1988 APR 05 CC MINCALL TO CFMR at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Siadek. INVOf M N given by Rev. David Tin000, United Methodist Church 1. City Manager Fred Sorsabal introduced Interim Police Chief Frank V, Meehan 2. Council recognized City Ehrplcyee of the Month -Fire Captain Eric Moore 3. Mayor Siadek proclaimed National Library Week April 17 -23, 1988 4. Councilman Anderson proclaimed Bike Safety Week -April 17 -23, 1988 5. Councilman Jacobson proclaimed Earthquake preparedness Month April 1988 6. Councilman West proclaimed Medal of Valor Week April 3-9, 1988 7. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt gave a cxm¢nesdation recognizing the So. Bay Free Clinic. Greg Jones recipient submitted a written request for a $1500 donation from the City of El Segundo Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman West - present Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - present Mayor Siadek - present I �i1:18f•I� i u �. /121 (�;Y Y C�.2ti. 1. Letter from Mr. Joel A. Schoff regarding removal of a tree at 123 West Palm Street. Received and filed. 2, communication submitted from Dennis Martin: Certification of City Budget FXpenditures. Received and filed. 3. Joel A. Schaff. owner of nromrty at 123 W. Palm asked that Council consider removal of a tree that was blocking the potential property site for 6 town house apartments. Mr. Sdioff stated he was willing to buy a tree similar and place it in a more appropriate spot. Mr. Schoff further stated he had considered moving the tree but the cost for street excavation would be higher than spending $1500.00 on a replacement. Bob Wynn, Director of Parks and Recreation stated the existing tree is aesthetically pleasing and provides a canopy effect for that street. Mr. Wynn stated the tree was in excess of 30 years old and would be extremely hard to replace. 4. Tim Smith, 1140 Hicdlland, Contractor for tar. Scboff's Urn[uerty stated the only other alternative is to raise the building 5 feet but this would encroach on present building codes. Council Minutes April 5, 1988 Mayor Siadek MOVED, Councilman West SECNDED to have Mr. Schoff replace the tree with a like specimen and seek the proper permits to cut into the curb and street for removal of existing tree. These conditions are subject to approval by the Parks and Recreation prior to the start of construction. M7PION CARRIED BY THE FOL fXfn4G VOICE VOTE• , West, Schuldt and Mayor Siadek NOES: Councilman Jacobson 5. Shirley Parker, 129 W. Palm stated the existing tree was a nuisance and had a similar tree removed because of plumbing problems. Mrs. Parker asked that Council consider allowing the builder to replace the tree with a more useful specimen. 6. Carol Polocoff. recresentative for Diana Ferew Productions, 2324 Beachupod Drive requested Council give then access to the El Segundo Plunge for a shooting of an ABC After School Special. Ms. Polocoff stated they would need the facility for two days and would pay the city $500.00 a day. City Attorney Colley reminded Council of the Brown Act and their inability to make a decision on an item not listed on the agenda unless a vote of council is made to consider the item as an emergency issue. Carl Jacobson MOVED, Mayor Siadek SEMMM to consider the item as an emergency issue. MMTCN CARL= BY UNANIMOUS WICE VOTE: city Manager, Fred Sorsabal stated that it was imperative that this group provide adequate insurance. It was the consensus of Council to have staff work with Diana Rerew Productions to amend a solution that would not inconvenience citizens but would provide Yerew Productions with a working space. 7. Frank Wong, rFCir3rmt requested Council give the children of El Segundo a place to ride their bicycles and skateboards. Mr. Wong also expressed concern over a figure that was listed in the Town Talk publication. Bob Wynn, Director of Parks and Recreation stated the Parks Commission took action on this item and a recomTendation had been made to set aside a facility for the children regarding this issue. The item will be on the next Agenda. 5. Rich Reed, 414 W. Oak presented his music reform. 6. Merlyn Iuckens, 707 E. Pine submitted an article for Council review regarding a trash study ordered by the Ins Angeles Board of Public Works. 7. Scott Dannen. 1127 E. Acacia felt residents are conOerr)ed about trash collection and their right to vote on it as a ballot measure. Mr. Dannen requested this council refrain from voting on the issue. 8. Jim Clutter, 441 Rarsas requested Council take no action on the trash ordinance. nonce. City Manager, Fred Sorsabal stated the ordnance in question does not establish a fee. This city simply does not have in its records an Ordinance providing for this service. Another ordinance would need to be passed with regard to fees. (2) Council Minutes April 5, 1988 I. 1:1 Nyy 1 v_1� �.�. �•n r n. 9. Scott Danner. 1127 E. Acacia asked again that Council take no action on this item. 10. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Lpltt spoke with regard to the City's budget deficit. At the hour of 8:40 p.m. Council recessed. At the hour of 8:50 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. y1LRMh •'; 1'�::.Y•7� icy l�IyJC 1. First reading of Ordinance of the City of El Segundo, California, amending Chapter 16.03, entitled "Building Permit Limitations," to Title 16 of the E1 Segundo Municipal Code to conform with rsouirements of MA City Attorney read the title of the following: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CA12TORNIA, AMENDING C[-AFTER 16.03, TITLE 16, OF THE EL SEGUNDO KINICIPAL CODE. Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to waive further reading. MOTION CARRIED BY UbMMUZ VOICE VOTE. Councilman West MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt SECONDED to introduce. M71ZCtd CAR[ZIED BY 12MDUM VOICE VOTE. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt introduced. 2. Public Hearing - Proposed expenditure of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds. Request to allocate $74,481 in CDBG Funds during fiscal year 1988 -89 towards implementation of the following projects: continuation of the Home - Delivered Meals program, continued administration of the CDBG Program; the Joslyn Center expansion. The additional CDBG Funds for the Joslyn Center will be in exchange of a portion of the City's Capital Improvement funding for the project Mayor Siadek announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a Public Hearing on the Proper expenditure of Cotmmmity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funds. Request to allocate $74,481 in CDBG Funds during fiscal year 1988 -89 towards implementation of the following projects: continuation of the Hane - Delivered Meals program, continued administration of the CDBG Program; the Joslyn Center expansion. The additional CDBG Funds for the Joslyn Center will be in exchange of a portion of the City's Capital improvement funding for the project. Mayor Siadek asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk Ron Hart stated that proper notice was published in a timely and appropriate fashion. Mayor Siadek asked if any written c=runicaticn had been received. City Clerk Ron Hart stated none had been received. City Manager Fred Sorsabal stated that a public hearing is being held for the purpose of receiving e=m dty input on the local expenditure of CDBG funds. The City is eligible to receive $74,481.00 in CDBG furls during fiscal year 1988 -89. (3) Council Minutes April 5, 1988 +'1'r7M : •:;i • ;��.. • L 617. •vn 1' =• City staff has reviewed eligibility requirements, expenditure rates on previous projects and alternative ways to utilize these furls, including trading $2.00 of block grant for $1.00 of general fund money. The recommendation contirnies a popular CDBG program (Meals on Wheels) and replaces previously allocated general fund capital inprovement monies with block grant monies to the Joslyn Center. Prior year's approved projects (such as the Clubhouse renovation, Downtown Improvements, Community Garden) are ongoing and not a part of this item. This item is for expenditure of additional fiscal year 1988 -89 money only. Council opened the Public Hearing to Public Input. 1. Dennis Wingate. Representative for DFSI gave the current status of the Downtown El Segundo Improvement group and asked that his group receive consideration for $11,000 to benefit the entire community. Mr. Wingate requested postponement of this matter to the Council Meeting of April 19, 1988. City Manager, Fred Sorsabal stated that Council could direct staff to pursue DFSI qualifications for CDBG funds but reminded Council of the strict regulations placed by Federal Government regarding these funds. Mr. Sorsabal concluded by stating that DESI was riot in a probable category for acceptance- 2. Dennis Martin. 722 Indiana Court requested Council consider the CDBG funds for Senior programs. It was the consensus of Council to close the Public Hearing. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve staff's recommendation with the condition that the General Funded amount of $55,000 in the Capital Improvement Fund be reallocated at a later time when future furling needs can be better appraised. M7PION CARRIED BY UN2NIMJUS VOICE V DIE UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Ordinance for Residential Refuse Collection. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1108 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 6.08 TO ADD SECTION 6.08.140 REWIRING MANDATORY RESIMn7AL GARBAGE AND RUBBISH COLLECTION Mayor Pro Ten schuldt MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt. M7PION CARRIED BY THE FOLTOWING VOICE VOIE• AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Schuldt, West and Mayor Siadek NOES: Councilman Jacobson Councilman West asked the City Attorney for clarification on the ordinance. City Attorney Dolley stated the ordinance provides for the regular and mandatory collection of garbage and rubbish from single - family and multi - unit residences within the City. All occupants of residential dwelling units shall be required to use the refuse service provided by the City and the occupant or owner shall be charged a fee regardless of whether refuse is placed for collection. The ordinance further provides for a fee waiver method to be determined by the City's Director of Finance. The establishment of fees, Attorney Dolley concluded, would require the passage of another ordinance. (4) Council Minutes April 5, 1988 I:J 71 s:,�1:Y179r1�y y1g1�Y9�7. :1.:J. c.11 •1u,,1 * • 41 1. Councilman West expressed concern over the kinds of limitations given to the Planning Department and the specific direction given by Council with regard to development. Councilman West stated this could be something for the new Council to look at further. 2. Notification to Council that Commissioner McCaverty's term on Recreation and Parks Commission expires 5/14/88. Mayor .de Y 911 Cot=11nan Axderson 7N 170 to accept extension YA [ 1711 BY LROOnlJOUS VOICE V=. 3. Planning Commission Minute Resolution establishing April 28, 1988 public hearing for presentation of draft of Los Angeles County Hazardous Waste Management Plan and receipt of public testimony. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Anderson SE03= to approve the Public Hearing Date set by the Planning Commission. 3OTIC7 CARRY BY UNANIY= WILE VOTE. 4. Status Report from Downtown El Segundo Inc. -Iou Young, Treasurer of the Board. sandy Jacobs. Member of the Board of Directors of DPSI gave a brief status report regarding the Progress of the group. Received and Filed. CONSENT ACEN D& All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1 Minutes from the Regular City Council Meeting-March 15 1988 Approve as written. 2. Minutes from the Special Meeting of City Council -March 24, 1988 -10:00 AM Approve as written. 3. Bid Number 1087 for a dump body for use by the Sanitation De Award bid to low bidder Universal Truck Body for $11,015.30 including tax and installation. Budgeted from the Equipment Replacement Fund $40,000. Total cost of truck and dump bed $45,000. No additional appropriation needed due to saving on other units purchased this year from fund. 4. Library Donation of $50.00 from the Westchester Women of the Moose, Chapter Number 1437 Accept donation staff to solicit bids 7. To award the bid for replacement and Purchase of two (2) reader /printers to be used in the City Library. Award the bid to the lowest bidder, Astro Office Products, Inc., for $9,364.10, including sales tax. (5) Council Minutes April 5, 1988 •• L^I,? • CP 11 • �c i _• 8. Request from Building Safety Department for additional appropriation of $50.000 for professional and technical services Approve additional appropriation request of $50,000 to be appropriated from increase in revenue from fees for plan check and energy plan check. 9. Warrants Nos. 12984 -13208 on Demand Register Summary Number 19 in total amount of $1,347,080.05 Approve: Warrant Demand Register and authorize staff to release checks. Ratify: Payroll and Employee Benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; Emergency disbursements and or adjustments. Councilman Anderson requested that item Mmber 6 be pulled for discussion. Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to approve the remaining items under the Consent Agenda. MWICN Q%MM BY 12MDUE VOICE VOTE. 6. Presentation of Tri -Party Agreement (City of El Segundo, Chevron USA, Pac -Bell) in Connection with "Future Street" to be developed east of Allied WaV (parcel Map No. 17750). Approve agreement Councilman Anderson asked if this was the last obstacle before getting the deed to this property. City Manager Sorsabal stated there is one more obstacle but the City should have the deed within 60 days. Councilman Anderson DIED, Mayor Siadek SECONDED to approve item number 6. MO CN CARRIED BY UNANnMOs VOICE VOTE. NEW BUSIN ESS-= MANAGER 1. Request of Downtown El Segundo, Inc. to Iardscane Parkina Lots. Select alternative design and authorize staff to prepare plans for bidding purposes- Barbara Culbertson. Cli- Chairperson of DFSI stated that the funds being used for this project are CDBG and would not propose a cost to the City. Alan Burke, International IarldSCaplrl4 stated the landscaping would provide a more palatable solution to the proposed lots. Mr. Burke asked Council for support with regard to the design. Director of Public Works, William Glickman stated that the addition of any shrubs would reduce the size of parking spaces. Councilman West MOVED, Mayor Siadek SECONDED to approve Plan 1 which states: The goal of this design is to provide the most positive impact in the project area. The specific plant materials suggested on the plans have been carefully suggested with low maintenance, drought tolerant materials being selected. It should also be noted that these plantings also reflect many suggestions outlined in the Van Dell report. To maximize the effectiveness of the landscaping, Plan 1 for each lot requires a loss of three spaces (two on Main and one on Richmond) and the change of 10 spaces (Richmond only) from the current designation of all standard size to compact spaces. (6) Council Minutes April 5, 1988 is . 1 ia.'t w r. r• n71• .., _. Spaces that are now lost entirely to planting areas will provide some space for use of bicycle and motorcycle parking, the latter which may now be responsible for use of spaces by automobiles. • •: Y• Y• 1 ?1 1'I' • to 1 • • • K AYES: Councilmen Anderson, Schuldt, West and Mayor Siadek Councilman Jacobson stated he was in favor of beautification but did not agree with the lass of universal car spaces. 2. Finance Department request for reclassification of Avxhasing /License Supervisor to Purchasing Agent (to rerain management /confidential position, salary range set at rID11) . City Attorney Colley read the title of the following: RESOLUITCC NO. 'D.• • • I N •• MI • I • 71 7C •• 19,03 V 171 • • a • / • / • • r• - �• r• r• do 18 •• 1 al 71' 17ti • • 1 71 7C 1• • • 11 •• / .- • 71 a•• Is w - - .... • •• Y• •i• 1711 r• 1 • � • ♦ • 3. Report and Recommendation to hire a consultant to develop a user fee /cost allocation plan for the City of E1 Segundo. City Manager Eyed Sorsabal stated that it was re=miended the City Council authorize entering into an agreement with the firm of David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. to develop a user fee /cost allocation plan for a fee of $23, 000. And the City Council appropriate said funds from the General Elul Reserves to the Finance Department's budget for Professional and Technical account. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to approve the recotTme elation. MXTON CARRIED BY UMMMUM VOICE VOTE. 4. Request for City Council to accept and approve proposal from Telecommunications Management Corporation to provide consulting services to the City in negotiations with Paragon Comammications for new cable Councilman .w•so MOVED, Councilman d • SECONDED to approve proposal and authorize staff to issue purchase order to lNale=mmmications Management Corporation in t- amount of 0 0. MOTION CAN=) CPI • P 11 •1. VOICE (7) council minutes April 5, 1988 NEW BUSINESS - CITY MANACm2 (pcffltinued) 5. Resolution to approve rebuild proposal of El Segundo Cable Television System by Paragon Cable. City Attorney read the title of the following: REMI.VTION NO. AtKIL-4-LION OF I COUNCIL OF • 1 = • • EL 1• CUXFM41A, APFROVING THE r• CCMJNI=CNS PIANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR rER • E•U• • OF I EL SEGJNM CABLE SYSTEM. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman West M •7• to waive further reading and adopt. • • V• M1 }I BY 1 M1 1 • L WICE VOTE. NEW BUS 1 ID. M ATTCIMEY NEW 1. Request to retain outside or county services to supervise April 12, 1988 election. Councilman West questioned the ballot procedures. City Clerk Ron Hart explained the ballot procedures regarding the upcoming election. 2. Discussion of City Policy on public advertising. GOOD OF THE CEUM - None PUELIC C 0W4UNICATICNS -(FIVE 2IINDIE LIMIT) 1. Demis Martin, 722 Indiana Court requested a copy of the consultants (Agenda Item number 3, New Business - City Manager) methodology for preparing their report. 2. Gary Wallace, 516 Oteaon St. thanked Councilmen Jack Siadek and Keith Srhuldt for their time and support over the years. Mr. Wallace expressed concern aver the possible passage of Proposition C. NEM R TATS Mayor Siadek adjourned in memory of JIM OTI AN, a 47 -year E1 Segundo resident, who died March 21 at age 70. JACK NinrnS, died March 28 at age 67. VER M L. i HA=, a 42 year resident, died March 17 at age 79. (8) Council Minutes April 5, 1988 At the hour of 10:30 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for a Closed Session an the following: Pursuant to the California Government Code a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: GC 54956.9(a) (City a party to pending litigation) KIIRDY V CITY OF EL SBaRm R.IEWIS V CITY OF EL SEOLM D GC 54956.9(b) (City might have significant exposure to litigation) 1 matters GC 54956.9(c) (City might decide to initiate litigation) 0 matters Personnel Matters 1 matter At the hour of 10:55 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. City Attorney Dolley announced that no actions were taken in Closed Session. At the hour of 10:59 Council adjourned. mimaug (9) Council Minutes April 5, 1988