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1987 SEP 02 CC MINADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES- September 2, 1987 -7:00 PH CALL TO ORDER By Mayor Jack Siadek at 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Mayor Siadek ROLL CALL Councilmembers Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Jacobson - present Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - present Councilman West - present Mayor Siadek - present SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for Closed Session at 7:04 PM. CLOSED SESSION Pursuant to GC ยง54956.9 a Closed Session was held on the following matters: Subsection A: None Subsection B: 2 matters Subsection C: 3 matters At 8:36 PM Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members answering roll call. City Attorney Dolley announced that Council had taken the following action: Unanimous vote of the City Council of the City of E1 Segundo to apply to the County for a temporary restraining order against the Los Angeles International Airport and MGM Grand Airlines, to prevent the use of the Imperial Terminal without completing the environmental process required by State Law. ADJOURNMENT Council adjourned at 8:40 PM to 6:00 PM Wedsnesday, September 9, 1987. , L ZARILLA, DEPUTY CITY CLERK