1988 JUL 19 CC MIN!�1 �De 1�11� M9M •• M■ 171 1�4
CALL TO OMM by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 p.m.
IW,XX CK given by Rev. David Tin000, United Methodist Church
1. Mayor ProTem Dannen proclaimed July 25 -31, 1988 Municipal Treasurer's
Councilman Anderson
- present
Councilman Clutter
- present
Councilman West
- present
Mayor Prdrem Dannen
- present
Mayor Jacobson
- present
R=C OMS7N OMCNS (City business only -5 mirnIte limit)
1. Discussion and letter by Virginia Gardens Homeowners Association (333
Virginia) regarding the following: eliminate parku19 in the west 300 block
of Grand on the north side; enforce zoning and parking laws in the alley
between Virginia and Whiting in the 300 block;traffic and parking study on
the 300 block of Virginia
Councilman Clutter stated there was no refuse visible and the parking
situation is not uncoumwn to alleys in the City. Councilman Clutter stated
the visibility for onocning traffic is poor and suggested an outside concern
be brought in to evaluate location in question as a possible traffic hazard.
Mayor PrdPezn Dannen asked that staff look at the traffic concerns and hire
an outside consultant to evaluate the area for proper zoning.
councilman West stated he would refrain from discussing or voting as his
name was mentioned in this matter.
Mayor Prdrem Danner MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to hire an outside
consultant to evaluate the area and have staff review the traffic issue.
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Danner and Mayor Jacobson
NOES: None
ABST'ENaONS: Councilman West
2. Brian O'Raltim. 627 Acacia St. spoke with regard to airport noise,
school busing and requested City staff xerox Proposition A guidelines and
made available to concerned citizens.
3. Rol UnWen 211 Virginia St expressed concern regarding the tree
opposite 223 and 225 Virginia that will be removed and asked that it be
Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
RMUC 0101MICATICNS (City business only -5 minute limit)
Councilman Clutter MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to consider this tree
removal as an urgency issue. M7TTCN C7MIED BY CRUITINDUS VOICE VOTE.
Recreation and Parks Director Bob Wynn informed Council the permit to remove
the tree was granted in April 1987 and stated the magnolia tree is regarded
as undesirable.
Mayor ProTem Danner MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to direct the City
Manager to temporarily stop the removal of this tree, cvmnuucate with the
property owner and report back to Council regarding the policies in
constructing and removing trees. MMJ[CN CMM BY UNANITUS VOICE VOTE.
4. Rich Reed, 414 W. Oak gave an update regarding his musical reform.
5. Barbara Christy, 223 W. Maple reported on the busing issue and publicly
thanked City Manager Sorsabal for his support.
City Manager Sorsabal briefly reported on the meeting with the parents,
Councilmeirbers and the School Board. Manager Sorsabal stated that Dr.
Bertain has given a $30,000 cost estimate for a "Shuttle System" that if the
Council desired could partly be obtained from the Federal Revenue Sharing
Account which is nonrestricted. This matter could be on a contractual basis
with the School District. The remainder of the funding could be provided by
the parents. Transportation is a greater problem for the years to cane and
needs to be considered not just for the coming year but for future years.
Manager Sorsabal stated that industry could be approached for matching
Mayor Prorem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SEOONDED to consider this
item as an urgency issue. M7I'ION CAR= BY UN K N D S VOICE VOTE.
Council discussion ensued regarding fund raising to support this issue
beyond this next year.
Mayor Prdrem Dannen proposed the City split the cost with the School
District and give $33,000.
Mayor Jacobson expressed concern regarding the proposed sum and stated any
funding will only be for this year.
Mayor PrdTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to provide the School
District up to a maximum of $30,000 for school bus service and encourage
residents and industry to provide fund raising for this project. MOTION
5. Jim gayir-ian, Owner of property at 212 Vircrinia Street expressed concern
regarding the nonremoval of the tree in question scheduled to be removed
July 20, 1988 and agreed to meet with the City Manager.
6. Frank Wong, 435 Valley provided additional information regarding the
school busing issue.
At the hour of 8:21 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 8:35 p.m. Council
reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering
roll call.
Council minutes
July 19, 1877
Jercme Ronsev. Vice President Division Affairs for Paraci n Cable 1511
Cravens Ave. Torrance gave a report regarding the rebuild of the 17 year old
City cable system. Mr. Ramsey stated they will be upgrading the system to a
60 channel capacity and improved reception. Representative Ramsey showed a
four minute tape to Council explaining the upgrade process. The upgrade is
scheduled to be corpleted by October 31, 1988 and no service interruptions
are expected during the upgrade process.
Mr. Ramsey stated his company would make a modest contribution of $500.00 to
the School District Busing fund.
Consensus of Council to received and filed.
2. Approve the Award of Tax Bid for the Sale of Tax and Revenue
Anticipation Notes in the Amount of $3.000.000.
Mr. Merselo, Representing Siedler- Fitzgerald stated that Council, at its
July 5, 1988 Council Meeting, had adopted a resolution to issue negotiable
notes in the amount of $3,000,000. Bids to purchase the notes were opened on
July 18, 1988 at 10:00 a.m. The fiscal impact is expected to generate
revenue from interest earned on investments. Mr. Merselo mended that
Council approve the award of Tax Bid for the sale of Tax and Revenue
Anticipation Notes in the amount of $3,000,000 by adopting the resolution
accepting Prudential Beige as the acceptable bidder and reject the remaining
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following
Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to waive further
Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to adopt. M3nON CARRIED
1. Mayor PrdPem Dannen gave a brief report regarding the Sister City Guaymas
visit and congratulated the new El Segundo Queen, Tiffany Lauder. Mayor
Ptdfen Dannen also stated there was a young man from Guaymas requesting to
spend a school year here in the City as an exchange student and asked
interested Citizens who might house this gentleman for a year to contact
himself or Nancy MoGraudy.
2. Transmittal of Planning Commission review and recommendation regarding
possible modification or revocation to CUP 87 -3 for expansion of Hyperion
Sewage Treatment Plant.
Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
• 11 it•'i1. ••. a•
Planning Director Lynn Harris stated the Planning Ccumission held a special
public hearing on June 30, 1988. Public testimony was received regarding
compliance with the conditional use permit for expansion of the Hyperion
Treatment Plant. Following this public hearing a study session was held on
July 7, 1988 to consider the testimony received. 'Ihe Planning Commission
discussed modifications to the conditional used permit in response to the
citizens and directed staff to prepare specific findings and conditions
which address these concerns. Director Harris concluded by stating the
Planning CcMission resolution no. 2220 has been submitted and suggested a
public hearing date for August 16, 1988.
City Attorney Dolley strongly suggested to Council that no public testimony
be heard with regard to this item until the Public Hearing.
Patti Paavnter. 920 Dime St. submitted an article to Council from the San
Francisco Chronicle, dated 7- 31 -88.
E.T. Carman, 3-1104 Orville. Culver City gave a brief synopsis of a
conversation he had with a hyperion representative (attorney) from the City
of Los Angeles.
Mayor Prdrem Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to set the public
hearing and discussion of possible modification and revocation of the
Conditional Use Permit for Hyperion (August 16, 1988). Refer for date change
All its listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and
passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the
item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of
3. Minutes from the Special MeetiM of City COuncilzJuly 5, 1988 -6:00 FM.
Approve as written
4. Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting -July 5. 1988 -7:00 PM
Approve as written
5. Warrants Nos. 10569 - 10593/15055 -15236 on Demand Register Summary Number
28 in total amount of 5164.247.73.
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to
contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
6. Warrants Nos. 15238 -15267 on Demand Register Summary Number 1 in total
amount of $589.297.28
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to
contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
Mayor Prorem Dannen requested item number 1 and Councilman Clutter requested
item number 2 be removed for discussion. Councilman West MD/ED, Councilman
Clutter SECONDED to approve the remaining items listed under the Consent
1. Storm Drain Pump Station No. 19.
Approve agreement with Harris and Associates for Professional Services in
connection with Storm Drain Pump Stations No 19.
Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
City Manager Sorsabal gave an explanation regarding the change in
professional services for this item.
Mayor Prdrem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECO= to approve item
number 1. ] D=Cff CATU= BY LR� VOICE V=.
2. Award of Contract of Bid for Expansion of Joslyn Center
Permit low Bidder- Smithwick- Driver Construction, Inc., to withdraw bid due
to error, reject remaining bids and authorize staff to work with architect
to modify plans.
Councilman Clutter expressed concern regarding the withdrawal of bids and
the cost of the bids submitted.
City Manager Sorsabal suggested meeting with the architect to discuss the
cost and procedure of the modifications prior to bid advertisement.
Mayor Jacobson asked staff to find out if the architect is paying for the
modification to the plans as it was their responsibility initially.
Mayor PrdPem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve item
I Z I D : 144 10 D4 MYY r4,Fe HiC
1. Letter regarding Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan.
Planning Director, Lynn Harris reported on the Hazardous Waste Management
Plan. Ms. Harris stated the plan is cross jurisdictional and enccupasses E1
Segundo as a suitable site for Hazardous Waste site. The City has opposed
the plan at all levels. There are several ways for a City to refute a County
plan of this nature. The City has already begun the first step which is to
involve the community. The City can refute through a political process; at a
technical staff level as this was produced by the County Department of
Public Works in response to a state mandate. The fourth way is to get
neighboring jurisdictions to participate and provide assistance. The fourth
alternative is the key issue, Director Harris stated, because a state
mandated project cannot be adopted unless a majority of the cities within
the jurisdiction are in favor of it. The final recourse is through legal
action. Staff recxmmiendation is to use every avenue to refute this project.
Council discussion ensued.
Mike Mohajer, P.E. Supervising Civil Engineer III, Waste Management
Division, Ins Angeles County Department of Public Works stated any
documentation must be received by his department by October 1, 1988 or an
extension can be requested to provide an additional four months extending
the due date to February 1, 1989.
Mayor Prdrem Dannen expressed concern regarding this matter and suggested
looking at our codes with regard to the current regulations within our own
City Manager Sorsabal stated the City does need to "tighten up" the
procedures regarding codes in Hazardous Waste ding. Manager Sorsabal
suggested Director Harris provide Council with suggestions for possible
revisions in this area.
asked Mr. Iitzenberg for examples of Hazard Waste Plants.
Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
Mr. litzenberg BCL Associates, Inc., President, 5702 Bolsa Avenue,
Huntington Beach stated that the item in question is a planning document
that states there must be sanething done with regard to Hazardous Waste.
This is the County's attempt to reply to the states request. Mr. Litzenberg
stated that E1 Segundo would be an impractical site for a major Hazardous
Waste facility but there are six different types of facilities. Because the
City is designated as a manufacturing city, it automatically becomes part of
the plan for consideration. Although when the discretionary permits are
brought to task a potential site might be considered a risk to residents
because of zoning conditions.
Mayor Prdrem Dannen and Councilman West expressed deep concern and stated
the City has already filled its need for a Hazardous Waste site by having
the Hyperion as part of the City.
Mr. Litzenbeng stated that waste generated in this city or neighboring areas
must be the responsibility of those cities generating the waste. Ultimately
the waste must go somewhere.
Mike Mohajer stated the sites in question are the only sites that could be
considered for a Hazard Waste site. A citizen advisory oamnittee would be
established and a consultant hired to assist the City should the plan choose
E1 Segundo as a site. There was 616 thousand tons of Hazard Waste shipped
out of Los Angeles in 1986 Mr. Mohajer stated and some 49 thousand tons were
from E1 Segundo alone.
Mayor Jacobson opened the discussion to the public.
1. Dian O'itourke, 627 W. Ma osa stated the city cannot let "State
Override Powers" occur.
2. Jim Cahoon, 337 Fhhitincx expressed concern regarding the criteria used by
the County and the percentage of cities designated for site disposal.
3. Kathy Balker, 543 Penn St. stated we have enough hazard waste sites
present in the city. Presented Council with petitions urging the stoppage of
this plan.
4. Frank Wom, 435 Valley opposed the waste site.
5. Roseann Cahoon. 337 Whiting was against the plan.
6. Gail Church, 406 Virginia asked if we would truck in nuclear waste.
Mayor Prdrem Dannen read a description of Hazard Waste.
Mike Mohajer, stated the plan in question does not include nuclear waste.
City Attorney Dolley suggested this item be considered under Closed Session.
It was the consensus of Council to indicate to the County that the City will
do what is necessary to negate a Hazardous Waste Site and proceed with all
avenues to refute this matter as outlined by Lynn Harris, Planning Director.
At the hour of 10:43 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 10:58 p.m.
Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and
answering roll call.
Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
I 110.7m. 114VI 1• Cp• •• a•
2. Implementation of Superblock pedestrian/bicycle /light rail transit
improvements (Capital Improvement Procrram Project #SH85 -8).
City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated that seven large scale developments in the
Superblock area contain conditions of approval requiring financial
contributions (total $750,000,00) for pedestrian, bicycle improvements in
the area. These conditions date from 1982 and are single purpose
assessments; that is, they can only be collected from the developer if the
City proceeds to implement the capital project or projects envisioned. The
conditions contain an expiration date of Fall, 1988. Manager Sorsabal
concluded by stating the project cost is $850,000,00 and staff requests
direction to proceed in order to begin discussion of alternatives that meet
the purpose of the conditions of approval and to put the developer on notice
of intention to implement the project. Upon direction, staff will prepare a
series of alternatives to implement the lirprovements and schedule a public
hearing to assist Council in their selection.
Mayor PrdPem Carmen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to proceed with
staff's direction. MOPION CARRIED By UNANimms WILE Vt71E.
3. Presentation of Memorandum of Understanding Between the El Segundo
Police Officer's Association and City of E1 Segundo and Compensation
Adjustments for Police Trainees.
Mayor ProTem Dannen M0VED, Councilman West SECONDED to receive and file the
Memorandum of Understanding and Compensation Adjustments for Police
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following:
IMPIM2MNG A MEMORANDUM OF •E•.. • 1 ar •• •• cotta
a.• • • I •r • ►m • 5 ar •• ••
Ivl• OvIi��W�. ��.vlyi ._M •,� e!1 ylvli 11. •1•: L• y 4u.1 71>.
Councilman Anderson MOVED, Mayor Prdren Dannen SECONDED to waive further
Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to adopt. MOTT(%7
3. Memorandum of understanding with the General Employees.
City manager Sorsabal that in consideration of time and cost to the City
this matter needs to be considered as an urgency issue in Closed Session.
Mayor ProT�em Dannen MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to consider this item as
an urgency item. FMC K CM= BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VC7iE.
4. Sewer Limitation ordinance
City Attorney Dolley suggested this item be considered under Closed Session
due to possible litigation.
It was the consensus of Council to discuss this matter in Closed Session,
but directed the City Manager to proceed with the necessary filing reports
regarding the subject matter.
Council Minutes
July 1988
1? L.4 1, 1 D.M. M •;'i 1 •
.•t. 1\.M■ uIDYI PD4a G'JIS•.;�M _ .1• CID••'Y YID\II1 Y •'\�
-Councilmrcm Clutter
1. City's Participation in the South Bay Commuter Transportation
Implementation Plan (CrIP) as approved by Council at the June 21, 1988 City
Council Meeting.
Councilman Clutter felt that an alternative to this Plan world be to
implement a transportation system within our own commmity. Councilman
Clutter wanted to reevaluate our participation in the CTIP and further
commented there might be a way to build a case to use the Proposition A
funds for use within the City.
Mayor Jacobson stated a Shuttle of this nature was exhausted a few years
back when the City tried to Shuttle employees of industry. The ridership
proved low and proved unwieldy for the City.
Councilman Clutter suggested the City might consider using 30- minute parking
Mayor ProTem Dannen suggested having a bus run every ten- minutes from the
east to the west side of town during the high peak noon hour traffic.
Mayor PrcTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECO= to withdraw from the
South Bay Commuter Implementation Program.
Motion died since Councilman Clutter did not make a motion to rescind the
- Coumriluan West - NONE
-Mayor Prdi1® Dannen
1. West Coast Basin Barrier Project - Disposal
Mayor Prdrem Dannen asked if the City has-the legal right to confiscate
vehicles or arrest employees if the county is operating within City limits
without a permit. Mayor PruTem Dannen asked if this item might be used as a
bargaining tool with the County.
City Attorney Dolley stated he would report back at the next meeting with
regard to this matter.
City Manager Sorsabal stated staff has researched the revenue impacts of
several different alternatives for action related to changes in the
Transient Occupancy Tax. Among these potential changes are: 1) Raising the
rate by 2 %; 2) Eliminate the exception to the 5% cap on permanent residents
other than individuals which would impact the Hacienda Hotel only; 3)Allcw
exemptions for permanent residents only if they are individuals who
continuously occupy a roan for more than 30 days; 4) Eliminate entirely the
exemption for those occupying a room for greater than 30 days; 5) Exempt
Federal or State employees from the Transient Occupancy Tax only if they are
on official business and only if the government agency with which they are
affiliated will be directly billed or provides a voucher. The following
increase in revenue would result:
Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
10I DI -1011 U WO ,u
11000V O11 O��a.i is
Increase rate to 10% (2% increase)
Eliminate exception to 5% Cap on Permanent Residents
Allow individuals only to qualify as Permanent Residents
Eliminate exception for Permanent Residents
Exempt government employees only if paid by agency
Increase to 105, eliminate permanent resident
exemption, req. direct payment by govt. agencies
City Attorney Dolley has advised the City that each of these changes would
have to be approved by the voters before they could take effect. If Manager
Sorsabal continued by stating that if the Council wished to implement any of
the suggested changes, staff reaonm)ends against placing them on the November
general election ballot. The November ballot is quite full with 20 or more
State propositions in addition to the Presidential election and State
legislative offices. Manager Sorsabal concluded by stating it might be best
to consider this under a special election in January, 1989
1. Mvrun E. Harpole. President 525 Sepulveda, Hacienda Hotel expressed
concern over the proposed raise in tax rate. Mr. Harpole suggested
reconsideration of the other taxes levied on industry as opposed to
overtaxing one area to raise revenue. Mr. Harpole urged Council to consider
other avenues and direct the City Manager to discuss with other businesses
these issues.
Council discussion continued regarding this issue.
Mayor PrdDemm Dannen asked that the original document be read that Council
passed in 1987.
City Manager Sorsabal stated Council has successfully provided a
"Grandfather Clause" to the hotel industry.
Mayor PrdI)em Dannen asked what benefit the City would gain if that clause
were rescinded.
City Attorney Dolley stated If completely rescinded it would eliminate any
tax levied on individuals who stayed more than 30 days.
It was the consensus of Council to discuss this matter in Closed Session.
Asked staff to investigate the possibility of using Prop. A funds for an
employee shuttle.
PUBLIC COWWNICATICNS- (City lusin—.c gnly-5 miTRite limit)
1. Dave Vindillan, 727 W. Pine expressed concern regarding the vibrations
created by the Hyperion.
2. E.F. Corman, 11104 Orville St. GUlver City expressed concern for the City
of E1 Segundo and stated he has had dealings with the Los Angeles County
building a bridge behind his house. The construction caused considerable
3. Diane Gold, 727 W. Pine expressed concern regarding the construction and
asked what kind of recourse do residents have between now and the proposed
public hearing.
City Manager Sorsabal suggested the individual contact the City of Los
Angeles and their claim procedure.
Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
111131/1 C•jHu u I1J Ys Y •..�. ••u
City Attorney Dolley stated this item is also listed as an item under Closed
Mayor Jacobson announced the following memorials:
EDI'!Ii I.SARFI. RISHDFF, a 25 -year resident of El Segundo, died July 8 at age
DOROTHY EIAINE SEM, a 30 -year resident, died July 6 at age 65.
RDBERr "BEN" FiOYD, JR., a 40 -year resident, died June 23 at age 74.
Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be
held on the following matters:
GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pending litigation)
0 matters
GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation)
3 matters
GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation)
0 matters
GC 54957 Personnel matters
0 matters
GC 54957.6 Employee Grom Negotiations
1 matters
GC 54956.8 Real Estate Negotiations
0 matters
GC 54956.7 Challenaina Licensee
Council adjourned to Closed Session at 12:55 AM. Council reconvened at 2:30
A4 with all members present with the exception of Councilman West; City
Attorney Dolley announced the following actions taken by Council:
1. Directed Staff to attempt to provide proper notice of a Public Hearing
on the revocation and /or amendment of the Hyperion CUP with the idea of
being on the next Council Agenda- August 2, 1988.
2. MDU with General Employees-
City Attorney read the title of the following:
RESOLUPION 140. 3548
Mayor Prdi'em Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SEWNDED to receive and file
subject item, waive further reading and adopt resolution and authorize the
City Manager to implement provisions of the MOU: Administrative Code. MOTI�T
Council Minutes
July 19, 1988
rNffe.10411I : rr. u
3. Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor Prdrem Dannen SECONDED to have staff draw
up a draft of changes or alternatives to our present transient tax
exemptions and present to Council as soon as possible. H=CK CAIWED EX TM
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
ABSERr: Councilman West
1 • :• a 111111, 111PI a• •• a• •. a• • • • �• • 1 ••
At the hour of 2:24 a.m. Council adjourned.
Ww• a b a
Council Minutes
July 19, 1988