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1987 NOV 03 CC MINEL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING - NOVEMBER 3, 1987 -7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Siadek at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION given by Council Recorder, Melissa Mack. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Paul Green, resident PRESENTATIONS 1. Council Recognized City Employees of the Month - Captain Timothy Grimmond and Sergeant Ronald Green of the Police Department. 2. Councilman Jacobson proclaimed E1 Segundo Reading Day - November 16,1987 3. Councilman West proclaimed Youth Appreciation Week - November 15- 21,1987 ROLL CALL by City Clerk Ronald L. Hart Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Jacobson - present Councilman West - present Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - present Mayor Siadek - present PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - none SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Public Hearing- Improvement of Hyperion Sewage Treatment Plant. Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow construction of a new Primary Sedimentation Tank partially located within the Open Space (OS) zone at the Hyperion Sewage Treatment Plant at 1200 Vista Del Mar at the border of the E1 Segundo and Los Angeles City limits. Approximately six percent, or 4,610 square feet of the tank will be within the City of E1 Segundo. The application includes construction of retaining walls, site grading and utilities proposed in conjunction with the construction of the sedimentation tank and the future expansion of the secondary clarifier at the southeast end of the plant. The project has been granted environmental clearance by the City of Los Angeles as lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and is included in the certified Environmental Impact Report prepared for the Hyperion Secondary Treatment Plant dated May 24, 1976 (Environmental Assessment EA -136). Petitioned by the City of Los Angeles. Mayor Siadek announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a public hearing on the Improvement of Hyperion Sewage Treatment Plant. Mayor Siadek asked if proper notice had been given. City Clerk, Ron Hart stated proper notice had been published in a timely manner. Mayor Siadek asked if any written communication had been received. City Clerk, Ron Hart stated that no written communication had been received. (1} Council Minutes November 3, 1987 Mayor Siadek opened the public hearing. Planning Director Lynn Harris stated that staff recommended that Council uphold the Planning Commission's recommendation to approve the Conditional Use Permit #87 -3 subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall coo Angeles Department of Water pedestrian access to the neighborhood in El Segundo. include access easements, sidewalk on the north side of Mar and Loma Vista. rdinate with the City of Los and Power to provide feasible beach from the residential Pedestrian improvements may walkway improvements, and a Grand Avenue Between Vista Del Works City of Los Angeles- referred Council to the design capacity in the EIR that the City of Los Angeles prepared in 1976. All items addressed by Mr. Naydo were within the context of the 1976 EIR. He stated due to SCAG's new policy projection, projected out to the year 2010, it has been determined that the Hyperion Treatment Plant will have to go from the original 330 MGD(miilion gallons per day) up to 430 MGD. He concluded due to this increase in the level of treatment a new document or update would be required. This new updated document would be available for Council's review by January 1988 and at that time the City of Los Angeles would hold a public hearing in downtown Los Angeles and also one in E1 Segundo. Councilman Jacobson commented the primary treatment would be increased with the noted proposed changes in the original document. Mr. Naydo confirmed. Councilman Jacobson stated the additional EIR should address this increase in treatment. James H. Clark, Engineer from Black & Veatch, 3250 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles - presented Council with the results of an odor control study that he proposed to Council a year ago. He stated the study was done in two parts: an odor treatment pilot and an odor source survey dispersion study. Seventeen possible sources of odor were identified at the Hyperion Plant and these were narrowed to nine sources. Mr. Clark stated that the East Head Works was found to produce a half of the total odor units or odor strength from the Hyperion Plant and the total emissions for all of the uncontrolled air streams tested were 123,000 odor unit cubic meters per second. Mayor Siadek asked Mr. Clark if the study addressed heavy metal emissions. Mr. Clark replied that only hydrogen sulfide levels and odor units were taken under study. Mayor Siadek expressed concern regarding possible carcinogenic agents that might be present;noted that E1 Segundo only hears of attempts to clean the air when the City of Los Angeles requires assistance. Mr. Naydo stated he could not comment of Mayor Siadek's concerns but that the new EIR would address the entire Hyperion Plant and would relate to heavy metals. (2) Council Minutes November 3,1987 Councilman Jacobson was particularly concerned over problems that might arise after the new EIR is completed. Mr. Naydo stated that new "scrubbers" which will clean the air before any residue is actually emitted will be in place by August of 1988. However, this CUP is needed to bring the plant up to code by 1998. Council opened the public hearing to public input. 1. Madelyn Bennett, 770 W. Imperial was not in favor of the request and felt the sulphur dioxide odor is caused from cracked aerators and smells like an overflowing cesspool. 2. Frank Mahoney, 738 W. Mariposa was concerned over possible carcinogenic materials that might be emitted through the "scrubbers ". 3. Walt Baynes, 337 Hillcrest felt the Hyperion should build closer to the San Fernando Valley. Mr. Baynes also suggested a performance bond. 4. Mark Jones, 770 W. Imperial stated he had issued complaints to the plant regarding the smell of chlorine and leakage but was concerned over whether the AQMD was notified. Tom Drum, Superintendent of Hyperion stated the City Council of Los Angeles would have to make the final decision as to the question of performance bonds. 5. Doug Sommers, 753 Yucca Street stated the odor is very bad and suggested the plant take care of the odors first and then ask to expand. 6. Gerhardt Van Drie 724 W. Pine asked the Council to postpone the request and suggested a citizens committee be organized to determine long term effects. 7. Carol Wingate, 337 Hillcrest suggested the Hyperion build north of Imperial. Mrs. Wingate also suggested a performance bond and encouraged a $5 million umbrella policy as insurance of their performance. 8. Patti Paynter, 920 Dune Street asked who was liable for her home if the vibrations caused structural damage. 9. Ruth Bixler, 733 Pine Avenue stated the grading should be below the high voltage lines and felt the sewage should be distributed between all the hyperion plants. 10. Evelyn Sommers, 753 Yucca Street expressed concern over damage to her home as a result of the vibrations. 11. Ed Erdely. 209 Acacia encouraged Council to deny the C.U.P. 12. Michael Conley, 355 Hillcrest Street, suggested the Hyperion Plant establish their credibility before requesting anything. 13. Wendy King, 324 W. Sycamore expressed concern over the credibility of individuals representing the Hyperion Plant. 14. Janice Fowler, 748 Yucca Street suggested the Hyperion consider another site. (3) Council Minutes November 3, 1987 Division. Department of Public Works. City of Los Angeles- stated that the vibrations residents are feeling are caused by six new waste gas burners. A manual tuning process is used to correct the situation. Council closed the public hearing to public input. It was the Consensus of Council to continue this item and directed the Hyperion Plant staff to work further with the City Manager, Planning Director, and Public Works to prepare a response to public testimony and try to meet the concerns of the City before a final action is taken on the Conditional Use Permit. Acting on the recommendation of the City Attorney, it was the consensus of Council to also re -open the Public Hearing and postpone it until they receive staff reports as requested above. At the hour of 9:56 p.m Council recessed. At the hour of 10:06 p.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. UNFINISHED BUSINESS -NONE REPORTS OF COMMITTEES,BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 1. Report from the Planning Commission: (a) General Plan and Zoning consistency for the property at 2301 -2381 E. Rosecrans Avenue /810 -820 S. Douglas Street, commonly referred to as the Continental site; (b) Transmittal of Planning Commission Resolution Number 2190;and (c) Establishment of 1:1 FAR in C -M Zone and General Plan Commercial Manufacturing land use designation. Planning Director Lynn Harris stated that staff's recommendation is for the City Council to accept report, affirm Planning Commission direction to: (a) Defer action on the General Plan and Zone Change consistency items in order to proceed with Continental Developments Precise Plan 87 -1 application; (b) Proceed with establishment 1:1 FAR in C -M Zone and General Plan Commercial Manufacturing land use designation. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt SECONDED, to accept the subject report (1:1 FAR) and look at alternatives such as .7:1 and proceed with Continental Developments Precise Plan 87 -1 Application. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTES. 2. Recommendation of the Senior Housing Board to Appoint Mr. Kenneth Schofield to a Vacancy with the Board, Term to Expire: Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to appoint Mr. Kenneth Schofield to a Vacancy with the Senior Housing Board, Term to Expire: June 30, 1991. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTES Council requested that amending the Senior Housing Board By -Laws as it relates to selection of persons to board vacancies be placed on the next council agenda for November 17, 1987. (4) Council Minutes November 3,1987 CONSENT AGENDA All items listed are to be adopted by one motion without discussion and passed unanimously. If a call for discussion of an item is made, the item(s) will be considered individually under the next heading of business. 1. Warrant Nos.10808 -11073 on Demand Register Summary Number 9 in Total Amount of $1,163,674.56 Ratify and approve 4. Request for Surplus Found /Recovered Items to be Declared Surplus for Auction Sale. Approve 5. Recommendation to Accept Work for the Construction of Standard /Holly Storm Drain Project Number PW 86 -6. Accept work 7. Application for an Alcoholic Beverage License for the New Look Card and Gift, located at 2250 E. Imperial Highway, Suite 250, E1 Segundo. Withdrawal of protest to Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control 8 Request for Police Department Computer Equipment Approve Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt requested item number 2 and 3 be removed. Councilman West requested item number 6 be pulled for discussion. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTES. CALL ITEMS FROM CONSENT AGENDA 2. Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting - October 20, 1987. Receive and file 3. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting October 23, 1987 -9 AM. Receive and file. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt asked to abstain from voting on these items. Councilman receive and VOICE VOTE: AYES: NOES: Anderson MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to file these items. MOTION CARRIED BY THE FOLLOWING ABSTENTIONS Councilmen Anderson, Mayor Siadek None Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt Jacobson, West and 6. Recommendation to Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Advertising for Bids for the Construction of Lairport Street Storm Drain - Project Number PW 86 -16. Approve plans and specifications and authorize advertising for bids (5) Council Minutes November 3, 1987 Councilman West suggested the City consider service agreements or guaranteed performance in future contracts. City Attorney Dolley stated the Department of Public Works at present, does require performance bonds on proposals submitted but these bonds relate to contractors not to project design. Councilman West MOVED, Mayor Siadek SECONDED to approve the subject item. Councilman Jacobson expressed concern over the expenditure and suggested the Council consider holding this item until after the financial status of the City can be decided. Mayor Siadek withdrew his SECOND. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF SECOND. It was the consensus of Council to refer this item to staff and review present funding. IT WAS THE CONSENSUS OF COUNCIL TO TAKE THIS ITEM OUT OF ORDER. NEW BUSINESS- PUBLIC WORKS 1. Proposal from Browning Ferris Industries on Extension of Residential Refuse Contract. It was the consensus of Council to continue this item to the next Council Meeting of November 17, 1987. Councilman Jacobson and Mayor Siadek will confer with the Director of Public Works on alternative possibilities. NEW BUSINESS -CITY MANAGER 1. Request to Participate with E.S.E.A. and Cities of Hawthorne and Manhattan Beach in a Proposal to the Federal Government for Funding of Reconstruction of the Rosecrans /Aviation Boulevard Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve and appropriate E1 Segundo's share of $3,250 from uncommitted developer contributions. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 2. Report and Recommendation on Contractual Arrangements for Maintenance and Implementation of Data Processing Software. Councilman Anderson suggested Councilman Jacobson represent the Council in future computer system decision. Councilman West requested a status report on the present computer systems existing now in City Hall. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to approve the recommendation, and authorize City Manager to make final decision of selection of vendor. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. (6) Council Minutes November 3,1987 3. Revenue and Expenditure Report for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 1987 -1988 City Manger Jones gave a brief update regarding the revenue and expenditure report for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 1987- 1988. Mr. Jones stated that small revenues are coming in at above estimated levels, the major revenues have not been calculated because the figures are not in until after the first of the year; the City will not be collecting any Franchise Tax; and the expenditures are running on target. Received and filed 4. Recommendation to Approve a Cooperative Agreement with the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission Regarding Design and Construction, Coordination and Facility Rearrangements for the Century -E1 Se4undo Rail Line. City Manager Art Jones recommended Council approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the final agreement, if it concurs with the draft provided. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt MOVED, Councilman West SECONDED to approve as recommended. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 5. Recommendation to Adopt a Resolution Urging the Federal Aviation Administration to Adopt new, more Stringent Regulations on Aircraft Noise City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING PROPOSED RULEMAKING TO THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ( "FAA ") TO REDUCE COMMUNITY AIRCRAFT NOISE IMPACTS. Councilman Anderson MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. NEW BUSINESS -CITY ATTORNEY- NONE NEW BUSINESS -CITY CLERK- NONE FURTHER NEW BUSINESS 1. Status Report on Review of Plan Check Turn Around Time It was the consensus of Council to consider this item at the City Council meeting of November 17, 1987. GOOD OF THE ORDER NONE PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS- NONE MEMORIALS- NONE CLOSED SESSIONS Pursuant to GC 54956.9 a Closed Session will be held on the following matters: Subsection A: None Subsection B: 2 Subsection C: 3 At the hour of 10:58 p.m. Council adjourned to the Mayor's Office for Closed Session. (7) Council Minutes November 3, 1987 At the hour of 12:20 a.m. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members present and answering roll call. City Attorney Dolley announced that no actions were taken. Mayor Siadek stated that Planning Director Lynn Harris had been nominated by Council for the appointment as the L.A. County Division's Representative of the League of Cities -SCAG Aviation Work Program Committee. h\ b] • 1f Ii ;i:1;i�1;Y1 At the hour of 12:45 a.m. Council adjourned to Tuesday, November 10, 1987 at 6:00 p.m. for a Study Session regarding the fiscal condition of the City. 1 EC RONALD L. HART CITY CLERK