1988 APR 26 CC MIN91 `I�! I D• N •• 11 M• IpDI 1 - 11 V5. CATL TO C9Y.7' by • Jacobson 11 PUMM OF ALU3=NCE led by Councilman Anderson FULL Y; COI IC-11 an Anderson - present Councilman Clutter - present Councilman West - absent Mayor Pro Tem Danner - present Mayor Jacobson - present 1. Council Information Session - Departmental Presentations R Building Safety Department presented by Director of Building and Safety, McKinley Dalgleish. City Tegal Department presented by Julia Abreu City Clerk's Office presented by City Clerk, Ronald L. Hart City Treasurer's office presented by City Treasurer Louise Ecloersley Fire Department presented by Fire chief Robert Marsh Finance Department presented by Acting Finance Director Jerry Sdwster Library presented by Library Director, Barbara Kirby Personnel Department presented by Assistant City Manager, Fred Weiner Planning Department presented by Director of Planning, Lynn Harris At the hour of 7:50 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 7:55 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all meters present and answering roll call, with the exception of Councilman West. Police Department presented by Interim Police Chief, Frank Meehan Water and Sanitation Department presented by Bill Martin, Acting Public Works Director, Don Holguin, Water and Sanitation Superintenden£. Recreation and Parks Department presented by Director of Recreation and Parks, Bob Wynn. Each of the above departments in order as listed presented to City Council an orientation of their functions and responsibilities. 2. Planning Commission Vacancies -,Tune 30. 1988. (a) Discussion, direction, or decision on filling unexpired term of Scot D. Dannen. Mayor Jacobson stated the urgency to fill the vacancy for the Planning Coanissicn no longer exits, and the unexpired term will not be filled. April 26, 1988 Council Minutes (b) Direct staff to advertise for 2 vacancies effective 7/1/88. It was the Consensus of Council to direct staff to advertise for the Metropolitan Cooperative Library System Advisory Board vacancy, the vacancy on the Mosquito Abatement Cca[rtoittee and the Planning Cca:mission vacancies. 3. Discussion of Council Comnittee Assignments. The 1988 City Council Committee Assignments were allocated and agreed to as followings: BEAM C1= CCMKr.'iEE Delegate: Anderson Alternate: Jacobson N ' `1:1/5 �:� •� 1- Y71 Delegate: Clutter Alternate: West DOf+II'iiDfd`I EL SHOTJDM, INC.. (LHSI% Delegate: Anderson Alternate: Jacobson 0:N M 1 0. � `1 ��_Y7 1> •• 1 Y71 Delegate: Jacobson Alternate: Clutter Iii CUT AL9YTTL4P D[ams Delegate: Clutter Alternate: Damien SAUr ATICN DISIRICP Delegate: Jacobson Alternate: Clutter SpplfjZl CALUU NIA ASSOCIATI N OF CMVEBNM WIS (SC AG) Delegate: Anderson Alternate: West (2) April 26, 1988 Council Minutes �• 1 Y7l1 •. I• •1:1 •• I 1 V� • � •�1 1`t: •� ti• i }•�' •1 17. •ti • M 4 o z . -.1a1, ..;,; u.:; yon, �I��o-i �._ •• 1 ��• Delegate: Anderson Alternate: Dannen 01 D4 :Z - If 0J4Y 0•4 io �.Z Nk "WO-10 1. Denis Martin, 722 Indiana Court. reccnnended that Council postpone the Supervisory Library Position opening because of the upcoming retirement of Library Director Barbara Eby, CLL15H] SCIONS Pursuant to the California Goverrmlent Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pendircr litigation) O matters GC 54956.9(b) (City might have sicmificant exposure to litigation) 0 matters GC 54956.9(c) (City miqht decide to initiate litigation) 0 matters At the hour of 8:58 Council adjourned. IMS- • .I::J �- (3) April 26, 1988 Council Minutes a