1986 JUL 01 CC MINEL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES- ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING July 1,1986 CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Siadek at 6:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Councilman West ROLL CALL was taken by City Clerk Hart: Councilman Anderson - present Councilman Jacobson - present Mayor Pro Tem Schuldt - present Councilman West - present Mayor Siadek - present CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Dolley cited the following Government Code Section: 54957.6 Reviewing the City's postion and instructing its designated representatives regarding pro- posed salaries, salary schedules, or compen- sation paid in the form of fringe benefits to its employees. Council recessed to the West Conference Room for Closed Session at 6:31 P.M. At the hour of 6:58 P.M. Council reconvened in the Council Chambers with all members answering Roll Call . The Mayor announced that no decisions were made in Closed Session. ADJOURNMBNT Council adjourned at 7:00 P.M. L. Hart, City Cle