1988 JUN 21 CC MINi� yarn u� w •� a w■ gar i to • i GAIL To COM at 7:00 p.m, by Mayor Jacobson. INVOCAT'J =C N Bishop James E. Whitney, church of Jesus Christ of Tatter Day Saints. PnFnncir OF AILEGLVKE Bishop James E. Whitney, Church of Jesus Christ of Tatter Day Saints. PRESEN'=CYS Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Clutter - present Councilman West - present Mayor Pro Tem Dannen - present Mayor Jacobson - present PUBLIC G[Z3+iNICATICNS (City business only -5 minute limit) 1. Letter from Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Ct.: Budget Analysis 2. Nancy ffgam dy. Sister City President invited Council to meet Miss El Segundo candidates this Friday at the Hacienda Hotel and invited Council to attend the Coronation Ball July 15 at the Hacienda Hotel. Sta=r CFMt S OF BUSINESS 1. Public Hearing - Proposed six unit Townhouse Condominium Project, 535 E. Walnut Avenue. Request to construct a six -unit Townhouse Condominium Project at 535 E. Walnut Avenue. The property is an 11,313 sq. ft.(0.26 acre), L- shaped parcel zoned Residential -3 (R -3). The project includes three two -unit townhouse buildings: the buildings are three - story, measuring approximately 35 ft. in height. The application also includes a Precise Plan for condominium development pursuant to Zoning Code sections 20.24.210 -220, and subdivision request to create owrkminium ownership for the proposed townhouses. A Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact has been prepared. (Environmental Assessment EA -163, Subdivision 88- 4/Tentative Tract Map No. 46345, Precise Plan 88 -3). Applicant: R. Joseph Cabo and Betty Garrard Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a Public Hearing on the Request to construct a six-unit Townhouse Condominium Project at 535 E. Walnut Avenue. The property is an 11,313 sq. ft.(0.26 acre), T-shaped parcel zoned Residential -3 (R-3). The project includes three two -unit townhouse buildings; the buildings are three- story, wring approximately 35 ft. in height. The application also includes a Precise Plan for condominium development pursuant to Zoning Code sections 20.24. 210 - 220, and Subdivision request to Create Condominium ownership for the proposed townhouses. A Negative Declaration of Envir gmental impact has been prepared. (Environmental Assessment EA- -163, Subdivision 88-4/Tentative Tract Map No. 46345, Precise Plan 88 -3). Applicant: R. Joseph Capo and Betty Garrard. Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated notice of the hearing had been published by the planning department- mayor Jacobson asked if any written orrmninication had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated that no written cc>n =ucaticn had been received. Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing. Council Minutes June 21, 1988 SPECIAL ORS OF ffi$INESS (continued) Director of Planning, Lynn Harris stated the Planning Department had received an application to constrict a six-unit townhouse condua nium project at 535 Walnut Avenue in the Residential -3 zone. The property is an 11,313 sq. ft. L-shaped parcel. The project includes three two -unit townhouse buildings, each constructed in three stories measuring 35 feet in height. A total of 13 parking spaces has been alloted for the project. The application includes a Precise Plan for condominium development pursuant to zoning code, a subdivision request to create condominium ownership for the six units, and environmental clearcuice to approve a Negative Declaration of Envircramental Irpact. Development standards have been met or exceeded, explained Director Harris, and is cohesive with the General Plan and the intent of the recently adopted General Plan CAC Goals Report to encourage home ownership and townhouse design. Director Harris concluded by reccaffending that Council uphold the Planning Commission recommendation and adopt ordinance approving Environmental Assessment EA -163, Subdivision 88- 4/Tentative Tract Map No. 46345, and Precise Plan 88 -3. Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing to public 1. illizaheth Saurau, 820 Manhattan Avenue represertign R. Joseph Q= and Betty Garrard stated her clients do accept all conditions and urged Council to adopt the resolution. 2. Betty Garrard, 535 E. Walnut stated that the surrounding areas are R-3 and neighbors are very pleased with the proposed project. Mayor Pro Tern Dannen expressed concern retarding a storage space requirement listed under lE in the conditions. Director Harris stated it was the Planning Commission's intent to provide sufficient storage space to tenants. Associate City Attorney Peter Thorsen read the title of the following • „• iii:., «_ • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEX -]NDO, CALIFORNIA, APPRCUING EiV3RWE TAL ASSESSMENT EA -163, PRECISE PLAN 88 -1 AND SUBDIVISION 88- 4/TUMTIVE TRACT MAP 46345, TO AUDW SIX T17BNEDUSE ODNDC*UNIUM UNTIS AT 535 E. WUNUT AVENUE; PETITIONED BY R. JOSEPH CAPO AND B= GARRARD. Couuncilman Anderson MNED, Councilman West SEOONDED to close the public hearing. MI7TION CARRIED BY LlWNn43LE VOICE VOTE. Councilman West HNED, Mayor Pro Ten Dannen SECONDED to waive further reading. N MCN CARRIED BY iME2431S VOICE VOTE. Mayor Pro Tem Dannen introduced. 2. Hearing - Proposed Annual Operatung Budget and Capital EaPr0VeMe .rut Program for the Fiscal Year 1988 -89. (a) Adoption of Resolution establishing the Expenditure Limitation Fiscal year 1988 -89 under Article XIII -B of the California Constitution. (b) Adoption of Resolution approving the Operating Budget and Capital Igrovement Program for Fiscal Year 1988 -89. City Manager Fred Sorsahal gave an overview of the budget and stated the budget is a document that provides a framework for the coming fiscal year. The total recommended appropriations for all funds is $29,232,902. This reflects a 6.6% increase cxcnared to the 1987 -88 budget. The General Furl portion of this recommended budget is $19,493,977. (2) Council Minutes June 21, 1988 SvF= URUERS of BaSDOSS (aont;rtt,eci) Manager Sorsabal continued by stating that of the total recommended General Fled appropriations, 89.4% were identified with direct service, legislative, administrative, or support activities. Total expenditures for Police, Fire, Recreation & Parks and Building Safety represent over 66.8% of the recommended budget. They reflect high levels of service and activity. Manager Sorsabal announced that four new positions were reconnerded: (1) Personnel Analyst to provide the Personnel Department with additional assistance that is needed to perform the bx -jatic s of that office; (1) Systems operator who will relieve the Finance Department of routine data processing operations which currently are performed at below average levels, at additional cost to the city in overtime or not completed at all; and (2) Part -Time Clerk- Typists who are greatly needed in the City Manager's office and in the Planning Department to perform tasks that are necessary for the operation of city business. This budget is presented to Council with revenues and expenditures substantially in balance concluded Manager Sorsabal, however, this has been achieved only by mn.Spmding transfers from the General Fwd to the Workers' Compensation and Equipment Replacement Fund and by transferring funds into the roner;,l Fund from the Capital Improvement and Gas Tax Funds. This might be viewed as a deferment of expenditures but overall this budget represents a workable plan for the 1988/89 Fiscal Year and the City would continue at its current level of service. 1. Jim Coronas. 519 D. Center expressed concern regarding the recent approval of the library expansion and urged Council to -abandon the idea of expanding the library in the interest of the fiscal deficit. 2. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Ct, summarized his prepared Budget Analysis. 3. Gary Shultz. 227 E. Oak asked if the City was in deficit .spending last year. Mr. Shultz questioned the new positions and expenses for the fiscal budget if revenues are expected to decrease. Mayor Pro Tem Dannen asked if the City Manager would provide background as to why this budget needs to be approved as it stands. City Manager Sorsabal stated this is a line item budget and is legally and technically balanced. There are certain restricted funds that can only be used for related bills, they are post reimbursable items. This is simply a guide for financial and technical planning. Council discussion ensued regarding the Ikuxlerfi„rling" of the workman's campen>rsation fund and the possibility of revenue enhancement projects. Councilman Clutter expressed concern regarding the ccmmitmelt of Council to work toward taking care of the deficit now, not in the distance future. Mayor Pro Teem Darmen encouraged his colleagues to give the City Manager some guidelines for enhancing city revenue. Associate City Attorney Filter Thorsen read the title of the following IUMIITITCN NO. RES01UTICN OF THE OWNCIL OF I CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, Y• 1 • 9 ESTABLISHING I EXPENDITURE 1 N • FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 UNDER ARTICLE • OF 1 CALIFUENTA •• •: Cauncilnan West • 711 Coumilman Anderson SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CA1UU:ED BY UNANIMOUS VUfE. Ccumilman West • 711 t•' urr-ilman Anderson 7H' g711 to adopt. MOTION Y 9• 1 }I BY UNANIMOUS WICE VOTE. (3) Council minutes June 21, 1988 Associate City Attorney Peter Thorsen read the title of the following: R11-KHTION OF UM = COUNCIL OF I = OF EL Sma=, JFM PERIOD :M1 1 1 D ENDDr. JUNE 30, 1989. AYES: Councilman West MMM, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to waive further Councilmen An• - • and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Councilmen Clutter wut THE FULMM G MAS A PEDLUE ACTICK TAIMN BY COUNCIL: L: Mayor Pro Tem Dannen MOVED, Mayor Jacobson SECONDED to dedicate themselves to working expeditiously toward revenue enhancement projects that will result in a balanced budget. M71'ION CAMZ ED BY LQMDUD VOICE VOTE. 3. A Resolution of the City authorizing and approving a Purchase Agreement With Seidler Fitzgerald Public Finance for the $1,745,000 Certificates of Participation (Library Expansion and Remodeling Project) Series 1988. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to the next Council Meeting of July 5, 1988. 4. Adjourn to the El Segundo Public Facilities Corporation: to have the corporation adopt a revolution of the Corporation authorizing and approving the pirchase agreement with Seidler - Fitzgerald Public Finance for the $1,745,000 Certificate of Participation (Library Expansion and Remodeling) Series 1988. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over to the next Council Meeting of July 5, 1988. UtUTNNTSBM B[SINESS -None At the hour of 8:34 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 8:39 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. REPORTS OF C MnT1EES, BOARDS AND OOKUSSICNS 1. Planning Comm scion Appointment. Mayor Pro Tem Darren MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to appoint William Ehrhart to the Planning Commission. THE FOIi.OWING HXL CALL WTE WAS RDA• AYES: Councilmen Dannen and Clutter NOES: Councilmen Anderson, West and Jacobson Councilman Clutter WVED, Mayor Pro Tem Dannen SECONDED to appoint Charles Wilkerson to the Planning Comm caion. MOTION akRRIED BY UMMDDS VOICE VOIE. Councilman Clutter amended the motion to included to appoint Charles Wilkerson to the remainder of former Planning Comnussioner Dan nen's term beginning 12:01 a.m. July 1, 1988. THE FOLIDWING ROLL CALL AUTE WAS Imo: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen, and Mayor Jacobson NOES: councilman West (4) Council Minutes June 21, 1988 REPCEUS OF COKUTIEES, COMMISSICKS AM BOARDS (continued) cau)cilmn West stated he was not against the appoinbrient. of Charlp Wilkerson but against the procet=al cmxhiat of this =tion. counicilTon clutter MOVED, mayor Pro Tem Dannen sEcoau) to reappoint walsieben to the Planning comnission. Y I' Fouggim iniL cAiL • Y' h 0000 d: S • AYES: Councilmen Clutter and Dannen • ?. Counc-iluen Anderson, - • Mayor Jacobson Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SDcoNDED to appoint Robert Drean to the Planning Commission. M7d'ICN CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS WICE VOTE. 2. Metropolitan Library Advisory Board Appointment. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SEA to appoint Linda Reed Monro to the Library Board. M71'ICH CAlMM BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 3. Mosquito Abatement Committee Appointment. Coumilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SEA to appoint Sam Kapelson to the Mosquito Abatement Committee. M7P73K CUMED BY O MIMMS VOICE VME CCNSEN7' AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed nmlanina sly. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 2. Annual Renewal of Excess Workers Compensation Insurance for the period July 1. 1988 through June 30, 1989. Approve staff recommendation 4. Request to purdmse replacement fire hoses for the Fire Department. Bid #1287. Reject the low bid from L.N. Curtis & Sons and accept Bid #1287 fram Halprin Supply Ccepany for $21,383.07. 5. Plans and Specifications for Replacement of Omb and Sidewalk at various Locations- Project PW 87-4 -A roved by City Council on May 3 1988 Award the Contract to Damon Construction CrraWany in the amount of $52,703.20 and Issue a Written Notice to Proceed. 6 Leasing of City of El Segludo's Adjudicated Water Rictrts Adept Atlantic Richfield Company's Bid of $191.01 /Acre Foot for Leasing of the City's Water Rights for 1988 -89 Water Year and- Authorize Mayor to sign letter of agreenent. 7. Weed Abatement Recommendation to adopt resolution and set July 5, 1988 for Hearing Regarding Abatement of Weeds, Rubbish, Refuse and Dirt. 9. Minutes from the A djanned Regular City Cotimcil Meeting -Tune 4, 1988- 10:00 AM. Approve as written 10. Minutes from the Regular City Council meeting -June 7 1988 -7.00 PM Approve as written (5) Council Minutes June 21, 1988 034S RU AGEMA (continmd) 11. Minutes from the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting - Budget Study SessionnAm 13, 1988 -6:30 FM. Approve as written 12. Warrants Nos.14612 -14809 on Demand Register SLmuory Number 26 in total amount of $706,158.97 Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments. City Manager Fred Sorsabal requested item n tuber 1 be removed, Councilman Anderson requested item number 3 be removed and Councilman West requested item number 8 be removed for discussion. scussion. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve the remaining items listed under the Consent Agenda. M7PION CARRIED BY Utz RWUS VOICE V=. CALL FMS FROM CONSENT ACA 1. Request for Approval of Promotional Examination Plan for Fire Captain. Approve examination plan for Fire Captain. City Manager Fred Sorsabal asked that Council change 2 years to 1 year for the establishment of the eligibility list. Councilmatn Anderson PS=, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve item number 1 with the City Manager's change. EDTIM CMU:ED BY UNANDEUS VOICE VOTE. 3. Request for acceptance of landscape maintenance Bid *1487. Award to Landscape West, Inc. (sole bidder), $140,480. Councilman Anderson expressed concern over the cost of this project. Director of Parks and Recreation, Bob Wynn stated this project was slightly more than was bid as a result of a cost of living increase. Director Wynn stated the City was saving money because of the number of trees being cut. Councilman Clutter suggested the project encompass 1,000 trees instead of only 500 as the cost would be cheaper. Councilman Clutter M77ED, Mayor Pro Ten Dannen SEQFIDED to reap<»opriate more monies to cover the cost of trimming 1,000 trees. M7PION CARRZID BY IRVITn4OUS VOICE VOTE. 8. Storm Drain Pump Station No. 19 Recommendation to Accept Proposal of Harris & Associates for Design Engineering and Construction Management Services for Pump Station No. 19 Located at El Segundo and Standard. Councilman West expressed corncem over the lack of guarantee that this project will be completed as promised if the City uses a company that has not been bonded. City Manager Sorsabal stated that insurance policies can be considered but the City would be charmed 1$ of the total cost of the project if such a policy was purabased- Mayor Pro Ten Dampen MOVED to accept item comber 8 as proposed. MR'ION CARRIED BY iRU NIKIM VOICE V=. (6) Council Minutes June 21, 1988 hD ^,M: e1}: 1. Authorize Participation in south Bay Ccamluter Transportation Implementation Plan (CTIP). Assistant to the City Manager, Don Harrison gave a summary ma].'y of the project by stating the South Bay cm=ter Transportation Inplemm*ation Plan (CTIP) was viewed as a rare opportunity to provide for a cmprd olve, multi - jurisdictional approach to providing relief from traffic cmriestion. As a result, in addition to the two initiating cities and El Segundo, the following participated in the study: Iawndale, Los Angeles, Redondo Beach and Torrance. Assistant Manager Harris mended the axnci.l approve El Segundo's participation in the Cmauter Transportation Implementation Plan, Phase I, Alternative 2.; approve El Segundo's entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for administration of the CTIP, and authorize the Mayor to execute; appropriate funds in the amount of $26,700 ft UL the Proposition A Fund for the first year participation in the CIIP; appoint a delegate and an alternate to the CI'IP Policy Steering Committee; ratify the application to the Ins Angeles County Transportation Commission for an incentive Fund Grant for the GTIP which will fund 503 of the first year costs, 40% of the second year costs, and 303 of the third year acts. Councilman Jacobson asked that Council not consider a delegate or alternate until such time is needed. Council discussion ensued regarding the cost to the city if the project fails and the possibility of industry providing furling for the project. Frank Wong, 417 Valley expressed ancern over the program and the possible infringement on the City. Councilman West M7VED, Councilman Anderson SECI'InIDED to approve all 'items proposed by Don Harrison with the exoeption of the delegate designation and the Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and upon approval of the condition of a:mpliance. NOTM ri CAM= BY ME FOLLOWn s VOICE V=: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, West and Mayor Jacobson 2. Residential Proximity Requirement for Police Chief. Fire Chief and Public Works Director. City Manager Sorsabal stated the passage of this resolution would require a 20 mile radius limit for residency. Manager Sorsabal stated the only other city that has a radius requirement is the City of Manhattan Beach. Associate City Attorney Peter Thorsen read the title of the following:t RESOLIfPICN NO. •]Z• • OF Y I •• • OF Xi s-L11 • 7u S-2rillitti, V• • ••1 ADDPrI14G THE RDW=Mff /• SPECIFIED OFFICERS OF H CITY •S. •] WITtr[N A TWE2M 1• RADIUS OF YI EL SB9RW = LIMITS. •• •.- • '• 711 i• n. 7N. L7o1 • - AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson (7) Council Minutes June 21, 1988 OOMXUAEMEERS RUUM AND RUXMMWATICNS -0MZXd1 man Anderson Announced a South Hay Cities Meeting in Tbrrance on Thursday, June 23, 1988 at The Delcante Restaurant. -Councilman Clutter 1. Discussion of early turn - amend at IAX Councilman Clutter submitted a letter to his colleagues for the Mayor's signature to be submitted to the South Bay Cities Meeting Thursday, June 23, 1988. Council discussion ensued regarding the content and possible use of signs to express opinions of early turns. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor Pro Ten Dairen SE03MM to revise the letter and bring this item back to Council for further discussion at the next Council Meeting of July 5, 1988. NOTTON CARRIED BY UNMMUM VOICE V0TE. Councilman Clutter stated he had received a letter with regard to the Hyperion and asked that this item be braxjit back under this Agenda Heading for discussion at the next Council Meeting of July 5, 1988. - Councilman West NONE -Mayor Pro Tem Dwvnen requested a report from staff regarding the exemption policy on transient occupancy tax. Mayor Pro Ten Lonnen also requested that Council be allowed to act on this matter at the next Council Meeting of July 5, 1988. -Mayor Jacobson NONE PUBLIC C 01441NICATICBS- (City, business on1y -5 minute limit) - NONE 1214MUMIS - NONE CLOSED SESSIONS Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: GC 54956.9_(a) (City a party to pending litigation) E1 Segundo v Hcmetel GC 54956.9 (b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation) 0 matters GC 54956.9(c) (City miaht decide to initiate litigation) 0 matters Personnel Matters 2 matters At the her of 10:20 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a Closed Session. At the hour of 12:01 a.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. Associate City Attorney Peter Thorsen announced that no actions were taken in Closed Session. (8) Council Minutes June 21, 1988 M 90,41 }I ` "7 .s to z K•• e• •• ii. •- • • 711 PRIMP - u At the hour of 12:07 a.m. Council adjourned. ; M s1 d:u G •1 71.1 (9) Council Minutes June 21, 1988