1988 AUG 02 CC MINW BC N "IN N III @i 1! 11
CALL TO CffdER by Mayor Jacobson at 7:00 p.m.
INVOCATION Rev. Bonnie S. Wulff, New Thought Church
PLEDGE OF TA r DG A led by City Manager Fred Sorsabal
1. Council recognized City Employee of the Month -Gary Ochwat, Recreation
and Parks Department.
2. Councilman Clutter proclaimed- Barbara Kirby Day- August 2, 1988.
Councilman Anderson
Councilman Clutter
Councilman West
Mayor Prdlem Carmen
Mayor Jacobson
- present
- present
- absent
- present
- present
(City business only -5 minate limit)
1. letter from Dennis Martin November 8th Vote on Business Tax Increase.
2. Ara Avak, 731 W. Pine suggested Council declare the Hyperion a public
3. Brian O'Rourke, 627 W. Mariposa thanked the City Manager for making
available copies of the Proposition A guidelines. Mr. O'Rourke also spoke
with regard to the Santa Monica Bay Pollution.
4. Roy jua4g,=. 211 Virginia St. spoke with regard to the Magnolia tree
located at 224 Virginia St.
5. Madelyn Bennett, 770 W. I=erial was concerned with the construction at
the Hyperion Plant and parking conditions near her home.
6. Ride Reed, 414 W. Oak thanked the City Council for their support with the
School District.
7. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Court suggested Council place on the November
ballot a business tax increase.
8. Anna O'Rourke, 627 W. Mariposa gave a presentation regarding the ozone
layer and how citizens can prevent further destruction.
9. Linda IaRodie, 227 W. Palm was in support of saving the tree on Virginia
Street and asked Council to send a letter to Barbara Jordan showing support
for her years of service for the rights of women in affirmative action
Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
1. Public Hearing- Consideration of Revocation or Modification of Hyperion
Treatment Plant Conditional Use Permit.
Public hearing to take testimony for the purposes of reviewing the
Conditional Use Permit for the Expansion of the Hyperion Treatment
Plant and 12000 Vista Del Mar in the Open Space (OS) zone. The City
Council adopted Resolution 3513 on January 19, 1988 approving the
expansion of the Hyperion Treatment Plant, subject to six conditions
regulating construction and operational activities. In response to
public testimony and correspondence received regarding alleged
violations of these conditions, the City Council directed the Planning
Commission to consider possible modification and/or revocation
procedures pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.96.010. On July 14,
1988, the Planning C=nicaicn adopted Resolution 2220 rxonunending to
the City Council modification of the Conditional Use Permit subject to
eight additional conditions. (Environmental Assessment EA -136,
Conditional Use Permit 87 -3). Applicant: City of Los Angeles.
Mayor Jacobson announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed
for a Public Hearing- Consideration of Revocation or Modification of
Hyperion Treatment Plant Conditional Use Permit. Public hearing to take
testimony for the purposes of reviewing the Conditional Use Permit for the
Expansion of the Hyperion Treatment Plant and 12000 Vista Del Mar in the
Open Space (OS) zone. The City Council adopted Resolution 3513 on January
19, 1988 approving the expansion of the Hyperion Treatment Plant, subject to
six conditions regulating construction and operational activities. In
response to public testimony and correspondence received regarding alleged
violations of these conditions, the City Council directed the Planning
Commission to consider possible modification and/or revocation procedures
pursuant to Zoning Code Section 20.96.010. On July 14, 1988, the Planning
Commission adopted Resolution 2220 recommending to the City Council
modification of the Conditional Use Permit subject to eight additional
conditions. (Environmental Assessment EA -136, Conditional Use Permit 87 -3).
Applicant: City of Los Angeles.
Mayor Jacobson asked if proper notice of the hearing had been given. City
Clerk Ron Hart stated notice of the hearing was published in a timely manner
by the Planning Department.
Mayor Jacobson asked if there were any written cmmmmications received. City
Clerk Ron Hart stated the following communication had been received:
A letter from Sam L. Furuta, Division Engineer of the Hyperion Construction
Division with the City of Los Angeles to Mr. Gerald McKinzey at 712 W. Pine
Avenue regarding claims for damages.
A letter from Gerhard Van Drie at 724 W. Pine to Council regarding paying
damages on resident claims.
A letter from Alex & Reba Chavez at 728 W. Pine Avenue to Council regarding
effects of Hyperion vibrations on their home.
A letter from David Van Dillon and Diane Gould at 727 W. Pine Avenue
regarding vibrations effecting their hone.
A letter from Cynthia G. Kenton, 835 Dune Street regarding vibrations.
A letter just received at the anent of the meeting from James K.
Haim, City Attorney, John F. Haggerty, Sr., Assistant City Attorney,
Christopher M. Westhoff, Deputy City Attorney, 1800 City Hall East, 200
North Main Street., Los Angeles regarding the matter of the City of E1
Segundo's Conditional Use Permit #87 -3 for expansion of the City of Los
Angeles's Hyperion Treatment Plant.
Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
Director of Planning, Lynn Harris gave Council an update regarding the
Planning commission activity with regard to this item. Director Harris
stated that at the July 14, 1988 Planning Commission meeting, a resolution
was adopted rec:omnending to Council to modify the CUP 87 -3/EA- -136 with the
addition of eight conditions to Resolution No. 3513 previously adopted by
Council. Director Harris stated it was staff's re=tmendation to uphold the
Planning crmission's reoonmiendation.
Mayor Jacobson opened the public hearing to public input.
1. Brian O'Rourke, 627 W. Maripg a expressed concern with regard to apparent
new construction by Hyperion to build new sewage outfall pipelines.
2. Ed Avila, President of the Board. Department of Public Works. City of Ios
1co stated Hyperion must upgrade through State mandate, expressed
concern for affected residents and suggested postponement to Council pending
further discussion of the additional conditions to the CLIP.
3. Mark Janes, 770 W. Imperial expressed concern with regard to sand dune
development near his home.
4. Frank Wilder, 718 W. Pine was not in favor of Hyperion construction and
suggested Council withold Los Angeles sewer fees.
5. Marc Anderson, 709 W. Pine asked Council to take the lead and act on
behalf of the citizens regarding the Hyperion.
6. Dave Van Dillon, 727 W. Pine suggested there be a phone number that could
immediately adjust the mode of operation should a problem arise with a
resident. Mr. Van Dillon also asked that the existing fence be mooed closer
to the Hyperion property so as not to detract from the view.
7. Gerald Mcnrinzey, 712 W. Pine read a statement explaining the present
condition and instability of the retaining walls in his home.
8. Ralph YenIIledy, 7660 W. Iuper-al Hwy.. Representative for Hyperion
addressed the sewage outfall system, the Santa Monica Say pollution issue
and stated the problems between Hyperion and the residents can be resolved
if we do not allow them to fester.
9. Ruth Bigler, 733 W. Pine suggested the structural problems be repaired
through the special fund that was said to be available.
Mayor Prdrem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to Close the Public
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
NOES. None
ABSENT: Councilman West
Mayor ProTem Dannen expressed concern regarding a phone call received from a
Commissioner Brown threatening litigation if this issue was pressed by the
El Segundo Council.
Mr. Avila, President of the Board of Public Works stated he was not aware of
any such call and stated it is not the intention nor is it the desire of
Hyperion to institute litigation.
Council discussion ensued.
Mayor Jacobson proposed a meeting be held with Hyperion representatives, LOS
Angeles City staff and another Ccuncilmenber to resolve this issue.
Council Minutes
August 2 1988
• IM •IS /:'JA's • � 1 IG.� •�: _•
Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor PrdDem Dannen SECONDED to delegate
Councilman Anderson and Mayor Jacobson to meet with the City of Ins Angeles
officials on August 3, 1988 in the West Conference Room. mxTcN CARRIED By
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
NOES. None
ABSENT: Councilman West
City Attorney advised Council to reopen the Public Hearing if the Council
was considering its continuance.
Mayor PrdDem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to reopen and
continue the Public Hearing. M TION CAM= BY THE FoIiDWIm VOICE VOTE:
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Darman and Mayor Jacobson
NOES. None
ABSENT: Councilman West
Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor PrdI)em Dannen SECONDED to appoint Mayor
Jacobson and Councilman Anderson to meet with the Hyperion representatives
and Los Angeles City staff on Wednesday, August 3, 1988 at 2:00 p.m. in the
Mayor's Office and continue this Public Hearing to a special Council Meeting
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
NOES. None
ABSENT: Councilman West
At the hour of 9:00 P.M. Council recessed. At the hour of 9:13 P.M. Council
reconvened in the Council Cumbers with all members present and answering
roll call with the exception of Councilman West who was absent.
1: 81 N::�i. • Hu uIYYYa'Js :•p:l. :J1,
1. letter from Recreation and Parks Commission regarding Blue View Park.
Dick Croxall, Chairman of Parks and Recreation Commission stated the
c'rnvnission had detenmined that an additional park area is justified on the
west side of E1 Segundo to make the park- to-resident ratio in that area
consistent with other parts of town. The concept of a dune ridge trail and
passive park in that area was agreed upon. Mr. Croxall stated staff has been
asked to examine land availability and will poll all residents in the
inmlediate area to make sure public opinion is well understood. Mr. Croxall
concluded by stating he would report back to Council when his findings were
Diane Gould, 727 W. Pine stated she had polled some residents in the area
and received a large percentage of positive response to the idea. She will
continue to poll and report her findings to the Recreation and Parks
Ida Chavez, 727 W. Pine was not in favor of the park.
Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and
passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the
item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of
1. Professional Services in connection with Citizen Participation Program
for E1 Segundo General Plan Update and Revision.
Accept proposal and issue purchase order for professional services from
Zucker Systems.
2. Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting -Tuly 19 1988 -7:00 PM
Approve as written
3. Adopt Resolution Urging Water Conservation.
4. Request to declare certain vehicles and equipment surplus, and no
longer needed for City Service.
Approve request
5. Task Order No.l- Preliminary Design Services for Storm Drain Pump
Station No. 19- Harris and Associates.
Approve Task Order No. 1
6. Reject Bids from Paramount Sales and Creative Transportation Systems
for mini -bus for not meeting City specifications and accept Bid from
National Coach Corporation in the amount of $39.945.00.
Accept relation to accept bid from National Coach Corporation
7. Warrants Nos.15268 -15341 on Demand Register Summary Number 3 in total
amount of 5591.339.563
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to
contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
8. Warrants Nos.15345 -15534 on Demand Register Summary Number 4 in total
amount of $880.936.72
Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks.
Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to
contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments.
Mayor PxdIEem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve all items
listed under the consent agenda. M MON CARRIED BY THE FOI10WING VOICE VOTE:
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
NOES. None
ABSENT: Councilman West
1. Report concerning retaining a consultant regarding zoning and building
considerations at 303 Virginia Street.
City Manager, Fted Sorsabal stated he had contacted the firm of Phillips
Brandt Reddick, of Irvine, and received their proposal. Mr. Phillip
Schwartze is Vice President of Phillips Brandt Reddick and is very
knowledgeable in planning and building areas and is also an elected official
in Orange County. The reason for selection of a firm and individual in this
general geographical area is to eliminate any bias either from the staff or
elected officials. The cost for the study, Manager Sorsabal concluded, based
upon approximately 20 hours of work would be approximately $2,000.
Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
I? � 1 I�TGV M I• I• !!p• •• n•
Mayor Prdrem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to accept staff's
recommendation. M717ICi CAid21ID BY THE FOIiOWING VOICE VOTE:
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
NOES. None
ABSENT: Councilman West
2. Report Regarding Special Driveway Design -224 Virginia Street.
City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated at the direction of Council staff prepared
an alternate driveway design to the design prepared by the developer. The
staff alternate plan provides for the tree to remain in place although the
roots will require pruning and the head will require trimming. The staff
driveway relocates the driveway entrance 7 feet southerly and provides 2
feet of clearance between the tree and the driveway. The driveway width at
the curb line has been widened from 10 feet to 12 feet to more easily
accommodate drivers negotiating the proposed "S" curve design. Staff
estimates the additional cost of the alternative driveway to be between $500
and $1,000 plus the cost of staff plan preparation. Additionally, Manager
Sorsabal continued, it will be necessary for the developer to prepare and
execute a new easement for joint use of the driveway by the two adjacent
property owners. In conclusion, staff's experience with trees of this nature
will require additional work in three to five years.
Jay Gonzales, Ins Anneles stated a "blind spot" will be created if the tree
is not removed.
City Manager Sorsabal stated it is likely that within two weeks the pruning
of the roots and trimming of the tree can be completed.
Jim Kizirian, developer owner of 224 Virginia Street Prvpetty stated he
would like to cooperate with City officials and neighbors and would be
amenable to the decision of Council.
Councilman Clutter MOVED to revoke the present permit issued in April of
1987 and accept staff's recommendations. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FULIOWING
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman West
3. Request for Council clarification regarding school busing.
City Manager Sorsabal asked for Council clarification regarding the funds
allocated for the School District busing issue.
Councilman Anderson stated the $30,000 was solely for the shuttling of city
children to and from Richmond Street School and Center Street School for a
one time /one year only basis. The remainder of the years and activities
would be the responsibility of residents and business.
Mayor PrdPem Dannen publicly thanked Chevron for their donation of $10,000
to this issue and Paragon Cable for a donation of $500.00.
Mayor Prdiem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to confirm the
City's contribution of $30,000 to the School District for shuttle service
for children to and from Richmond Street School and Center Street School.
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
NOES. None
ABSENT: Councilman West
( 6)
Council Minutes
August 2, 1983
ioP -.-Ri 1212•. MYY AW MYLP pl; UT Wre . ,
4. Request for Council to set interview date for persons applying for
Recreation and Parks Commission and Senior Citizen Housing Board and to have
Eileen Hunter coordinate interview schedules for the openings on Recreation
and Parks commission.
It was the consensus of Council to extend the acceptance of application date
for the Senior Housing Board.
5. Report on Transient Owapancy Tax Ordinance.
Mayor Jacobson stated he received a request from Councilman West to table
this item to the next Council meeting.
Councilman Clutter MOVED, Mayor Pr'drem Dannen sEcCNDID to continue the
discussion of this item and possibly make a decision. MOTICK DID NOT CARRY
AYES: Councilmen Clutter and Dannen
NOES: Councilman Anderson and Mayor Jacobson
ABSENP: Councilman West
City Attorney Dolley stated this tie vote constituted No ACTION.
Council tabled the above item to the next Council meeting of August 16, 1988
1. City's Position Regarding the West Coast Basin Barrier Project - Disposal
Lines. (Requested by Councilman Dannen at the 7 -19 -88 Council Meeting).
City Attorney Dolley asked that this item be removed from the agenda pending
further material for review. He stated he would place it on the agenda by
September 6, 1988.
921•eIY 6WO Z I oil 14 12' 1• �.
- CUmcilman Anderson
Reported on South Bay Cities Meeting and S(AG Meeting
-Councilman Clutter
Reported on Noise Abatement Committee Meeting; and requested Staff to review
the possibilities of using a believed City owned lot on In erial Way for a
possible site for constructing a sign visible to planes.
-Mayor ProTem Danner
Requested a calendar of events for Councilmenbers
Requested that at the next Council Meeting of August 16, 1988 Council set up
some study session dates to review probable revenue producing ideas.
City Manager Sorsabal stated he would not be prepared to give any specific
revenue ideas for at least 30 days as the Cost Allocation study has not been
Mayor ProTem Dannen asked the status of the parking lot at the corner of
Mariposa and Main Street.
Council Minutes
August 2, 1988
City Manager Sorsabal stated the appraisal had just been received and
discussion was underway with the Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Bertain to
discuss the possibility of the City acquiring this property.
-Mayor Jacobson
Requested that at the next Council Meeting of August 16, 1988 a study
session date be set for brainstorming revenue raising.
Requested staff to review and enforce existing residential parking
codes /regulations.
PUBLIC C12bK NICA,TIONS- (City business gUly-5 muRife limit)
1. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Court spoke with regard to raising business
taxes by placing the issue on the November ballot.
2. Frank WOM, 435 valley addressed the Prop. A funds issue.
Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be
held on the following matters:
GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pending litigation)
GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation)
1 matter
GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation)
1 matter
GC 54957 Personnel matters
2 matters
GC 54957.6 Employee Group Negotiations
0 matters
GC 54956.8 Real Estate Negotiations
0 matters
GC 54956.7 Challenging LicerL -ee
0 matters
City Attorney Dolley advised Council that two additional items needed to be
placed under GC 54957. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman Clutter
AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Councilman West
At the hour of 10:30 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a
Closed Session. At the hour of 12:30 a.m. Council reconvened in the Council
Chambers with all members present and answering roll call with the exception
of Councilman West who was absent.
City Manager Fred Sorsabal announced that Interim Police Chief Frank Meehan
was appointed as Police Chief. Manager Sorsabal stated that No OTHER ACTIONS
Council Minutes
August 2, 1986
VI-IIt011, I s I D,0y
At the hour of 12:45 a.m. Council adjourned to a Special Meeting at 7:00
p.m. on August 9, 1988 to continue the Hyperion Public Hearing regarding the
Conditional Use Permit.
Council Minutes
August 2, 1986