1988 AUG 16 CC MINDr I JN 1• w ki WALk-0- w1 a W iDo 1 r 11 i 1NVDCUICN given by City Clerk Ronald Hart. PLEDGE OF AUEGIANCE led by Fire Chief Bob Marsh. 1. Council recognized Herbert Walsleben for service on the Planning Commission 1984 -1988. 2. Council recognized Robert Drean for service on the Recreation & Parks Commission 1985 -1988. 3. Downtown E1 Segundo, Inc. president, Dennis Wingate presented Membership Pins to Members of Council & City Manager. RDLL CALL Councilman Anderson Councilman Clutter Councilman West Mayor Pro Tem Danner Mayor Jacobson - present - present - present - present - present (City business only -5 mhu to limit) 1. Jim Caro nes, 519 Center Street expressed concern over the library expansion. 2. letter frrmm Annie Tan, owner of Annie's Frozen Yogurt, 962 Main Street requesting discussion regarding parking situation at her business location. 3. Wesley Hush. Ex- Manages of the Chamber of Ccmerce spoke on behalf of Annie Tan with regard to parking spaces and stated there was only 1 parking space for every eight patrons. Suggested Council grant her a variance for seating area for patrons. Mr. Bush also suggested a 20 minute zone limit on the parking spaces in that plaza. Council recommended making an application with the Planning Department for a variance. .`1G D.w : 0: V 1'D•:•. • 115. u•U9 LIP,lil k1 &`4UDDID /4)121 ZIM V DI••.I'd 61ffo) ' •9 W 1 YDI D. :• • • 1. • 1 1. Downtown E1 Segundo, Inc. (DESI): Informational Presentation of Current DESI Activities. Sandra Jacobs, 540 Virginia, Representative of EESI gave a brief presentation of past and current activities occurring in DFSI. Council Minutes August 16, 1968 NEW BUSINESS-CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Proposed Wage Adiustment for Part -Time Temporary Hourly Employees Receive and File, Authorize City Manager to Implement Increases and Update Administrative Code, and Transfer Funds to Department Budgets. 3. Establish Class Title of Ccnpater Operator and Corresponding Salary Range. Adopt resolution 4. Reclassify Administrative Analyst II (City Manager's Office) to Assistant to the City Manager. Adopt resolution and transfer funds to City Manager's Office Budget 6. Minutes from the Special City Council Meeting - August 2, 1988 -6:00 PM Approve as written. 7. Minutes from the Regular Citv Council Meetina- August 2.1988 -7:00 PM Approve as written Request for Council approval to destroy various Finance Department Adopt resolution 9. Emergency Water Svstem/Street Repair Appropriate $16,000.00 from the Water Reserve Fund 12. Request for Council approval to purchase paper towels and toilet tissue -Bid # 0188 opened 8 -8 -88. Award to law bidder, Unisource for $5,904.04 which includes sales tax and delivery. 13. Request for City Council to waive formal bid process and approve purchase of vehicle for City Manager's Office. Approve request 14. Establish Class Title of Principal Personnel Analyst and Corresponding Salary Range. Adopt resolution 15. Warrants Nos. 15536 -15755 on Detand Register Summary Number 5 in total amount of 5922.816.23 Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments. Mayor Prdrem Dannen removed item number 2 and 11; Councilman Clutter removed item number 5 and 10 for discussion. Councilman West MOVED, Mayor Prorem Dannen SEOONDED to approve the remaining items listed under the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIM BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VDTE. 2. Establish One Criteria for Granting Employees Acting Pay When Assigned to serve in a Higher Position. Adopt resolution Mayor Prdrem Dannen expressed concern with regard to paying employees a higher salary in view of the recent budget deficit. Council discussion ensued. (2) Council Minutes August 16, 1988 ',• Y I NI L ,7 W— Mayor •' •c ,a• ProTem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve it- 5. Sevulveda Boulevard Tunnel Dennnst:c-ticrt Approve Interagency Participation Agreement Councilman Clutter expressed concern over contributing to this project with the present condition of the budget and stated the tunnel is an airport traffic problem not an E1 Segundo problem. It was the consensus of Council to hold this item aver and get additional information. 10. Request Amroval of Single Source Contract- Foaming of Sewer Lines Waiver of Bidding Procedure for Foaming of Sewer Lines and Authority to Issue Purchase Order to Pacific Sewer Mamie Corporation. Councilman Clutter asked for clarification regarding the procedural approach to this system. Councilman Clutter expressed concern over this procedure killing other plant life. City Manager Sorsabal stated this project could be accomplished manually but would take considerably more time and money to complete the project and has been in effect for 8 years and has not as yet proved detrimental to existing plant life in the surrounding areas, Councilman Clutter MOVED to hold this item over to obtain additional information regarding the chemicals on this project. Councilman Anderson SECONDED. MCI'ICK CARRIED BY UNANI= WILE VOM. 11. Recommendation to accept the work for the furnishing and application of Slurry Seal at various locations as complete as of July 25, 1988. Accept the contract as complete Mayor PrdI'em Dannen asked for an explanation for this project. City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated this work is to extend the life of streets, seal the cracks and to avoid complete reconstruction. Mayor ProTem Darman MOVED to approve item number 11 as presented, Councilman Anderson SECONDED. NB7 CN CARRIED BY LRUffINOUS VOICE VCIE. City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated staff has proposed two alternative ordinances. The first would result in an elimination of the exemption for rooms held greater than 30 days which are not occupied during that period by a single individual (i.e. are held by companies for use by several employees during that period.) It would also require that federal and state employees on official business pay by direct voucher from their governmental agency in order to receive an exemption to the tax. It is estimated that implementation of these provisions would result in $420,000 annually in additional revenue to the City. The second proposed ordinance would go further by eliminating entirely the exemption for those occupying a room for greater than 30 days, as well as imposing the same voucher requirement for federal and state employees to receive an exemption. This proposal would produce an estimated $500,000 in new revenue. Mr. Sorsabal concluded by stating cxmmmniications have been received by Mr. Harpole, Hacienda Hotel; Mr. Smith, Compri Hotel and from LAX Hotel expressing their concerns over the proposed ordinances. (3) Council Minutes August 16, 1988 I 1.1�3 1 z 10. M MIJ Q,'Fr&P,'JJff ••• i . >• 1. Phil %kite, Hacienda Emloyee protested the proposal under consideration with regard to taxing hotels. 2. Victor Venezuela. Hacienda Hotel Itenresentative urged Council to reconsider this matter. 3. David Harris. Employee of Hacienda Hotel asked Council to reconsider this taxation 4. Mar:Ln Cassera. Hacienda Employee and local resident stated this taxation would threaten the jobs of 300 people. 5. Chuck Lindstrom, 1714E Mariposa Hacienda E ®louse suggested cutting spending instead of generating revenue to make up the budget deficit. 6. Diane Goldman. Hacienda Emplc m concerned that through this taxation the Hacienda will be forced to mete with other hotels at an economical disadvantaged position. 7. Esther Smidt, 212 Irmita Street, Hacienda Employee expressed concern over her job and livelihood being at stake. 8. Myron Harpole, President of Hacienda Hotel expressed concern over the lack of time and consideration given to this revenue generating suggestion. Mr. Harpole stated this is a brand new tax on an element that has never been taxed before. Mexican Airlines is the only contract airline that will be affected by this tax. They have asked that Hacienda reduce the roam rate by the amount of tax proposed. The measure simply requires more paper work and potential hotel guests will go elsewhere to take occupancy. Urged that this proposal be given to the voters for consideration. Suggested the whole tax picture be reviewed instead of punishing one industry. 9. Bill Smith, Hotel Director at stated business would be lost with this proposed revenue generating project and potential patrons will go elsewhere. 10. George Rau, 221 Cmoord, Cmcord Hotel expressed concern regarding his hotel patrons making E1 Segundo their home and being penalized. 11. Derr i c Martin. 722 in di ana court was in favor of the proposed tax. At the hour of 8:55 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 9:10 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. Council discussion ensued regarding other cities having no exemption and other cities in the South Bay area following the proposed revisions before Council. Mayor PrdDan Dannen stated for clarification that the present ordinance states the exemption applies to persona staying at a hotel on a short term basis (30 days) except in special circumstances. Councilman West asked why the Hacienda had so many inspections. City Manager Sorsabal stated the investigations he was aware of pertained to fire life safety violations to the code as it relates to the Hacienda Hotel. (4) Council Minutes August 16, 1988 Councilman West MOVED to decline taking action on this item until further investigation. MOTION CARRIED BY TM FUEIOWDU VOICE WiE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson and West NOES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson ABSENT: None Councilman Clutter asked that the investigation of the required parking be put on the next Council Agenda. City Attorney Dolley suggested revising the language on the proposed ordinance and have it brought back for further review. Councilman Clutter asked that staff prepare a report with regard to the parking situation at the Hacienda Hotel and bring it to Council at the next Council meeting of September 6, 1988. Mayor PrdTem Dannen MOVED to direct staff to rewrite the code to eliminate the exemption for government /individuals except where the State or Federal government is paying for it in its entirety; also to limit the exemption of over 30 days to individuals, Councilman Clutter SECONDED. M7 ON CARD BY TM FULIOWI [, VOICE VVM: , AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson NOES: Councilmen Anderson and West r_ - 1y'3Q1q§EW rs.T-� 2. Amend ordinance for bid procedures relating to contract and open market bid procedures. City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated this ordinance would amend paragraph 2.52.070 to increase from $5,000 to $10,000 for purchases of supplies and equipment, that may be made by the purchasing officer in the open market without observing the procedure prescribed by Section 2.52.060. Manager Sorsabal also stated this ordinance would amend paragraph 2.52.090 to increase from $2,500 to $7,500 for purchase of supplies and equipment they may be made by the purchasing officer in the open market and without observing the procedure described in Sections 2.52.060 and 2.52.070. City Attorney read the title of the following: �J: •]�� /��C «x;•71 ••• 1 N M • 1 • 71 7r 1• •- 171 • 1 • •.� • 1 • 1.1 • � 71• • 1 71 7r •• 01 ••1 11• 8,10 •71 • •• • ••7+ r•� 1 5:.•.•171 •:J. ,7•C alk4k ::77+ .eI• 71•• WN Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to waive further reading. Councilman Anderson introduced. M=CN CARRIID BY MONIIK US WICE WIE. (5) Council Minutes August 16, 1988 I @ 1 IP. 111 111111 MvIr r, 7 11 p' ••• n• • •-y •1_ City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated he did not wish to detail the revenue considerations before Council as further consideration would be given at future Study Sessions. Manager Sorsabal listed the following revenue considerations for Council review: Property Tax, Transient occupancy Tax, Business License, Utility User Tax, Franchise Fees, Parking Tax, Sales Tax, Refinery Barrel Tax, Fees for Services (ie. Planning Service Fees, Building Permit/Inspection Fees, Refuse Collection Fees, Recreation Fees, Paramedic Service Fees), Fines, Benefit Assessment Districts (ie. Street Tree Maintenance, Sidewalk Maintenance, Recreation Services, Fire Protection, Capital Facilities), Street Light Districts, Public Facilities Fee, Activate a Redevelopment Agency and Form Project Areas. City Manager urged study sessions to discuss implementation of any of the above revenue generating suggestions but was adamant that sane of these suggestions must be approved by a vote of the people. Manager Sorsabal concluded by stating the Municipal Code needs revision or rewriting. Mayor ProTem Dannen suggested hiring an outside source for rewriting the codes. Councilman Clutter asked for comparisons of other cities taxation and fees paid by industry or residents to the city directly for services. Mayor ProTem Dannen asked for a cost estimate to rewrite the codes. It was the consensus of Council to have the City Attorney do what is necessary immediately and provide a cost estimate for rewriting the codes. Council directed Eileen Hunter to contact each ocuncilmember and set up a study session date to discuss the revenue generating suggestions. I ily' F IZmk� NYY 1 Y19 -1 111 1. West Coast Basin Barrier Protect -D Councilman West MOVED, Mayor ProTem Dannen SECONDED to follow staff's reccnTendation to Approve Plans and Specifications; Authorize Ins Angeles County to Proceed with Construction of the Project; Grant Permission to Occupy and Use Public Streets in the City to Construct, operate and Maintain Installations and Issue No-Fee Excavation Permit. PUTION CAIMM BY LtVUTnI7D5 WILE VOTE -Colmcilman Anderson - NONE -Councilman Clutter Discussed the issue of a floral arrangement signaling passing planes. mailman West 1. Discussion of Agenda Procedural Matters Councilman West asked that this item be tabled to the next Council Meeting of September 6, 1988. -Mayor Pro Tem Dannen Received a letter from the South Coast Air Quality Management District concerning violations at Hyperion. (6) Council Minutes August 16, 1988 PUBLIC CQ+SMICATIOTS- (City business Lml1 -5 minute limit) 1. Frank Godw, Hacienda stated the codes that were in violation at the hotel have been taken care of except for the retrofit construction which when completed will be beyond code. 2. Rill Smith. Ccu43ri Hotel urged Council to consider the Transient Occupancy Tax as a business matter only. ME001l3 CIDSED SESSIONS Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pendinct litigation) None GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation) 1 matter GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation) 0 matters GC 54957 Personnel matters 0 matters GC 54957.6 E¢mloyee Group Negotiations 0 matters GC 54956.8 Real Estate Negotiations 0 matters GC 54956.7 Challenging Licensee 0 matters At the hour of 10:50 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's office for a Closed Session. At the hour of 11:30 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. Mayor Jacobson announced that no decisions were made in Closed session. ADJOURNMENT At the hour of 11:33 p.m. Council adjourned to August 30, 1988 at 7 :00 p.m. Study Session. (7) Council minutes August 16, 1988