said Section. On motion duly made by Chairman Anderson, seconded, by Chairman Jacobson, and unanimously (Siadek Absent) carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that the officers of this Corporation, and each of them, are authorized and directed to execute and file with the office of the California Secretary of State, at the times required by law, the annual statement required by the California Corporations (ode to be filed by domestic nonprofit corporations. The (hair stated that there was a need to secure a federal employer identification number for use on certain tax returns and statements. On motion duly made by Chairman Anderson, seconded by Chairman Jacobson and unanimously (Siadek Absent) carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that the officers of this Corporation, and each of them, are authorized and directed to make such filings and applications as are necessary to secure for the Corporation a federal employer identification number. The Chair announced that the meeting was held pursuant to a written waiver of notice and consent to the holding of the meeting, signed by the Directors of the Corporation named as Directors by the Incorporator, and that and agenda had been posted as required by the Ralph M. Brown Act. That waiver and consent was presented to the meeting and on motion duly made by Chairman Jacobson, seconded by Chairman Anderson, and unanimously (Siadek Absent) carried, was made a part of the minutes of the meeting and the Secretary was directed to file that waiver and consent with the minutes of this meeting. (3) ESC.'IC MINUTES March 1, 1988 At the hour of 8:20 p.m. the Board of Directors of the El Segundo Capital Improvement Corporation adjourned and reconvened at 8:21 p.m. as the El Segundo City Council. 1;7a��