1988 FEB 16 CC MIN71 YD!!11• M M11 MI laal 1 •a:'.Ir�'a 11 GAIL TO ORDER at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Siadek INIV0CA CIN given by Rev. Lawrence O. Swain, First Baptist Church mJ air. •,• anmr:..� � ■.:Tiai ._.� .r.. :., ... r •.._..._.r ���^_SST.ir7 Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Jason - present Councilman West - present Mayor Pro Ten Sc huldt - present Mayor Siadek - present I.11_:161 t� 1. Ride Need, 414 W. Oak reported on an article printed in the El Segundo Herald regarding music theory. Mr. Reed suggested sharing his music reform with E1 Segundo's Sister City, Guaymas. +`167.1: o: -'. 0 3-,AK • :1. I,la.� 1. Public Hearing - Proposed Development Agreement for Xerox Oenter Phase IV and Hotel, 1951 -61 Fast E1 Segundo Blvd. Request for approval of an envirorinental clearance and approval of a Development Agreement for a term of 15 years for the previously approved Xerox Center Phase IV office building and hotel at 1951 -61 East E1 Segundo Blvd. in the Special Ccammercial (C-3) zone. The proposed Development Agreement would vest the right to build a 255,242 sq.ft. office building up to 16 stories and a 275 -ro m all- suites or 350 -room full service hotel up to 20 stories, with associated parking, as approved by the Planning Commission on October 22, 1987, by Resolution No. 2192 and discussed in the Final Environmental Impact Report certified February 12, 1987. The Planning Commission reconTe ded approval of the Development Agreement on January 28, 1988 (Resolution 2200), (Envircrmental Assessment EA -102, Development Agreement 87 -2). Applicant: HDXR/Hcmart Development Inc. Mayor Siadek stated this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a public hearing on the Request for approval of an ennvirarmnnntal clearance and approval of a Development Agreement for a term of 15 years for the previously approved Xerox Center Phase IV office building and hotel at 1951 -61 Fast El Seguudo Blvd. in the Special Co meraial (C -3) zone. The proposed Development Agreement would vest the right to build a 255,242 sq.ft. office building up to 16 stories and a 275 -room all- suites or 350- room full service hotel up to 20 stories, with associated parking, as approved by the Planning Commission on October 22, 1987, by Resolution No. 2192 and discussed in the Final Environmental Impact Report certified February 12, 1987. The Planning Commission reoommaxded approval of the Development Agreement on January 28, 1988 (Resolution 2200) , (Environmental Assessment EA -102, Development Agreement 87 -2). Applicant: HDDM/Hammart Development Inc. Council Minutes February 16, 1988 Mayor Siadek asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Rau Hart stated notice of the hearing had been published in a timely and proper fashion. Mayor Siadek asked if any written C=mmication had been received. City Clerk ion Hart stated no written co=n cation had been received. Associate City Planner, Barbara Redlitz gave a brief report regarding ng the proposed project of Hcma rt /BMM. Ms. Redlitz stated an application for a Development Agl•eement for Xerox Center Phase IV Office Tower (16- story) and (20- story) Hotel development at 1951 -1961 E. El Segundo Boulevard (fizor Block) had been received. The Develcpent Agreement would allow Hcmart/Hma to build a 255,242 square foot office tower on the western side of the property and a 275 to 350 -room hotel on the eastern, side. Two multi -story parking structures for approximately 1,100 vehicles would be included. The 10.2 acre development would generate a guaranteed $600,000 in sales tax revenue for the City and the development agreement requires that the hotel be occupied before the office ocalplex. Ms. Redlitz further stated that Hcmart/HDXR had agreed to pay a one -time $265,000 fee into the City's transportation bird and contribute various fees to widening part of E1 police and fire in addition to Segundo Boulevard in front of the project. The 15 year development agreement plan would ccumence hotel construction in 1991 and the office in 1993. If building is not begun in 15 years the agreement will be null and void. Ms. Redlitz concluded by stating the developer had agreed to delay construction, easing traffic congesticn, to allow for the widening of the Sepulveda Tunnel and the completion of the Century Freeway and the county's light rail transit line. Mayor Siadek opened the Public Hearing to public input. 1. Hill Hand. VP Hanart Development Q=) EUM Assoc A California Pprier,.l PFn-Fnerrh;n stated the project would enhance the fiscal revenue for the City. Mr. Hand urged Co=ifs and stated this was a 'list class mixed - use nroiect 'l. Mayor Siadek closed the public hearing to public input. Councilman Jacobson expressed concern regarding the 15 year 0opMerIcenent period. He stated he had trouble with a commitment that could bird future citizens and councils well into the year 2000. The agreement, Councilman Jacobson stated, could prevent future councils from imposing fixture conditions. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt asked what mitigating measures occurred. Assoc. City Planner, Barbara Redlitz stated the applicant reduced the FAR (Floor Area Ratio) by approximately 20% and guaranteed a $600,000 revenue to the City. Associate City Attorney Scott Field read the title of the following: •1. 1 1�1. N k,• AN 0'111• M OF I COMCIL OF I CITY OF EL 1• 1951-61 EAST EL 1• BOULEVARD, EL SB3WDD. •' - • 711 . �u r . ]••� 1:711 . - - • • r • 7•• 1;71 ♦ ■ •• •- • - • •r • • Y •i' ISI : 1'I '• rue, 1 • •' • - (2) Council Minutes February 16, 1988 AYES: Councilman Anderson, West, Schuldt and Mayor Siadek Councilman West introduced the ordinance. 2. Public Hearing - Proposed Cc mmercial Office Development on the "Continental Site," 2301 -2381 East Rosearans Ave. /810- 820 South Douglas Street. Consideration of Planning Cfl clearance, adoption of a Ste approval of a subdivision i precise plan to allow con: co mercial office space (Trot dedications) plus related pan ft. before dedications) of t Rosecrans Ave. /810 -820 S. Dou zone. Environmental ippacU Envi rrxmwntal Impact 12eport Change and Continental Park P ASSeSonor,r EA -139, Precise mission recommendation for environmental tement of Overriding Considerations, and o create three lots and approval of a -truction of up to 196,000 sq.ft. of to exceed a 1:1 floor area ratio after king on lot 1 (approximately 196,000 sq. he proposed subdivision at 2301 -2381 E. Ilas St. in the M-2 (Heavy Manufacturing) are addressed in the Addendum to the proposed for the City - Initiated Zane ,ate V for the same site. (Environmental ?lan 87 -1, Subdivision 87 -7/ Tentative I lei•' ��uel. �IIM�. Ya: �7iC '1"iilaT.Si73:iZ7�P�777i"'i'S �... Mayor Siadek stated that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a public hearing on a Proposed Commercial Office Development on the "Continental Site," 2301 -2381 East P = Ave. /810- 820 South Douglas Street. Consideration of Planning Commission recommendation for environmental clearance, adoption of a Statement of Overriding Considerations, and approval of a subdivision to create three lots and approval of a precise plan to allow construction of up to 196,000 sq.ft. of commercial office space (not to exceed a 1:1 floor area ratio after dedications) plus related parking on lot 1 (approximately 196,000 sq. ft. before dedications) of the proposed subdivision at 2301 -2381 E. Rosecrans Ave. /810 -820 S. Douglas St. in the M-2 (Heavy Manufacturing) zone. Envircrmental Impacts are addressed in the Addendum to the Environmental Impact Reports proposed for the City - Initiated Zone Change and Continental Park Phase V for the same site. (Environmental Assessment EA -139, Precise Plan 87 -1, Subdivision 87 -7/ Tentative Parcel Map 17158). Applicant: Continental Development Corp. Mayor Siadek asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated that notice of the hearing had been published in a timely and proper fashion by the planning department. Mayor Siadek asked if any written canmmicaticn had been received. City Clerk Roar Hart stated none had been received by his office. Mayor Siadek opened to public hearing. Associate City Planner, Barbara Redlitz stated the project was a subdivision to create three lots, and approval of a precise plan to allow construction of a 196,000 sq.ft. of commercial office space (not to exceed a 1:1 FAR after dedication and a height limit of 84 feet) plus related parking on lot 1 of the proposed subdivision. ahe project, Ms. Redlitz confirmed, is located on the 14.7 acre site located at the northeast corner of E. Rosecrans Avenue and S. Douglas Street. The original application submitted by Continental Development Corp. was denied by the Planning Cmnission as it requested ccrotruction of a 639,989 sq.ft. commercial office space with parking in three phases on the 14.7 acre site. The original application also included a Development Agreement. The actual text (3) Council Minutes February, 16, 1988 SPECIAL aPM�S OF aEDESS (continued) of an Agreement has not yet been submitted. Associate Planner Redlitz continued that the Fiscal Impact Analysis prepared in accordance with adopted City methodology also identified negative annual fiscal impact. These impacts, combined with the lack of adequate circulation infer as identified in the Circulation Element, of the General Plan and the lack of detailed plans for the second mid third Project phases, resulted in a Planning Commission action to deny the Precise Plan as Proposed, and approve a Precise Plan for lot 1 development only at a 1:1 floor area ration (FAR) not to exceed 196,000 sq.ft. Ms. Redlitz concluded by stating that staff recommended the City Council adapt the Planning Commission isscion relation and approve the Subdivision and Precise Plan for lot 1 development by adopting an ordinance which includes the facts and findings as outlined Planning Commission Resolution No. 2198 and taking the following actions: 1. Certify the Final Subsequent EIR and EIR Addendum. 2. Adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations for significant unmitigated traffic /circulation and air quality impact s 3. Approve Subdivision 87- 7/Tentative Parcel Map No. 17158, subject to 20 subdivision improvement conditions. 4. Approve Precise Plan for lot 1 develcprent for conrerr-ial office space at a 1:1 FAR after dedications (not to exceed 196,000 sq.ft.), subject to Condition Nos. 21 -44 of Resolution 2198, including alternative wording for Condition No. 36 as a recommended by the Director of Public Works. Staff further recommends the City Council consider to the extension of Douglas Street by including the project in the five-year Capital Improvement Program. Mayor Siadek opened the public hearing to public input. 1. Jerry Saunders. 2201 E Rosecrans 0ontin ntal pavelgmerrt Cbry stated he had received recent estimates and the cost to widen Douglas Street Would cost approximately $3-6 million. Mr. Saunders made reference to a letter he had previously submitted earlier this day specifying and requesting a parcel romp change. Mr. Saunders urged Councils approval of his Mayor Siadek closed the public hearing to public input. At the hart of 8:05 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 8:20 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council awnbers with all members pmt and answering roll call. Associate City Attorney Scott Field with City Manager Fred Sorsabal confirming, stated the parcel map change referred to in the recent received letter, could not be considered as part of the action passed this evening. This rested change would first need to be presented to the Planning canm;ssion as designated by City procedure. Representatives for Continental acknowledged that the above request would be presented to and considered by the Planning Commission. Associate City Attorney Scott Field read the title of the following: (4) Council Minutes February 16, 1988 III 7.11• •'•, I:a•ti •' :1. 115.\ •• a• in rim-eriNcE OF 1 CITY •• ••• OF THE criy OF EL sEI, CALIFORNIA, CER=MC A FINAL a /'••' i la Y• DIP DIPACT 971••:1 AND • 111a 1 Y• -139; ADOPr1M A STkTEI OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS; DEVEIDPMEI FOR OFFICE USE • Y• 711 AT 2301-2381 ROSECRANS 71 • / S. DOUGLAS •971 ET; PE=CNED BY CONIINENIAL DEVELOPMEN'r CORP. •r 1 - :•- a• • • - r • 7••: 111711 - - •r •.- • I AV 71• •• u. 7H 1/:71/ • •• •- - Councilman West expressed concern over the discrepancies in the ERA's presented to Council within the back-up packets regarding this agenda item. He stated that council cannot be expected to act logically on an item when the statistical information is at odds. It was the consensus of Council that the Economic Base Studies were in deed of reevaluation. Councilman Jacobson •' 711 • • •. .- SECONDED 1 • .• •_ _ feasibility • • 1• street n• • ai - - year capital Improvement Plan. MrICK CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VIOIE. UNFINISHED :1. 1 ES 1. M7• • RevisiOns-03ntinUed fran January 19, and February Co Meetirns. Associate City Planner, Barbara Redlitz stated the item was originally considered by the City Council on September 1, 1987, at which time the Council ncil referred the item to the Planning Ca+mi gsicn for public hearing before the Council took final action. Exhibit A a�izes the proposed revisions intent of the revisions to provide conformance with changes urt state law and to streamline the application process without coupriomising opportunity for interr9eepartmental and public review. The Planning Cm mission held four continued Public Hearings and one study session an the proposed revisions. Testimony and written comments were received F the Chamber of Commerce. No other public comment was received. Tine Planning omission made the following changes in rec=nerding approval of the revisions to Resolution 3319: 1. Requires the City to send written respDTL4e regarding application emlpleteness when an applicant submits additional information requested by the City. 2. Regl,ires an EIR be prepared when one or more Department head identifies significant negative impacts for their area of responsibility. (The current procedures require two or more Department Head concurrence). (5) Council Minutes February 16, 1988 I al V 1 I . 1 17ti� .• a• Associate Planner, Barbara Redlitz stated that further work will continue once a draft of the updated General Plan is prepared; the General Plan update process (arid MEA) is estimated to take approximately two years. to conPlete. Staff feels the Proposed revisions to Resolution 3319 could be considered interim measures which would be ultimately be replaced by the MEA once adopted. Action on the MEA will be required separately upon completion. Planner Redlitz concluded by stating that staff reocamlended adoption of the resolution approving proposed revisions to Resolution 3319 as reoommencled above and amended to include Itaas No. 1 and 2 as follows: 1 Page 4, Section 5.B (2) . Re: Tenant improvement. To provided further clarification regarding tenant jets in PYicting and new buildings, staff recalmendS the following addition: "(Y) Tenant IlrPro+exTlents which do not result in a change in lard use or an urmiet parking need, nor exceed the thresholds for exemption state in Section 5.B (2)(b) above." 2. Page 5, Section 5.B(3)(C). Re: Ianguage consistency. The intent of this section is to be consistent with the State Guidelines, Section 15300.2(c). Staff recommends deletion of "it can be fairly argued," and insertion of "there is a reasonable possibility" on line 3. Associate City Attorney Scott Fields read the title of the following: rho-. � ul •.. . � •7t• • • I M •• M • 1 M • � ]C 1• V• ••r ••• 1 ••.••171• 'D. •• Y 1 1 r 0 ly V• • • 18 • •,• • • I V• •'•i 5 IS• M- j N • • • 7ti 1 I/ • - . � 711 •. 1 u. - . 7H •711 . - councilman W- Dv711 Mayor sladek 7••• 1711 to add items 1 • and above staff 1c.: - •1. - dated uell. of February • • V• W IJI BY UNANIHJW VOICE • L' CCNSENT AG ffM All items listed are to be adopted by one motion wlthount discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is ode, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrant Nos. 12546-12725 on Demand Register Summary Number 17 in total amount of $732.155.01 Ratify and approve 2 Minutes of the Begular City Council MeetiDg- Februahy 2 1988 7.00PM Approve as written 3. Request for Transfer of Radio Equipment to South Bay Regional Public declare equipment surplus and authorize that it be excuanged for sere_ rendered. (6) Cpua)Cil minutes February 16, 1988 4. Installation of Traffic Signals at the Intersection of Grand Avenue and Nash Street - Project FW 86-9 Accept the work 5. City Tea se of Property at SautYnest Corner of Gram Avenue and 6. Specifications and Authorize Staff to Advertise for Bids for Sweeping of Streets and Alleys- project PW88 -1. Approve specifications 8. Resolution of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, Approving and Adopting the City Treasun:er's 1988 Statement of Investment Adopt resolution 9. Change Made to Bylaws of E1 Segundo Senior Citizens Housing Corp. Section 4.c.l21 to Vest Armointment of Directors in City Council Ratify change CounC11ROn Jacobson requested item number 7 be pulled. Councilman Anderson reminded his colleagues he was not present at the previous meeting. Mayor Siadek MOVED, Councilman West SECS to approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. MffI@d CaHItM BY UNMM43 S VOICE VM. CALL rMW FROM (CHSElP AMMA 7 Proposals for Preparation of a Sewer Revenue Program Authorize Staff to Solicit Proposals Councilman Jacobson requested this item be held over to the next Council meeting of March 1, 1988. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item over. NEW HSINE S -Ply MANWER I. Request from Downtown El Segundo, Inc. to install optional ornamental Street Lights within Boundaries of Undergrcurd Utility District No .3. Program Manager, Kathleen Metcalfe addressed Council and stated the Board Of Directors had Chosen the Colonial Style lighting fixture. Councilman Jacobson requested more information regarding the Mission Style Bell. City age', Fred Sorsabal stated it would not affect the project if this item were held aver for two weeks. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item aver to the next meeting of March 3, 1988 to discuss other options. NIX B SINESS-= ATTUZM - NCNE NEW BUSINESS-= CIM - NONE FUR EHER NEW BUSINESS - NONE GOOD OF UM cFdm - NCNE FJBLIC CCMJNICATICtS -(FIVE MIHTIE LIMIT) - NOM (7) council Minutes February 16, 1988 Cwwi ia►�7ati'f �.,. At the hour of 9:18 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a Closed session on the following: Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to DenAinn litigation) Mc Govern vs E1 Segundo Kilroy vs El Sao GC 54956.9fb) (City might have significant e)xosure to litigation) 0 matters GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation) 1 matter Personnel Matters 0 matters At the hour of 9:40 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. Associate City Attorney Scott Field announced that no actions were taken in Closed Session. At the hour of 9:43 p.m. Council adjourned to Wednesday, Febn3ary 17, 1988 at 9:00 AM. They will meet in the Board Pomp of the Hacienda Hotel where they will be joined by key City Staff to meet with Mr. Wayne Wedin, President of Wedin Enterprises, Inc. I'i J•l:.b -% (8) council Minutes February 16, 1988