1986 JUL 01 CC MIN - 54EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING - July 1, 1986 CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Siadek at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. INVOCATION was given by Police Chief Clark Devilbiss. THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Fire Chief Larry Sheldon. PRESENTATIONS 1. Council recognized Yvonne Wills of the Finance Department as City Employee of the Month. 2. Mayor Siadek recognized Wyle Laboratories as an exemplary member of the Industrial Community. 3. Council recognized various Library volunteers for their service during the year. ROLL CALL was taken by City Clerk Hart: Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Jacobson - present Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - present Councilman West - present Mayor Siadek - present MINUTES 1. Regular City Council Meeting -June 3, 1986 Approved as written 2. Regular City Council Meeting -June 17, 1986 Approved as written 3. Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting -June 24, 1986 Approved as written 4. Adjourned Regular City Council Meeting -June 25, 1986 Approved as written SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Hearin :Regarding Recommendation to Amend the Rates for Water Service. Mayor Siadek announced that this was the time and place heretofore fixed for a hearing, and asked City Clerk Hart if any written communication had been received. Clerk Hart stated no communication had been received by his office. Mayor Siadek opened the hearing to public input. Dennis Martin, 722 Indiana Court would like residents to maintain a low water service rate and suggested documentation of water waste. City Manager, Art Jones briefly stated this was an adoption for a new rate schedule in accordance with previous suggestions made by Council in a Study Session that took place in late 1984. The new schedule provides for a $6 per- acre -foot increase that the Los Angeles Metropolitan Water District has assessed on the City and further provides for approximtely equal per -unit- costs at all levels of consumption. There being no further public testimony, the hearing was closed. Council Minutes July 1, 1986 J. t; S0 3 SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS (Continued) City Attorney Dolley read the title of, the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 3397 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A SYSTEM FOR THE FIXING AND ESTABLSHING OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE IN SAID CITY AND RESCINDING RESOLUTION NOS. 3233 AND 3274 AND ALL OTHER RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None REPORTS OF COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS 1. Noise Abatement Committee Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt SECONDED to approve appointment of Mr. Don Koons. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 2. Resolution in Support of Noise Abatement Committee Recommendations. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 3398 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING CERTAIN RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE FAA TO ALLEVIATE HELICOPTER NOISE AND COMMUNITY CONCERNS Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 3. LAX Advisory Commission It was the consensus of Council to refer this item back to the Noise Abatement Committee due to possible conflict of interest of Stu Aplin. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - WRITTEN None PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - ORAL (5 minute limit) None CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under this heading are to be enacted by one unanimous motion without discussion, unless a call is made for discussion, in which case, the item(s) will be removed and considered individually under the next agenda heading. 1. Claim of Del Amo Dodge and Andrew Lamp. Deny Claim 2. Claim of Robert J. McCarthy. Deny Claim 3. Award Contract for the Paving of the Teen Center Basketball Court Project PW 86 -5. Award to Excel Company (2) Council Minutes July 1, 1986 CONSENT AGENDA (continued) 4. Amend Resolution Number 3340 (The Traffic Resolution) with Respect to Adding Additional Stop Signs at Two Intersections (Holly Avenue /Concord Street and Sycamore Avenue /Washington Street). Adopt amending resolution 5. Easement to Southern California Edison in Connection with the Hydro- Electric Generating Facility. Grant easement 7. Browning Ferris Industries Collection Contract. Amend contract for increased dumping fees of $792.00 per month 8. Recommendation of George Villegas, City Traffic Engineer, to Accept Proposal from Crain and Associates for the Design of Traffic Signals at the intersections of Grand Avenue and Center Street and Grand Avenue and Nash Street. Accept proposal of Crain & Associates and authorize issuance of purchase order 9. Leasing of City's Adjudicated Water Rights Accept proposal and ratify agreement with Shell Oil for a period of one year in the amount of $139,138.00 10. Bid for Paper Products to be Used by all City Departments. Award to low bidder, Unisource for $5,490.91 including sales tax and discount Mayor Siadek requested item number 6 be withdrawn for comment. Councilman West MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt SECONDED to approve the remaining items. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. CALL ITEMS 6. Donation of Framed Photograph from Mike Shaw. Accept Donation Mayor Siadek recognized Mr. Shaw and expressed the City's appreciation of his donation. Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to accept the donation. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. NEW BUSINESS CITY MANAGER 1. Status Report on the Senior Housing Improvement Grant Program. City Manager Art Jones stated this item has been funded under the Block Grant Program and requested Council reallocate $34,000 from the CDBG Funds (Library Expansion Project) to the Senior Housing Improvement Program. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to approve the request. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 2. Grant Interim Budget Authority from July 1, 1986 through August 31, 1986. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following resolution: (3) Council Minutes July 1, 1986 HEM BUSINESS - CITY MANAGER (continned) RESOLUTION NO. 3400 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, GIVING THE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE LIMITED AND TEMPORARY AUTHORITY TO EXPEND FUNDS OF THE CITY PENDING APPROVAL OF THE 1986- 87 CITY BUDGET Councilman West MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt the resolution with an amendment to specify a time limit of August 31, 1986. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 3. Renewal of Excess Workers Compensation Coverage Effective July 1, 1986. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt MOVED, Councilman Jacobson SECONDED to award the contract to General Reinsurance Corporation in the amount of $24,100. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. HEM BUSINESS PUBLIC WORKS 1. Award Contract for Construction of Imperial Highway Storm Drain MTD 992 Unit 3, PW 85 -2. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to award the contract to Andrew Papac and Sons, appropriate $140,000 from the Capital Improvement Fund and accept $270,000 from Hughes Aircraft. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. 2. Modification to Sewer Pumping Station Number 12, Project Number PW 86 -4, (Oak Avenue -West of Main Street). Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman specifications and authorize staff to BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. WEST SECONDED to approve plans and advertise for bids. MOTION CARRIED 3. Request to Allow the Director of Public Works to Approve Contract Amendments in Connection with the Remodel and Addition to Fire Station Headquarters Facility, Project Number•84 -5, with Council Ratification at a Later Date. Councilman West MOVED, Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt SECONDED to grant request to approve contract amendments not exceeding $2,500. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. NEW BUSINESS - CITY ATTORNEY 1. Presentation of Resolution Authorizing Access to Salles & Use Tax Records by Robert Hinderliter. City Attorney Dolley read the title of the following resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 3401 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS AND A CITY CONTRACTOR ACCESS TO SALES AND USE TAX RECORDS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 7056 Councilman Jacobson MOVED, Councilman Anderson SECONDED to waive further reading and adopt. MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE. (4) Council Minutes July 1, 1986 FURTHER NEW BUSINESS None GOOD OF THE ORDER 1. Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt spoke briefly of his trip to London with the Les Evans Program Children. 2. Mayor Siadek stated that the meeting Council and members of staff had with Congressman Levine proved beneficial. CLOSED SESSION At the hour of 7:56 P.M. Council recessed to the Mayor's Office for Closed Session. City Manager Art Jones requested discussion of instructions to the City's negotiating team. City Attorney Dolley cited the following Government Code Section: 54956.9 (a) Wilson vs E1 Segundo E1 Segundo vs LAX E1 Segundo vs U.S.A. Hometel vs E1 Segundo (b) Three Matters (c) Two Matters 54957.6 Instructions to Negotiators Council reconvened in the Council Chambers at 9:50 P.M. with all members answering Roll Call. The Mayor announce that the City will file suit against Group W for violation of Franchise Agreement. ADJOURAMNT At the hour of 9:55 P.M. Council adjourned to Tuesday, July 8, 1986, at 6:00 P.M. The meeting was adjourned in memory of the following: Elbert Crumlley, a resident of E1 Segundo for more than 40 years, died June 18 at the age of 90. Oscar Longo Mc Morris, a 25 year resident, died June 21, at the age of 87. John Corwyn Parker,a 39 year resident, died June 23 at the age of 72. nald L. Hart , it rk APPR0IVED: Ja E. Siadek, Mayor (5) Council Minutes July 1,1986 ' m r,