1988 APR 19 CC MINW 11W 7! I I IN Y• y ••11 AI In L 104 Diu 1 CAII. TO ORL&Ii by Mayor Siadek at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION given by Deputy City Clerk, Juanita Zarilla PLEDGE OF ALIEGIANKM led by Council Recorder, Melissa Mack P11ESEI7PATIONS 1. City Manager, Fred Sorsabal introduced New Management Perswmel -Don Johnson, Fire Protection Specialist, Fire Department and Jerry Schuster, Acting Finance Director. ROIL CALL Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman West - present Mayor Pro Ten Schuldt - present Mayor Siadek - present PDBISC CCF24LWCATICNS I. Written ccmmnnication from Dennis Martin: Certification of the City Budget Expenditures and Revenues. Mayor Siadek requested that this item be considered under 1UNFINMSHM BUSINESS. It was the ommensus of Council to address this item under UNFINISHM U BSIN SS uw�la�r mil. 1. Rich Reed. 414 W. gave an update regarding his language -music education reform. SPECIAL ORpF% OF BUSINESS 1. Canvass of General Municipal Election Held April 12 1988 City Clerk, Ron Hart gave the results of the General Municipal Election held April 12, 1988 and read the title of the following: RESOIITI CN N0. 3528 • 7.• • OF I = COUNCIL OF THE = OF EL SEGUNW, QUIFUMM, FdDCITING THE OF 1 GENERAL MUNICIPAL EI=CN HE1 • IN 11 OF EL SBG=, ON Y I 12TH DAY OF DECIARING THE E TH=F AND SUCH MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED Mayor .•- MOVED, Councilman Ana- • SECONDED to uelve further reading arid adopt. • •' V•47171 BY UP01143US VOICE VOTE. 2. Presentation of Certificates of Election Deputy City Clerk, Juanita Zarilla gave the oath of office to newly elected City Clerk, Ronald L. Hart.. City Clerk, Ron Hart gave the oath of office to newly elected Council+embers Carl Jaodhson, Scot Dannen, and Jim Clutter. April 19, 1988 Council Minutes SPECIAL aRDEFS OF HJSD ES.S (rmhimux3) Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt gave a brief farewell and thanked the citizens of El Segundo for their support. Mayor Siadek also thanked citizens for their support and asked that the newly elected council do their best to unify the city as a whole. Councilmen West and Anderson mTressed thanks and appreciation to fellow colleagues, Mayor Siadek and Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt. Newly elected Counncilmamhars Jacobson, Dannen and Clutter took their seats at the dais. Councilman Clutter thanked supporters and family for their hard work and effort. Councilman Clutter stated he would continue to work toward getting results from the Airport and Hyperion as his supporters urged steps in this direction. Councilman Dannen also thanked family and supporters and stated he would continue to "vote his conscious for the betterment of El Segundo." Councilman Jason stated Council needs to work together to "build a better E1 Segundo." The hopes of acccMlishing this might be seen in the next four years- 3. Election of Mayor and Mayor Pro Tear Councilman Anderson NDVED' Councilman West SECONDED to elect Councilman Jacobson as Mayor of the City Council. MOTION CAla=) BY UNANIMOUS VOICE 4C7PE. Councilman Clutter nominated Councilman Dannen for the position of Mayor Pro Ten. Councilman Dannen seconded. Councilman West nominated Councilman Anderson for the position of Mayor Pro Ten. Councilman Anderson Seconded. Mayor Jacobson called for a roll call vote for the position of Mayor Pro Ten. THE EOIZOWING VOICE VOTE WAS TART: Councilman Anderson: AYES: Councilmen Anderson and West Councilmen Dannen: AYES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson IT WAS A PU TORM VOTE OF COUNCIL TO MXT COOMCQT+M DANNER AS MAYOR PRO TEM. Mayor Jacobson presented a gavel to Past Mayor Siadek in recognition for his service to the City of E1 Segundo. At the hour of 7:40 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 7:55 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Cilembens with all members present and answering roll call. ONF72USHED ELSINFS.S IT WAS r= OQNSENS<S OF COUNCIL TO MR THIS ITEM. 1. Written canmunication from Dennis Martin: Certification of the City Budget Even i tures and Revenues. (2) April 19, 1988 Council Minutes LWINLE21ED BUSINESS Dennis Martin. 722 Indiana Court expressed concern over the upcoming budget. Mr. Martin suggested a Town Meeting might help the citizens understand the intensity of this matter and asked to contact the City Manager on this issue and have it on the Agenda for the next City Council meeting for discussion. 2. Second reading of Ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo, California, amending Chapter 16.03, entitled "Building Permit Limitations," to Title 16 of the El Segundo Municipal Code to conform with requirements of CEOA. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1109 AN ORDINANCE OF I CITY OF EL 1• CA=FORNIA, MENDING • / • p• 16.03, OF I EL SE93NM DUMICIPAL CODE. Y•' 1 u. •- •. WAI 111 •. 1 - 9N 1111 • - , - .• • • Y• 9••1111 1 r 11 ♦Iti • M' • • • 1 1: - • 11 • 1 •.- • •• 111 • . • r• RUCM OF QMU=S, BOARDS AND OIZW44ICNS 1. Recommendation froa Recreation and Parks Co mnission to provide a facility for skateboard and bicycle riding. Chairman of Parks Ccmnission, Dick croDm i gave a brief update regarding the use of skateboards in the Recreation Park. Mr. Cirnmll recommended that the Council continue the ban in the Park and stated the Parks Oormni «ion reccomnerded Council approve the Recreation and Parks Department designating certain times of each day that skateboards and bicycles may be ridden on the athletic tout at the teen Center for a six month trial period. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Mayor Pro Tan Dannen SECW= to approve the recommendation. N=CN CATUUM BY UNANDU S VOICE VViE. 2. DESI Request for wavier of insurance requirement for "let's Do Iunch" Promotion. Elyse D. Imthstein, owner of industrial lock and Security, and Member of the Board of Directors of DESI requested Council's support in their event through waiving the insurance requirement for this year, with the uncle arri�g that the appropriate general liability insurance would be secured prior to next year's running of this event. Additionally, DFSI is requesting the cooperation of the appropriate City departments in waiving the required business license fees, providing trash receptacles, tables, c3na=, microphones and electrical service on the day of each event. A detailed list of these needs will be provided to the City Manager no later than April 18. City Manager Soxsabal stated that crowd control would be necessary, the 11bare" responsibility for liability is needed and permits for sound amplifiers world be required. Manager Sorsabal stated it was an outstanding experiment for the City. Mayor Jacobson requested that DESI state in their advertising a preferred mute down Grand Avenue and ask Businesses to provide a shuttle service to reduce traffic. (3) April 19, 1988 Council Minutes Councilman West M) M, Councilman Anderson SEMNDED to accept the request from DESI. MUCK CARRIED BY 1VVWR4X1S VOICE VOTE. OCK El1P AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a Call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Extension of Agreement with Daniel Freeman Hospital regarding the Meals on Wheels Program for one -year using Community Development Block Grant (CDW) Funds. Approve agreement 2. Alcoholic Beverage License - application for transfer, Goad Stop Market, 601 Viminia Street. Receive and file 3. Alcoholic Beverage license - application for transfer, Richmond Bar & Grill, 145 Richmond Street. Receive and file 4. Almerilment to Revise the Termination Clause in the Job Training Partnenihip Act Operational Agreement with the City of Redondo Beach Approve 5. Plans and specifications and authorization to advertise for bids for the installation of irrigation system and landscaping at Washington Park Greenbelt Area between Sycamore and Maple Avenues- Proiect PW 87 -7 Approve plans and specifications and authorize staff to advertise for bids 9. Disposal of Rescue Unit # 3338 being replaced by Rescue Unit # 3303 Declare surplus and approve disposal 10. Resolution Supporting Proposed Legislation for Congressional Authorization to Line Portions of the All American Canal and the Coachella Branch. Adopt resolution 11. Library Donations frran Mr. and Mrs. Al Cook ($5.00) and from UU Foundation's matching grant Pro= -dm given by Isabelle Jolly. Accept donations 12. Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting -April 5, 1988. Approve as written 13. Warrants Nos. 13429 -13659 on Demand Register Summary Nnmiber 21 in total amount of $940.293.06 Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks: checks released early due to contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments. Councilman Anderson requested item members 6, 7, and 8 to be removed for discussion. Councilman West M m, Councilman Anderson S> CM= to approve the remaining items under the Consent Agenda. M7TMW CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE NUM. 6. Contract for the Sweeping of Streets and Alleys for a Zhree Year Period, PW 88 -1. Award contract to lowest most responsible bidder meeting specifications (4 ) April 19, 1988 Council Minutes I •i 6 1 •Y as vey,u; ..,, councilman Anderson requested for future reference that staff include in the back -up material the reasoning for not accepting the low bidder. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve item mnber 6. M:)TTON CA14UM BY LRiA MVW VOICE yuM. 7. Remodel and addition to Fire Department Headquarters Facility-Change order Number 4. Approve change order mmber 4, appropriate additional funds in the amount of $21,938.99 and accept the contract as complete. Councilman Anderson requested a more thorough accounting of the items being paid. It was the consensus of Council to send this item back to staff for more informations. 8. Wastewater Revenue Prcg= Preparation Accept the proposal of Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates and authorize issuance ce of a purchase order. Councilman Anderson stated there was only one bid and asked why the low bidder was rejected. City Manager Sorsabal stated that staff will provide more in -depth back -up material for Council review. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECONDED to approve item number 8. M7PICN CARRIED BY DNANINJ S WILE VDT. NEW B{SIIH'SS-CPl'Y MANAGER 1. Request to approve proposal from Landscape scarpe West, Inc., for three year extension for landscape maintenance service of various parks, median islands and other city facilities from July 1. 1988 to June 30, 1991. Waive bidding procedures and approve three year proposal from Landscape West, Inc. City Manager Sorsabal stated Landscape West, Inc. has been the lowest bidder for the last three years. An increase for 1988 -89 for $25,981 which includes an increase of $10,981 for basic service and $15,000 additional for tree trimming. Manager Sorsabal recatmended Council waive the bidding procedures and approve a three year proposal from Landscape West, Inc. Councilman West MOVED, Councilmen Anderson SECONDED to approve the City Manager's recommendation. M MCN WAS NOT CARRIED BY THE d TJQ G VOICE VOTE: AYES: Councilmen Anderson and West NOES: Councilmen Clutter, Dannen and Mayor Jacobson Mayor Jacobson stated they want to see this matter go out for bids and directed staff to proceed with advertising. 2. Presentation of Public Water System Cross- Conmectien Control Reoulations. First reading of ordinance of the City of E1 Segundo adding Chapter 14.06 to Title 14 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code, Entitled Public Water System Cross-cOnnecticn Control Regulations. Director of Public Works, William Glickman gave a brief explanation of the "cross-connection" wording in the text of the ordinance. Mr. Glickman stated it was the public protection against contamination. (5) April 19, 1988 Council Minutes NEW HZINISS - CITY ATiORNEY (continued) City Attorney read the title of the following: G:: • hF_ u•i �.• " ORDINANCE • Y I CITY OF ar • • CAUR)ENIA ADD= • rU7= 14.06 TO T= 14 OF i EL SEGUNW KMcIpAL ODDE, MTrLED AM SYSTE24 CROSS-CONNECI!ION CONIPOL ROGUIATIONS. Councilman West MCKM, Councilman - r SECONDED to waive further reading. NOTION CAM= BY UNANDUM VOICE VDIE. Councilman Anderson introduced. NEW BUSINESS-CITY ATT• •. I' 1. First reading of Ordinance • of _• 1 •• adding Chapter 19.08, entitled "vesting Tentative mapsir to Title 19 (subdivisions) of the City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHA= 19.08 TO TITLE 19 OF THE EL SEG[ = MUNICIPAL CODE, ErTPIIIED "VFSTM TENTATIVE MAP^.^ Mayor Pro Tem Dannen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SEO3= to waive further reading. MATCN CARRIED BY 1II00II1US VOICE VOTE. Mayor Pro T ma Dannen introduced. iced. NEW B=USS- CITY CLERK - None COUNCIEMEMEEitS REPORTS AND laDCOMMENDMONS Comcilman Anderson requested that the Planning Commission vacancies be placed on the next agenda for discussion. Mayor Jacobson requested that the above item be placed on the next agenda as well as a department information presentation at an adjourned meeting next week. Councilman West stated that although he will not be present he would like his input on the Planning commission vacancies to be considered. He stated he will leave written comment. Councilman Anderson asked for clarification regarding a newspaper article which he cited made reference to a proposal to rezone several blocks of residential property for retail and c=ercial uses. He asked if this was one of the issues to be presented to the Planning Coamuission during the next months. Councilman Clutter requested an item on rezoning referred to by Councilman Anderson be placed on the agenda. Mayor Jacobson clarified the article by stating it pertained to the Goal Statement which enom ram coamercial growth between Sepulveda and Washington Street. Mayor Jacobson also requested that under the same heading he wanted to include the levels at which condaniniums should be considered (# of units). Councilman Anderson requested the subject of the parking lot at the end of Acacia Street in the far west end of the City be placed on a future Agenda. Councilman Clutter requested that the subject of a method for tracking the hyperion odors be placed on a future agenda. Mayor Jacobson advised Councilman Clutter to discuss this matter with the City Manager. (6) April 19, 1988 Council Minutes Councilman Anderson expressed disappointment at not being eligible to serve the community as Mayor Pro Tem for the remainder of his term in office. Mayor Pro Ten Danner requested the repeal of the rubbish refuse collection ordinance as written be placed on the agenda for the May 3, 1988 City Council Meeting. ME H3RTAIS - None GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pending litigation) E1 Segundo v. Willdan Ray Lewis v. E1 Sao Kilroy v. El Segundo GC 54956-9(b) (City micdrt have significant exposure to litigation) 0 matters GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation) 0 matters Personnel Matters 1 matter At the hour of 8:45 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a closed session. At the hour of 10:15 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. City Attorney Colley stated that at the March 15, 1988 Regular City Council Meeting the City Council forwarded to the Planning Co m++i ssion an ordinance entitled An Ordinance of the City of El Segundo Amerrling Sec. 20.070.090 Chapter 27 (Non - Conforming Buildings and uses of Title 20) Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code. It was City Attorney's understanding that he would form a resolution of the City Council directing the Planning Commission to discontinue further study of subject ordinance and asked for the appropriate motion. Mayor Pro Tem Darnnen MOVED, Councilman Clutter SECM=, to direct the Planning Commission to discontinue the study of the subject ordinance. M0TICN CAN= BY LDU411 DUS VOICE VOTE. No further actions were taken by Council in Closed Session. AIITOORPR12?r At the hour of 10:30 p.m. Council adjourned to Tuesday, April 26, 1988 at 6:00 p.m.