1988 JAN 05 CC MINrl `f9Hl 111 M 1111 'Mi 17;+1 1 Ir. q 1 / CALL TO COM at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Siadek. 's1C' 1' 7NF r' a • •. • 1 - 1. Council recognized City &plcyee for the Month of January -Larry Janes, Department of Recreation and Park9. - 2. Council recognized Juanita Zarilla, Deputy City Clerk and Ronald L. Hart, City Clerk for Achieving Designation of Certified Municipal Clerk. Councilman Anderson - pint Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman West - present Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - absent Mayor Siadek - present Spectrum Club regarding changing the status of her business to a general business. (Continued from the December 1, 1987 and the Deorenber 15,1987 Meeting) Continued until Anther notification by Laurie Jo Taylor. Gerhardt Van Drie. 724 W. Plie asked to address the initiative item under the Agenda heading NEW BUSINESS - CClY ATiCRNEY. Rich Feed, 414 W. Oak criticized the El Segundo School District and urged the use of his "easy music system" teaching techniques. SPECIAL CRUM OF BUSINESS 1, Proposal from Community S�� Associates to Assist in Developing the Scope of a Long Term E=ncmic Development Study-Oontinued E the Decenber 15. 1987 y It was the consensus of Council to c ontimie this item to an indefinite date. 2. Discuss Ion Angeles Cityh3 Dumping of Sludge fray the Hyperion Treatment Plant to the West Imperial Airport Property Mayor Siadek stated this was another illustration of the lack of cooperation by the City of Los Angeles and the General Manager of the Airport. Council requested a full report from staff on the illpact of the sludge dumping on El Segundo. Council was concerned as to the studies or lack of sties done on the composition of the matter dumped. Council Minutes January 5, 1988 :1¢DMF •'mod D.I • :h 1 �:..�" Gerhardt Van Drie. 724 W. Pine informed Council that he had spoken with several Hyperion officials and was informed of their future plans regarding the disposal and the maintenance of the sludge. Councilmn West requested staff to assume that work would not be started prior to the City's granting of a CUP. Director of Building Safety, Mckinley Dalgleish stated that no work related Hyperion activities are occurring on E1 Segundo properties. LNFIlaSHED HST -NONE RMURIS OF O"ErIS,BCYlRL><i AND CMC== - NONE CX EMW AGEND& All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and pas,ed unanimously. If a call far discussion of an iten is Dade, the ite(s) will be oaosidered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrant Nos. 11730 -11988 on Demand Register Summary Number 13 in total amount of $1.126,411.51 Ratify and approve 3. Minutes of the Special City Cotn -;l 10. 1987 -3.30 FM Approve as written 5. Request for Additional Funds in the amount of $8,800 for the Replacement of Sanitation Pump Station Number One - Project PW 84 -18A. Approve appropriation- Omttinued from December 15, 1987 Meeting. 6. Professional Services in connection with Biennial Traffic Counting at Mayor Intersections. Accept proposal and issue purchase order for professional services from Newport Traffic Studies. 7. Maddy Act: Current Listing and Expiration Date of City Committee, Commission and Board Memberships Receive and file 8. Agreements for Legislative Advocacy Services with Y" rleth J. Emanuel s and Associates and Capitol Advocates, Inc. Approve CamcilMn West requested item numbers 2 and 4 be moved for discussion. sc_ussion. Cotulcilman West MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve the remaining items under the Consent Agenda. I[7l'ICN CM= BY THE FOUCWIW WICE WM: AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, West and Mayor Siadek ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem Scihuldt Minutes 2. of . . 1• Regular Council • Approve as written 4. Minutes • CoUnCil Meetina-December Au. • • Y •71D• 1'1' • • 1 • Y' •r (2) Cohn it Minutes January 5, 1988 AYES: Camcilmen Anderson, Jacobson, West and Mayor Siadek ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tea Scheldt j:i7 "2".$,I 1111 Y4 —'X J:e D Police Chief, Ray Lewis gave a brief report regarding the procedures involved in operating the recent holiday checkpoint program. He informed Council that a total of 162 vehicles involving 260 motorists were processed Uzarh the program which resulted in 22 arrests. Chief Lewis felt the program warranted repetition, possibly during a nos- holiday weekend. Council canwrled all staff involved commanded by Lt. Luudsford. . G -,4 ��.�I ID :1. 1 ID.\ N 1 ••. I:q 1. Presentation of an Ordinance Adding Section 2.04.095 to the El Segundo Municipal Cade Authorizing the City Manager to Access State and Local Summary Criminal History Information for Pre- Eaplcyment Screening Purposes. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: •ru 1 r• r • Mc-4) I r•l err • 1`I7 M • 71 >rf Ali• •'• I ze" " 1 11 1 • P 7• 1, / • • 61D 71 DC •• N1• • •• •: •171 • 1 ke . 7 I• • 17 •• 1 11 1• •17••:•11. • 17•I �. • ..•.- • 711 •• � ..• •_ •. 7••: 111711 • _ I _ _ -• • - • • �- • • Y• '1• 1711 1 I • • 1 • AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Jacobson, West and Mayor Siadek ABSENT: Mayor Pro T11m Sc huldt 2." The following items relate to ballot propositions for the April 12 1988 election. The required resolutions must be adopted by the city council no later than January 15, 1988. A. Utility Users Tax Consideration of su>kmissicn of a Utility Users Tax Ballot Proposition to the voters at the April 12, 1988 Election. This action requires a minimum of 4 tes of the City Council. The action required, if the Council rlecules to submit the matter to a vote of the electorate, is: (1) Adoption of a resolution calling for an election; and (2) Adoption of a resolution setting priorities for filing of written arguments and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis. (3) Council mites January 5, 1988 IT, 71 :1+71,I S.ti N •'•. 171 Gerhardt Van Drie. 724 W. Pine asked why the gas and electrical companies were excluded from the Utility Tax. City Attorney Dolley stated that the City could not tax a public utility. Ron Stackman. Public Relations for Chevron U.S.A. stated that Chevron is not excluded from the Utility Tax. Consensus of CbL=3.1 to consider this item at the next proposed Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting, prior to January 15, 1988. B. "Reasonable Limits ordinance" Ado t_on of resolutions submitting to the voters, at the April 12, 1988 Election, an initiative ordinance which was previously submitted to the City Council as a qualified initiative petition by the sponsors of the initiative petition. This initiative is lalown as the 'Waso,able Limits Ordinance." Adoption of the followira resolutions by Council is rea irc+d by law: (1) Adoption of a resolution calling for an election; aril City Attorney read the title of the following: iESOIITPICN NO. 3559 FZSC=CN OF Y I CITY 03UNCIL OF UM CrTY OF EL SEGUNDO, C&LXFCFWIA, allLIM AND GIVING NY r OF THE '♦ • 1 OF GMMZAL OF ==VE •:' 1 1 h r R[MAT1NG TO AbR2MKENIS TO 00 ZONING COLE • THE • 1• 1 171• • 71•n Councilnan - • 711 Cmmcilmn Jacobson ]••: ♦5• to waive further. FXTION CARRUED BIL-rWS WAD WING • r • Y' :S 7 -u Schuldt Mayor Siadek expressed concern regarding the 4-vote requirement for the passage of this resolution. City Clerk Ron Hart expressed concern regarding Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt's lack of representation regarding the following resolution setting priorities for filing of written arguments. City Attorney Dolley stated that Council could withdraw their motion and continue this item (2 A,B,c) to the proposed adjourned meeting before January 15, 1988. Councilman Anderson rescinded his motion to waive further reading. Councilman Jacobson withdrew his second. (2) Adoption of a resolution setting priorities for filing of written argmwnts and direr- the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis. It was the consensus of Council to continue this item to the proposed adjourned meeting on January 12, 1988. (4) council Minutes January 5, 1988 I l5 :1, 1 15.1 M • ". I C. "Traffic Reduction Ordinance" Consideration of submission of a ballot proposition to the voters at the April 12, 1988 Election. This proposed Council sponsored ballot proposition is ]mown as the "Traffic Reduction Ordinance. 11 The City Council may, but is not required to, place this ballot proposition on the April Ballot for vote of the electorate. The action required is: (1) Adoption of a resolution calling for an election; and (2) Adoption of a resolution setting priorities for filing of written ar Aumnts and directing the City Attorney to prepare an impartial analysis. It was the consensus of Council to continue this item to the proposed adjourned meeting on January 12, 1988. Councilman Jacobson rested staff to check into "traffic anti gridlock" pr=dgating in E1 Segundo. PUBCZC 0"ENI m s -(P1vE PMVM iam) - NOM Ms- 1. Edna Marie Grace McLaughlin Ward, 22 year resident of El Segundo, died Dxemhar 14. . 2. Dick Quar+esma, Electrical Inspector with the City Building and safety Department, died December 23 at age 73. 3. Charlotte Clybourne Burton, an El Segundo pioneer died Deoenber 15 at age 72. 4. Harold Putt, a 40 -year resident, died Decaober 31 at age 79. At the has of 7:58 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a Closed Session. (5) Council Minutes January 5, 1988 Pursuant to the California Goverrmn=nt Code a Closed Session. Will be held on the following matters:. GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to oendim liti 2. CONTINENPAL V. EL SEGUNDD 3. K MRDY V. EL SEGUNDO 4. UiMM V. EL SDCLINDO GC 54956.9(b) (City might have sicuni.ficant exposure to liticraticn) 3 matters GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litiaation) Personnel Matters 2 matters At the hour of 10:13 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all rEabers present and answering roll call with the exception of Mayor Pro Sep Schuldt Who was absent. City Attorney Dolley announced that no actions were taken in Closed Session. At the hour of 10:15 p.m. Council adjourned to Tuesday, January 12, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. �ci i` .r: ;a wyy w �; , (6) Council Minutes January 5, 1988