1988 JAN 15 CC MIN1DI YD! 11• M •• 1 'N1 IPDI 1 1 • I 1'• 41 " •i D" M ••1; LINN WE v IDI-W 1 11 •� 1 11 CALL TO CO2R at 10:00 a.m. by Mayor Siadek. Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman West - absent. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - absent Mayor Siadek - prat RN%,S"/ Wk 11 ;1D "WSJ a :lyIiID.*'J 1. STUDY SESSION ON THE HYPERION At the hour of 10:10 a.m. Council adjourned to the West Conference Roan for a Study Session on the Hyperion. At the hour of 10:30 a.m. Council adjourned to the Chemfix Technologies, Inc. (Hyperion Facility) for a guided tour of the plant. At the hour of 1:30 p.m. Council returned to the Council Chambers with all members present with the exception of Mayor Pro Tem Sc huldt and Cburcilman West who were absent. w •� D• tiD`ti • Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to Derdira litigation) 0 matters GC 54956.9(b) (City micdTt have significant exposure to litigation) 0 matters GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation) 0 matters Personnel Matters 0 items At the hour of 1:31 p.m. Council adjourned. �:ia�•;:3.7011� e�'�a L. HART, CITY CiF32Ii