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1987 AUG 11 CC MINADJOURNED REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - August 11, 1987 -7:00 P.H. CALL TO ORDER By Mayor Jack Siadek at 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Barbara Mack ROLL CALL Councilmembers Councilman Anderson - absent Councilman Jacobson - present Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - present Councilman West - present Mayor Siadek - present Planning Commissioners G. Fennell, Chairman Commissioner Schott - present Commissioner Dannen - present Commissioner Mulligan - present Commissioner Van Hook - present Commissioner Walsleben - absent Voting Members of the Citizens Advisory Committee present: Richard G. Fennell, Chairman Gary Wallace Barbara Mack, Vice Chairperson Richard D. Work William Y. Ehrhart, Recording Secretary Richard G. Nagel J. Alex Benson Michael S. Markey Monette Crank Charles A. DeDeurwaerder Thomas H. Armor, Alternate PIIBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 1. Brian O'Rourke, 627 W. Mariposa Avenue -read his letter that he submitted to the City Clerk's Office to be place on the Agenda for the August 18, 1987 City Council Meeting regarding the remote car track on Washington Street. 2. Peter Freeman, 418 Loma Vista - protested the remote car track on Washington Street on behalf of his apartment tenents at 1616 Sycamore Street. 3. Jim Clutter, 441 Kansas Street- addressed the General Plan and urged the Citizens Advisory Committee to give the interest of the residents priority. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting for purpose of meeting with the Planning Commission and the General Plan Advisory Committee (CAC) and discussing the goals and policies formulated by the CAC. The City Council, Planning Commission and the General Plan Advisory Committee reviewed and discussed the General Plan Advisory Committee Report: ISSUES IDENTIFICATION GOALS STATEMEAT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS that the Committee adopted on April 20, 1987. PIIBLIC COMMUNICATIONS 1. Brian O'Rourke, 627 W. Mariposa Avenue - addressed LAX Aiport stating he felt it would just continue to become larger. ADJOURNMENT Council adjourned at 9:05 P.M. RONALD L. HART, CITY CLERK