1988 JUN 07 CC MINIDI 9! 111 M N MI 171 1 11 1 11
CALL TO CMER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 P.M.
INVOCMCN given by Rev. Duval, Saint Michaels.
1. Council recognized Employee of the Month Rick Ward, Equipment Medlamc.
2. Councilman West proclaimed Toastmasters Week June 6 -10, 1988.
Councilman Anderson - present
Councilman Clutter - present
Councilman West - present
Mayor Pro Tem Dannen - present
Mayor Jason - present
H]BISC 03g4Ma CNS (City business oily -5 miiaite limit)
1. Rican Need. 414 W. Oak requested Council review a tape of his music reform
in order that it may be passed on to our sister city Guaymas.
2. Dave O'Reilly, 343 Hillczest expressed ern regardu—ig a recent problem
with sand related to a construction job at the Hyperion Plant.
Council discussion ensued regarding the possible action that can be taken
with regard to this matter.
Councilman West MOVID, councilman Anderson SDCCNDID to consider this matter
Mayor Pro Tem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SEOONDED to refer this matter
back to the Planning Crmaission for review and possible revocation of the
Conditional Use Permit. M MCN CAMM) BY UIVXnU05 VOICE VV1E.
3. Patti Poynter. 920 Dune expressed concern regarding the response time
after a complaint has been made to the Plant-
41 & D-01 IP41 PRO ti 1'N, 1 :I,.y 1.15.1
1. Environmental Clearance for the Proposed Expansion of the El Segundo
Public Library, 111 W. Mariposa Avenue.
Request for environmental clearance to allow the proposed expansion of the
El Segundo Public Library at 111 W. Mariposa Avenue in the Public Facilities
(PF) zone. The proposal includes 13,100 sq.ft. of additional floor area to
the existing 13,000 sq. ft. library, and renovation of the existing
facility. The proposed expansion would be added to the northeast side and
equal to the height of the existing library building. A mitigating Negative
Declaration of environmental impact has been Prepared for the proposed
project (Envircr nental Assessment EA -161) Applicant: City of E1 Semuldo.
council Minutes
June 7, 1988
SPFY'iAT. GM�S OF $SM4FSS (Cont armed)
Planning Director Lynn Harris stated the Planning Deparhnent had received an
application for errvircrunental clearance to allow the proposed expansion of
the El Segundo Public Library. The additional floor area would provide
relief from overloading and overcrowding of the existing library by
establishing 94 to 194 additional public seats, increase staff stations from
19 to 24, and increase book capacity to over 100,000 volumes. Ms. Harris
stated the imposition of mitigation measures and Planning Commission
recomnerdations will increase anticipated project costs due to staff time,
installation of irpravenents such as additional parking spaces and
landscaping, and potential acquisition of property. Director Harris
concluded by stating the Planning Cc mission reccamE elation was to adapt the
resolution Certifying a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for
Mwiru mvntal Acaetoo„t EA -161, and approving the Library Expansion.
Councilman West expressed concern regarding g the use of "investigate" with
regatta to the purchase of the Main Street/Mariposa Avenue lot from the
school district.
Director of Planning, Lynn Harris stated the use of this wording comes as a
result of the Planning Commission's lack of budget authority in the City.
The cmmi scion could not make a capital decision for the City Council and
therefore suggested the "investigation" of the purchase.
City Manager Sorsabal stated an appraisal is underway on the property in
question although the City budget could not afford the n,rcbase and or lease
of this property at this time, the Council could consider the appropriation
of other monies at a later date. Manager Sorsabal also stated the El Segundo
District might be amenable to a long -terns lease or the possibility of a
property trade.
1. Dora Folk, 111 W. Palm requested this matter of the library expansion be
deferred until the parking problems are solved.
2. Patti Pavnter, 920 Dame asked Council if the plans for the library had
been significantly changed-
Director of Barbara Kirby stated the plans have been cYanrged to meet the
direction of Council. Director Kirby stated the plans have not significantly
been changed.
City Manager Sorsabal stated that a good parking management must be
instituted to alleviate the parking problems that currently exist with the
expansion. If the Council does not adept the mitigations as presented; the
City will have to delay the sale of the Certificates of Participation.
3. Shirley Parker, 129 W. Palm was against the library expansion.
4. Marlene Butterworth, 206 W. was in favor of the library
5. Demis Martin 722 Indiana prat was in favor of the expansion.
6. Yvonne Sor+enserti7ackson. 1005 E. Walrut stated circulation has more than
doubled while population has remained constant and requested Council
consider the resolution.
Councilman Clutter expressed concern regarding the parking mitigations.
Mayor Pro Tem Danrnen expressed concern regarding the Parking Municipal Code
changes that will be forthcoming in future resolution. Concerns regarding
the potential commercial establishment on the corner of Mariposa and Main
Street were expressed by Mayor Pro Tan Darman. Mayor Pro Ten Dannen
concluded by stating that the City would have to invest additional funds in
the library project to attain the ultimate means of this project.
Council Minutes
Jenne 7, 1988
y67.M : •::J:P:•. • �YLID. ..n . -.
City Manager Sorsabal stated the bonds could not be sold until an EIR was
performed. Manager S; ab =l stated the $1.7 million is a sufficient sine to
expand the library. The purchase of furniture and books is another cost, as
is the purchase of the parking lot on Main and Mariposa street.
It was a consensus of Council to refrain from infringing on the outskirts of
library park for the use of parking.
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following:
EXPANSION AT Ill W7+ r• p •. • AVENUE, • 711 BY THE OF 5
7C ••
•' 1 - • .• 711 0.' 1 - 7H 11711 • -
At the hour of 8:25 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 8:30 p.m. Council
reconvened in the Council Chambers with all mPmbers present and answering
roll call.
1. Proposal to adopt a lot merger procedures ordinance as an amendment to
the E1 Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 19.12 (Subdivision Code). The
proposers lot merger ordinance would create a procedure whereby contiguous
parcels held by the same owner that do not conform to the standards for
minimum parcel size or site development could be merged. The proposed
ordinance establishes the required conditions for a merger to take place,
and the notification, public hearing, and appeal procedures for merging
peels (guvirormwntal Assessment EA -142, Zone Text Amendment 87 -3).
Applicant: City of El Segundo. Held over frtm the City Council Meeting of
May 3. 1988 and presented at the Mao 17, 1988 City Concil Meeting.
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following:
[•): 1)1�P., iaVZAp
7r •• MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING r r• • 71' a 711 171••d71• OF
. • •171 • •1 AMENDING SECTION 1 / 1 CHAPTER / OF
YM4 1 1•77L• 7•
1: -• 71 . . - . •• 1711
F1411 WE. - • :• 711 r I 7q 11711 • .�•• • •.
r• 9• 1 }1 • • 1 cjm�#j KIN T9 Y
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
NOES: Councilman West
council Minutes
June 7, 1988
2. Anerxkneirt
to the El
Segundo land Use Element
of the General Plan and
the Municipal Code Chapter
20.36, Cammercial- Manufacturing (C-M) Zone. The
intent of
the proposed
revision is to allow
revenue - generating uses
including retail
wholesale sales and hotels
and motels as primary
uses by amending
Sections 20.36.020
and 20.36.030; and to
establish a
1:1 floor area
ratio ( FAR) by arerdiTng
the land Use Element of
the General
Plan and by
adding Section 20.36.075 Building Area. A Negative
of Environmental Innact has been prepared.
EA -153, Zone
Text Amendment 87 -4, General
Plan Aunt 87 -2).
A olicarnt•
City of El Segurndo
City Attorney read the title of the following:
••• � r• « • 1
w • :I
7r •• ••i «71•�
7 • a« r
• s r,• I 171
1 1• .
•',• 1
da 71' • 171 � I?
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• 1 1 a
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••� • «r• 71• f
• 7tiv:
••• •
• • •a dD17••
• 7t . 1 71• a. �
1 •• 171•
r• • • • a. r r• •
1 1
• 91 S 171 •
Y I H71 171• •
• I ••: i 171•
Mayor Pro Tem Darman MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to waive further
Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Dannen SE MED to approve the
subject ordinance. MM-CN C 9U= BY UMNDIO S VOICE VOTE.
1. Report from the Planning Commission regarding the April 28, 1988 public
hearim on the Los Angeles County Draft Hazardous Waste Management Plan.
City Manager sorsabal recommended that Council receive and file this report
and prepare the necessary response to Los Angeles Canty.
It was the consensus of Council to do whatever was necessary to not
cwnprwnise our City.
Councilman Clutter acknowledged his counittee assigim a nts and gave an update
of his participation. Councilman Clutter requested the early fortis at LAX be
put on the next agenda for discussion.
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and
paste unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the
item(s) will be considered individually urdex the next heading of
1. Request by Sports Connection Club to conduct 2nd Annual 10K Run with
the City of E1 Segundo to be held Sunday. Sent�er 25th.
2. Request to appropriate furls from Revenue Sharing to purchase and
install new police departirnent air corditioninci equipment
Approve request and waive formal bidding procedures and authorize
installation of equipment by Andy's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Inc.
in the amount of $23,632.00
Approve with amended condition that all local youth groups are eligible and
invited to participate; approve to waive costs.
Council Minutes
June 7, 1988
4. Request to appropriate funds fr an the General Fund to the Disaster
Preparedness /Professional Technical Account
Approve request
5. Request to appropriate funds to supplement the Police Department
laundry and Cleaning Account
Approve request
6. Line Item Transfer Request from Police Safety Salaries account, to
Police Administration Salaries, Part-Time.
Approve request
7. Line Item Transfer Request from Vehicle/Operating charges to Police
Administration Overtime.
Approve request
8 Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting-May 17 1988 -7 :00 PM
Approve as written
11. Recommendation to adopt standard Specifications for Public Works
Construction 1988 Edition.
Adopt resolution
12. Recommendation to Award Contract for the Installation of Irrigation
System and landscaping at Washington Park Greenbelt Area between Sycamore
and Maple Avenues - PW 87 -7
Award contract to the low bidder, Aka -'Tani landscaping, in the amount of
13. Recommendation to Award Contract for the Furnish and Application of
Slurry Seal at Various locations- Proiect PW 88 -2
Award contract to the lag bidder, Roy Allan Slurry Seal, Inc., in the amount
of $41,504.00
14. Recommendation to Award Contract for Heater -Remus Overlay on Streets at
Various Locations - Project PW 88 -3.
Award contract to the low bidder, Shawnan Corporation, in the amount of
15 Request from the Fire Department for replacement of three radios
Approve allocation of funds and purchase of portable radios.
16. Request to furl Lapel Pin Program portion of Seat Belt Grant, with
Glendale Police Department through the National Highway and Transportation
Acrencv Grant funded proiect•$2 225 00
Approve purih of 1,500 lapel pins - "Seat Belts -A Way of Life."
18. Warrants Nos. 14150 -14385 on Demand Register Summary Number 24 in total
amount of $685.869.26
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks: checks released early due to
contracts or agreements: Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
19. Warrants Nos. 14391 -14611 on Demand Register Summary Number 25 in total
amount of $1,372,460.67
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to
contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
City Manager Fred Sorsabal removed item numbers 9, 10 and 17 for discussion.
Councilman West NDVED, Mayor Pro Tem Dannen SECNDED to approve the
remaining items listed under the Consent Agenda. KA'ION OMEM $Y
Council Minutes
June 7, 1988
�• �� •r .ya n5 i1
10. Revocation of taxi cab license issued to METPOCFIDC[0;R CAB COMPANY.
City Attorney Dolley stated the advised action to be taken is to suspend
rather than revocate. The required insurance requirements had not been met.
Mayor Pro Ten Danner MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to suspend the
the insurance requirements are met. MATON CARRIED BY iHrQNDES VOICE VOM.
17. Reinstatement of taxi cab license to American Transportation, dba AM-PM
Taxi, etc., 15321 S. Figueroa Street, Carden, CA 90248.
Approve under the following terms and conditions:
1. File with the City, and thereafter keep in full force and effect,
evidence of insurance as approved by the City Attorney. ECKC 5-16-
2. Insurance to include evidence of the actual vehicles insured. Only
those vehicles will be allowed to operate in the City.
3. Submit these (insured) vehicles and drivers for the proper
inspection by the traffic authority, ME 5 -16 -420.
4. That the above terms and cognitions will be met before re- instating
5. That while operating this business, this applicant shall conform
with and abide by the provisions of the code of this City and such
other regulations as the Chief of Police may prescribe.
City Attorney Dolley recommended that Council remove this item from the
agenda and take no action.
Steve Npimand, Attorney for American n nsportaticn Taxi, Inc. stated his
client had supplied the proper documents. Mr. Neimarnd urged Council to
approve this item as approval on the Consent Agenda would not reinstate the
license but would avoid a hardship of delay for his client.
Mayor Pro Ten Dannen pMTD, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to remove the item
fr=n the agenda and take no action. =Ct7 CARRIED BY DNANIhD[S VOICE VOTE.
1. Liability Insurance Administration transfer of service from Self
Insurers Service to Colen and Lee, effective June 15, 1988.
City Manager Fred Sorsaba7 stated that based on the information regarding
Colen and Lee, and the City's inmiediate need to maintain quality service in
this area, the Finance staff has been directed to commence liability claims
administration with the firm of Colen and Lee, effective June 15, 1988.
Councilman West MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Danner SECONDED to ratify the City
Managers direction. M1 TON CARRIED BY UNANI14O0S VOICE VOTE.
Council Minutes
J13M 7, 1988
117 i � � 18.\ M r. 1 CC.' •• c•
t _ • l � �_ - t�-n • • r
City Manager Fred Sorsabal ,..ham r that Council adopt the resolution
approving parcel map, accepting street dedication and approving Subdivision
Improvement Agreement; Agreement Affecting Real Property; Declaration of
Cross-Easements and Fire Life Safety Easement Agreement. Manager Sorsabal
stated the agrees are satisfactory to the City.
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following
Mayor Pro Ten Danner MOM, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to waive further
reading and adopt. MOTION allMM BY UHMMUM VOICE.
3. Letter from Martin and Juliette Smilo requesting City Council approval
to reconnect an electrical line overhead at 109 Sheldon Street.
City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated a letter bad been received from Martin and
Juliette Smilo requesting reconnection of an electrical line overhead at 109
Sheldon Street. Manager Sorsabal stated underground wiring is possible to a
pole approximately 30' from the rear property line. Cost estimates run
between $2,000 and $3, 000. Manager Sorsabal concluded by r'ecomnerdirg
Council approve the request to connect service to 109 Sheldon overhead,
providing underground conduit is installed from the electrical service panel
to the rear property line.
Mayor Pro Tam Ian nen MOVED, Councilman West SECCNDED to accept the City
Manager's recommendation. MOTION CARRIED BY UMTI M VOICE VOLE.
4. Request for date to interview applicants for Planning Commission
It was the consensus of Council to coordinate possible dates at the June 13,
1988 Budget Study Session.
5. Presentation of 1988 -89 Budget.
It was the consensus of Council to hold Budget Study Sessions on June 13 and
14, 1988.
City Manager Fred Sorsabal gave a summary of the 1988 -89 Budget stating that
it was a legal and balanced budget totalling $29,232,902. Manager Sorsabal
stated the budget has increased 6.6% from the 1987 budget. Recommendation of
four new positions (2 full -time, 2 part-time) were mentioned as well as an
attempt to increase sales tax. Manager Sorsabal concluded by stating that
the budget is a workable plan, although it lacks elasticity in the revenue.
If the budget is to be cut any further it would require a cut in labor
(employees) and that might prove detrimental as the City has continued a
current level of service for a rnumber of years.
lJP, � IJy.� MYY YU'A�18102:��ID
Council Minutes
June 7, 1988
South Bay steering Committee will be sending an assessment letter requesting
-Co7milnan Clutter
- Councilman West
Gave a brief report on the Independent Cities Association meeting.
-Mayor Pro Tem Darman
Attended the league of California Cities meeting and stated there is a grave
concern regarding hazardous waste and traffic and a new interest in the LAX
-Mayor Jacobson
Attended Sanitation Commission meeting.
1. Discussion and possible amendment to the General Plan Citizens Advisory
COM ittee Report dated April 20, 1987 and adopted by the City Council on
December 1, 1987 regarding:
a. The future of the multi - family residential area west of C -3 -W and
east of the open space strip on Washington Street (pg. 7, Policy 4,
paragraph 2).
Mayor Pro Tem Danner MOVED, Councilman Clutter SE03MM to remove on pg. 7:
paragraph 2 under Policy 4 in its entirety. PL1i 7W CUWED BY 7M FaMJP ING
Fbr the district located between Sepulveda Boulevard on the east and
the Edison open space and utility corridor on the west, give support to
developments with a combination of residential eommexcial and office
AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Darman and Mayor Jacobson
NOES: Councilmen Anderson and West
b. MXXYtragement of townhouse condominiums on two-family sites. (pg. 4,
Policy 2, paragraph 2) .
Mayor Jacobson asked for consideration of the deletion of pg. 4, Policy 2,
Paragraph 2.
Council discussion ensued.
Mayor Pro Tem Dannen M=, Councilman Clutter SEA to remove on page 4,
paragraph 2 under Policy 2. MXTON allMM BY TAP. POLiOWING VOICE VOM:
Encourage townhouse style ownership housing types, as well as rentals,
on existing two-family sites.
AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Danner and Mayor Jaodoson
NOES: Councilmen Anderson and West
m3uc ccmwC'liTIC8i5 (City business onlv-B minute limit) - NOS
Council Minutes
June 7, 1988
ABBIE RRIrt M M MK, a lifelong resident, died May 26 at age 69.
DC%CUh( TMnSE HELSOM, a 31year resident, died May 7 at age 58.
PAUL FTn7TM► SEDAFF, a 44 -year resident, died May 26 at age 67.
ARTB3NY C. MX9%, a 34 year resident of El Segundo, died May 28 at age 60.
Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be
held on the following matters:
GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pen ina litigation)
GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation)
3 matters
GC 54956.9(c) (city might decide to initiate litigation)
3 matters
Personnel Matters
2 matters
At the hour of 9:45 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for Closed
At 11:25 p.m. City Attorney Dolley entered the Council Chambers and
announced that Council had Voted 5/0 to add another item under GC 54956.9(C)
the item total four.
At 11:45 p.m. Council reconvened in the chambers with all answering roll
call. City Attorney Dolley announced that Council had approved a close -art
agreement between the City and Westinghouse Electric CcgwV. The purpose of
the agreement is to set forth the mutually agreed responsibilities of the
City and Westinghouse for the ompletion of the Project )mown as the
"Furnishing of Equipment for the Hydroelectric Facility" at WB-28, pursuant
to the agreement between the City and Westinghouse dated August 7, 1984.
Councilman Anderson MNM, Mayor Pro Tem narnen SECON= to approve. MDTICK
Mayor Pro Tem Dannen stated that the purpose of the agreement was so the
City could not only operate but also test the facility.
At the hour of 12:01 a.m. Council adjourned to June 13, at 6:30 p.m. for the
purpose of a Budget Study Session.
IT Ja 6 d: :a M9Y M 5: d
Council Minutes
June 7, 1988