1988 FEB 02 CC MIN:R Y9lU I•• M NI! 'N■ IDI / ':A :'••V• -A / 1
CAIL To aaM at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Siadek.
INVOCATIM given by Council Recorder, Melissa A. Mack.
PUEGE OF ALIHMOCE led by Lt. Jack Wayt, El Segundo Police Department.
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1. Council recognized City Employee for the Month of February-Carolyn
Jackson, Police
Councilman Anderson - absent
Councilman Jacobson - present
Councilman West - present
Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - present
Mayor Siadek - present
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Mayor Siadek annniunced that he will not seek rBelecticn.
1. Danis Martin, 722 Indiana aburt discussed the library expansion and the
need for furniture. Mr. Martin urged council to consider purchasing Mayor
Pro Tan Schuldt's property F the developer for parking use.
2. Gary Stoltz, 227 E. oak thwiked Mayor Siadek for his years -of service.
Mr. Shultz stated that El Segundo does not have a parking problem, but a
parking management problem.
3. ThEwas Jolly. 352 Icmm 9ista read a prepared dissertation in retort to
Dr. Polk's library tents at the Council meeting of January 19, 1988.
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Associate City Attorney Peter Thorsen read the title of the following:
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Council Minutes
February 2, 1988
AYES: Councilmen Jacobson, West, Sdnuldt and Mayor Siadek
2. CEDA Revisions-Continued from JanUary 19, 1988 City Council Meeting.
It was the consensus of council to hold this item over to the next meeting
of February 16, 1988.
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1. Warrant Nos. 124340 -12545 on Demand Register Summary Number 16 in total
amount of $1.275.568.09
Ratify and approve
2. minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting- January 15,
1988 -10:00 AM- Hyperjm Study Session.
Approve as written
3. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meetira- January 19. 1988- 7:OOPM
Approve as written
4. Resolution in Support of Extending the Light Rail Line South of El
Segundo and Requesting the Ins Angeles County Transportation Commission
Raoid Transit Committee beain Environmental Study for this Extension.
Adopt resolution
5. Resolution of Intention to Make Application to the Faleral Aviation
Administration (FAA) for Federal Air Regulation Fart 150 Fronds for
Souundproofinng of El Segundo Homes and Request Appropriation of $3000 from
General Fund for Technical Assistance.
6. Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertising for the
Construction of Debris Bins at the Maintenance Facility- Project No. 87 -3
7. Resolution of the City of E1 Segundo in Support of a Joint Effort of
Neighboring Jurisdictions and the El Segundo Employers Association and its
members in a Public-Private Partnership to Reconstruct the Railroad Trestle
and Make Appropriate Widenings at the Intersection of Aviation and
9. Enter into a Hold Harmless Agreement with Jim and Jack's Auto Repair
for use of Innvesti9ative Vehicles.
Approve agreement
Councilman Jacobson requested item number 8 removed for discussion.
Council minutes
February 2, 1988
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8. Request of Wyle Laboratories for a Fourth Year Extension of Agreement
and Temporary Certificate of OoLV WY-y at 111 and 220 Maryland Street.
Effective 2/1/88 through 1/31/89.
Approve agreement
Councilman Jacobson requested that items of this nature be presented to
council in a more timely mariner.
Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Mayor Siadek SDODNEID to approve item number 8.
Jacobson, West, Scheldt and Mayor Siadek
1. Discussion of Smoky Hollow Residential Overlay. Development Standards.
Councilman Jacobson had requested this item for discussion and expressed
concern regarding g the density standards in this area not "being in line with
the codes." Ccx=ilman Jacobson requested this item placed on the Planning
Department work schedule as a non- priority item.
Council discussion ensued regarding the Floating Zone within the residential
It was the consensus of Ckxncilmembers Anderson, West and Mayor Siadek not
to burden the Planning Department with is issue at this time.
2. Report on Fiscal Impact of Library Expansion on Operating Casts.
Interim City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated the city does not have a financial
method to calculate operating costs but referred to past experience of the
present facility and the police facility to equate a correlation. Mr.
Sorsabal stated the library has confirmed that no new employees are needed
for this expansion and gave a brief summary of the estimated increase in
costs per year as follows:
1. Utilities $14,500
2. Repair/Maint 1,750
3. Mairrt /custonial 14,054
Total $30,304 (1988 dollars)
Inflation 4.5%/yr x 2 2,727
$33,031 Needed in FY 1990
Manager Sorsabal stated the new facility is proposed at 13,558 square feet
and will have a heating an air conditioning system which will double the
cost (theoretically) for utilities, or $28,500 per year. Maintenance can be
projected (based are historical budgetary records) of $1,750 per year, along
with the need to add to custodial crew of a half-time person for this
facility. The annual cost for the half -time person is $14,054, including
fringe benefits.
Received and filed.
council Minutes
February 2, 1988
NEW REDESS - CLTY MA MGM (continued)
3. Discussion of Intersections at El Segundo and Sepulveda, Grand and
Center, and Main and Pine.
It was the consensus of Council to pull this item-.fr® the agenda.
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1. Danis Martin, 722 Indiana Cbint felt the book buying budget art for the
library was a tremendous blow and urged Cmmcil to consider this in the
budget for the next fiscal year.
2. Ceorve Wiley, 2230 E. MWerial MM., Plock ,ll International thanked Mayor
Siadek for his years of service.
3. George Ray, 221 Concord urged Council to reconsider the book budget for
the library.
JM HE SM, Assistant Our eau Chief in the California State Library Services
Bureau died January 24 at his home in Half Moan Bay.
BEV dMCNS, a long -time resident of El Segundo, died January 26 at age 61.
r_wr SFSSIC'tS
At the hour of 7:50 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a
Closed Session on the following:
Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be
held on the following matters:
GC 54956.9(a) (City a Party to Dendim litigation)
GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation)
0 matters
GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation)
0 matters
Personnel Matters
1 matter
At the hour of 8:40 p.m. Council reconvened in the C m=i l chambers with all
members present and answering roll call with the exception of Councilman
Anderson who was absent. City Manager Sorsabal announced that Mr. Jim D.
Kennedy and Mr. R. Gray were hired as private consultants to conduct the
police department investigation.
Cmmall Minutes
February 2, 1988
At the hair of 8:45 p.m. Council adjourned.
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Council Minutes
February 2, 1988