1988 JAN 19 CC MINtioeu z U. w W W41LO ai "wm Ili DIMI Z .�- •a
CALL TO wit at 7:00 PM by Mayor Jack E. Siadek
iNvo cK given by City Clerk, Ronald L. Hart
PLEDGE OF AILB31ANCE led by Bob Drean, Member of Recreation & Parks
1. Interim City Manager, Fred Sorsabal Introduced New Management
Employees: Judy Michelle Scavo, Ronald R. Green and Lee Michael "Mike"
L nsford.
2. Mayor Siadek proclaimed February as American History Month.
Councilman Anderson - present
Councilman Jacobson -present
Councilman West -present
Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt -present
Mayor Siadek - present
1. Rich Reed 414 W. Oak hoped that our school district could be inspired
by other agencies to try innovative teaching systems with regard to music.
2. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Qaurt requested clarification marring the
utility user tax and the trash refuse fee. Mr. Martin asked if they were
"tied" together.
Mayor Siadek reassured Mr. Martin that each was a separate issue and were in
no way "tied" together.
3. Thomas Jolly, 352 Loma Vista feels the sewer user tax impacts the
residential community more than business.
1. PUBLIC HEARING-88 Unit TowrJ � Condominium mi ni umm Project -1315 E. Grand Avenue
Request for Environmental Clearance and Project Approval to Construct
an 88 Unit Townhouse Condominium Project located at 1315 East Grand Avenue
on a 3.9 Aare Site. The Proposed Project would Implement the Floating Zone
for Medium Density Residential Development in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan
Area. The Proposal Includes a Variance Rat to Exceed Wall Heights,
Allow Parking Encroachments into Required Front and Side Yards, and Permit
Vehicular Assess on Grand Avenue; and a Subdivision Request to Create
Condominium Ownership -for the Proposed Tomgmuses. A Proposed Negative
Declaration of Environmental Impact has been Prepared. (Smoky Hollow Site
Plan 87- 4,Subdivision 87- 6/Tentative Tract Map Number 44764, Variance 87-8 -
Zone Change 87 -2) Applicant : E.S.Developmnt.
8/Environmental Assessment EA -1381.
Mayor Siadek announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for
the Public Hearing on the 88 Unit Proposed Townhouse Project at 1315 E.
Grand Avenue. Mayor Siadek asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk
Ron Hart stated notice of the Hearing was published in a proper and timely
manner. Mayor Siadek asked if any written communication had been received.
City Clerk Ron Hart stated no written cammamication had been received.
January 19, 1988
a. • ... c• a• 1 - • I
Director Lynn Harris informed Council that the Planning Department had
received an application to construct an 88 -unit townhouse -style oondani„ium
project at 1315 Fast Grand Avenue on a 3.91 acre site currently zoned Medium
Manufacturing (D". She explained to Council that the application requests
to implement the Medium Density Residential Floating Zone in the Smoky
Hollow Specific Plan (SHIP) area; and the SHIP requires Council approval to
put into affect the floating residential zone. The planning Camussion
approved the project with revisions agreed to by the applicant. Ms. Harris
mended to Council that they approve the proposed plan for the 88
townhouses and adopt the facts and findings as outlined in Planning
Commission Resolution No. 2197 and take the following actions:
- Certify a Negative Declaration of Ftivircrroental Impact for
Environmental Assessment EA -138 subject to the 39 mitigation measures
outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. 2197
Approve Zone Quange 87 -2 and Smoky Hollow Site Plan 87 -4 as modified
by the mitigation measures subject to the 8 conditions outlined in
Planning C=mission Resolution No. 2197
Approve Subdivision 87-6 (Tentative Tract Map No. 44764) as amen to
include dedication along Grand Avenue.
Approve the variance requests to exceed wall heights and permit
vehicular acoess on Grand Avenue.
-Deny the variance request to allow parking encroacimlent into front and
side yards.
Mayor Siadek opened the Public Hearing to citizen input.
1. Jim Clutter. 441 Kansas felt the project was too dense for the proposed
area and asked Caulcil to oonsider future change in overlay zoning.
It was the consensus of Council to close the public hearing.
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following:
AN ORDINANCE OF / 1 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, v iii: i• Ma •a i 1�' \
PLAN 87-4, J• • 11 VARIANCE REQUESTS T• 71 «71711 WALL
City Attorney Dolley stated that all Planning C=u-ssicn revisions had been
included in the ordinance.
Mayor Pro Tem Sduildt • 711 Councilman 8••. E
Mayor reading. NMON CA1;R= BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VM. Councilman West MWED,
• Schuldt SEMNDED to introduce the proposed ordinance. •
City Attorney Dolley stated that this Ord1nanlZe would be brought back at the
February 2, 1988 City Cbuncil Meeting for a secIond reading and adoption.
council Minutes
January 19, 1988
2. PUBLIC HEARDIG- Byperion Treatment Plant Expansion tisnued frffi December
1, 1987 and December 15, 1987 City Council Meetirris.
Request to allow construction of a new Primary Sedimentation Tank
partially located within the Open Space (OS) zone at the Hyperion Sewage
Treatment Plant at 12000 Vista Del Mar at the border of the El Segundo and
I.os Angeles City limits. Approximately six percent, or 4,610 sq. ft. of the
tank will be within the City of El Segundo. The application also includes
constriction of retaining walls, site grading and utilities proposed in
conjunction with the construction of the sedimentation tank and the future
expansion of the secondary clarifier at the southeast end of the plant. The
project has been granted environmental clearance by the City of Ics Angeles
as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is
included in the certified Environmental fact Report prepared for the
Hyperion Secondary Treatment Plant dated May 24, 1976 (Environmental
Assessment EA-136/Conditional Use Permit 87- 3.)Appli.cant : City of Los
Angeles Public Works Department
Mayor Siadek announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for
the continued Public Hearing on the Hyperion Treatment Plant Extension.
Mayor Siadek asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart
stated notice of the Hearing was published in a proper and timely manner.
Mayor Siadek asked if any written co a un+i cation had been received. City
Clerk Ron Hart stated that a letter from the County of Los Angeles and a
menu from Personnel Director, Fred Weiner regarding a rat frtm Gerhardt
Van Drie had been received. Mayor Siadek stated those files would become
part of the hearing.
The Mayor referred to City Manager, Fred Sorsa--al .
City Manager Fred Sorsabal referred to Lynn Harris, Director of Planning.
Director of Planning, Lynn Harris presented Council with a report on the
Hyperion Expansion which included background information, project
description and Planning C onni «ion action, an analysis of all pertinent
materials, and a staff recocmendation.
Director Harris reminded Council that they had instructed staff to work with
the City of Los Angeles in addressing citizen concerns in reference to odor
control, potential construction damage claims, vibration and public beach
access. She submitted a letter from the Department of Public works, City of
Ins Angeles, that indicated the applicant's conplianoe with a schedule of
proposed improvements, including the installation of odor control equipment;
to include the City of El Segundo in any compensation which may arise out of
construction damage claims.
Ms. Harris stated a prime importance r}ance to El Segundo, is the timing of the
odor control improvements and mitigation of other potential odor problem
areas. She euphasized a related concern is the level of environmental
impact E1 Segundo has received in the past and will continue to receive in
the short term future until the odor control improvements are installed and
fully operational. She stated in conclusion that these significant impacts
cause El Segundo residents to bear the highest level of impact and nuisance
when canpared to all the other Hyperion users, and made the following
recommendations to Council:
Adopt resolution approving Conditional use Permit 87 -3, subject to
additional conditions which incorporate the agreements outlined in
the December 8, 1987 letter from the City Engineer of the City of
Los Angeles and the following:
- request a commitment from Ios Angeles that no sperm -air sludge
drying beds will be used at any time including periodic digester
- request commitment requiring odor scrubbing equipment.
Council Minutes
January 19, 1988
-in recognition of El Segur do's high level of odor impacts, other
environmental impacts, and related short-tern lion
impacts, request that the City of Las Angeles assist in the
funding of El Segundo's share of the projected cost of the
Hyperion Improvements until 1997.
Mayor siadek opened the public hearing to citizen input.
1. Gerhardt Van Drie, 725 W. Pine expressed concern over specific beach
acce s between Scattergood and the Hyperion Plant.
2. Ruth Bixler, 733 Pine Avenue asked the specific times assigned for
cxa6 cticn.
Councilman Anderson stated from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
3. Carol Wimate. 337 Hillcrest asked for clarification regarding the
"points" given by Planning Director, Lynn Harris.
4. Patty Pavnter. 920 Dune St. asked for specific dates regarding the
removal of the odors, the scrubbers placanent and the removal of the heavy
5. Ara Avak, 731 W. Pine asked if any provision had been given for the E1
Segundo Blue.
6. Robert, S. Horii, City M=iner. Department of Public Works. City of
Los Arweles stated the scrubbers are expected to be in place by March of
1988. Beach access had not been provided between Scattergood and the
Hyperion because of the potential liability but access can be sought at
Grain Avenue from the residential sector. 'Ilse odor and scrubbers should be
taken care of as bids are opened, accepted and contractors have obtained
their lip. Mr. Horii also stated that the "Heavy Metals" are regulated
by the state. The odors, he stated have been a process of elimination and
have been dealt with as quickly as possible. Mr. Horii concluded by saying
there had been no provision for the El Segundo Blue because the Hyperion
Plant had not been identified as a site.
Councilman West expressed concern aver the odors.
7. Madelyn Bennett, 770 W. Irverial asked Council to consider the right of
passage to the E1 Segundo Blue.
8. Gerhardt Van Drie. 724 W. Pine asked Council to postpone their decision
for another six months.
Mayor Siadek closed the public hearing to public input.
City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following:
•J y. • d W •' • 611 R as NAN • 1 1 M
-f -cis -1-1 5EPECU _V4zIVXj2LI
AT 111 V= DEL MAR; •: 7i• BY TM M
OF •. e=el >.
council Minutes
January 19, 1988
In addition to the above reading, City Attorney Dolley stated," as a part of
that resolution, specifically on page 3, under item 7, we will incorporate
by reference, and require that the City of I.os Angeles live up to and follow
all of those items contained in the December 8, 1987 letter which was
discussed in length by the Mayor here. And in addition incorporated as
condition of the approval are all the conditions of the Planning Cam u ssicn,
as well as recommended and as contained in the resolution ; and as well as
those conditions 1,2,and 3 under reports of Ms. Harris, page 2 January 18,
1988, those three items which would also be conditions which were discussed
this evening and a motion to waive further reading would be in order, at
this time."
• • -JI • • •' 711 - 7•• k 111711 11111 11 • - - -.•
• ! Y• •1711 II h 1 •1. ••Y' i•J �'
Councilman West felt that it is Council's duty to protect citizens from
people of this nature. Councilman West urged his colleagues to oppose the
Hyperion request.
Councilman Jacobson stated that the situation with the "City11 has changed
financially. They are now in a position to resolve many of probleis.
However, Councilman Jacobson stated, it is still not in a final form.
Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt M7VED, Councilman Anderson SEC=ZD to adopt the
resolution as amended. "=CN CARRIED BY TM FO ICWDU VOICE V=:
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Sctmldt and Mayor Siadek
For clarification of the full, and exact contents of this motion and
resolution, Pasolution No. 3513 as adapted is included in these official
minutes, on the following pages 6-9.
council Minutes
January 19, 1988
WHEREAS, an application has been received from the City of
Los Angeles to construct a new primary sedimentation tank,
retaining walls, utilities and site grading to allow expansion of
the Hyperion Sewage Treatment Plant at 12000 Vista Del Mar, a
portion of which is located within the Open Space Zone of the
City of E1 Segundo; and.
WHEREAS, Environmental Impact Report for the proposed
improvements was prepared and certified by the City of Los
Angeles as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality
Act on September 28, 1982, copies of which were distributed to
the Planning Commission for review; and
WHEREAS, the City Council did hold, pursuant to law, a duly
advertised public hearing on such matter in the Council Chamber
of the City Hall, 350 Main Street, in the City of E1 Segundo on
November 3, 1987 and notice of said hearing was given in the
time, form and manner prescribed by law; and
WHEREAS, opportunity was given to all persons to present
testimony or documentary evidence for or against proposed
Conditional Use Permit 87 -3, and extensive public testimony was
received regarding odor, noise, views, dust, air emissions,
location of the digester gas line, construction impacts and
pedestrian access; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the Certified
Environmental Impact Report and supporting evidence in accordance
with the authority and criteria contained in the California
Environmental Quality Act, State CEQA Guidelines and the City of
El Segundo Guidelines for the Implementation of the California
Environmental Quality Act (Resolution No. 3319) for a responsible
permitting agency; and
WHEREAS, at said hearing the following facts and findings
were established:
1. The proposed project involves construction of a new primary
sedimentation tank, retaining walls up to 40 feet in height,
installation of utilities, and site grading for the future
construction of the secondary clarifiers for the Hyperion
Sewage Treatment Plant expansion. Approximately six
percent, or 4,610 sq. ft. of the 73,000 sq. ft.
sedimentation tank and roughly 50% of the retaining walls
for the sedimentation tank will be located within the City
of E1 Segundo. Portions of the additional site grading,
utility connections, service roads and construction of
retaining walls for the secondary clarifier - expansion will
also be located within the City of E1 Segundo.
2. The portion of the project within the
located within the Open Space Zone,
facilities and similar uses through
approval by the City Council.
City of E1 Segundo is
which allows utility
: onditional Use Permit
Council Minutes
January 19, 1988
3. The Open Space Zone establishes a height limit of twenty
feet, with additional height allowable through granting a
conditional use permit.
4. The Land Use Element of the General Plan designates the site
as Open Space use within the E1 Segundo city limits, and as
an Area of Concern within the Los Angeles city limits.
5. The City of E1 Segundo, as a permitting agency for the
project, is a Responsible Agency under the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and participated in the
review and comment of the Environmental Impact Report which
was prepared by the City of Los Angeles and certified in
September 1982.
6. The surrounding land uses within the City of E1 Segundo are
developed in accordance with their respective zone
designations of Open Space to the east which is utilized as
an Open Space buffer and utility transmission line right -of-
way, with single - family residences beyond. Land uses in all
other directions are within the City of Los Angeles and
consist of the airport to the north across Imperial Highway;
Dockweiler State Beach to the west across Vista Del Mar, and
the Scattergood Steam Plant to the south with the Chevron
Refinery beyond across Grand Avenue.
7. The proposed new primary sedimentation tank will be covered
and equipped with odor scrubbers to reduce odor emissions.
8. The proposed use is consistent with the Open Space and Area
of Concern designations to the General Plan Land Use Map and
is otherwise consistent with all other elements of the
General Plan.
9. The proposed use is consistent with the intent of the Open
Space Zone to accommodate necessary public facilities which
service the City of E1 Segundo and surrounding communities.
10. Significant environment impacts regarding noise, dust,
odors, air emissions and construction impacts of the project
are the responsibility of the City of Los Angeles to enforce
and are adequately addressed by conditions of approval which
have been coordinated with the City of E1 Segundo Building
and Safety Department and Public Works Department.
11. The excess height of the retaining walls is necessary to
insure the stability of the transmission towers and
reconfigured slope, will not be visible to adjacent
residences to the east, and the view of the walls will be
screened or softened by architectural treatment and
SECTION 1. The City Council hereby approves the
Conditional Use Permit 87 -3 and Environmental Assessment No. 136
for expansion of the Hyperion Sewage Treatment Plant at 12000
Vista Del Mar, subject to the following conditions:
(1) The proposed improvements shall be constructed in
substantial compliance with the site plans and elevations
reviewed by the Planning Commission and on file in the
Council Minutes
January 19, 1988
Planning Department. Additional landscape plans shall be
submitted which provide median landscaping, including street
trees, along Imperial Highway running the length of the
Hyperion Treatment Plant frontage, subject to approval of
the Director of Planning and Director of Recreation and
Parks. Median landscaping shall -be installed by December
31, 1992.
(2) The applicant shall minimize construction impacts by
requiring that the following procedures be specified and
adhered to in construction contracts:
(a) Construction activity shall be limited to the hours of
7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Monday through Saturday in
conformance with City Noise regulations.
(b) Construction equipment shall be maintained in good
operating condition and include muffling devices.
(c) Excavation and grading should not occur on extremely
windy days.
(d) Excavation and grading sites shall be periodically
watered down to control dust.
(e) Earth haul vehicles shall be tarped or watered down
prior to hauling.
Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall
submit a truck haul route and schedule for review and
approval by the Director of Public Works.
The applicant shall comply with the schedules and agreements
outlined in the October 29, 1987 and December 8, 1987
letters from the City Engineer of the City of Los Angeles,
to the City of E1 Segundo, as follows:
(a) Air scrubbers to control odors shall be installed and
operational on or before August, 1988, at the East
Headworks Building.
(b) Applicant shall continue its present practice of not
aerating the primary effluent as it flows to the
secondary aeration system, in order to minimize odors
from escaping to the atmosphere.
(c) Applicant shall install temporary covers over the
launders at the West Launder Building no later than
March, 1988 to reduce the escape of hydrogen sulfides
into the atmosphere.
(d) In connection with applicant's Primary Batteries
Modernization, Unit 1 Project at the Primary
Sedimentation Tanks, applicant shall install odor
scrubbing equipment by mid - August, 1989.
(e) Applicant shall pay one -half of the liquidated damages
that the City of Los Angeles receives for delays in
installing odor control facilities to the City of El
Segundo, up to a maximum of $1,000 per day, as approved
by the City Council of the City of Los Angeles.
(f) All new processing facilities including Primary
Sedimentation Tank Battery D shall be installed with
odor scrubbing equipment prior to operation. Existing
building and Primary Batteries A -C shall be retrofitted
with odor scrubbing equipment. The applicant shall
notify the Public Works Director of the City of El
Segundo at such time the contracts for the proposed
improvements are awarded, and upon completion of
installation. Failure to meet the anticipated schedule
shall be reported to the Director of Planning for
possible reconsideration at a public hearing.
(g) The City of Los Angeles shall set up a fund in the
amount of $2,000,000 as approved by the Los Angeles
City Council on December 8, 1987 to expedite the
settlement of legitimate construction damage claims.
Council Minutes
January 19, 1988
(h) Applicant shall continue to monitor the vibration
problem caused as a result of start -up of applicant's
new gas flare project and shall cease and desist this
testing procedure at the first sign of any vibration.
(i) Applicant shall work with City of E1 Segundo staff to
accelerate the traffic signal project at Vista del Mar
and Grand Avenue and the comprehensive improvements at
this intersection, which includes roadway widening to
provide for better turning movements.
(j) Applicant shall construct a sidewalk along the
northerly side of Grand Avenue from Vista del Mar to
join existing sidewalk westerly of Loma Vista Street.
(k) Applicant shall coordinate with the City of E1 Segundo
to install a bikeway along Grand Avenue from Vista Del
Mar to Loma Vista Street, including restriping of
traffic lanes, as necessary.
(1) The digester gas line proposed along the southerly end
of the east property line shall be relocated to the
west, along the back side of the lower retaining walls,
upon completion of site grading and retaining wall
construction in this area.
(m) The applicant shall coordinate with the City of Los
Angeles Department of Water and Power to provide
feasible pedestrian access to the beach from the
residential neighborhood in E1 Segundo. Pedestrian
improvements may include access easements, walkways and
related improvements.
(5) Open -air sludge drying beds shall not be used at any time,
including periodic digester cleaning.
(6) Applicant shall assist the City of E1 Segundo in the funding
of E1 Segundo's share of the projected cost of the Hyperion
Improvements until 1997, in recognition of E1 Segundo's high
level of odor impacts, other environmental impacts and
related short -term construction impacts.
SECTION 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage
and adoption of this resolution; shall enter the same in the book
of original resolutions of said city; and shall make a minute of
the passage and adoption thereof in the record of the proceedings
of the City Council of said city, in the minutes of the meeting
at which the same is passed and adopted.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of January, 1988.
Mayor of the City of E1 Segundo,
City Clerk (seal)
Council Minutes
January 19, 1988
At the hour of 8:55 Council recessed. At the hour of 9:10 p.m. Council
reconvened in the Council rhamMora with all mfrs present and answering
roll call.
1. CEQA Procedures- Revisions to Resolution Number 3319. Proposed revisions
to the orocrsdurgs im]lementina the California Environmental Quality Act.
It was the consensus of council to cant mie this item to the February 2,
1988 City Council Meeting.
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and
pied unanimously. If a Call for discussion of an its is made, the
items) will be cm dewed individually under the nett heading of business.
1. Warrant Nos. 11989 -12175 on Demand Register Summary Number 14 in total
amount of $1,347.080.05
Ratify and approve
2. Warrant Nos. 12176-12339 on Demand Register SYmmavy Number 15 in total
amount of $954.097.70
Ratify and approve
4. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City council Meeting - January 12, 1988-
7:00 PM.
Approve as written
5. Acceptance of a $100 Cash Donation for Purchase of Materials for the
City Library Literacy Prnar-am from Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sinclair.
6. Request for Extension of a Temporary Office Trailer, PC No. 714-87 -
Allied Corporation, 680 S. Sepulveda Boulevard. extended through 3 -1-88.
Grant request
7. Request for Extension of a Tanporary Office Trailer, PC No. 974-87-
Chevron USA, Inc.. 260 W. El Segundo Boulevard, ex[tnnded through 2 -1 -89.
Grant request
S. Consideration of City Council Action Requesting that Certain Fiscal or
other Reports be Prepared by City Staff on the Following Initiatives: (a)
Utility Users Tax Initiative•and (b) Reasonable Limits Initiative
At discretion of City Council, to direct staff to prepare these reports
Mayor Pro Tem Sc huldt asked to remove item number 3 and abstain from voting.
Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED, to enact the remaining
items listed under the 034MU AGENDA with the exception of number three.
3. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meetira- January 5, 1988- 7:OOPM.
Approve as written.
Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve item number
AYES: Coun i 1 Anderson, Jacobson, West and Mayor
ABSTE2NTIONS: Mayor Pro Tem. Schuldt
council Minutes
January 19, 1988
1. Participation in a Grant fray the National Highway Safety
Administration -Seat Belt Safety Awareness
Police Chief Ray Lewis
the primacy
focus of his department is
increased cr•meinity
to ccepliance with seat belt laws
through enforcement. The Grant
the National Highway Safety
Administration will
provide funds
can be utilized i.zed in an educational
mode as well. Chief
Lewis urged
to authorize participation in this
•• �.. iu ...._r '• 711 ..•.- DU: hall • •• - - • •• u
1 • • ✓• •.YIa• 1' P 11 • 1. ' • ✓" • Y"
2. Report on the Block Parent Program- (Continued from the DWI 15,
1987 City Council Meetira) .
Police Chief Ray Lewis informed Council that the Police Department intends
to develop the mechanics of the Block Parent Program jointly with the P.T.A.
Chief Lewis stated in spite of some liability concerns that were expressed
by other police agencies, he believes that the concept is valid.
Mayor Siadek asked staff to contact Vikki Graham and ask if she would like
to participate and act as liaison.
• oii r • :• all •• i u. •.- • aN: hall •.a.•
3. Report on Anti-Gridlock Law.
Police Chief Lewis informed Council that his department, as requested by
council, had researched the City of Los Angeles's recent action concerning
the above subject/pn.•oblem. It is not necessary to have local laws
prohibiting cats blocking intersections. We are governed by the State Cole
which became effective January 1, 1988. He stated he would keep Council
informed of any recent future developments. Consensus of Council to receive
and file.
4. Paccuuexdaticn for Approval of Senior Housing Board's Repayment
Agreement Relative to Loan by City to Board.
Interim City Manager, Fred Sorsabal stated the agreement signed by
the :.. • of Directors.
Councilman .mobs MW ED, •. 1 Anderson a••: ✓.all to approve the
'?,wive .;•,w -tea - n „ •µl t :rog kI -131 AN 1 n 11 • ti • •' VOIE.
5. Expansion on the El Segundo Lib
(a) Approve amendment agreement for professional services in connection
with the design and construction of an addition to the City Library"
Charles Walton Associates.
(b) Selection of bad counsel services for issuance of Certificates of
Participation for the El Segundo Library Renovation.
(c) Selection of Financial Advisor /[TndexwriterSeidler- Fitzgerald
Director of public Works, William Glickman stated the City is entitled to a
credit of $18,333.36 for previous services performed by the Architect on
schematic drawings. Mr. Glickman stated the total budget for the project has
been established as $2,750,000.
Dora Polk. 111 W. Pine asked that Council consider this issue very
carefully and requested more philosophical background. Ms. Polk expressed
concern aver the proposed budget for such a structure.
Council Minutes
January 19, 1988
Patty Favnte , 920 Dune stated the electorate voters on the method of
funding and not whether a new structure should be- built.
Councilman West expressed concern regarding the expense of this project. Mr.
West stated he was in favor of the concept but feels the deficit spending
mode of the city should be recognized.
City Manager Sorsabal stated the City is not bound financially to the items
listed a vote simply puts them into action.
Mayor Pro Tem Scheldt MOVED, Mayor Siadek SAD to approve all items (5a,
b, c) listed. N=CN CSC BY UNMM4X]S VOICE VOTE.
5. Alternatives for Triangle Parcel Adjacent to the Senior Housing Complex
and Determination of Use for CDBG Funds.
Council discussed four development alternatives for the parcel adjacent to
the Senior Housing Complex, that were presented to them in a written report
by Donald L. Harrison, Administrative Analyst. The four alternatives were:
1) Community Garden Only 2) Parking Only 3) Community Garden and Head -In
Curbside Parking and 4) Half Park.ing/Half Park.
Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED, to direct staff to
proceed making CMG application using Alternative Number 4 (Half
6. Presentation of the Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended
Jame 30, 1987.
The Annual Financial Report was presented to Council by Finance Director
Jose Sanchez for review and comment. It was the consensus of Council to
receive and file.
1. Emnlovment Contract of Interim City Manager. Fred Sorsabal
Councilman Anderson MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Sdnuldt SECONDED to approve the
, 1 11111111 1 «
1111:8.1}: '*. :Ly1 15. \,
Councilman Jacobson requested an agenda item for the next meeting of
February 16, 1988 regarding the discussion of housing density for an 88-unit
Councilman Jacobson noted an article in the naWSPaaper regarding the
negotiations of the Burbank Airport.
Mayor Pro Schuldt commented on the fluxuation of water bills.
Councilman Anderson stated he had spoken with Mr. Hori.i, Director of Public
Works, City of Lcs Angeles at the recess and the Hyperion has agreed to
plant buckwheat at the plant.
Council Minutes
January 19, 1988
ramp W. Neely, a 36 -year resident of El Segundo %bo died January 8 at
age 70.
Domthy Hall Schrader, a 25 -year resident, died January 12 at age 53.
City Pioneer Mar3m= CUlbert Tuck died January 7 at age 89.
Frances Am Qmxwcn, wife of the City's Street Superintendent, William
Cameron, died January 18, at age 51.
At the hour of 10:10 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a
closed session.
Pursuant to the California Government Cade a Closed Session will be
held on the following matters:
GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pendinrr litigation)
GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation)
0 matters
GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation)
0 matters
Personnel Matters
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At the 'hour of 10:29 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council ncil chambers with
all mEmbers present and answering roll call. City Attorney Dolley announced
that no actions were taken in Closed Session.
At the hour of 10:30 p.m. Council adjourned.
Council Minutes
January 19, 1988